Rumours abound that the government will ask us to house an Afghan migrant, much in the same way as they did with Ukrainian refugees last year.
The government, and in particular Michael Gove, the housing secretary is in talks with other ministers and advisors about offering private accommodation to the thousands of Afghans fleeing their country now that the Taliban have taken control.
125,000 Ukrainians were offered places in people’s homes, and now a similar scheme is being called for Afghans along with a cash incentive for householders willing to take them in.
They talk about Afghans, but I suspect this might include all migrants seeking refugee here, especially since hotel accommodation is almost full to bursting with existing migrants waiting for a home.
Some so-called experts have gone a step forward by saying anyone living in a home with unused bedrooms you could be forced to house a migrant for a period of time!
How that will work I don’t know, but I would guess if you’re a rich cunt like Lilly Mong or Linecunt you could be forced to house a grubby migrant or two.
Therefore rather than telling some of these so-called refugees to fuck off back to France or some other “safe country” the government is yet again showing what a complete bottle-job it is and more or less inviting ever more migrants to come to the UK with the promise that they can shack up in your home regardless of whether the homeowner volunteers or not!
That said, it would be rather fun seeing some of these rich celeb cunts having to house as many migrants as they have bedrooms in their huge mansions out in the comfy Home Counties. Which is one reason why such an idea will never materialise – can’t have the rich rough it with the foreign plebs!
Anyway, if YOU have a spare bedroom expect a knock on the door with some towel-head and his brood carrying suitcases and a big smile wanting to move in!
Nominated by Technocunt.
My missus asked me if we could take in one of them unfortunate 25 year old child migrants.
Specifically a boy…
Ha ha, nice try luv – I weren’t fucking born yesterday!
How much more out of touch with public sentiment can this (or any potential alternative) government get? We don’t need more shit like this, we need a revolution. Democracy is dead in this country. We have a completely useless wankerocracy in its place. I didn’t want any of the unskilled and uneducated and can’t speak English foreign fuckers who are already here, let alone wanting to let in more of the burden on society cunts. UK should be rewritten as fUcK off, scrounging chancers, we don’t want you.
Exactly.Piss off all back to Somalia.Wankers.
You are exactly right, Isabel. Covid proved once and for all that democracy is an illusion. In a free and democratic society, an elected government simply cannot decree house arrest on its citizens or mandate medical treatments that they alone decide upon. I know this has been debated to death on ISAC and I truly believe the handling of Covid was in part an exercise in how far the British public could be pushed around and manipulated.
If the government don’t respect your right to make an informed decision for yourself and your family, why would anyone think they’d respect the sanctity of private property? Does anyone really believe there’s a line any UK government won’t cross now?
If any nation should be immune from the mass influx of illegal and uninvited gimmigrants, you’d think it would be an island. But here we are. I wonder how long it will be before there is mass unrest in the UK.
I’m surprised that there hasn’t been serious unrest already, one element of which would be people, pushed beyond all reasonable limits, taking it upon themselves to stop the floating criminals by any means possible without regard to the consequences for the invaders. I would not condemn such action.
“…and I truly believe the handling of Covid was in part an exercise in how far the British public could be pushed around and manipulated….”
Exactly so, a form of “non-destructive testing”. A test of the collective national I.Q.
They failed!
Conspiracy theories don’t get much stupider than that one!
No No No No No No.Are they taking No for an answer? Traitorous shit weasels.Let’s welcome them using barbed wire.Dirty goat shaggers.
This isn’t some kind of temporary crisis which can be solved by all this piece meal bullshit. It’s a deliberate policy being conducted by governments all over the western world. It’s even happening in fucking Israel for fucks sake! You’d think the Jews , with their history , and surrounded by cunts who want to wipe them off the face of the earth would have more fucking sense. But it’s not about incompetence it’s a deliberate long term plan. Why is every western government suddenly infected by brainless politicians who can’t solve a simple problem? Every single one of them, every fucking party.
You figure it out.
Israel are getting serious with the Eritrean contingent.
Slightly off topic.
The last time I was in Denmark, I was watching a news article on the Syrian women who have been left behind by their particular brand of dinghy pirate.
There was one particularly saucy bird who was having a moan up about all of the eligible young men fucking off to England (or El Dorado as she called it), leaving all of the young Syrian pussy frothing like bottled Bass for some cock.
At this point I kind of zoned out because I was focussed on her banging tits, while wanking like a safari park chimp.
The presence of a peaceful architect should enrich any home.
Get it right mate, Haspirin’ Harkitek, innit? He wuz a gud boi.
I would install a new shower room for them, a nice Xyclon B one that is. ?☠️
He can live in my coal bunker so long as he doesn’t try to eat my wife.
Nope, not going to happen. Fuck them off to where they come from. We are full fuck off.
If it does happen I predict mass divorces after Sambo seduces the bored housewives. Or rapes them.
So long as it’s voluntary this is a great idea. Keeps them out of our hotels and (hopefully) frees up funds.
For the ones who are already here anyway
Off topic but I just received an email from Aisha Gaddafi, as follows:
“Dearest Friend,
My name is Aisha Gaddafi, a single Mother and a Widow with three Children. I am the only biological Daughter of the late Libyan President (Late Colonel Muammar Gaddafi). I am presently residing in the Sultanate of Oman, in the city Muscat, located in West Asia.
I have investment funds worth Twenty Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollar ($27.500.000.00 ) and i need a trusted investment Manager/Partner to handle the project on my behalf due to my current asylum status in Oman, however, I am interested in you for investment project assistance in your country, may be from there, we can build business relationship in the nearest future…”
Total bollox of course. At least it was in Spam.
My days, Cuntologist.
Do they still think any person with at least two braincells still falls for that bag of shite?
Oh, me please, let me become part of your Nigerian drug money laundering scheme!
I’d cut their hand(s) off!
And no, I didn’t mean snatch their hand off!
Raised a corner of one side of my mouth, ever so slightly, that this one pretends to be the daughter of Gaddafi with exactly 27.5 million ‘dollar’!
I love you, for ten dollar.
Cuntologist @
Please could you email Aisha back and ask her if she has any funny anecdotes about her dad being mistaken for Fatima Whitbread?
It’s for a book I’m writing.
I can think of a few premiership footballers who’d fall for it.
Lineker could offer her advice on “tax avoidance”…
Otherwise, with all that moolah, she could donate to the tories.
Watching the telly there seems to be hundreds of châteaus in France that Brits have brought to run dodgy wedding businesses from.
Why anyone would trust their big day to people that don’t have a fucking clue what they are doing is beyond me.
Perhaps the French government should order that these chancers should put up illegal immigrants in those places.
Maybe stop so many of them going to the UK in their rubber boats.
In phases.
Anyone with more than one home.
( That would be most of the Monarchy)
That should about do it, but just in case,
Anyone who spends less than half a year in their UK residence.
There you are, 10,000 housed.
Next phase.
Anyone who has a “holiday home/Island” overseas.
That ski chalet, the Villa in Sicily, the beach house on Necker Island, that’s your permanent residence now, that is!
Because your Sussex mansion, and six bedroomed “pied a terre” apartment in London is now home for another 10,000.
I’m getting there.
Next phase
Anyone who has a beach hut in Brighton should be made to install running water, electricity, a toilet and shower, and at least six bunk beds.
They can now live in it 365, while up to 90 Afghans occupy their Home Counties cottage.
Don’t worry about Rupps, your Springer, he’s living the life of Riley with your ‘daily’. Don’t know her name, because you never bothered to find it out, you just called her Mrs. Errm..
Actually, that’s a point. Repossess the empty properties of the globetrotting elite and use those.
Better still, requisition anyone’s home worth more than £750,000. Stick them in tenements, preferably in Scotchland, and bingo! Hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants housed at next to zero cost to the taxpayer.
I saw an article in the Daily Mail today that there are plans to do MRI scans on these migrants, so they can be sure of their age and that they aren’t children. Fuck me, why can’t they just look at them and tell how old they are, it really isn’t difficult.
A conversation that never happens…
Police Officer: How old would you say the attacker was who stole your bag?
Victim: Really hard to tell without an MRI scan.
Fucking brilliant, and then what?
They’ll still house the cunts and feed them, won’t they?
It won’t be “you lied, Rwanda for you”
Oh wait! That’s dead in the water, like Bibbi Stockholm.
How about a huge tub of boiling water?
For the Front Benchers.
Rwanda was never more than a pipe dream.
A clever ruse to keep onboard any racist, hard of thinking Tory party supporters.
A very costly pipe dream at that.
£169,000 per migrant.
If the wisdom teeth have erupted they ain’t kids.
Absolutely brilliant.
You win todays best post.
I think I’ll be laughing in my sleep at that one.
My Elder has been WFH at my house this week, because Hubby is on nights, and needs quiet to sleep.
Anyway, she had items to post and decided to go to a Post Office near where Younger lives, and raves about.
So, curious, I went with her. Proper Post Office, but took time and a queue built up. At the end of the queue, there was the smallest woman I’ve ever seen in my life. I’m not big, I weigh about 8 stone wet through and I’m a little over 5 foot small, but omg, she must have been just over the official dw@rf limit.
Anyway, point is I’d have taken her for a child, except for the wrinkled face.
So MRI them, and if they lied, fry them.
@Black Biscuit Interesting you mention teeth. I just found an article explaining that an examination of teeth gives an excellent indication of age.
Only poxy Civil Servants need a procedure, no doubt for fear of being racist or dishing out ‘unfair’ treatment. It is bleedin’ obvious if you’re a baby, toddler, pre-teen, teenager or full adult.
Brilliant. That means we’ll have to do the filthy invaders in prior to determining their ages.
Put them in a CT scanner and turn up the power x 100.
Not only does our useless bent bastard Politicians insult us with their incompetence, , they demand we house their problems ( of their making )in our own homes. We will become much like the Channel Islanders , who, in WW2 had to accommodate, feed and wash for the Nazi “guests”
Well Gove and his slime ball co conspirators can do fuck themselves. Let us take on board the example of our Welsh who have certainly dug their heels deep, and are putting up one hell of a fight.
I am sure the likes of Linecunt, Lilly Mong, Ratface Geldof, the Archbishop of Cunterbury, Guardian/Independent writers/journalists, BBC wankers, and all the other rich celeb apologists who keep banging on about the benefits of these migrant cunts, will be all too willing to open the doors to their vast/numerous houses and mansions, free of charge and for as long as the migrants want.
So come on guys, you’ve talked the talk, now its time to start walking!
House a bearded child with early arthritis and watch your home turn into a rubbish tip in Mogadishu in days. This poxy governmentvwill pay you to have them turn your lounge into a mosque and shit in your bedroom.
Of course the principle religion of Afghanistan is Islam. Therefore I can foresee a few teething problems come Christmas Day and Easter!
That said this wishy-washy government along with the CoE will decree that both Christian holidays will be banned for fear of offending our new arrivals.
Moreover, will these cunts want a seperate room in your home when called to prayer 5 times a day?
Sharia Law moves a step closer, literally from within!
Much as she can rot out there , it’s proper funny how the govt let in thousands of criminal scum from the Middle East every day but are TOUGH ON TERROR when it comes to Shamima Begum
Some people even fall for this believe it or not
We are literally being replaced with terrorists, pervy-mentals, murderers, rapists and god knows what else, and forced to pay for their upkeep. Never mind, there are some dangerous dogs about and here’s a picture of a sleb in a daft outfit or bikini, and some TV twats who have been naughty and cancelled.
Election looms. What a shit show that will be.
125000 people is about a Bedford.
It will be interesting to know how many of our towns and cities where indigenous British citizens are no longer the majority demographic!
I’m sure there must be at least a handful which is a worrying start.
Vine has been twatted. Oh what fucking joy.
Unfortunately, although his bycicle is dead, Mr. Vile is still alive.
Nice try, driver. We admire your attempts to reverse over the cunt.
That’s a ???? from me.
I said the other day that this cunt is doomed.
If he sees Christmas, I’ll show me arse.
The nauseating cunt.
Good evening.
Even a load of people on “road cc” said he was an embarrassment to the cycling cause, a muppet, and a fatality waiting to happen.
I am tired of waiting. I hope he gets crushed under a lorryful of boiling tarmac, which accidentally empties out over him. Stupid fucking wanker.
Fuck it, We will tell these cunts the marriage has ‘broken down’ and we sleep in separate bedrooms. Now fuck off and put Abdul on a dinghy back to France. If he won’t go bayonet the cunt.
I’m 100% certain that MPs, with their second homes and generous allowances, will be queuing first in line to home a family or two of these migrants. Leading by example, and all.
What’s that you say? They won’t? Well blow me down.
I’m going to declare my house as a Sanctuary and Healing Centre for teens who are thinking about transitioning.
Try and move an Immo in, it’s a British Sanctuary, for British people.
Now fuck off, there’s a dear!
It will solve the XL Bully dog problem. Abdul and his brood would eat the dogs raw.
I will never let the filthy stinking shifty cunts set foot in my house.
If we don’t let them in we shouldn’t be surprised if the local council evicts us from our own properties to house these scum.
After the Covid scandal nothing surprises me now
House a migrant?
I’d rather house my mother in law and my fucking sister in law; the goose-stepping German bitches.
Have you got that you fucking MP cunts?
A cartoon on the subject from our leftpondian cousins…
I’d say that from the rapidly increasing numbers of the cunts up here, we’re being cast in the role of Texas,
Don’t get depressed everyone —
That’s about average for this time of year.
And split over the weekend.
Down from last year.
Record number for a single day: 1,295 on 22/08/2022.
I’d been in touch and was willing to accommodate two female Afghan migrants, of which there didn’t appear to be any such thing. Just former male criminals escaping custody. I think this is a ploy towards innocent people to help the government do their job for them and spread out illegal immigrants in homes to make the situation less worse than it is.