Emotional songs and procrastination

Emotional Songs

Am currently sitting on the patio of my garden drinking a beer and taking in the wonderful views of the Lake District – perhaps for the final time before emigrating to Denmark.

Am also listening to one of the most emotional songs I have ever heard – Johnny Cash and his very final song before passing away – “Hurt”

When you watch the YT video and listen to the music you will realise that despite his early success and riches, he ends up with nothing – no friends, no money, no acclaim, nothing. And it made me realise that despite how we lead our lives – rich or poor – the end result will always be the same, death!

I think Cash’s point in this song is that you really need to make the most of every single day of your life. Even when you’re a success it will eventually turn to shit some day and you’re left with nothing but memories.

When you’re young you probably don’t give a shit about such wisdom, and rightly so I guess. But the more I listen to Cash’s song the more I realise that time is running out and that things that you’ve always put off for another day need to be realised before you end up looking back regretting on what could have been.

“Hurt” is probably the most depressing/uplifting song I have ever heard, even to the point of me shedding a few tears at how his life came to nothing when he finally died in September 2003.

Music is a great motivator and I think after listening to this it has given me the incentive to do those things that I have always put on the back burner for one reason or another. And in this context the move to Denmark will almost certainly happen because if I don’t I will regret it when I look back in 20 odd years time.


Nominated by Technocunt.

I can relate to this oh so very well Techno, the song Are you reeling in the years by Steely Dan says it for me sir. C.A.

156 thoughts on “Emotional songs and procrastination

  1. Man up, cunteers. Get your hands on some Van der Graaf Generator.

    Bleakest, grimmest, most misanthropic band ever. On tbe “Still Life” album, there is only one line of hope in all the lyrics and it’s the last line of the whole depressing album: “At the death of mere humans life will start”.

    An entire record full of the pointlessness of life, the vain hope that love can give, the sheer ennui of a long life and the misery of failed communication between everyone.

    And I love it.

    Feast your ears, but keep sharp objects away while listening .


    Bleak, austere and music of true beauty.

    • King crimson, nuff said. A funny thing when yer music taste changes, a ska man through and through but all this other stuff keeps nudging in, pink floyd and such and such.

    • Aband i’m unfamiliar with but interesting stuff with a possible Canterbury vibe ? Caravan,Hatfield and the Northish maybe ?

  2. Wishy Washy Sunak has brought out his version of an old Beatles song. I’ve seen the video……he’s standing on the White Cliffs looking out to sea…….

    ? Hello hello, the French can say goodbye, we say hello ?

    Made me fucking cry anyway.

  3. Off topic. Roy Keane ‘assaulted’ after being ‘headbutted’.
    There isn’t a mark on the cunt.
    The shithouse.

    • And I have no doubt that those cunts Shearer and Lineker will be giggling like schoolgirls over Micah Richards impersonating King Kong.

  4. The johnny cash version of hurt is on my list of song to be played at my funeral.

    Which also includes ‘i’m a winker’ by Ivor Biggun.

    • Just the theme from ‘Tales of the Unexpected’ for me as my ridiculous corpse is rolled into the flames.

  5. Ive thought about it, moving that is but my dream of my old mans shack by the sea is gone with the tides these current times.

    “Ive been down so Goddamn long
    That it looks like up to me”

    Fuck em cunts, the takers of freewill, spirit and wellbeing, they won’t cross my threshold to be over

  6. Hurt , by Johnny Cash will always be the greatest cover version of all time in my opinion . It’s on another level. The first time I heard it , i stopped dead in my tracks. It’s a fucking masterpiece.

  7. Don’t feel I’ve missed out on never being airborne or driven a car, but glad I’d flown like the wind on my bicycle.

  8. With you all the way Techno

    I’ve got a new album “Melancholia” coming out shortly full of stuff in this category.

    Two tracks come to mind. – “Falling Apart” and “Passing Me By” all about the decline in later life as I’m into my 70’s now. Soon be dead.

    As Python once said – you come into this life with nothing and you leave with nothing so what’s it all about? Nothing!

    And in the end
    We all lose friends
    One at a time is how it ends
    But when they’re close
    It breaks your heart
    As you watch your life falling apart

    Good luck in Denmark. We’re considering moving to Orkney just to get away from all the shit. Trouble is what happens when you get infirm and need help. Happy thought but you have to be practical.

  9. Leonard Cohen. Master of misery.

    Songs to slit your throat to.

    Used to open a bottle, put the speakers on the floor and lie between them. If you weren’t depressed before you would be soon.

    Happy days…

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