Care Navigators

What can we do to aliviate the pressure on GPs, who are having to see increasing numbers of patients ( I wonder why), but with GP numbers decreasing?

I know, says some bright spark, ( cunt that they are) let’s introduce a new role, the Care Navigator, who’ll be well worth the extra costs to the practice because?

Well, basically, they’ll be there to redirect you to A&E, the pharmacist, a nurse practitioner, or Boots medicine counter. In other word, the doctors receptionist on steroids.

Want to see a GP?
You’ll be able to see one in a zoo, soon, as they become the rarest of Homo Sapiens.


Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

43 thoughts on “Care Navigators

  1. Makes sense. If you want to see a real doctor you just have to pay again like all the champagne socialists. Unless you are a w*g or want a trannie undercarriage job.
    You are living in a third world country now, get used to it.

  2. If you were on a migrant barge it wouldn’t be a issue.

    Just stroll down to the GP or dentist after you’ve been the gym or eaten in the dining room.

    Maybe play the doctor at shuffleboard about deck?

    But anyone born here?
    Paid taxes here?
    Some kid fresh from beauty college is going to redirect you to Boots
    Where with a impatient queue behind you
    You have to show a Chinese chemist your testicle that’s gone green.

  3. NHS? Is that still going.

    I thought everyone was permanently on strike.

    Still it’s the envy of the world..

    And it pretty much treats everyone of the world.. just not British taxpayers.

    Good morning..

  4. What irritates me is rhe blatant fucking hypocrisy on display here. When the politicos who peddle this scheme are ill it wouldn’t enter their heads to consult one of these alternative bodies rather than a doctor.

    • They just phone up their old mate from school, Prof. Sir MBBS (cantab) MRCP FRS and pop round the office

  5. Wait,what?

    I’ve paid national insurance for decades so I can be sent to the chemist?

    Excellent,it’s important to free up space for foreigners who need preferential treatment to prevent a severe case of Dem Rayycisms.

    How to tip a country on its head in two decades.

    Prescription for Oven.

  6. I’m at Deaths Door, what shall I do ? Didn’t see the appropriate emergency for none goW walking backwards.

  7. We have a shortage of

    But overrun with
    Think tanks and political commentators
    Climate activists
    Unemployed/Economically inactive
    Legal immigrants
    Illegal immigrants

    Remove all the second list and the first list would take care of itself

    As for care navigators, just book me in to see my GP, it’s why I fucking phoned you thick cunt.

  8. What a relief, when I ring my little surgery I’m told “you are in a queue of one”. Always makes me laugh that does. Not telling you where it is.

  9. Maybe these so called navigators can steer the dinghy vermin into a path of a ferry or a tanker.

    Help take some strain off a already broken system.

  10. At school in the 60’s “junior school” I well remember all the talk of the benefits of North Sea oil and gas the three day working week cos you would not need to work so hard because of the fountains of oil and gas which would lead us into an amazing, stunning nay beautiful future for our great country.
    Hells bells on a market cart, what the fuck happened? No nhs dentists, few nhs doctors wait times of days in an and e. Every service hanging on by its final pubes, the government giving more military aid to Ukraine than our own armed forces. 9,000,00 immigrants that we know about over the last two decades most on benefits of some kind. Rant rant sorry chaps bit of a hangover. In my surgery there are more receptionist and admin staff than doctors. The nurse practitioners are good don’t mind seeing them and have to admit the three weeks to see one of the doctors was good because the problem had resolved it’s self during the wait, bit pointless going I suppose but hey we all want our pound of flesh.

  11. So another layer of employees to add to the NHS who are always complaining of lack of funding.
    I read that the NHS is the worlds third largest employer after the Chinese military, and the Indian rail network. Maybe they’re determined to be first.
    Care Navigators are non-jobs so that someone’s otherwise useless niece can loot the tax payers wallet once again, and most probably invented by another useless admin we’d be better off without.

  12. Dr Shipman
    Dr Doom
    Dr Mengele
    Dr Hannibal Lecter
    Dr who

    Mixed bag I’m sure you’ll agree?
    And the reason I’m never sat in the clinic.

    Doctors get a bad press.
    They are valuable assets.
    They aren’t all serial killers or dangerously inept.
    That’s just a percentage of them.
    Say 30%.

    A lot of doctors are emigrating to Australia where they can accidentally kill people in the sunshine for better pay.

    They are sworn to do their best for you by swearing the hypocritic oaf

  13. You get a worse grilling from these cunts than the evil looking blonde haired thug who interrogated me entering the Soviet Union.

  14. Will you cunts stop complaining and just do what you’re told?

    Jesus H. Christ Himself at the Royal London Hospital!

    Take the shot.
    Put on the mask
    And keep your distance
    They’ll call you when it’s time to be euthanized

    Bug sandwich anyone?

  15. There’s something I don’t get. What about all these potential Brain Surgeons and would be Gynecologists who’ve been immigrating to your fair land for all these many years?

    I understand that many of them have an interest in pediatrics and so aren’t really qualified to treat the geriatric cunters of IsaC…but still. You should be overrun with Doctors. Dr Patel…Dr Habibi…Dr M’Butu…Dr Demiraj…the list should be endless.

    • Yes, each day another boat load arrives on our shores. A growing army of sophisticated talent that we so desperately need. Trouble is General….they don.t want to contribute their skills, unless of course it is to impregnate , rob and to rape. ( they do this as a sabbatical I believe )

  16. National insurance eh?
    Imagine receiving the same service from your home insurance provider.
    “My roof has just been blown off”
    “One moment sir. I’ll just put you through to our care navigator”

    “Hello. How can I help you?”
    “My roof has been blown off by storm Jessica”
    “Is it an emergency sir?”
    “Well, yes”
    “Do you claim benefits?”
    “Have you been resident in the UK for more than ten days?”
    “I’m sorry sir. We can’t help you right now. But I can put you on our waiting list and you should hear from us in around 12 months time”
    “Are you taking the piss?”
    “Not at all sir. And don’t forget, its all free”
    “But I fucking pay for it”
    “If you want it done quicker sir, you’ll have to pay again”

    ‘Stay at home. Save the NHS’

  17. Throughout my schooling life, not a single black attended, neither a single foreigner from what I could gather. The teachers would single out individuals to take the piss out of and we all had a good laugh. Women teachers would leave blouse buttons undone for you to look down their cleavage and leave legs open for a butchers at the crutch. The blackboard duster was always flying through the air at inattentive classmates still asleep. The facts of life was told to you in passing. Nurses once in awhile would call in to see if you had nits.

    • Sounds like the school I went to. The only foreigners were Maltese orphans (catholic school)
      Dropping a pencil under the desk of the young female French teacher.

    • Spot on , sounds like my childhood. Halcyon days when everyone on your class spoke English and not 17 different languages

  18. I do’t understand this “shortage of GPs”.
    This report, only a year ago, concluded that these lazy fuckers were working less than three days a week.

    Surely, if the govt was to insist on a full week, then wouldn’t that effectively double the number of available GPs overnight?
    Strange thing is, you can also find many “official” reports that show that GPs are working more than a 40 hour week!!!!!!!
    Strange things- these govt reports?

  19. None of the GPs at our practice work a full week.

    I wonder if this might just be a part of the problem?

    Morning all.

  20. A proportion of the patients are a big part of the problem. They are too fucking stupid and obstinate to be helped. Twats who have asthma or COPD and won’t give up the fags. People who are given an appointment with a physiotherapist or some other specialist, don’t attend the appointment and probably don’t bother to cancel and then return to hassle the GP. People who refuse a required intimate examination so diagnosis and treatment is down to best guess. I once attended the GP and after being examined she phoned the reg at the local A&E and sent me straight round there. Some patient’s response to such is to complain bitterly that they can’t spare the time and demand to be fixed there and then. As for people who turn up complainig of “low mood”, if I were the GP I’d be strongly tempted to tell them to get the other side of that door by which they just entered.

  21. I’ve only been to see my doctor three times in about 30 years.

    I think if someone like me (or just me) calls in asking to see the doc, a bit of common sense should prevail. “Oh look. He’s not called us in 15 years. Just book him in.”

    Last time I went was for a nasty ear infection that was painful as fuck. I did notice the surgery was full of erm…peaceful diversity, even though the area doesn’t have that many of them.

    If it stops the mitherers going to the waiting room every day, you know , the ones who demand to see the doc because they cracked a toenail, then all good.

    However, I have my suspicions it’ll just mean some lazy cunt GPs (mine isn’t like that, but some are no doubt about it) will use it to fob cunts off. Are some of them still refusing to go in because of COVID? I know that was still a thing for some GPs not so long ago. If any of them still are, fire the cunts.

  22. The 8am scramble?

    8:30 at my local surgery. Very laid back. My GP (MBBS(Cantab)) works three days a week.

    I hope these care navigators just have some decent GCSEs rather than degrees in the humanities and performing arts, otherwise you may as well hire the mentally disabled

  23. Care Navigators – ffs. What sort of cunt grows up wanting to be a fucking Care Navigator? The answer is no one. However, it will attract the same sort of cunt who volunteered to be a covids marsahll. Remember them? The cunts would have done a good job as kapos at Auschwitz. ‘Keeping everyone safe. Fuck off.

  24. I don’t want a Care Navigator. I want a Care Captain. Very infrequently and only if I can’t fix the problem myself. And before Covid, I could sometimes get one. If the system were not pathologically decentralised, with each little empire riddled with overpaid and incompetent managers, “Navigation” would not be required. Even an NHS receptionist might be able to handle an enquiry. Even after 0800.

    You’d have thought that the medical profession might realise that applying the Care Captain sticking-plaster to the septic rodent ulcer of the NHS’s ongoing collapse is a failure before it starts. But no.

    The system is now fucked, like every other system in this cunt country, and only my advancing years and the sheer bloody hassle of fucking off to Norway before the rest of Europe burns out, force me to grit my remaining teeth and carry on.

    • Bugger. Should be “Care Navigator sticking-plaster ”

      You’d hate it in my head. Always tripping over stuff.

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