Birmingham City Council (2)

Financial Incompetence Personified.

Yet again the city council has fallen foul of yet more incompetence spending other people’s money!

Not only does it own £760m in retrospective equal pay liabilities (this is in addition to further £1.1bn paid out for the same scheme over the last 10 year).

And then there’s the ongoing farce relating to upgrading their IT systems, which was originally budgeted at around £20m back in 2019, but typically it went way over budget due to poor project and financial management. As a consequence the budget has ballooned to around £100m, with the council scratching around trying to find almost £50m to cover the shortfall.

Two examples of their appalling control of money, and as a consequence the council has offered it 10,000 staff the opportunity to take “Mutually Agreed Resignation”.

No details have been published regarding the cost behind this desperate measure, but what is particularly annoying is that those at the top who made those appalling decisions in the past have got off lightly. No one is pointing fingers, no one to blame, no accountability, and now we find a council deep in debt, threatening to get rid of thousands of ordinary workers, while council tax payers will probably see their bills rise for reduced services.

This form of financial incompetence is all over the public sector – useless middle managers/project managers/financial controllers are clearly not up to the job, and yet they’re never held to account.

The government, the Bang of England, the NHS and other councils up and down the country are all incompetent cunts, and yet three guesses who has to foot the bill!

Birmingham City Council deputy leader Cllr Sharon Thompson added: “This is one of the biggest challenges this council has ever faced, and we must understand how the issues have arisen to prevent a repeat in the future.

“Given the scale of this challenge, we must impose mandatory spending restrictions. But as we have done throughout the cost-of-living crisis, we will continue to focus on tackling social injustice and inequality across our city. We will do everything we can to protect the services our residents rely on.”

Well that’s alright then!


Nominated by Technocunt.

(And guess what? The cunts just declared bankruptcy)

107 thoughts on “Birmingham City Council (2)

  1. A lot of this stems from a decision which decided that women doing one job should be paid the same as men doing another.
    So an example might be a dinner lady versus a refuse collector. Not equivalent in my book.

      • £1.25 for a Pot Noodle. They can fuck off, it’s not too long since I was getting 2 for a quid!

      • Moan moan fuckin moan.
        That’s your problem Moggs.

        Glass half full type .

        Do what they do in Birmingham and get a bank loan.
        Or nick one?

    • I don’t know what John Cotton, leader of Birmingham City Council, gets paid, but he’s worth a lot less than the average dinner lady, that’s for sure.

      • Waterloo may have been won on the playing fields of Eton, but the Falklands was won in the dinner halls of British comprehensives.

  2. Council tax in Brum looks like rocketing. I wonder what percentage of the voters actually pay the full council tax from money that they’ve earned rather than been given in benefits etc.

  3. It looks like Ron’s petition for a nude bronze statue of Salma Hayek in Brum city centre will be put on the back burner.

    • Are those responsible for running our second largest city named?

      I’d like to invite them to a card night.
      Or even monopoly if they like,
      The gormless bunch of cunts

      • A survey listed Brummies as the friendliest people in the UK.
        And I’ve got to admit I’ve always found them friendly.

        But let’s be honest here,
        They all sound like they have some kind of learning disorder.

        The accent.
        If Forrest Gump was set in Britain he’d be a Brummy.

        But can’t help your accent I suppose?
        Not everyone is lucky enough to have elocution lessons like me .

        Anyway, off for a kipper tie,
        Left a £5 with admin so any Brummy cunters can get a packet of crisps for their tea.


      • Your generosity knows no bounds, Mis.

        Cuppa Soup! Baggies the chicken one!

        Anyway, if they’ve gone bankrupt, will they be having a closing down sale?
        Mayoral Chain of Office, 50% off?

        Of course not, but any contractor who did work for them can whistle for payment, as BCC well know.

      • Great point JP.
        Lots of contractors will be out of pocket.
        Some tiny firms, sole traders, etc.
        Some will be in serious financial troubles through this.

        Council’s are cunts and treat contractors like shit.
        Cheeky bastard’s.

      • I would just point out Barry, that Noddy Holder is NOT a brummie. He is a native of Walsall. He lived his first seven years in the suburb of Caldmore (pronounced Karma, don’t ask me why) a piss-poor part of a piss-poor town. I know. I lived there for fifteen years. My wife is a genuine brummie, born in the old maternity home in Heathfield Road and lived in Brum for her first 47 years. I guess our kids are Brummies as they were born in our house in Brum. We left in 1999 never to return.

  4. These council leaders are like cockroaches, when they are eventually forced out or resign, they’ll pop up in another public body somewhere, still sucking on the taxpayers’s teat.
    Useless incompetent cunts.

    • Ain’t that the truth PC? The prick in charge in Chester when Ms Letby was on her killing spree I understand now holds a high position somewhere else in the NHS.The scandal at the hospital in Stafford, the top man there was put in charge of the NHS by David Cameron who it was said regarded him as “a safe pair of hands!” Talk about you couldn’t make it up…..

      • Some of the things that go on boggle the mind Arfur.
        There seems to be a huge disconnect between what the morons that run things think of their descisions and what we think.

  5. No accountability in the public sector..

    Now im all for recovering the money from those responsible.
    Repossess their house,cars. Empty their bank accounts.
    Raid their children’s piggy banks.

    Them jail them for 5 years..

    Be more careful with other people’s money next time.

  6. Imagine what sentence you’d get if you stole this amount of money from a bank .

    I doubt it would be a gold plated pension and a mental health retirement like some of these utter cunts

  7. Councillor 1: All-roiight, how am ya? Oi can’t understand this. We ‘ad a hoondred million a few months a-goww. Iqbal, wot’s gone on?

    Councillor 2: Dees ees a terrible situation, but tankfully der money I sending to Jahallabaad has all arrived. Dey is grateful to Birmingham. It is a most awful place full of disease, Pakîstankis, mosques, knife crime, poverty, and peepul shitting in de streets.

    Councillor: Oi kno-aw, but it’s moi home.

    • Just drop the aitches in hundred and home Cap’n and you’re almost there.

      Oh and remember, a bus is called a buzz.

  8. Have you noticed from the news that the hell holes these people flee from are suddenly alright when the UK police are after you for child murder . Funny that

  9. Given the figures involved, exactly how many people does Birmingham council employ?
    It must be everyone in Europe, or every employee earns more than a Saudi league footballer.

  10. We have no right taking the piss out of corrupt banana republics.

    We’re no better nowadays.

    It’ll only get worse with more and more Africunts and peacefuls getting hold of public sector spending budgets.

    Although the troughing honkies are as bad, greasing each other’s wheels to fuck.

    If you think Tony Blair genuinely gets 200k for an ‘important’ short speech on behalf of some weird forum you’ve never heard of, you’re dafter than you look.

    And the reason the our MPs do fuck all about the dinghies? Create housing scarcity and grease the wheels of your mates who own big construction firms.

    The green bollocks? Ditto. Another council has gone the same way due to public sector ‘investment’ into dodgy as fuck ‘green energy’ businesses.

    Ker fucking ching.

    All troughing, corrupt cunts.

  11. What punk singer does a brummie put round the wheel of his car? A toyah. I thank you copyright me, cheques payable to me.

  12. This country is riddled with incompetence from top to bottom. Everywhere you look there’s one fuck up followed by another. Just now I heard on the radio that some fucking Jihadi has escaped from Wandsworth Prison. How the fuck did that happen? He’s a terrorist not a TV Licence dodger the cunt.
    And what worries me is that these Tory wankers don’t seem to be bothered about losing the next election, don’t give a fuck. That tells me they’ve got something planned for us, the elites all together. There is no democracy when they’re all singing from the same hymn sheet, the cunts

    • Aye, they’ve all greased the wheels they needed to and are just awaiting their pay offs and ‘speaking circuit’ dates.

      No fuck’s given. If the Cotswolds gets ruined by diversity, they’ll just fuck off to Lake Geneva or some private island.

      I’m alright Jack so get to fuck etc.

    • I suspect another lockdown.The “plebs” have had their fun now let’s stop them and impose restrictions blah blah blah blah clap for the NHS stay at home bollocks.Boil the lot in horse piss.Rats.

  13. Local councils; a sinkhole of incompetence and bad management.

    With our fucking money, naturally.

    Afternoon all.

  14. Not just the public sector. Royal Mail is privately owned as are most of the UK’s rail operations – train operators as well as infrastructure. And then there are airports, many of them privately owned and, apart from a few, run down and shambolic. I could go on. So no, it’s not only the public sector.

  15. They’re skint becuase they’ve been buying Diane Abbots knickers and god knows she probably get through a few pairs each day.

  16. Anyway Ant and Dec have won the the Best Presenter Award for the 22nd year in a row.
    Well done them!

  17. Well it seems like a fuss about nothing to me,nuke the entire city and vaporise the budget problem and the massive immo problem.

    Birmingham is the future of the entire country.

    Bankrupt third world shithole.


    • I’d like to suggest that perhaps part of Birmingham’s problem is that is a magnet for our dinghy friends.

      I had to travel there on business twice this year and it almost felt like being at home in London.

      Those overseas friends who have obviously been there for some time, or have made there nest in Birmingham and spawned lots of kids (as they are accustomed to doing) have a slight twang to their accents, but as the largest council in Europe it would appear they are a draw for our tanned faced cousins.

  18. Speaking of useless cunts, Jeremy vile is at it again on his bike.

    Caught someone on the phone and gave it six points my friend.

    Turned out it was a diplomats car and the driver said i don’t have a licence.

    Hopefully they were Saudis and they kidnap him and chop into bits..
    Busybody cunt.

      • If it was a diplomat Barry he won’t give a toss and nor will he bother to pay any fine. They don’t bother to pay the congestion charge and I doubt they will take any notice of ULEZ. Did our Jeremy not know it was a diplomat’s car? How thick do you have to be to live in London and not recognise diplomatic number plates? Anyway, it’s high time the cunt was run over and killed.

  19. I have a horrible feeling it may happen to Sheffield soon. Our council’s deficit is over 61 million and we’re making some of the highest cutbacks/savings of any ‘core’ city.

      • They already do, LL.

        I’m nearly 70, and still paying It on my private pensions, because I was a sensible, responsible person who worked like stink and made provision for my old age, unlike a lot of people today, who seem to need their arses wiping for them.

    • Oh, for sure OC, but I bet you’ll see no reduction in services in Totley or Dore.

      There aren’t any services at all in certain shit holes, we both know where they are, and I’m still waiting for those potholes, that they got umpteen million quid to deal with, to be filled in where I live.

      • Because Northern General is round there I had to pass through the area a couple times after I shattered my ankle. Fuck me it’s like Chernobyl. Almost unfair that they have something like Parkwood Springs on their doorstep.

    • I’m from Sheffield, Opinionated, the waste of these socialist bastards has no bounds. £500,000 on shipping containers in front of the Town Hall. ‘City of Sanctuary’ cost into the hundreds of thousands if not millions. Interpreters for the 135 known foreign dialects in the city. The new road layout and LEZ zone that has been thought up by a simpleton with the intelligence of a very shallow soap dish. Still paying interest of £20 million a year on bank loans for the 1991 Student Games that no fucker had heard of before or since. And yet they cancel free braille lessons for the partially sighted or blind. Fucking Commie scum sucking wankers. And by the way, Birmingham Council spent £100’s of thousands on new ‘woke’ road names eg ‘Destiny Road”. I know our destiny, a 3rd world shit as they’ve always planned and wanted. Your fucking welcome to it.

      • It’s genuinely tragic Bob, it really is. I didn’t grow up here but my parents, grandparents and great grandparents did – compared to what it was like in their day it’s a shell of its former self.

      • Don’t get me started on fucking Ulez either. Where I am on Ecclesall that fucking scheme has pushed a metric fuckton of additional traffic onto the road thanks to drivers battling to avoid the charges. And it was already congested to begin with. Tackling pollution? Not where I sodding well am – quite the opposite.

      • It’s just shifted the fumes and jams from one place to another, now taking detours past hospitals, schools and old folks homes. Absolutely thick as pig shit in charge.

      • I really can’t add anything to this.

        Oh wait. The regeneration of the city centre, what a fucking laugh that is!

        A pocket play park, with toilets for the junkies to shoot up in.
        A stainless steel tunnel slide, if the travelling community haven’t already had it.
        Well, wow!

        I feel regenerated, thanks a fucking bunch, SCC.

      • Fortunately the only time I ever go into the City Centre is if I’m meeting friends at Kommune or Bankers Draft. Thank fuck I don’t live round there.

      • ‘shipping containers’

        we have those shipping containers ‘installations’ in Barnsley. On them is printed the most egregiously bad poetry you can imagine.
        Singing the praises of Barnsley tunelessly.

        I often think to Cunt this – and copy it down when I am in town but forget a pen.

        I remember when I was in Sheffield once there was the same kind of nonsense on a tall building there in the city centre.

      • They’ve spent fuck knows how much ‘revitalising’ the interchange as well. I don’t care if the colours look pretty, I just want First and Stagecoach to run buses on time for once.

  20. If they just stopped paying for the diversity officers, translators, 4* hotels for illegal’s, pride parades, needle exchanges and all of the other unnecessary shit, they would still have money to pay the essential workers.

    Look at how much tax you’re paying and how it’s squandered by incompetent morons, like a drunken sailor on shore leave.

    It truly is fucking disgusting.

  21. Anyone can become a councillor, fancy yourself a future PM? Try your hand at your local council, if it’s a big council you can play with some big numbers, don’t worry it’s not your money so you don’t have to be careful with the pennies.

    Given the way the world works now you don’t have to have any real knowledge of economics or civic management, just a big mouth and being part of a majority minority will get you elected.

    Collect as much council tax as you can, boost your income with parking fees and fines and spaff as much money as you can on external consultants and then particularly if you lean left make sure people’s hard earned is spent making sure those that never put in take the most out.

    You must be aware that you are responsible for local roads, bin collections and other public services that people think they are paying for with there council tax, don’t worry though because others like you have performed decades of research and it’s a fact you can always take more and do less without fear because the plebs will keep paying.

    If they do stop paying you can fuck them up with iffy bailiffs assisted by the courts and local constabulary.

    Don’t worry about being exposed as being incompetent because local councils are the home of incompetence.

    If we really want change in this country, local councils are the place to start.

  22. Watched The Angry Bootneck on you tube.
    He pointed out that a begger with spare change was richer than the “Government” or Britain.
    We are trillions in debt.

    • It’s a valid observation, however more valid is the fact that I keep pointing out to people. The government has NO fucking money.

      They rob it from us, the working people via taxes.

      So many seem not to understand this. I guess they are happy with their lot and want it spent on sand people and floaters from the channel.

      Ps. Who’s that chancer on YouTube adverts, keeps popping up pushing some trading bollocks in order to make money with lines like ‘I made my millions not by working 9 to 5… but by working for 5 minutes before 9 o’clock’

      He’s got the sort of smug boat race that could only be improved by a coal shovel. Utter cunt and probably as crooked as they come. Allegedly.

  23. Well, that really made my day. Fucking Brummies deserve all they get, the fucking whining cunts! I cannot desire which are bigger cunts, Brummies, n*gnogs or those fucking dinghy vermin! Maybe a dirty dinghy rat, who’s obviously a n*gnog who’s gone to live in Birmingham? That would right up there with the King of All Cunts, Cliff ‘colostomy bag’ Richard!

  24. Have a friend in Birmingham or had, hasn’t come back for the last fifteen years or so but he was there since he was nineteen, so 40 odd years.
    He managed to get a genuine Brummie lass his own age and used to bring her back regularly for Christmas or holidays and I understand the accent an all, she was a genuine friendly soul that even a bastard couldn’t but not warm too.
    I liked her the moment I saw her and her first sentences, she made me smile

  25. Off topic. From Sky Sports. 42 successful passes from Andre Onana
    against Arsenal is the most by any Manchester United
    goalkeeper in a single Premier League match since data was collected .

    The cunt is paid to make saves against the opposition, not pass it to others players. They can stick their sweeper keeper bollocks up their arse.

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