Apologizing For The Slave Trade


My ancestors turned a few duckets (gold coin) out of slavery. Am I sorry for it? Fuck no. Will I be joining the litany of woke crokes bemoaning and bewailing the barbaric trade? Fuck no. Am I cashing in my land and bank balance (generated by the heinous shenanigans of my ancestors) to offer compo for having dragged the indigenous darlings out of darkest Africa? Fuck no. Best thing that ever happened to them.

This great and glorious Kingdom stands accused of ripping children from their mothers arms and subjecting them to short and squalid lives of toil and abject poverty. Gimme Compo White Oppressor. Oh no. Lucky them.

Mother Africa (she of disease, hunger and pestilence) was the real enslaver, their Fathers and Chiefs the Slave Takers who rounded them up and sold them on to visiting Arab Slavers who in turn sold then on to the French and Belgians, the Germans, the Dutch, the Portuguese, the Spanish and later the British and the Americans. Without that turn of good fortune they would have had little or no education and no opportunity to make their fortune in drugs and prostitution on the streets of our fair cities.

Where would the scammers of Nigeria be now without the access to our technology and bank accounts and dating sites.
Far from offering mewling pleas of forgiveness (fuck you Justin Welby) we are the ones who should be compensated by them for all we have given them over the generations.

American conservative

Nominated by Sir Limply Stoke

86 thoughts on “Apologizing For The Slave Trade

  1. ‘… they would have had little or no education…’ are you saying they have some now? It doesn’t show and no fucking mistake.

  2. Africa.. beautiful scenery, beautiful wildlife…

    Terrible residents, that need evicting..
    To the after life preferably.

    Fuck the lazy apes..

  3. Nowt to apologise for.

    They loved it.
    Last time they worked.

    They got employment prospects, a cruise, even a pair of undercrackers for the first time in their lives.

    What would they of been doing otherwise?

    Sat about poking in the dirt with a stick.
    Kids fetch the water
    Missus cooks the monkey heads for tea.

    No, they were glad to be cutting sugar for our cuppa
    Or cotton for our hankies.

    It’s when they started being allowed to drive buses the problems started.

  4. Shame we banned slavery.
    It was lucrative.
    Filled the king’s coffers.

    Should of extended it.
    Gypsies, the Welsh, etc
    Societal misfits and miscreants.

    Probably won’t get raised in Westminster?

    Bunch of fairies

  5. Seeing as my ancestors were agricultural workers who had fuck all with the slave trade as they were either working to keep body and soul together or raising families. I can offer some Horse shit to shut these whining Umbongo’s up and to give it a fucking rest. If you don’t like it. FUCK OFF SOMEWHERE ELSE YOU MOANING CUNTS.

  6. I’m appalled and disgusted at what my ancestors did, or rather didn’t do, to their African slaves. Just think how much better the world would be if they’d castrated them all.

  7. My ancestors weren’t lucky enough to benefit.

    Like eleccy cars we couldn’t afford one.

    Poachers didn’t earn much nor did village idiots.

    God, we’d of loved to own a slave.
    Still would.

    • Will you develop a southern drawl, start wearing breeches and demand a pitcher of sweet iced tea for you and Missy Miserable?

      • Oh my yes LL!
        Whenever I’ve treated myself to a Kentucky dinner I’ll look at the little picture of the colonel and admire him.

        Ice tea, rocking chair, shoe lace tie,

        Looking out over the fields at them singing spirituals,
        And pull out my six shooter and pop one.

        I know about how to motivate a workforce ?

    • So your ancestors were poachers or village idiots Mis? If so you should be justly proud of attending Eton College.

      • Yes Arfur,
        Long line of village idiots, poachers, sheep rustlers,
        Well poisoners and crop witherers .

        I broke with tradition.

        I was going to be a academic!!

        My father said over his dead body I was to be a regular in the village stocks like my forefathers.

        But my will was strong.
        I got a scholarship to Eton for my groundbreaking work in casual racism.

        I also wrote some contentious yet thought provoking essays on flashing and indecent exposure throughout the ages in Europe.

        I was also boxing champion and led the rowing team.

        Did you go to Eton?
        Or the Other place?

  8. Local Lidl this morning – parked my gas guzzling diesel earth destroying 4×4 in the remotest part of said car park – having had to negotiate a shop full of Erics that know little of common courtesy – went back to the wildlife destroying evil machine to find two
    SUV’s parked either side with the usual suspects fresh of a dinghy speaking some gibberish
    Had to fathom up some pigeon English to politely ask could you possibly allow me some room to open my door – should we apologise – should we bollocks – cunts all of them. Excuse my non tolerance – it’s rather hot out there.

  9. Now see here! All you honkies in England have benefited from the slave trade and don’t ever forget it!

    How could we possibly forget with Flemy Nylander, Kenny Andrews and that David Osmosis banging on about it all the time.

    Trouble is no one outside the liberal left do gooders could give a flying fuck, when these fucking smartarses can calculate (with actual evidence) to the nearest shekel what I have benefited from something of which I have zero knowledge I might just listen.

    Until then I am taking my white privileged stance of ‘fuck off back to the jungle’

    Apology ffs, they (Blicks) should be apologising for not coming up to scratch, useless cunts!

  10. There seem to be a few black figures from the United States who share my surname.
    Somewhere into he past I imagine their ancestors might have been owned by mine.

    Fortunately for them, slavery was abolished in the British Empire almost a century before my paternal grandfather was born. In his eyes being Irish was terrible enough. If you were a white Englishman and had a tan, he wouldn’t like you because you’re ‘were trying to look like a wog’

  11. I blame that gangly top hat wearing cunt Lincoln.

    After freeing the lazy fuckers he should of given each one 5 bucks and deported their cotton picking arse’s.

    JWB did us a favour by ventilation he’s head..

  12. So people should apologise and pay reparations for historical slavery?

    I’m sure all the wokewankers who are in favour of this aren’t going to discriminate on the basis of colour or race.

    So, people of both sexes, I give you the Barbary slave trade. Between one milliion and one and a quarter million Europeans enslaved. I’m pretty sure that if anyone’s entitled to some compo, we’re first in the queue.


  13. Without the slave trade (blacks have done more slave trading than any other race btw) they’d all still be living in mud huts, with no clean water or electricity and 30 years of age would be a good innings.

    They should be fucking thanking Yankee honkies for brining over those slaves. And for us for sending loads to the Caribbean.

    They’re always welcome to try and ‘make Africa great again’ but for some reason they never do.

    Here is the news. If one day, the honky peoples all fuck off to some island somewhere, leaving our western civilization to them, they’d (MENA peacefuls and other Africunts) all be banging very hard on the doors of the nation we’d soon make.

    Well, if and when that day ever comes, I hope we’ve learned our lesson.

    And reparations?

    Well, looking at all the crime we’ve now got, I’d suggest they owe us.

    Once got mugged off two blacks btw. I was 17. Two bags g black fuckers. I got beaten to fuck too. Only fight i got into as a kid was with a black kid. He was throwing stones at me and I told him to stop. That was enough for him to come over and punch me. I’d like to play the hardman here, but I didn’t batter him ,the fight was split up by two passing fellas. A draw I’d say. He never bothered me again, I’ll say that.

    Oh, two incidents in nightclubs that almost ended in fights. Honestly not my fault. Both blacks. I was a lefty tit back then.

    And at the time, in a 90% honky town.

    I’ve met a few nice black folk. But the most violent people I’ve ever met have been black.

    Just my experience mind.

    So fuck them,quite frankly.

    • You clearly provoked him.

      It’s through people like you that I’m not welcome at Notting hill carnival

      • All I did was dress up as a ghost in a white sheet. A keen footballer, I was great at keepie uppies and nicknamed King of the Keepie uppie Kicks. Like Maradona I was, MNC.

        Put my nickname on my sheet (KKK), but there was no reason for his outburst.

  14. What about all the poor cunts in Victorian Britain working in mines/ mills/ factories. They were slave’s, no calls to compensate the descendants of those exploited buggers…!

    • Bloody right Arch! I’ve posted on here before about an ancestor of my wife who was a manager in Phipson’s pin factory in Broad Street in Birmingham in Victorian times. He gave details to an 1848 inquiry into child labour about young kids who were primary school age who worked in the factory and were half starved and inadequately clothed. If you were to suggest their descendants were deserving of compensation the wokies would be unable to get their stupid fucking heads round the suggestion.

      • Funny old world, I started on 15p / HR in 1972. Less 47p Ni

        Would that be considered slavery in today’s,

        World of Woke…..!

  15. Bet if I’d got a slave I’d of gotten one from the Abbott tribe.

    Dumb as a fuckin post
    Fat, half blind , Beatles wig etc.

    Breaks everything it touched,
    Tripping over everything,
    Can’t count to ten.

    Id swap it for a pig or donkey or something

  16. My British ancestors were serfs. Slaves to the French ruling class. Then, during the industrial revolution they died young in the pits and factories. The Irish side endured the potato famine.
    Poverty and an early death. Welby comes from a ruling class that benefitted from African slavery and exploitation of indiginous Brits. The cunt can pay me reparations first.

    Fuck the kaffirs.

    • Quite right. If these rich fuckers, with their pathetic white guilt, are going to dole out cash to the cunts their bastard families exploited I should be first in the queue.
      I don’t want much. Just the cash Satan Blair finds down the back of his various sofas would do me. Or the unpaid tax that Gary Linekunt sends to his offshore bank account every month.

  17. Those lazy black cunts got everything I never had and good luck to them. No its time you fucked off !

  18. Those lazy black cunts got everything I never had and good luck to them. Now its time you fucked off !

  19. OT but loving watching Wokegate squirm about Henderson.

    Didn’t do well there did Wokegate. Looked a right hypocritical prick.

    The libtards have deserted him now and his days are numbered.

  20. I think that books, TV and films depicting the slaves as being abused has seriously added fuel to the fire.

    It just doesn’t add up.

    Slaves were a valuable commodity.
    The were used for work.

    You would not want them to fuck off or be reluctant to work.
    You would want to keep them motivated.

    You can’t do that by whipping or hanging them.
    You can’t keep them healthy for work by giving them little or nothing to eat.

    A male and female slave will produce new slaves for you free of charge, so they would not have been segregated and pregnant women slaves would have been cared for.

    We know that the slave trade was hugely profitable so it’s very unlikely that slaves were chucked overboard of their boats as shown on films.

    I think that every law of business points to them having a better life in slavery than they ever could have achieved by living in Africa.

    • Fucking right. All those stories and photos showing terrible cruelty were provided by Abolitionists who naturally picked on the worst cases they could find. If you were trying to ban fox hunting back in the days of Satan Blair you didn’t show the video where the fox escaped through the hedgerow. You showed the one where the hounds caught him and ripped him apart with as much screaming and blood as possible. That’s just common sense.
      There are plenty of historians who argue that slavery in America would have died without the Civil War simply because it was uneconomic. Wage slavery made much more sense and was the way to go. Why pay to house, feed, clothe a slave and force him to work when you can just sack him and get some other cunt? History is never as simple as it seems……that’s why they keep rewriting it every few minutes.

      • The South’s version of feudalism – sharecropping – worked as well for the landowners then as total mechanisation does now. Civilisation advances (the interests of the rich).

  21. It’s forgotten that the UK ended the slave trade. We took a firm stance against it and lost precious people and money suppressing it. The World owe’s the UK and the Royal Navy a lot for taking on this task. Are we ever thanked – no, it’s ignored because it’s more “virtuous”, enjoyable and profitable to grievance monger.

    I’ve seen woke morons describe slavery as “genocide”. No it was not genocide. Slaves were a valuable asset. Had they all been murdered there would not be so many thriving black communities in the USA and South America. But one place where it was literally genocide was in the Arab countries. They imported just as many, probably more slaves. Where are their descendants? You won’t find any because as soon as they had outlived their usefulness they were slaughtered by the Arabs. Why is no one asking them for reperations?

    If families like the Gladstones (who it seems are now closer to the idiocy of the Flintstones than to the lightening brilliance of their illustrious forbear) want to sink their money into some third world corrupt ridden sink-pot to make themselves feel better, let them do it. But most people, including the recipients of their largesse, regard them as gullible bloody fools.

  22. Lammy: Right, I’d like to call this meeting of the Black History Month organising committee to order. Does anyone have some suggestions for examples of Black History we can celebrate this year?

    Abbott: Slavery?

    Lammy: Ah yes, Slavery, very good Diane. Any others?

    Hirsch: Windrush?

    Lammy: Windrush, excellent Afua! Any other ideas? Anyone?

    (long pause)

    Lammy: Okay, Slavery and Windrush it is then. Incidentally, can anyone remember what Black History we covered last year?

    Olusoga: Er, Slavery and Windrush?

    Lammy: Oh yes, so it was. Sorry, I mean innit.

  23. So do all the black people that have done incredibly well due to settling here get this as well?

  24. Every civilization there has ever been has had slavery.

    When we talk about the Egyptians building pyramids and temples, this work was not put out to tender.
    They didn’t get a few quotes and pick the best one.

    At any one time around 40% of the Roman empire were slaves.
    It has been estimated that during those centuries the Romans had between 200 and 400 million slaves.

    These were taken from all over their empire, including Britain.

    The Roman empire did not extend to sub Sahara Africa.

    Also, colour has very little to do with the ancestors of slaves.

    A mixed partnership will produce children of a different colour.
    When a white male and a black female produce a child, that child will look more white than black.

    It takes a few of these mixed relationships before all traces of black ancestry are gone.
    It takes longer when the male is black and the female is white.

    Each of us have 2 parents, 4 grand parents, 8 great grand parents etc.

    If we go back the hundreds of years to the African slave trade then we are directly descended from many thousands of people.

    Without any doubt some of them would have been black.
    Also some would have been involved in the slave trade in one role or another.

    Some would have been slaves, some would have been slave owners.

    The same is true for people that are black today.
    Some of their ancestors would have been white and profited from slavery whilst other ancestors got the shit end of the stick.

    Therefore every living person should be apologising to every one else for the African slave trade.

    Being a present day black has fuck all to do with it.

  25. Surprisingly I could give a fuck about what some looting cunts says or wants.

    Quite frankly all those shithole countries wouldn’t exist without the intervention of Britain and others,they’d all be nothing,literally fuck all.

    The best course of action is to outlaw such idle chitchat,if that fails then hang the bastards for the ungrateful dung they are.

  26. It’s all to do with resentment of being partially descended from the slavers as well.

    In America, the black population has far more white genetic ancestry than there are traces of black ancestry amongst the white population.

    This is why you get chippy mixed-race celebrities from the US and UK in a sulk on Who Do You Think You Are. The great-great-great-and-a-half grandfather was a white bloke from Lincolnshire called Dave who kept slaves on his plantation, having relocated to the Caribbean for the lucrative trades in cotton, sugar and tobacco.

  27. It would never end.

    Do you think the first generational payout would be the last?

    No fucking chance.

    London is what percent black now?

    Wake up, especially if you have kids.

    Me? I’m alright Jack but I do give a bit of a fuck.

    However, the more I get called ‘gammon’ or ‘uneducated’ (3 A levels AAB, first class honours degree) , the less I care.

    • Gammon is overused. it only refers to red faced old men. calling anyone who voted for Brexit or is conservative gammon is a hollow insult.

  28. Alright, alright, alright! Enough! You win! We’re fucking sorry we ripped your ancestors from peaceful existence in their idyllic homeland. We’ll repatriate your black asses to whatever current Garden of Eden you desire. Mali…Chad…Burkina Faso…just pick one.

    As for reparations, we’ll happily pay first class transportation (one way) for you, your family and any virtue signalling, guilty white liberal else who cares to go. It’ll be money well spent.

    Jesus H. Christ Himself! I’ve had enough!

    By the way…what do you call Black people on a foggy London street? Gorillas in the fucking mist.

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