An Amazon “Prime” cunting for “academic” Dr Joanne Rodda, who has a considerably valuable and hard-earned doctorate in Psychiatry. Because of her passing “interest” in A.I., as a Doctor she felt that she was qualified enough to alert those woke nobjockey’s at Al-Beeba that the Alexa A.I. “had sexism embedded in it”. I have always been a fan of technology, science and development in artificial intelligence, but I would never claim to be able to advise those twats at Al-Beeba about it. If I had a doctorate in Neuroscience I would not presume to be able to advise people on, say, Archeology just because I am a fan of the first three Indiana Jones films.
Why is it being blamed as a sexist? Because when asked by Echo device users for the “result of the England vs. Australia football match” the Alexa A.I. responded that there was “no such match”. Putting aside the argument that some football fans may claim that women’s football isn’t real football anyway (lol!), Alexa is not sentient and so it should not be blamed as a human being would be. Amazon, not wishing to appear to have a lack of feminist values within it’s A.I. R&D dept., quickly fixed the error ASAP. After being fixed Dr Rodda decided to test Alexa again by asking it who Arsenal football team are playing in October. She said it replied with information about the men’s team but couldn’t give any information when asking specifically about the women’s team.
Yeah love, get over it and go back to your day job – with enough time Alexa’s algorhythms will improve and then the erstwhile Dr Rodda, Psychiatrist extraordinaire, can sleep at night soundly. What a cunt!
Nominated by The Wizard’s Sleeve.
Im betting Alexa is sexist.
The snooping little twat has no moral compass.
” Fat bitch” it mutters under its robotic breathe.
” splitarse has two left feet, OFFSIDE!!
You fuckin blind referee?!”
Probably transphobic as well.
What England-Australia football match?
Morning all.
I guess a nomination which has taken a little time to reach the home page so I presume The Gashes.
Must have been a desperately slow news day at Al Beebijihad for them to publish this..usually they are so far up “big techs” arse that you can only make out the soles of their ethically sourced vegan sandals.
“Alexa why is the wimmin football funded by the patriarchy? You must answer me correctly as I’m a very important professor”..
“Fuck off you mithering cunt”.
‘Desperately slow news day?’
Sadly, I do not agree with you Unk. World War 3 would not be able to topple this pile of shite from being the main item on BBC ‘News’.
They put three journalists on the story.
‘Due to the unique way the BBC is funded…’
One black one, one white one, and one with………… on
Sexism is outdated now, something from the last century.
How can anyone be sextet when you can be what sex you want when you want?? Gender fluidity remember.
Only way to not be sexist now is to keep your mouth shut and ignore the cunts.
Did Dr Rodda complain that Alexa is a female name?
Or maybe the device is lesbian or trans gender.
I haven’t seen lucky bags on sale for a while, the good doctor must have been hanging on to her psychiatric qualifications for years.
I just asked Alexa who she was, and got the reply that it was a male politician in Valencia!
I missed it, just like all the other imaginary women’s games.
“Pocket quilting”…
She can look for bother all she likes.
Simple fact is that wimminz footy is not the equivalent of men’s footy.
It’s a mich inferior sport, as evidenced by the small crowds and lack of dedicated pay only wimminz super league channel.
No cunt would pay for that.
And only cunts have an Alexa.
I’m with the good doctor on this one. If you’ve bought Alexa in the first place you are almost certainly a vegan, wokie little gay boy. Therefore it follows that you would want to be up to date with the wimminz footie thingy. Imagine being in your local gay bar and not being able to partake in a discussion about England’s lezza three at the back diamond formation……..or something! You would look a right Nazi! Oh….,the humanity….
Too much time and other people’s money, fuck off
I don’t have one of these things, but I’ve imagined the kind of conversations I would have. Mostly I think they’d end with ‘Alexa, suck my tits’ or something similar. I think I’ll save my money and talk to the cat.
Alexa could of been extremely sexist and said to her, I hope all the housework is done before you skive off to watch some television.
Although I am tempted to have fun with an Alexa.
“Alexa, look at this! What would you give my nob out of ten?”
“Alexa, if Hitler was alive and he was shagging you and making you come, would you carry on to climax or stop out of guilt?”
“Alexa, why are the gays more likely to be serial killers?”
“Alexa, is it true trannies cunts stink of shit? If true, should this be something we celebrate?”
I asked those questions and Alexa said………
(1) 2
(2) who’s Hitler?
(3) they’re only killing other gays so nobody cares.
(4) yes……and no.
Someone looking for offence manages to find offence.
shock! Horror!
This lunchtime: Tortoise head Khan is the latest in line who doesn’t know what a woman is. Why don’t some women who have had enough, pull up their skirts and pull down their knickers and show these idiots, who are frightened of loosing their jobs, their big hairy cunts and settle this thing once and for all !
Agree…if i were a woman i would be rightly fucked off for having my gender silenced
Not the anti white, anti British, anti western goblin again.
Within the peaceful faith they refer to what Suckdick Khunt is practicing as “Taqiyya”
To lie or to deceive in order to further the peaceful agenda basically.
This serpent is an Islamist who despises the west. Make no mistake.
He knows fine fucking well that this gender bullshit isn’t in accordance with his faith in any way shape or form.
The slimy little bastard needs drowning in pigs blood.
It goes to show, these male chauvinistic bastards are misogynistic to the core and should be dismissed by all women in their presence, never mind the jobs they think comes first.
To be fair he is a p@ki and their women are hairy and have bigger cocks than the men.
Well, she won”t tell you what felching is.
I tried it and i got a very polite decline.
(Bet you’ll be trying that later)
I’ve mentioned this before but it’s ideal for this excellent nom.
I googled (obviously I don’t have an Alexa as I’m not some sort of metrosexual) ‘World Cup fixtures’ to check out the upcoming rugby games.
Google gave me the *women’s* *wendyball* *results*.
1) How sexist is that, assuming I want women’s sport when I’d not specified a sex?
2) How rude is that, to assume I ment puffball when I’d not specified a sport?
3) How stupid is that to give me results when I clearly specified fixtures?
Of course, because I’m not some bleating spasmong, I haven’t complained to anyone, just taken the piss in a frightfully British way.
Some cunt was on Talksport this morning informing the listener that Rugby Union isn’t as diverse or as inclusive as it ought to be.
(whatever the fuck that even means??)
There is no escaping the Globo homo cult.
Rugby fans – expect much hand wringing and virtue signalling in the coming month.
You have been warned.
Yeah, definitely not diverse enough, with eleven from the originally selected 33 for England being ‘not entirely white’…
However, when one is a soy-drinker and wokewanker, one never lets the facts get in the way of a good wokewhinge.
You can’t get anymore diverse than playing with the wrong shaped ball.
‘Alexa, would you get jealous if I shagged Siri’
They’ve brought out a male one, Alex.
For women who like to play the victim.
” You’ve not said anything about my new hairstyle Alex! Do you like it?”
” s’alright I suppose.
Makes your head look less square.”
“Alex ,what are the three top inventions by women?”
Al- ” in a minute! Christ!”
“Alex , what are some low fat recipes to help me lose weight?”
Al- ” a nosebag. Stop fuckin mithering”
If all the women’s footballers looked like this it would be more popular on Alexa
@SOI. Driving back home, earlier on today. I saw a young lady in the tiniest pair of black shorts and sports bra / halter top type thingy, which was woefully too small.
It was disgusting.
I was outraged.
So outraged, that I almost ran into a lamppost, that some daft cunt had left in the way.
The naughty girl should be chastised ?
Indeed Jack.
Send her round to mine when the Mrs is out. I’ll pull her knickers down and give her pert botty a good spanking. As extra punishment, she’ll then have to relieve me of my raging boner.
Back in 5 minutes.
There should be road signs Jack ‘Beware of Tight little shorts’
All this hot sunny weather should be banned, brings out all sorts ?
I have been hanging out with my hosepipe just in case some young lady walks by in T shirt that could do with a wash, sadly just ended up giving the patio a good soapy scrub,
‘ Big Tits Ahead ‘
It’s this damned heat !
Will it never end ? ?
And not only that, but on the car park in town, there was another young strumpet wearing those very clingy legging type whatchamacallit ‘ s.
Looked like they’d been sprayed on.
Her bottom was extremely pert. ????
I’m agog ??
An elderly customer has a very pretty Polish carer to help her with shopping etc and she popped by today whilst I was working there. Luckily for her I was on the other side of a hedge and she couldn’t see me fiddling with my watering wand.
This is a woman (i)
Alexa, ask Jenni Hermoso for a kiss, make it a proper one, tongues and all.
I could do with this, a lot of modern tech just swooshes past me.
Given the suposed mental health crisis in Britain, shouldn’t she have more pressing concerns?
Get back to your paranoid schizophrenics, self-harming bulimic land whale and twitchy smack addicts, or get some tamazepam down your neck and shut the fuck up.
What I hope we’re seeing here are the death throws of a particularly poisonous snake.
To say Alexa is sexist is really stretching the boundaries of credulity.
Like that poisonous person, recently nommed, who used the Lucy Letsby case as an example of white privilege, the perpetually offended brigade are really reaching to find offense, now all the obvious examples have been covered.
What next. Will we have to cover piano legs, in case they remind someone of a woman’s?
I’m not sure if we are stagnant, regressing or moving forward, these days.
Might I suggest that we’re going the same way as Iran post 1979. A vibrant country in the early 1970s where people could decide the direction their lives would go to the ghastly place it is today.
History can tell us a great deal should we be wise enough to learn from it.
Not knowing about the wimminz’ kickball match means nothing more sinister than that Amazon’s netbots have failed to detect any significant interest in the sport and the algorithm doesn’t predict a big enough profit from linking this to advertising. They will, and it will. Maybe. Just takes time.
Meanwhile, why the fuck is Alexa a wimmin robot? Surely hesheittheyyibble should be configured to be all things to all LGBTQABC+$ varieties?
if she wanted to know who Arsenhole were playing why didn’t she just look it up in the sports pages. Lazy cunt
An inanimate object accused of sexism….
Hardly a surprise. Liberal lunatic cunts get offended by anything. Packets of sweets, statues, cartoon characters, old pop songs, microwave rice, street names, anyone male, straight and white.
They are therapist’s dream, or is it nightmare?