A mortar-boarded, gown-wearing cunting for the continued devaluing of further education, be it A levels or degrees.
After the nonsense of the pandemic, with teachers marking the papers of students rather than an outside examiner, A level grades have plummeted to 27% A grades.
This means, despite the fall (from a scandalously generous 44.8%), more than a quarter of A-level exam results are still worth an A.
It gets worse though. As of 2019, nearly a third (30%) of degrees awarded are first-class, and as of 2021 the number is now 36%. In the late nineties the percentage was 7%. This lunacy shows that the whole system of higher education is effectively worthless, and the inflation has been attributed to ‘student demand’. Well, that almost makes sense, as even the lowest ranked universities are charging £10k a year to study lesbian dance theory.
You can turn up, not do any of the assigned reading, get on the lash, get an algorithm to smash out your dissertation and walk away with a first with your pint of beer at the union bar. As long as the college/university is getting its tuition money, why should they give a fuck if you’re an imbecile educated far beyond its ability?
The trouble is that now the level of snobbery of which university you get a degree from has been heightened by the cheapening of the first-class degree overall;
How will candidates/applicants for jobs and academic roles be selected if they all have degrees, and over a third are Geoff Hursts?
It’s now even more important to go to an elite university, entry to which is as reliant on interview as A-level grades, and the techniques for success are coached at fee paying schools.
All grade inflation has done is create a larger gap between the privileged and the ever-patronised sons and daughters of ‘aspirational’ mechanics and taxi drivers, care workers and cleaners who went to a comprehensive, followed by a big city college, just as the closing of grammar schools has done.
The superficial desire for more equal outcomes has created deeper inequality and a less meritocratic education system, and yet the left want to attack Gillian Keegan for pointing out the fucking obvious; in ten years time, your A-levels won’t matter. Your experiences, references and achievements in work will be far more important.
However, qualifications are everything to the middle class libtard Left, because half of them are part of The Blob and their jobs depend on fake improvements in A-levels, fake improvements in higher education and the continuance of the sausage factory system of mass schooling. These cunts live by their meagre qualifications and brag about having been ‘on a course’. In their own limited minds, they are ‘experts’, despite only teaching at secondary school level.
To those who work for a living, experience, imitative and character come to mean more than a few numbers and letters on a bit of paper, and given how the youth are being scammed by the higher education sector, these will now matter more than ever.
it’s just a shame they’re being discouraged by our insular, woke and whacko teachers, nearly all of whom are risk-averse, cowardly, stupid and conformist sub-humans, who lack the aforementioned qualities.
Nominated by Cuntamus Prime.
A sound cunting. They can’t say that the kids have got more intelligent than before. It should be a percentage for each grading.
The ones that wander out of de Montfort University in Leicester don’t even know how to cross the road.
De Montfort is like a suburb of Beijing and they really could have done with the subway system that got filled in.
I feel sorry the the students who are genuinely worthy of a first class degree being awarded the same class of degree as those who are only slightly brighter than a dog.
Universities, like charities, exist to self perpetuate. Useless lecturers, useless courses leading to employment as a useless lecturer or McDonalds.
We have 4 times the universities we need, 2 thirds of which are actually tech colleges more suited to Health & Beauty.
De Montfort university again. As a polytechnic it had a really good reputation, as a uni it’s near the bottom of the pile. I went to both and can confirm.
I got a Desmond.
Me tutu miles.
Drinking degree
So…they can’t read and write. They can’t think and reason. And they can’t communicate face to face.
So what? They know all about Man Made Climate Change, the evils of the White race and how to grow a green garden complete with tasty bugs.
It’s the Brave New One World Order and they’re just another Brick…or Bricks…in the Wall.
And drop litter all over the bloody place.
Good Morning
I think growing vegetables is beyond them as well. It might involve getting a bit dirty and damp and they’d have to put their phones down.
That’s why God created Mexicans.
There is, I’m sure you’ll agree,
A certain ‘ je ne sais quoi’ about a firm young carrot?
I’m not sure about the ‘growing vegetables’ thing either.
I’m a member of an Arsebook gardening group, which I joined because there are some genuine experts out there. I’ve stayed for the humour when people post such genuine gems as ‘What is this?’ (a fucking stinging nettle) or ‘Can I eat this?’ (yes, it’s a fucking blackberry)
I refrain from pointing out that you can eat anthing once, as I’d probably get sued when they poison themselves, even though it’d be a service to the gene pool.
Fortunately, for future generations we’re developing Artificial Intelligence. They won’t have to be able to think or ask questions. All they’ll have to do is obey.
It’ll make the government’s job so much easier.
Aah university!!
How fondly I remember my days at Eton!
Me and my chum Wrigglesworth cycling to classes,
Cricket, rugger,
Butter stains on poetry books dripped from crumpets,
And rowing at Hendon in my straw boater.
Wow, Borstal`s gone upmarket.
Trying to picture you Mis in a morning coat, black pin stripe trousers, white tunic shirt and tie and arundel collar, but I confess I’m struggling. Perhaps you could just post a photograph? Cheers.
Rowing at Hendon? Your not from round here are you!
The devaluation of educational qualifications began with Satan Blair and his “education, education, education” mantra. We “need” 50% of cunts to go to “uni” (as they call it now) so we make the GCSEs and A levels easier to accommodate that. This enables us to fill their heads with libtard nonsense and rob their pockets at the same time. We can also attract thousands of overseas “students” who, for some reason, have to bring their entire families with them. Most of these cunts are, of course, never going home. You have to hand it to Blair……he not only saw the future he fucking constructed it! I understand he will be running the next Labour government in the same way that Barry O’Bummer is in the US.
Dark times indeed.
Good point about ‘Uni’ Freddie. Now the name for a ‘University’ as today’s students can’t cope with words of more than two syllables.
I remember flicking through a pure maths A level paper about 10 years ago and seeing a question (forgotten what) that dealt with stuff we covered in the 3rd year at grammar school.
I’ve had the same experience Moggie, when I flicked through our kid’s text books when they were at school. I was surprised to see that in physics Equations of Motion were not touched until ‘A’ level.
I found a couple of factual errors in my daughter’s Biology GCSE textbook.
The glaring one was a statement that sulphur dioxide released into the atmosphere reacts with water vapour to form sulphuric acid. Not so, sulphur dioxide and water give sulphurous acid. You need sulphur trioxide to get sulphuric. But of course sulphuric is much nastier, so it fitted better into the climate ruination narrative which permeated every other page. OMG, it’s raining sulphuric acid, and it’s all the fault of white men!
Sulphurous, sulphuric? I don’t think it’s safe to assume that whoever wrote the text knew the difference Geordie. Our elder worked for a while as a proof reader at OCR in Cambridge. In a physics exam paper she found the speed of light given in a question was wrong, this after being read by half a dozen academics before it landed on her desk! Initially the powers-that-be thought they might leave the error as the students who used this wrong figure would be passed in the marking scheme but then it was realised that students who knew and used the correct figure would be marked down. They did correct the paper therefore.
Also, leaving the error means that we turn out the type of scientist who shuts the country down for months in end because ‘follow the science’.
All the people my company have employed with degrees (in the relevant field) have turned out to be total bell ends.
All the people who have a couple of GCSE’s and are hard working and willing to learn are the people I’ll take under my wing and teach them various aspects of engineering.
Much better at work and much better to be around as people too, no misplaced supercilious snobbery.
I can only really speak for further education, which I have been involved with, but it’s a joke.
Kids walking away with the same qualifications that I worked my arse off for 30 odd years ago and they make fuck all effort.
Multiple exam retakes and tutors forced to finish off assignments for them.
And a steal at approximately 3 grand per student per year. Or nigh on 20 grand if they’ve got labels and mummy’s on benefits.
Paid for by tax payers ££££’s obviously.
There will be no need for education in the energy free, cash free, multi-culti swamp that is planned for future generations. A loin cloth, and a vakzine status card will be all that is required to live a contented life in the trees and caves. Plant burgers will be then only food. I wish I could bring you better news, but I can’t. Fuck off.
Good morning everyone.
Three conspiracy theorists walk into a pub.
Don’t tell me that’s just a coincidence.
I read Biochemistry at a red brick university in the 1970s. In the three years I was there, no one in my department got a First, despite there being several very clever, able students who worked their bollocks off studying.
Top cunting CP.
The interference of politicians and the monetization of universitys has simply led to rampart greed of every kind.
Whether it’s the fees,the grades,the number of students etc etc..its all been turned into a charity standard cash cow.
Plus as other have said it’s also been used to purposely fill the country with foreign students and their families as a further instrument of “diversity”.
It all stinks of rank corruption.
“elite universities”? Like Oxbridge where the main criteria for entry seems to be that you must be black.
I’m 40, I went to college with a girl who went on to study “Sociology” at university… she got a degree and has spent her time since getting it working stacking shelves at Morrisons on nights… She’s never paid back a single penny of her student loan as she’s never earned above the wage threshold of you having to pay it back… what the actual fuck…???
Last I heard Graham, 50% of graduates were employed in a field which had no connection with their degree. But should we be surprised? What job requires a degree in sociology? I knew a bright young man who had a degree in music. He worked on the counter at Waitrose.
I know a kid with a ‘degree’ in drumming (seriously). I don’t think he does anything. The waste of DNA doesn’t even play drums in a fucking band.
What job requires a degree in sociology?
Practically any job advertised in the Guardian. Local councils love those degrees, and are you surprised?
“Education! Education! Education!”
Screeched the Blair creature.
And proceeded to fill up colleges and universities with dullards.
Universities should be for people with ability and a clear insight into what they want to achieve.
A means to a end.
I didn’t go.
Eggheads and speccy bookworms?
No thanks .
I’m sharp enough ?
Have to disagree chaps, my 1st class degree in Theatre lighting and town planning has been almost as useful as a friends joint honours in underwater polo and commercial law.
Students can at times be an obnoxious shower of cunts.
Sitting on there holes most of the day and moaning on Twatter an Fk face
Its so unfair, it must be my fault for getting up in the morning and actually going to work for a living but I suppose Im a dinosaur.
Nations of “educated” shitheads so far up their own arses that they end up with fk all until the penny drops with the few who cop on.
The rest of them attend protest rallies to save us all
A great nom, its a case of Mark spent 3 years getting his degree in Sociology and media has racked up £30k in student depts and cant get a job, Chris who Mark took the piss out of for training as an electrician for 3 years has no student debt and has just earned £150 to come around to cut off Marks electricity supply.
Moral of the modern story is Mark just wasted 3 years of his life doing something thats a complete waste of time, he isnt prepared to do a low paying job as he see,s that as beneath him.
So now Mark is going to die a slow death from starvation and cold, so dont be a cunt like Mark, jobs for life are a thing of the past, if you have usefull skills you can always make a living, a degree dosnt even qualifye you to utter those immortal feel good words,,,,,,would you like fries with that sir?
I still have my o and a level papers from the early 70s. Wonder how the poor little dears/cunts would get on with these.
So do I Harry.
I looked at some recently. I couldn’t understand most of the questions!
Agreed. A bloke from my former Grammar School posted some old examination papers in our Old Boys’ Facebook group. They were GCE English Lit. O level papers. It surprised me to see, decades later, that I had to deal with such things when just turned sixteen. I think that my own kids would have struggled to deal with them at the same age. Never mind, the cross-channel cultural enrichment pipeline will sort it out because the government tells us so. I drove through Calais the week before last and was heartened by what I saw.
Q1: What the fuck is Finnegan’s Wake all about?
Nope, got me there CP.
Utterly clueless.
I could go on, at length, about Macbeth, but I won’t, or the Tudors, but that particular delight passed me by.
Students these days are cunts. Most have no manners, are in love with their phones, and they are boring as fuck. All young lads who are students are like clones. All dress in black with hoodies or those stupid puffa jackets (even in this weather!), they all have an Ed Sheercunt or poodles arse haircut. It’s amazing. The cunts leave school, but they still wear the same uniform.
Mind you, the young lady students are a different matter. Always a pleasure to see them around town in this weather.
The ‘broccoli heads’.
Firstly, most of them aren’t universities; many are former polytechnics and teacher training colleges and a million miles away from what was required of a university in my younger days. Secondly, many of these so called universities are political devices that exist only to keep down what would otherwise be unacceptably high youth unemployment figures so, by studying ‘Innovative use of an air-fryer’ (or some such shite) for three years, these impressionable young mugs are actually agreeing to something that is tantamount to repaying, with interest and over half of their working lives, three or four years’ unemployment benefit. Thirdly, I know what I’m talking about. I graduated with a third in Travel and Tourism from Lunn Poly.
Lunn Poly!
Good one.
Still better than Edge Hill.
I’m thinking of going back to do a PhD in Tit and Arse Studies, as I’m sure that I’d be adding greatly to the sum of human knowledge.
It’s the practical ‘hands on’ side of the research that really appeals to me if I’m honest.
Morning all.
I presume PhD stands for Philandering Dirty Bastard in your case Ron.
Possibly performance art studies would suit you, Ron Knee
Get naked with buckets of paint on a sheet of plastic with a few college girls to swirl around for creative purposes.
Honours degree awaits
I assure you gentlemen, my study would be ground-breaking in terms of establishing a new paradigm in understanding the pure aesthetics of the female form in all its glory.
A seminal work, you might say. It would do for the philosophical understanding of the nature of beauty and taste what Einstein did for physics.
Or summat.
The whole University thing these days is a load of old dog crap.
My newphew, useless cunt he is has spunked over 30K in ‘avin a laugh and was told in July to not return beucase he’s a lazy cunt. First year he passed (who doesn’t). Second year he got drunk and stoned – failed. Third year same.
Chip on his shoulder, thinks the world owes him something. In debt, works in some shitty pub in essex and fucks his way through the staff. Never held a part time job for more than three months and reckons he’s god’s gift to the world.
I feel sorry for my bro but this cunts needs a little slapping into shape and kicked out of home.
I never went to Uni but at 21 left home and created a life and career for myself.
Fucking hate the youth of today, piss me right off.
Just look at this fucking shit…..
I’m surprised that the “university ??” hasn’t appointed a Professor of Gay Anal Studies.
What boils my piss are those pictures of four-year-olds in ‘cap and gown’, holding a scroll for ‘graduating’ from kindergarten.
Ffs, the parents of these brats really do believe that they will all be academically sucessful.
And they will.
HE Qualifications are now sadly debased to that below CSE level.
I recently had a look at a 1976 ‘O’ Level maths paper, and nearly shat myself it was that difficult.
My daughter is studying for a PhD in astrophysics (LIGO programme research).
No level playing field in that discipline, just proper hard work, without any form of self-entitled privilege.
Costing me a bloody fortune too.
All credit to your daughter for going into a truly rigourous field.
I never had the mathematical brainpower for that.
“Costing me a bloody fortune too.”
Tell me about it. Only way to go though Kunt. If she wasn’t costing you what would you have instead? Bigger house, flashier car, exotic holidays? One day you’ll be dead and they’ll burn you down to ash or dig a deep hole and chuck you in. None of those alternatives will be worth a light. Your children are the only thing of significance you’ll leave behind. Be proud of your daughter applying herself to such a demanding discipline.
For me it should be like years ago. People going to University for Architecture, Medicine, Engineering etc not Mongolian basket weaving. Another bright idea by Blair, University fur everyone, fucking idiot.
Germany has the best way of doing things, a lot of jobs based on 4 to 5 year apprenticeships for school leavers, working your way up in a Company not straight into a management role with a degree in Media Studies like here. No wonder there a powerhouse country not like this lunatic asylum of a country,
100% agree. Blair blairthering that everyone had to go to university and shrink his unemployment figures was really the source of this pile of cunt. Then he and Brown shut down or merged many of our (then excellent) technical colleges, while promoting the Thatcher doctrine that we should base our economy on service industries. Or, more realistically, on unrestrained usury.
The tragedy of it is that the kids who would once have had to jump much higher hurdles both to get into university and to graduate are now being dragged down by pandering to the fraction who would formerly have been better suited learning a trade – even by the elite universities.
In my partially informed experience, the quality of the raw material is unchanged. Even secondary education, though far from perfect, doesn’t do too much damage. Kids rebel against indoctrination, if they’re any good. But further and higher education need to be torn apart and rebuilt.
Obviously, that won’t happen.
I’m actually appalled that very young children are expected to choose subjects for ‘O’ levels.
They haven’t got a fucking clue what they want to do with their lives, once school days are behind them, at 14/15 years old.
They’d be better off being taught how to operate a washing machine/vaccum cleaner, iron/oven.
The 16 – 18, a modern apprenticeship in something practical, like plumbing, animal husbandry, learn and get paid.
The, and only then, can they apply to University to study something that benefits other people.
So that rules out Mongolian weaving, drumming, yoghurt knitting and the absolute shit stain degree, media studies.
Trouble is that it won’t matter in term years time, but it matters now because otherwise you can get the job in the first place.
My grandson just finished his GCSEs but you can’t leave school now into you’re 18. I left at 16 and got a job. Mr Blair put an end to all that so he could make the youth unemployment figures look good. Trouble is it only worked for 2 years – but it got the cunt re-elected.
Now our lad is on a meaningless college course for the next 2 years
Education, education education – bollocks, bollocks, bollocks…
10 not term. Fucking autocorrect courtesy of the Google cunts…