It just had to happen didn’t it , Unilever agrees to to let Putin conscript their employees to be cannon fodder.
This company which seeks to lecture us on lgbtxyz rights and claims the moral high ground through its dreadful ice cream makers Ben and Jerry has allowed its 3000 employees to get shot at in the name of whatever.
The war started the best part of 18 months ago and the writing was on the wall long before the bullets started to fly. A genuinely caring company would have not gone to Russia in the first place but most of the money grabbing cunts saw the writing on the wall and shut down their operations.; not so Unilever.
The cunts are now reaping the piss poor rewards.
As ever Admin ,I rely on my brighter fellows to provide the appropriate links.
(Link provided by Minge Juice Bottler)
Nominated by : Guzziguy.
It means that they do not have to make redundancy payments to their staff. It is a cheap way to get “shot” of surplus staff. ( pardon the pun )
Send the entire board to the front line at bayonet point.
They can take Gary Super Cunt Lineker and his like as well..fuck it the entire BBC should be conscripted and stuck in a trench..or better still the middle of a minefield.
Conglomerate Cunts.
I doubt there would be much they could do, Russians in Russia, maybe if the business is at risk if they loose too many employees they could have case to stop or restrict numbers.
The entire Ukraine/Russia conflict (War) has to be resolved or it will just drag on and on, what a fucking mess.
As much as Vladolf Putler is a fucking cunt, I’d like to point out that the Minsk Agreement, The Maidan Accords, the CIA-backed coup of 2014 and the continued shelling of ethnic Russians in the Donbas region (in violation of international law) are still a fucking thing.
The Russian invasion, as illegal as it may be under international law, didn’t just fall out of the fucking sky…… even if the bombs did. There was a cause….. there I said it. Not sorry, facts are facts, deal with it.
Have you been drinking vodka with your Kool-aid?
I’m a bit bored of this merry-go-round but Russian disinformation deserves a cunting of its own, though you’ve got to admit it’s effective.
The ‘ethnic Russians’ allegedly getting shelled in the Donbas before the invasion were Putin’s little green men, but there is a collective amnesia about them.
If Ukraine was truly run by the Nazis, as is ludicrously claimed, I’d have thought IsAC would be cheering them from the rafters.
I mentioned nothing about Ukrainian Nazis…… however you thought it proper to bring them up for some reason.
The fact however that ethnic Russians were being continuously attacked in the Donbas after the 2014 agreement is not a secret and never was.
Just because something didn’t happen on Twitter, Instagram or Tiktok 5 minutes ago, that doesn’t mean it never happened.
Are these the same doe-eyed ‘ethnic Russians’ you are talking about?
How the fuck did they get hold of a surface-to-air missile belonging to the Russian Army?
That’s some proper 3D chess from Vlad alright – arming them with missiles in anticipation of them becoming poor victims of Ukrainian aggression.
‘If Ukraine was truly run by the Nazis, as is ludicrously claimed, I’d have thought IsAC would be cheering them from the rafters’.
That sentence reveals your idiocy.
And your naivety
“…but Russian disinformation deserves a cunting of its own…”
You mean stuff like Hunter’s laptop/s, Russian hacking of Killary Clinton’s campain and US elections, that sort of thing?
Given the massively disproportionate attrition rate I doubt that by next Spring nothing will remain of Ukraine that could be legitimately called a state.
“…If Ukraine was truly run by the Nazis, as is ludicrously claimed,…”
Lot of contextual potholes to fill here…
Mick do you know who and what the much mentioned Azov Battalion are? (well what’s left of them)
Do you know who their principal funders are? Would it surprise you to find out that they are (among others) a couple of jewish oligarchs called Ihor Kolomoisky and Pavel Fuks. Interestingly and incongruously he (Fuks) was a member of the Supervisory Board of the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center. Go figure.
In recent history Ukraine has much reason to resent and hate Russia beginning with the Holodomor mass starvation directed and enforced by bolshevik jewish commissars which is why they initially welcomed the German invasion of WW2 as a salvation from their prior persecution. The bolsheviks however gave clear warning that they would be back and revenge would be taken for their expulsion. Then the Germans fucked up…
They appointed Gen. Erich Koch as Reichskommissar Ukraine in ’41. He was virulently anti-Slavic …”If I ever find a Ukrainian fit to sit at my table I must shoot him!” and within a year he had converted a freindly population into a seething mass of partisans.
At war’s end those bolshevik commissars returned as promised and exacted a fearful revenge finally embedding the Ukranian peoples hatred of Russia.
What’s being missed here is that the Soviet Russian state is not and was not the same as ‘the Russian people’. As many russians suffered and died under its rule as did any other occupied country.
Spot on, TiTS.
There are quite a few organisations whose employees I would like to see conscripted.
Sorry make that compacted.
Care4calias would be a good start.
Indeed it would, Barry.
Why aren’t Care4Calais wankers in Calais, giving handouts of coats, etc.
Well, as someone in the previous nom about these tosspots described, it’s dangerous there.
Much better to be the dog turd that clings to the side of your shoe, here in the UK.
So we had another 41 drown in the Med, including 3 children.
I want to see those Care4Calais cunts in court for accused of being involved in man slaughter.
It is obvious that these cunts are encouraging desperate people to come to the land of milk and honey.
Well, I’ve got news for them, the good tomes are over- hopefully.
Late clocking in?
Your off to the Crimea my old fruit.
No, no excuses.
Dog ate your homework etc
Second time this month.
Report to HR, and pick up your ration pack and helmet.
I’ll phone your mum .
Ivan won’t be home for tea.
It’s frightening, Mis.
All those little typing pool girls must be peeing their pants.
” Please let them conscript Boris and Ygevny from the warehouse”
Russia has three lines of impenetrable defence, Ukraine is pissing against the wind. 300,000 dead and a more than a million wounded
Zelensky is hated by Ukrainians
Putin doesn’t give a fuck how long it goes on as he is armed to the teeth and has the numbers and supplies
Boris flew over under Washingtons instruction and told Zelensky ,No Peace negotiations.
The USA and its deep state military complex along with the shitheads that are on the Hill, have fucked it up, as they thought they would topple Putoons grip on Russia.
That is not happening anytime soon.
Larry Fink and buddies wait for the inevitable Busted Flush
Mainstream media is fucking awful, I get it, but whatever crackhead you’ve been following online is feeding you the purest bollocks.
Well said MBE.
Fair enough Mickey Blue, but can you tell the difference these days? It seems that a war around futures is currently ongoing, a final grab for raw materials that shapes whose in front with semi conductors and chips that will shape the AI for Hal and Fk the rest of us no matter what the cost, be it envirnoment or being super scalded in the Med while on holidays.
It is a clash of Titans currently and they would scorch the world on fire, in the Blink of an eye rather than lose the grip to control.
Paranoid not me
It’s very hard to tell the difference mucker, not least because Russia is pouring immense resource into spreading nonsense for their audience and ours.
They’ve been doing it for the best part of 70 years and they know which levers to pull.
But the enemy of your enemy is not your friend in this case. They are total cunts.
I wouldn’t believe anything that a Russian said.
I similarly think Albanians, Estonians, Romaines, and any other “and” you can think off, are all lying cunts.
Fuck me sideways, I hate mobiles.
“…but whatever crackhead you’ve been following online is feeding you the purest bollocks…”
Fer fuck’s sake the NATO Supreme Allied Commander (Europe) Gen. Chris Cavoli is quietly shitting himself and openly admitted at the European Defence Conf. in Sweden this January that they’ve seriously fucked up…
“The magnitude of this war is incredible …”
“The scale of this war is out of proportion with all of our recent thinking,”
“If we average out … the Russians have expended on average well over 20,000 artillery rounds per day.”
(when the peak of Ukrainian shelling saw them briefly lay down only 8,000/day, now they’re fucked for ammo and scraping the barrel of the Worlds munition stocks for whatever they can fit in the breech.)
NATO have no capacity to effectively and meaningfully resupply the Ukr. army let alone field and prosecute a combined services attack/war on Russia.
Ukr. commanders are also failing to record actual k.i.a’s because at that point that soldier’s pay is terminated and they are therefore recording them as m.i.a. (missing in action) to keep the battalion/division revenue coming.
CC – I found the speech you refer to here;
My interpretation of it is very different to yours – it sounded pretty much like a call to arms to NATO, especially to those countries (like Sweden) who are about to join and need to get onboard with paying the minimum 2% GDP (the General suggests it should now be higher, matching the 3-3.5% the US currently spends but it ain’t his decision – interestingly that’s a lower % than Russia but the US still outspends them by about 10 times).
With reference to the artillery; that Russia has sustained such an impressive rate essentially means that it is gambling with its strategic reserves. Or expired stock.
What seems to be the case is that not much of it is precise and that is perhaps the one area where sanctions have been successful, preventing Russia from replenishing precision munitions.
What NATO has provided to Ukraine is the polar opposite – munition that has a degree of precision and range the Russians can only dream of.
Gen Cavoli himself says in the vid above that “precision can beat mass, the Ukrainians have shown that this past autumn but it takes time for it to work and that time is usually bought by space” – that’s the Ukrainian strategy in a nutshell and their biggest challenge.
I don’t know where you’re getting that information about Ukrainian kia/mia and diddling the books but it has a certain whiff to it.
Best of luck digging into it, I’d just caution you to beware most of what you hear.
Thanks for your reply Micky
“..I found the speech you refer to here;..”
Sorry, should’ve posted the link.
“.. it sounded pretty much like a call to arms to NATO..”
The plain and demonstrable fact is that NATO has insufficient arms around which to rally.
“..especially to those countries (like Sweden) who are about to join..”
..which despite the West’s pathetic denials effectively encodes “NATO expansion to the East” and brings it right up to Russia’s border. This is one of the principal ‘red lines’ driving of the russian reaction and something Putin has incessantly warned about. Up to now Turkey has put the veto on their membership but I believe that is now withdrawn so Sweden is effectively painting a target on its own back, a back which NATO simply cannot cover.
“..Russia but the US still outspends them by about 10 times..”
The US economy is about 20x that of Russia but that’s not a true comparator because Russia can extract a far bigger bang for each defence buck spent. US miliary manufacturing (when it isn’t completely outsourced) is highly dispersed (= wasteful) as each state lobbies and bitches for its share of the expenditure pie. Russia’s military defence procurement is done ‘in house’ and is highly integrated, co-ordinated and centralised because it isn’t interested in playing politics, its only concern is to win wars.
“Russia….is gambling with its strategic reserves. Or expired stock. ..”
It isn’t, Russia’s industrial capability is in full swing and churning this stuff out. Don’t forget also, Russia is sitting on all the fuel, metals and mineral resources it needs to keep churning it out!
“..What seems to be the case is that not much of it is precise..”
How long did those five Patriot batteries last upon their deployment around Kiev? I think they lasted 2 weeks before all five were ‘veneered’. Russia’s expertise in stand off precision weaponry far exceeds anything the West can field. More importantly Russia’s i.s.r. overwatch and the netcentricity of its weapons systems means that as soon as the Ukranians switch on a guidance system it paints the sky with “I am here” and two minutes later … wham!
“.. the one area where sanctions have been successful..”
Sanctions have achieved nothing other than degrade Europe’s economy in a massive backfire. The rouble is in ascent whereas western governments’ economies, bonds and credit ratings are tanking.
“..preventing Russia from replenishing precision munitions..”
Oh Chops! what about the chips they need??”
The Ruskies have that covered and can now photo-lith in-house down to 45nanometres which is more than adequate for military applications.
“.. “precision can beat mass, the Ukrainians have shown that this past autumn..”
How? As a cunter mentioned above, Russia’s defence lines are 3 and often 5 deep with well targetted kill zones between them. The idea being that the first line is the ‘crumple zone’ leading attacking troops into said kill zone. From what I’ve seen Ukraine has barely ‘scratched the paint’ and the cost in dead and wounded is estimated at circa 100,000. No matter how you slice it, that is simply not sustainable.
“..but it takes time for it to work and that time is usually bought by space..”
In his mind and the Westpoint training manuals maybe but currently it is being ‘bought’ with Ukranian lives.
“..I don’t know where you’re getting that information about Ukrainian kia/mia and diddling the books but it has a certain whiff to it..”
Col. Douglas MacGregor and given the endemic corruption in Ukranian state entities it has more than a whiff of truth to it.
“..Best of luck digging into it, I’d just caution you to beware most of what you hear…”
Likewise Micky, the thing to bear in mind is that this conflict is not being directed by NATO it is the US State Dept calling the shots, I have already posted the link to the 6 1/2hr videos released by the Ukranian Anti Corruption Bureau over the Biden/Poroshenko scandal/cover up and victoria Nuland’s blatant control of the Ukr gov’t at all levels.
But when this war’s chief proponents are the likes of Sucknak, Stoltenberg, Biden, Nuland all claiming it’s going well then you just know it’s bollocks.
cheers Mick
Cheers CC, there’s a lot to uncover there but you’re mention of Col. MacGregor is a big red flag – the man is either a lunatic or a victim of Russian kompromat. His background checks out as respectable enough but I’m ex-military too and have met my share of utter fantasists, especially the officers. Pretty much nothing he has predicted has come to pass.
I am not convinced any of what you say about Russian assets and production and the destruction of gifted NATO batteries are true but I understand that the Russian MOD has been leaking this stuff into the mainstream since the inception of the war. Some think tank took on the task of analysing their claims and discovered that they’d destroyed the Ukrainian military three times over, which is an impressive feat of bullshit.
For what it’s worth, my professional opinion of Russian soldiers is that they’re dogshit, largely because they are unwilling or unable to delegate command. And they are mostly dead; their conscript replacements have next to no training.
I do concede that the counter-offensive is going slow and that’s mostly due to the unbelievable number of mines that the Russians have seeded in territory that they fondly imagine now belongs to them, but that’s a war crime for another day.
Your mention* (bloody sperg)
P.s. Ref “NATO expansion to the East” – Sweden and Finland are joining after and as a direct result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Not exactly honest or fair to park that at NATO’s doorstep.
“…I don’t know where you’re getting that information about Ukrainian kia/mia and diddling the books but it has a certain whiff to it…”
And bang on cue, what just happened 4 hours ago? Zelensky had to sack 100% of his army recruitment senior staff for corruption, falsification of records and basically taking bribes offered by sufficiently wealthy patriotic Ukranian males to avoid the draft!
So, does it still seem unlikely that commanders would falsify kia/mia numbers… for money…?
These pro Russian fifth columnists disgust me.
“…I am not convinced any of what you say about Russian assets and production and the destruction of gifted NATO batteries are true…”
Russia publishes all the details of its major ‘project’ builds, naval vessels, transport and strike aircraft etc i.e. how many are scheduled, how many are currently under construction, the date they are handed off and the dates and numbers of those now in active service. No mystery here.
As for the patriot batteries that got whacked, 10 seconds googlin’ gets you this for a start…
The thing about the Kinzhal missile is its approach trajectory, it arrives at the target vertically making it all the harder to triangulate and does so at h/sonic speed. Plus you don’t target the Patriot’s launchers you hit the fire control vehicle and/or radar array which is the most expensive and sophisticated part which cannot be field repaired thus rendering the launchers and payload inoperable anyway.
“..Pretty much nothing he has predicted has come to pass…”
Disagree, and ad hominems aside, he nailed the corruption of the Ukranian armed forces.
“..And they are mostly dead; their conscript replacements have next to no training…”
Current kill ratio for this current offensive is between 15-20:1 and conscripts to the Russian army cannot be sent straight into active duty until completion of 4moths b.t. Ukranian kids get about two weeks!
“…I do concede that the counter-offensive is going slow and that’s mostly due to the unbelievable number of mines…”
You know those cartoon fights where one puny protagonist is swinging away while his large burly adversary is holding him off with one hand whilst absent mindedly inspecting his finger nails…
It’s going slow because…
Ukraine cannot and dare not put up any air cover because… they don’t have any left and NATO are loathe to provide knowing that…
A) they’ll be blown out of the sky and…
B) such public embarrassment at having it’s cutting edge fighter jets swatted out of the air by Russian air defence (SEAD) systems will kybosh Lottagreed Martin’s order books as foreign airforces say “fuck that and no thanks”
As for the mines, Russia is displaying its lumpen idiocy by priority targetting ukranian mine clearance tanks and mechanicals, how stupid is that?
That is sound tactics and there are plenty of videos of ukranian tanks having to steer off the marked tracks to get around destroyed mine clearers only to hit mines to left and right.
A slow war is suiting Putin down to the ground because he can play the long game as NATO beats its head against an attritional brick wall. This SMO is in his backyard so he has minimal supply/logistics issues compared to having to ship men and hardware across the Atlantic.
“…territory that they fondly imagine now belongs to them…”
Trust me, those areas with ethnic russian populations will not be returning to Ukraine’s governance…ever. Any attempt to do so by NATO will put the final nail in the West’s coffin.
“..Sweden and Finland are joining after and as a direct result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. ..”
Finland became members as of 4th April, Sweden are awaiting final ratification. Both however are/were co-signatories to NATO’s “Partnership for Peace” program via which both have been de facto ‘members’ of NATO since 1994 so this has just happened because of Russia’s current punch up in Ukraine
“The Partnership for Peace is a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) program aimed at creating trust and cooperation between the member states of NATO and other states mostly in Europe, including post-Soviet states.”
…so expansion of NATO into formerly russian territories and up to its border/s.
cack – “ this hasN’T just happened..”
I always thought,
Or was led to believe that Russia was a superpower,
Hard disciplined square headed,
The cabbage eating cunts are soft as shite.
It’s all bluff.
Led by a Nancy boy ,
And despite thinking that they’d have Ukraine within a weekend,
18 months later they’ve still took it.
They’ve us prisoners
Wagner mercenaries
Now the blokes who make Fairy liquid!
Bunch of bumboys pal.
And in Rocky 4 they soon converted to Americans!
And they slaughtered their royal family..
Bit too french for me your potato faced Ivans.
Not took it.
Fuckin russian sympathy phone.
I gave you a like Mis for that one
It’s over though, as in the thought that there will be a winner in all this Eastern European affairs.
No reds under my bed and not a sympathiser
Facts are leaking out non the less, that this whole affair has exposed the West for how many fronts it thinks it can hold.
The West is out of powder and cannot send anyone anywhere unless it sends BOOM
It used to be said that Russia had the second best army in the world.
No any more.
Today it’s only the second best army in Ukraine.
Even NATO was taken aback by how badly it overestimated Russian military competence.
Today the only thing Russia still has going for it is its nukes.
Without those nukes the Russia that Putin and his gang have bled dry would today at best be an irrelevance.
oops… my reply got parcelled up with my previous with MBE
Sounds like those Unilever ruskies could be in a bit of bovril.
I spoke to marmate who said it’s simple, there going to hellmann.
I said sure,but they could take some comfort if packing a magnum.
Best ig-knorr this post.
So now we know, Barry z is a brand manager for Unilever.
“A genuinely caring company would have not gone to Russia in the first place”
You don’t become the size of Unilever by giving a fuck about anything other than the share price. And no doubt there are Russian oligarchs among the shareholders of this global behemoth. The question before the board is::
Do we gain more income and value by pretending to give a fuck and pulling out than we will lose by staying in?
And the answer is evidently no.
As the employees are presumably Russian citizens, I’m not too worried by the thought that they might feature in a Ukrainian drone video. Always look on the bright side.
Russian civilians aren’t to blame for this mess.
They won’t be civilians when they’ve been conscripted. Of course, if they choose to evade conscription, they will have my sympathy. Not until, and not much.
No, we are. For taking no or ineffective action when Russia first invaded Ukraine (a sovereign democracy with internationally agreed borders).
However, once the Unilever employees are conscripted, they won’t be civilians, so that is still absolutely fine by me.
(Reoeat post as first put into moderation then disappeared, rather like Navalny)
Unilever has always been an equal opportunity employer. It worked closely with the Nazis too!
Now, why doesn’t that surprise me?
I don’t know what these Unilever cunts are supposed to do. They can hardly turn around to Vlad and say “fuck you, you ain’t having our people you cunt!”
If you go to a foreign country to rip them off you have to obey their rules. Errr……unless you come to the UK where nice brown envelopes can sort any problem.
I would be utterly astonished if brown envelopes weren’t involved in Russia, they’re hardly know for honest dealing.
Show me an Oligarch, I’ll show you corruption.
How true, got money come to England do whatever the fuck you want to.
OT I see the gift that keeps on giving, the fat racist moron flabbottus have been tweeting again..
Has not have..
Good old Flabbott! Makes a connection between two entirely unrelated things and thinks she is clever. She keeps herself in the news but even a dimmo like Starmtrooper isn’t going to give her a job. Imagine…..this moron was once the Shadow Home Secretary. Of course it helps if you’ve sucked off the prospective PM fifty years ago but Starmzy owes her fuck all.
*gallic shrug*
Just when you think these cunting mp’s can’t get any thicker.
Fucking thick slab of black blubber. This stupid sambeau couldn’t even pass the 11 plus, and I’m talikng about if she did it now.
Green ink.
If the employees are Russian nationals what is the problem. If on the other hand they attempted to conscript Joe blogs from Wembley British national then that would be very sus.
Ben and Jerrys is overpriced dog turd in a tub.
Off topic, but please please please please let that useless Easter Island cunt Harry Maguire be flushed down the Old Trafford bogs, never to be seen again.