I’m not sure if wimminz football has been cunted before, although there have been frequent comments about it in various posts. However, I was pretty incensed when I saw this bollocks in the Daily Fail. I never read the rag, but was following a link to that nutter who had killed all the babies (I think that, and the way the NHS dealt with it, is the subject of another massive cunting).
Anyway, back to the footie. I am writing this on Saturday, so don’t know the result, but hope to all things that are Holy, that the slags lose. I will be in deepest Dorset from tomorrow, with no laptop, so won’t be able to cunt once the result is known. Anyway,
I just can’t imagine the bullshit and wankfest which will follow should the split-arses win.
I really don’t know who are the biggest cunts. Johnson, the Daily Fail, the MSM for pushing it as if it is equivalent to the men’s game, or the FA. In a way, I can understand the FA pushing it as it is just another revenue stream for them – flogging over-priced women’s football shirts etc.. I am just waiting for the day I see some soy-boy in a England women’s top (size 5xl), or complaining on social media that they don’t do the shirts in mens sizes. And I often wonder about Johnson’s mental state – does he really believe that bullshit he is coming out with? Does he still think he’s a politician and is sucking up a few women’s votes?
Just like Net Zero, when will someone stand-up and call out the bullshit? At best, women’s football is, and always will be, a minority sport. It will NEVER attract the crowds like men’s football unelss, like they do now, give away tickets. Even top men’s rugby teams can’t fill their stadia. Many will give away tickets to local schools or clubs.
Even Southend United get 6,000 to a game – a number I suspect would never happen to 99% of women’s teams.
Women are good at many things and have different skills to men. But let’s stop this nonsense of thinking that they are equal to blokes in everything. Footballer, fire”fighters”, soldiers, coppers and, the biggest aberration of the lot, boxing – at most things, their lack of strength is a massive disadvantage.
Anyway, I’m fucking sick of all the shit about this world cup and I hope they fucking lose. Even if they do, I suspect that wanker Rishi will give them all gongs of some sort.
Nominated by Lord Cuntingford.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
I wont be told by the sort of cunts who never watch real club football and dont know what a woman is to start with that women’s football is great.
Ive seen it a few times over the years.
It is rubbish.
I escaped it all up Mam Tor.
Glad they lost,
Sick of fuckin hearing about it.
Fuck em
You ain’t heard the last, Mis.
Be at least a week until the cack stops.
There’s still talk of them holding their heads up high. They will need to with the men standing tall in the blow job queue.
… couldn’t care less for the waste of time spectacle BUT …. I saw no mention of XY gender-benders invading the fairer-sexes ranks during this tournament(or in this thread)… surely the last time that will be the setup, going forward … (just been reading about that Canadian weightlifter (XX) trolling the farce that saw a(nother) genetic man clean-up in competitions against women over the past few years) … and, well, .. monkey-see, monkey-do….
(here’s that weightlifting story if anyone’s interested)
And no one chucking orange powder!
Did anyone notice the fake crowd soundtrack?
It’s all a load of corrupt fucking bullshit.
Good evening.
The BBC are hilarious. They say these wimmims games are a sell out, when there are a ‘crowd’ of ten dykes and a Jack Russell. And the crowd noise trick, That cunt Dave Clark used to do that. When he bought the rights to Ready Steady Go and it was repeated on Channel 4 in the late 80s, Clark used to have Beatlemania fan footage edited into Dave Clark Five clips. What a twat.
Even the JR was only there for a piss on the goalpost.
Didn’t watch a minute of bit, but wouldn’t surprise me as the media gleefully employ gaslighting on a daily basis since 2016.
phew…that was a close one. Can you imagine the media storm had the Lezzanesses actually won the final?
Manhood in the UK is safe for just a little bit longer (for now)….
Fret not.
Once the black man gains the whip hand,
The bitches will again know their place.
Fuck me sir Geoff Hurst has compromised his soul with this shit.
Every fucker joins in line
Gareth Southgate had ‘no advice’ for the Lionesses. That’s because he wouldn’t dare be accused of ‘mansplaining’
What a load of wank.
And Boris piling in. The women will show ‘what they can do’. Pussy whipped by Carrie.
What a fucking country.
I suppose Rishi will have to release. statement.
It says they deserve a Parade when they return.. Oh fuck off.
So sick of it.
That’s the price you pay for watching BBC /Sky News, 24/7.
I long ago dismissed it as an unedifying sight of 22 persons kicking a pigs bladder up and down a ploughed field.
Time and tide has done nothing to change that view. Football, of any kind, is almost a waste of time and energy as golf.
Imagine the smell in that changing room.
No thanks,
Claire Balding has taken samples, though.
Like the grease traps at Grimsby fish market.☠
Imagine Balding if they had won it? Her frigging would have caused a tsunami.
To be positive, for a moment. Since the wimminz cup became a thing, there has been a noticeable uptick in the numbers of physically fit young wimminz running round my regular walking routes. Whether this is down to the cup or purely coincidental I can only approve. And while kickball in all its manifestations bores me shitless, at least the wimminz variety is visually attractive.
Won’t last long.
How can women have the temerity to say they can play World Football.
Besides the audacity to allow them changing batsmen to batter, when they have to bring in the boundary rope to make sure they can ascertain a worthy four runs.
All football is crap.
Football is surrogate tribal warfare designed to stop people killing each other.
Despite popular belief, it was invented by the Maya in South American. The captain of the winning team had the honor of being sacrificed to the gods.
Now there’s a tradition we could reintroduce…
Sorry Dio but pitz was an entirely different game to football. Association football started in Sheffield in the mid 19th century.
Not that mid-c19 Sheffield was not as deeply unpleasant a location as the Guatemalan jungle.
Looks a damn sight more interesting than kickball, anyway –
The tribal warfare bit is true. Especially in the 1970s and 1980s.
But seeing the game at its best is something else. Witnessing Law, Best and Charlton on song was almost a celestial experence. Not for othing were they known as The Holy Trinity.
Indeed, Norman. Seeing Man United from 1963-68 must have been a magical experience. Seeing Celtic in that time, too. Jinky Johnston, what a player he was. 1967, 1968, Rangers 1972, Liverpool’s amazing run, Nottingham Forest 1979-80, Aberdeen in 1983, those were heady days when English and Scottish teams, homegrown players, managers conquered Europe and we’re doing it again, albeit with no-so-homegrown teams! Still exciting, better than wasting your life moaning online, larping as a Greek philosopher…
That 70s United team under Docherty was also fantastic. Buchan, Pearson, Hill ,Coppell, Macari, McIlroy etc. And Man City had a very fine side from the late 60s to the late 70s. Corrigan, Lee, Summerbee, Bell, Young, Tueart. There were some great Derby games.
And the Everton team of the mid 80s was superb. Big Nev Southall, Kevin Sheedy, Andy Gray, Trevor Steven and the rest. They were one of the best sides I ever saw play.
I’m not a Utd fan Norm but I have to say that Sammy Mcilroy was a particular favourite, played his heart out for that club, even in their second division days.
Saved Stoke from relegation as well when he signed for them in 1982. Great player.
Well i am glad these bunch of ladette/ rug munchers have lost,perhaps they can stop ramming it down our throuts now because i for one am fucking sick of it and have been for the last 6 months.
I am not a footy fan, so all footy and associated cunts get on my pip, but womens footy in particular is just a bunch of ugly, sweaty, moaning bitches, especially the American with the purple hair taking the knee and about not being payed the same,,,,sell the tickets you cunts and you will see pay increasing.
Honestly if they all looked like Alisha Leeman then i would be intersted, but it hasnt even got that going for it, so as far as im concerned the English lionesses are just a very challenging wank, sexist but until they get some good looking wimminz, no blokes are going to be intersted in a bunch of po faced cunts, whinging…..fuck off back to the kitchen bitches……i dont think that could have been more sexist if i tried
You know when there’s the proper World Cup? The real one? All these dickheads put those clip on England flags on the sides of their cars, as they get giddy before Wokegate delivers yet another failure? There are loads of them, all over the show.
Guess how many England car flags I saw during this Wimmins Minnie Mouse World Cup?
One. Straight up, fucking one.???
More wimmin in football nonsense.
So, the spineless slugs at Old Trafford have jettisoned Mason Greenwood.
Not that I particularly like Greenwood, I think he’s a little cunt. But it’s for the wrong reasons. Giving in to wimmin tantruming and the club actually going cap in hand to the womens team makes Manchester United an even bigger laughing stock than it already is.
And also, the club had no problem having known whoremongerers and roasters on their books like Giggs, Ronaldo, Rio Ferdicunt and Grannyfucker Rooney. And the same wimmin who are tantruming about Greenwood cheered on all those players. Typical double standards cake and eat it bollocks.
Superbimbo Rachel Riley said to all and sundry that she’d stop ‘supporting’ United if Greenwood stayed (Boo Hoo!). As I said, I have no time for Greenwood, but I’d have kept him just to get rid of that daft slag.
Riley is screeching about Greenwood, yet she is ‘mates’ with those paragons of chivalry Giggs and Ferdicunt. What a hypocritical slagbag.
If Greenwood hadn’t self identified as white, all this unpleasantness could have been avoided.
Impossible to imagine him given the bullet if he’d stuck to being black.
Would probably be given a pay rise!
But that’s Big Business for you.
BTW, Rachel Riley rocks!
Watched most of the women’s world cup games. I love a world cup though, usually watch all the games throughout the men’s so thought why not.
It had it’s positives and negatives. Less theatrics from the women mostly, most of the women were more masculine than the men rolling around on the floor crying.
The standard of football, overall from the tournament was poorer in some stages, and obviously not as athletic or impressive to watch on the whole. But there were some good teams and excellent football.
It shouldn’t be compared to the men’s though.
The worst part of it had to be the pundits. Wouldn’t shut up talking about women’s rights, equality and pay. Just watch the football or fuck off, fucking BBC.
The cunts even ruined Qatar by their constant arse licking of Messi.
They are demanding more pay… I believe the fund spend on players vs revenues generated surpasses that of the men’s game. Behind this equality bullshit it all comes down to how much fucking money they can extort.
I can’t cunt this though, 1 world Cup every 4 years just isn’t enough for some of us. It might not be the real Pepsi max, but I’ll take it and it is somewhat palatable.
Women’s football is bad enough, without commentators and punditry making it worse by pretending how good it is.
If you stop comparing football and cricket to the men’s games, you might begin to get somewhere.