The Taliban

The mad mullahs of the Taliban in Afghanistan last week decided that music “causes moral corruption” and had a massive bonfire in which they burned a load of instruments.

Maybe they meant seeing that fat q*eer Sam Smith dressed as the devil in nipple tassels and a thong? Or maybe some of their fellow martyrs were traumatized by Cliffs ‘Congratulations’ being played on a loop in Gitmo for days on end. An official from the Vice and Virtue Ministry added that playing music would “cause the youth to go astray”. A family outing to a public hanging and a few amputations will straighten out the wayward youth of Afghanistan from the deviant influences of the white devils.

Many musicians have apparently fled since the Taliban retook the country in 2021 and I wonder where they are all heading? Amongst the Sudanese engineers and Syrian scientists we may also be enriched with Afghani musicians.

Maybe they will get a gig on Britain’s Got Talent?

The Rolling Heads and Pan’s Peacefuls….its a yes from Simon and Amanda.

Bbc news

Nominated by Liberal Liquidator.

97 thoughts on “The Taliban

  1. A cable car has run into problems with children on board somewhere in Pakistan. I heard on the news someone (a p*ki) complain that if the Pakistani government could not deal with the situation it was up to other governments to sort out the problem. Well, if the Pakistani govt had not spent so much money on developing nuclear weapons and sheltering Taliban cunts other governments might be disposed to being helpful.
    Sadly the U.K. cannot divert resources which are currently being used to support Pakistanis in the U.K. who contribute little to the economy and cost the NHS fortunes due to their habit of marrying sisters/ cousins.

    • I see they’ve all been rescued now. Rishi must be well pissed off he missed a chance to ‘lead the world’ by using our money and resources to help.

    • Evening Guzzigu – probably showing my age here but many years ago I remember ITV’s World In Action covering a “bedblocking” scandal in northern NHS hospitals – caused by the interbreeding aforementioned habit of abandoning their mutated offspring – can you imagine the mainstream media covering such a story 50 years on?

    • Oh fk Fenton, Ai is going to fk us big time in our heads and I thought originally, possibly naively that the smart arse phone was the beginning of the end.

  2. What bends my head is our armed forces were in that Afghan shitehole for nearly two decades. Yet the minute they leave, these smelly psychotic fuckers crawl out of the woodwork and are worse than ever.

    These goat buggering filth should have been wiped out for eternity.

    • The problem is they aren’t from or being trained in Afghanistan.Many were coming in from Pakistan.

      It is too costly to export democracy to these dumps via military force. Nothing was learned from the Russian invasion of the eighties.
      The Americans were supportive of the Taliban when it suited them in the nineties, just as they supported Saddam against Iran.

  3. That picture shows what I would like to see happen to ninety-five percent of the music I’ve heard in my lifetime. Starting with opera.

  4. Off topic. Mason Greenwood fans in Nigeria have announced they will no longer wear counterfeit United shirts in protest at Greenwood leaving 🤔🤣🚮

    • Well I never ! Niggerians are backing up wood that can’t burn and willying to defend a sexual deviant.

  5. Obviously they have heard some of Lilly the musical mongs stuff, I wanted to push kabad stakes through my ear drums, but burning instruments is a start.
    Books next once the read some David Walliams, cars once they experienced Audi driving cunts, hopefully horses and camels will be same when the see cyclists.

  6. So basically Afghanistan is back to the cultural level of musical sophistication is was prior to 2001. Money well spent.

    “We gotta make them pluck them lutes over their, so they don’t pluck them lutes over here” ~ George Dubya Bush – 2001

    Well done Monkey Boy! You may as well have just stayed at home and done fuck all for free instead of spending billions in gold and many lives to achieve the grand sum of fuck all.

    • Yes Stink, that is always the way since the 1950s, just find a way for taxpayers to fund mad cunts inside the military industrial corporations and get another muppet elected President.

      Let’s invade Haiti and save them from the militia that happened to have locked up about a hundred thousand scum of the earth.
      Ive got a better one says some cunt strategist , lets incinerate the island of Maui and fk em off out of it.
      Lets spray the world with agent barbie and rainbow, says another.
      It never ends, the paranoid shit show

  7. I was thinking of some suitable musical groups for the mad mullahs and sand dwellers to get behind.

    The Stoned (to death) Roses
    Ian Dury and the Rag Heads
    The (morality) Police
    The Fall (off a high building)

    I’m sure erstwhile cunters can improve on my tawdry efforts…

  8. The Taliban are a bunch of mental fucking retards, along with all the rest of the carpet riding, goat shagging shite arsed fraternity.

    Wipe the cunts out.

  9. Didn’t the AK47’s get a shot at stardom in Afghanistan? Or should that be martyrdom?

    I’ll get my chapan and turban…

    Ding, ding. Fares, please!

  10. At this point just let the middle east destroy itself, they do not want us there and we tried to civilize the fucking camel fuckers but clearly they want daddy cunthammed more than a working society so they have picked their poison. (though looking at the state of the west since Blair took over the UK can we really say we are still civilized?)

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