My sermon today concerns the portrayal of people with big noses. I have a big nose myself. I have occasionally been identified as Jewish, wrongly, I think, but who can be certain if their ancestors came from Manchester?
Happily it is extremely illegal to depict Jewish persons as having large noses if you happen to be a cartoonist. The otherwise flawlessly woke* cartoonist Martin Rowson recently lost his gig at the Grauniad for doing this to known cunt Richard Sharp, now ex-BBC chairman. Steve Bell, another Graun cartoonist, was also hauled over the coals a few years ago for depicting the megacunt Netanyahu as the possessor of stereotypical Jewish attributes. Which he is.
Both cartoonists attracted a sustained hail of criticism from the racially sensitive. They were antisemites, just like the …you know who. It’s ok to draw a hawk-faced comedy Arab, as long as you stay away from the Prophet himself (pbuh), but G-d help you – he doesn’t – if you draw the (ethnically closely related) Sephardic Jew in the same manner. Outrage from The Board of Deputies, outrage from Israel, outrage from the Community Security Trust (Google it).
Suella Braverman is on her mother’s side (and that would be the side that counted if she were Jewish) a Mauritian Tamil. And her somewhat beaky features are not unusual among that group.
Here’s Private Eye being nasty about Braverman, who offends all left-thinking wokies because she is trying to stem the flow of undocumented cunts into this septic isle:
This cartoon could justly be compared with any of Der Sturmer’s output except for just one thing. Braverman’s not Jewish.
Silence from the Left.
*also frighteningly talented and bitingly witty
Nominated by Komodo.
Suellas conk could take someone’s eye out.
She has to take out public liability insurance in case she inpales a passerby.
Doesn’t bother me, I’d still fuck the arse off her
French actor Gerard Depardieu has a massive nose. Missed out on a part in ‘Beaky Blinders’ though.
The Left are anti semitic.
They love muzzie rubbish such as the dross of Palestine etc so hope for the destruction of the Israeli state to boost their appalling progressive cowardly ideology.
Try taking the piss or demonstrating about Islamic “rights” in Tel Aviv and watch what happens.
No? What a surprise…these cunts only air their filth from the safety of soft as shit Britain.
Anyhow just ask an Iranian nuclear scientist what he thinks..if there any not locked up in bunkers for their own safety.
Oh dear I’ve been moderated.,Israel%20was%20behind%20Fakhrizadeh's%20assassination.
I’m off the boozer,
Your not coming honky tonk.
Don’t want your hooter in my gravy!
Laters Manilow
Are you referring to Israel’s possession of illegally acquired nuclear weaponry as justifying preferential treatment in the matter of noses? If so, then surely Iran merits the same leniency?
We seem to inhabit a world completely unaquainted with the events sorrounding the USS Liberty atrocity.Just shows what an iron grip ‘they’ have on political history and much more.
Braverman the face to sink a thousand dinghies.
But not to worry the treasonous border farce and RNLI cunts will save them.
I quite liked that mural, you know, the one that got Jez into a bit of bother.
Braverman has big nose, any caricature will exaggerate that feature, it shouldn’t matter if she was Jewish, it’s a specific feature to that person just like having big ears.
People are over sensitive to hate ?
I hate everyone, just some more that others ?
Aye, that mural! And Luciana Berger stirring the shit. Corbyn was not removed because he was an old-school Socialist threatening the comfortable globalists of New Labour, apparently. Oh no, chums. He was removed because he admired the wrong artwork. Luciana Berger effectively lost the Red Wall for Labour! Phew.
Incidentally, the current issue of Private Eye seems to have dropped the strip cartoon in question. Maybe someone made the same point to them.
Whip removed for saying that the Anti Semitism in Labour was over exaggerated in the media, I think he had a point
The left has pretty much the monopoly when it comes to anti-semitism. In Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany both sets of party members used the comrade/kameraden form of greeting. Two sides of the same coin. Communists v Nazis = internecine warfare. We would be kidding ourselves if we thought that the blood hatred has been quenched by The Holocaust.
Good afternoon, everyone.
Big differences between zio/sabbatean/frankism and modern Jewery who aren’t the ancestors of ancient Israel but 90% of the current AshkeNAZI’m who originally hail from Khazaria (Ukraine).
A Turkik/mongrel people renowned for extremely dodgy practicies resulting in their expulsion by Russia,pissed off with their warring tendencies,circa 6th century.
The hatred of Russia underpins the current actions of Neocon scum Nuland and Kagan who will do anything to get the lands back in their satanic claws and a few million dead Slavs in the process will be a fringe benefit as well as a strategic locale (future us bases) to really sock it to Ivan,and tempting nuclear armageddon, but a trivial concern, given their psychopathic mentalities,in the schemes of things.
This should add a little context
If Bravermann or Sunak etc were of the left any criticism would be racissssst. Just like Bo Selecta’s mild pisstaking out of the ridiculous talent free Craig David. All criticism of trannies, shirtlifters etc is also hate speech, as is standing up for women’s right to privacy.
The cartoon of Bravermann in today’s times would never be allowed of say Flabbot or whatever that SNP cunt is called.
Hypocrisy is the watchword of the woke.
There are less than 300, 000 Jews in the UK. I never heard of any of them planting bombs on trains, stabbing random cunts in the streets or p*ncing off the British taxpayer. I don’t see many of them climbing off fucking boats on the Kent coast.
What they do in their own country is their fucking business. If, as the wokies would have us believe, they slaughter innocent Peacefuls in their beds then fucking good job. Nits make lice, you know what I mean? You can call it double standards sure. I call it knowing who your friends are…….and your fucking enemies.
Yes, Freddie, but why does it make woke lefties go apeshit when someone draws a Jew with a big nose, while it doesn’t matter for anyone else?
Check the nom again. There’s fuck-all in it about Israel-Palestine.
Woke leftist cunts wake up in a state of perpetual outrage..and if it’s not on Twatter over breakfast then they seek it out where they can.
Shortly thereafter it becomes govt policy.
Let me ask the yanks to fuck off for the time being whilst I digress for a moment.
This showing of the women’s cricket first, just doesn’t wash with me, I shall patiently wait until the men turn up. Even though its not proper cricket it is better than nothing and the cunt who thought up this 99 + 1 shite and brought in the ladies, wants fucking with a ragmans trumpet.
Encouraging to see the Left owning up to their Jew hatred for a change.
why are Jews hated?
They are way down on my list but some can be right cunts ?
The British Board of Deputies has released a statement….
The Simon Wiesenthal Center have released a statement condemning….
The World Jewish Congress have released a statement…
Exactly the same as The Muslim Council of Great Britain has released a statement….
The Organisation of Muslim Co-operation have released a statement….
Turn and turn about. It’s a job I suppose. Hunting for perceived slights.
The grievance industry.
My mate had a habit of using incendiary images as his facebook avatar.
Mohammed with a bomb sat on his head, Raul Moat during the manhunt, stuff like that. Various Charlie Hebdo cartoons.
I never said anything, just laughed. I let other people get upset. If people get upset of caricatures of public figures because they think it exaggerates certain features common to an ethnic group, I couldn’t care less. The woke media create outrage for clicks. None of these psychopaths really give a shit.
The Japanese have no problem depicting black people as if they were in a 1920s cartoon like Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, and refer to white people as ‘big noses’.
We should embRace diversity, LOL.
Another mate of mine had ‘Space Trump’ as his profile picture. He was taking the piss out of Trump and his ‘Space Force’ idea (although it has effectively existed under NORAD for decades).
The amount of literal-minded dimwits who thought he was glorifying Trump and tore into him led him to say ‘fuck this’ and delete his account.
with, not of*
A tourist sees a Rabbi praying at the Wailing Wall. He says “what are you praying for Rabbi”?
The Rabbi says, “I’m praying for the eradication of all suffering and disease, plenty of food for the world’s hungry and that the Jew and the Muslim can be friends and live together in peace.”
The bloke says “that’s beautiful Rabbi, do you think it can ever happen?”
The Rabbi says “ what do you think, I’m praying to a fucking wall?”
been reading about the temple Mount. Strange for me but have a feeling FOR the Jews.
I thought from pictures the ‘wailing wall’ was a massive structure. But it’s not that big.
Got to say because of my ignorance I thought the Dome of the Rock was Jewish. And the Alasqa Mosque Islamic. They shared it.
But no the Dome of the Rock is Islamic too.
All built on top of the lost Temple compound of the Jews.
All the poor Jews have is an outer wall whereas the Muslims occupy the whole complex.
I didn’t know that until recently.
“…Strange for me but have a feeling FOR the Jews….”
Of course you do because your are a christian which pivots around the same god Yahweh.If you believe that you now hold the covenant that was originally the privilege of the jews then you de facto accept their self authored mythical patriarchic fantasies as fact and that the jews actually are ‘god’s chosen people’. This simultaneously feeds their animosity and plays into their endless whining persecution/revenge complex.
Of the national gods of the Hebrew speakers of Canaan, Yahweh is my favourite.
Quetzalcoatl still looks cooler though.
Good nom.
During the “Pandemic” the Guardian ran a cartoon depicting Priti Patel as a cow with horns and a big fuck off ring through her nose.
It might take a bit of digging, but it is out there.
Imagine if the Sun, the Torygraph, or The Times depicted one of Chiggun George or any other hero of diversity with erm, “enhanced” features! ?
Incidentally, sad to see Admin falling for Tara Reade (nom heading).
“In the first years after Trump’s election, her public writings on Russia have lined up with those of a typical American Democrat, center-left woman voter, as Reade professed herself to be. In a deleted profile under one of her many other names, she frequently posted angrily about Russian interference in US elections, and critically as to the country’s horrific domestic violence laws.
But in late 2018 – months before coming forward with her accusations against Biden – something changed dramatically. Reade began to parrot the talking points of Russian bloggers.
And in multiple posts of her own, she began to show a fixation not only with Russia – but especially, with Putin. Some of her writings began to resemble erotic fan fiction about the dictator – particularly in their adamantly repeated, specific assertions that Putin is widely seen as an international sex symbol.
In November 2018, Reade wrote, “President Putin has an alluring combination of strength with gentleness. His sensuous image projects his love for life, the embodiment of grace while facing adversity…”
But hey, freedom of speech, no?
She was good in the big lebowski.
I don’t think it was intentional.
Bloody hell ISAC has become so lackluster. I remember when we used to go hammer and tong about the Jews.
Oh well maybe for the best.
Remember Krav? He could hold his own on the Jew front, and the gay front come to that.
I recall old Krav had a thing for Justin Bieber. Takes all sorts.
Just wondering what happened to our latest IDF troll Servalan?
Sunday is a day of rest..
Well not for the lazy Jews that’s everyday.
When they are not controlling the media and banking industries.
I do LL.
He was very hard-line I remember.
I think he revealed he was from an extreme community.
‘Krav’ a Jewish martial art. Like a hard man.
And zealous. I felt when sparring with him he would find out who I was and get me.
But then there was his puffy side. Where he would salivate linguistically over burly men.
A bit incongruous.
Yeah he was a bit of an enigma Miles. Even Fiddler missed the verbal sparring when he went.
Bwcunt used to call him ‘kravdaft’ ?
Weird bloke, got upset easily,
Always getting bullied off black nurses at work.
Well the left are famous for it. That turncoat cunt Frankie Boyle allowing that black bitch Sophie Duker to ‘joke’ about ‘killing whitey’ on television (the BBC, of course) was met with little to no response. And anyone who did complain was told it was ‘satire’ or ignored.
Yet, had somebody said ‘kill blackie’ they would have been arrested, sacked, disgraced, hounded and ruined. Yet Duker is doing ‘lecture tours’ for obscene amounts of money and woke shitheads actually go to them. Self important uppity white hating Francis Bigger that she is.
Racism only works one way when you’re in the weird world of woke identity politics.
Dont mention any animosity between two non-white groups, such as how the Han chinese regard black people, or how black people in America regard Koreans, or how Hindus regard Muslims in India and the Indian diaspora, or the resentment between black working class Americans and Caribbean black immigrants.
It complicates their stupid, childish narrative.
And then there’s the Africunts who all hate each other depending on which country they are from.
And never mention that BLM gobshite Sasha the Slasha was shot by another dark personage.
Looks like the Lord of the Ticks is back.
Jews do have big noses.
Dunno why they’re touchy about the subject?
Anne Frankly I don’t care..
He’s at it again. perfectly timed for this nom, This time Khan is crowing about an event on September 2nd at Trafalgar Square called ‘Black on the Square’.
To quote ‘London’s black communities are a vital part of the rich fabric of our city.
I’m proud that this brand new, free event will showcase and champion the sheer breadth of the capital’s black creative talent.’
Apparentley, and rightly so, the little scumbag is being roasted on social media with people asking, ‘when is White on the Square taking place?’
They bang on about diversity and inclusion and then do this.
I’m sure he’s on the wind-up sometimes.
Will we ever be rid of this goblin?
How to get involved?
KFC bucket under one arm while waving a machete around with the other.
‘patriarchic fantasies’
That sounds Woke.
But if is all fantasy then you should be against the Muslims as well?
The Dome of the Rock ‘plays’ into a Muslim whining grievance you could say.
For CC above.
I also read that the Temple Mount complex could have just where the Roman army was stationed /housed in Judea.