has really hit rock bottom but scaled the the mountain of cuntishness.
I’ve got the Power.
Not only have they put the obligatory dark man as the star but they have made him look an absolute cunt. Added to this there is a second POC in the queue for the till plus another sat at the till behind the main event. If you look closely there also a slitty eye in the back ground
Ten out of ten for diversity but zero for the ridiculous theme
There is a white girl as the ‘straight man’, that must have been a hard decision by the woke cunts not to use a P*ki
The link below is the full advert and it is cringeworthy even by Tesco standards.
Nominated by sick of it.
What a ridiculous advert considering that he neither stole anything or raped that clerk.
I wouldn’t be seen dead in Tesco.
It’s for ethnics I’m led to believe?
No thanks.
If I want sooties singing at me I’ll attend a minstrel show.
Very apt too that he is yelling “I’ve got the power!”. Is Tesco subliminally rubbing our noses in it? Probably not but then again I wouldn’t put anything past corporate wokery.
But is he the lyrical Jesse James?
I prefer this actually https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkRXaBOj0eM
I like to imagine that MNC does this Kata every morning before sunrise to “I’ve got the Power” by Snap.
Mrs Miserable, having been woken up, is upstairs thinking “FFS! He does this every morning. Give it a rest. It’s a Sunday morning”
Similar to the NatWoke advert where the black kid seems to have acquired his trainers by saving up for them rather than stabbing the teenager who was wearing them.
Saving up for trainers?
Fer Faaahck ssake!
Looks like he’s jizzed himself at the end, the dirty bastard.
And what’s happened to the piped muzak you always get in Tescos?
Utter shite.
Indeed; I’d have called security before he had time to walk off.
Yes GT – what the fuck is that about? My local Tesco used to be a haven of peace and quiet. Now it’s like going into a teenagers Tesco. However, they are sly cunts and also do something for a reason, so it must make you spend more.
Tesco are absolute cunts. Naturo dog food (6 plastic trays) – 3 months ago was £3.50. Now it’s £8.10. How the fuck is that even possible? Has offal gone up much lately?
And that advert, like every fuckign advert, is spot the white man. Apparently, white males do not exist in the UK, and if they do, they are invariably stupid. Thank god the Windrush arrived when it did.
Quite right Lord C. The muzak is counter-productive in my opinion. I spend less in there than I used to, not more, as I can’t get out of the place quick enough.
I get the impression footfall is down too – it never seems to be as busy as it used to be, and there’s always plenty of space in the car park. Sell your Tesco shares, cunters!
Tesco signed up to this.
There’s enough noise (shouty women, screeching brats, loud eastern europeans, pinging tills). I wouldn’t mind if it was decent stuff like motorhead, deep purple and elgar, but they play mostly euro-shite for 15-20 year olds. Most of their customers look like they’re on their way to the big supermarket in the sky.
Let’s hope that whatever genius who came up with that masterpiece falls on the live tube line and gets the power.
And it is DC, so they’d be completely fucked. Like anyone using a leccy car. 800V dc – it’s not going to hurt……
Back in the seventies Lord C another radio amateur I knew managed to connect himself to the HT on a high power valve linear amplifier. His mates took him to A&E because it was clear he had had one hell of a belt. When the doctor was told he’d stopped 2KV DC with a current capacity of 250mA he was horrified. A consultant was called in and the guy was put on a monitor. They kept him in over night but he didn’t appear to have suffered any long term damage.
The advert with the woman growing an unsettling cartoon grin sticks in the mind.
More bizarre creepy insights into the brains of marketing geniuses.
I never go to Tesco these days. Their meat produce is fucking foul. Their cost cutting is now affecting the quality of their produce so much it is essentially inedible.
Another deeply unappealing advert i’ve seen recently is one featuring a truly god-awful track with what sounds like a profoundly retarded black woman ‘singing’
‘where my phone?/where da hell my phone’?
You probably sat on it you irritating, obnoxious fat-arsed, idiotic, barely coherent boon.
I particularly enjoy the adverts with the woman sitting on the bog pissing (tampons or something) and the fat birds selling hatever shite. Isn’t advertising supposed to be aspirational? I don’t think many people aspire to being a soot, or a fat bird.
Looking around locally, they don’t need to.
how I supposed to get home?try fucking walking. cunt
I’m racing round there straight away.
Afternoon all.
I visited Tesco earlier today. No black people at all. If it happens again I will have to report them Kemi Badenoch.
I`d never shop in Tesco`s. Even if I was down to my last Perrier® water.
I noticed that blokes are made to look stupid and helpless in adverts and film while the wimmin are wise and all knowing.
Even Dar Key blokes don’t get let off the hook when it comes to being humiliated on tv
Do jigs need much help with looking dim, FF?
nope – comes naturally because they are. If anyone tries to tell you otherwise, just ask them what was going on in Africa during the European Renaissance.
Had to call in a Tesco about a month ago.
This advert is surprisingly accurate.
The place was awash with Kermits.
I won’t click on the link as I can smell the cunts from here.
Oh and the stinking vermin that are the top tier at tesco can stick their software driven pricing and “club card price” sideways up their thieving arses.
This one caught my eye (and ears), Google pixel advert.
Google went OTT on the full squad selfie, hijab and all POC, good job it flashed up on the information on the screen because the whole thing is just noise.
Proud sponsor of the England team.
And why the fuck do the media keep calling the England women ‘Lionesses’, they don’t call the men’s them Lions, just England
isn’t it over yet?
Nah unfortunately. Fucking lose you dykes, fucking enough already.
More black women posing to tribal muttering.
I need to listen to 5 hours of German classical music to restore my soul and cognitive abilities.
a bunch of pussys ,would be more appropriate
I did notice he had a twin box of jaffa cakes on the conveyor belt..
Must be david lammys assistant, make sure you remember to put it on the expenses..
Don’t get this. The Mills and Boon is made to look like some cunt on drugs. The white bird is humouring him as he’s obviously off his meds. I don’t know which genius came up with this, somebody who’s just been sacked by Bud Lite I reckon.
should have cast bill Cosby going round with a chloroform rag getting all rapey ,the puzzled bastards
I’ve noticed that every single gamble on your phone ad has a fully bendered-up drag queen fronting it.
All drag queens are wrong un’s who should be chemically castrated.
Yes Thomas,by putting them all in a vat of acid.
Certainly an odd kink for a gay.
You coukd almost say it’s borne out of subconcious denial.
I hear that some of these circus acts are suffering from a condition called autogynophilia and are not gay but straight men who get off feeling and dressing up like women. The thrill is heightened by transgressions like using ladies’ toilets and changing rooms.
They mince about singing
a lady’s bra.
a lady’s bra
a lady’s knickers
and a lady’s bra.
Glad I don’t have a TV.
But radio is just as bad. Talk Radio* has incessant ads for (eg) “Sell your Cunt—sorry, car../ de Motorway Way”. Bri’ish Gas or someone flogging boiler insurance wiv a’ichude, “We Buy Any Cunt” wiv several effnic cun’s singing the pa’ois hook chune. All apparently first-generation afro-caribs. All characterised as thick as pigshit.
MORAL. These ads are aimed at the enrichers because the enrichers are dumb enough to buy the stuff advertised. Small comfort, but what else is there?
*Or maybe GB News. Sometimes hard to tell the difference. Content passable but cuntish ads.
That checkout girl trying to be sarky .
Notice she’s northern?
They always show them as northern.
Here’s the greatest checkout girl ever.
“Scabby scalp?”
‘Johnny Giles, Johnny Giles, Johnny Giles’
Cracks me up every time.
Thank you Mis
She’s much missed for taking the piss better than we can. From another proud Mancunian.
The cunt should’ve been arrested anyway for causing a disturbance. It could also have been a distraction for some of his thieving mates.
How to get normal people to give you a wide berth. Promote your business with adverts like this shit. That’s Tesco off my places to spend my money along with Virgin Atlantic for the same reason. And they’re far from being the only two. I bought an LP in the 70s, Year of the Cat by Al Stewart. If it was re-mastered for a modern so-called typically British TV audience it would have to be called Year of the Cunts. Fuck the lot of ‘em.
Great album that one by Al Stewart, love the lyrics
Later in 1980 when I heard Christopher Cross , Ride like the wind etc, I knew that sound was familiar but couldn’t put my finger on it at the time.
Just an observation Isabel
Cheers, Mecuntry.I bought a lot of Al Stewart until a point when I thought they all got a bit samish after when I stopped. I saw him in Edinburgh in December 1978. Btw, I’m not a Jock, just a bloke from Widnes who once had a bit of occasional good taste.
Bunch of ???
Blacks must have phenomenal purchasing power. All adverts seemed to be aimed at them and mixed race families.
And yet all you ever see on the news is them looting stuff in gangs. Strange.
That’s reparations moggie, didn’t you hear they were slaves once.
But they don’t like to talk about it..
I thought reparations were paid out, I didn’t know you could get your own. Time to black up and go looting, I mean shopping. I’ll claim whatever I pick up as reparations as I scoot rapidly past the checkouts.
Africunts ain’t got time for paperwork, that fried chiggun won’t eat itself.
All TV adverts are aimed at fucking idiots, but what kind of a twat would you have to be for this mindless crap to encourage you to spend your money in Tesco’s? It’s fucking embarrassing.
Every Little Theft Helps
Tesco, your slimy greasy data gathering, data warehousing to sell to any cunt while I get a packet of custard creams 10p cheaper Club Card can kiss my hairy balls.
I fucking HATE Tesco and that data theif card thing they do so they can fuck the fuck off and blow it out their arse.
I would rather starve.
Utterly foul produce and the neighbour tells me they send 12 wrong items every time. I’ve suggested trying Sainsburys, but I refer to get my own shopping, especially meat and vegetables.
Well fuck me sideways the most arse advert this year. Glad the nearest Tesco is 8 miles away so rarely tempted by their cornucopia of groceries.
Nearest one to me is about half a mile but has nothing fresh.
A mate of mine asked me how I prepare and cook my steaks and said he was getting his from Tesco. I said in that case I wouldn’t bother.
To paraphrase W.C. Fields,
Last week I went to Tesco, but it was closed.
Good evening.
Also attributed to W C Fields:
‘I don’t drink water. Fish fuck in it.’
Major fucking cringe aside, the majority of advertising would make you believe that England is only made up of Muslims, Blacks, Interracial Couples and Butt Huggers/Dykes. Weird how the Slanty Asians commonly aren’t part of the diversity quota. Makes you think.
Weird isn’t it? If I didn’t know better I’d guess that De Montfort University was in Beijing, not Leicester.
Where the fuck’s Beijing? Anywhere near Peking?
The irony of this is the most common interracial pairing by far is white men and east Asian women, and yet…
The marketing types are so dense they can’t even get diversity right, or they simply live in a world of pure imagination where the majority is fat black women twerking their way to six-figure salaries.
ESG-chasing cunts.
Every time I had to go to a Tesco, I have come out scratching. ☹️?
Can’t give up those lottery instant wins tickets aye cuntalugs?
He he BZ.
Not the cards but the wildlife hopping off the “customers”.
Especially in Worthing.
I’m old school.
Marketing should be about getting your product recognised and encouraging people to buy it.
Being visually bludgeoned by black people really doesn’t do that.
If you can remember the time before TV adverts were exclusively black/gay/tranny then it was all gingers.
Usually very ginger kids on every advert.
The latest shit advert has only a few black kids in it.
It tries to tentatively link coffee, girl’s football and the community coming together.
“You can’t play here!”.
Ah…. But coffee is uplifting and therefore it lifts communities into action.
In this case, to renovate a football pitch for the girls.
The advert is on dozens of times every day on all channels.
Without watching it again can anyone tell me what fucking brand of coffee they are trying to sell?
Good point well made AC. I’ve come to the conclusion that the people who make these adverts are very skilled con men who are rooking the management at the companies who pay them for this dross. Apart from the case you make there are also adverts which are so irritating I avoid what they are pushing and there are a few where I can’t even work out what they are trying to sell me. Surely all three types of advert are failures.
The actual response to “you can’t play here” would surely be a brick through the window or dog shit in the letterbox?
Trying to steal the old man’s dog while streaming it on tik tok.
you cant play here,somehow that advert isn’t very accurate. I’m surprised the meaning old cunt wasn’t chopped up even the were little girls. yeah that’s right we will just go build a mini stadium. yeah fucking right As if cunt
Does the advert show the colour of the kids who harvest the coffee beans?
Tesco is a depressing experience so I had to give up.
It took awhile but I feel much better nowadays
They should get the marketeers up in court and watch them squirm as they are asked ‘ what the fuck were you thinking when you made this abortion of an advert?’
Does advertising actually work?
Maybe that’s why they don’t even try anymore.
I honestly can’t remember a funny or clever ad in the last 20 years.
But that could be the heavy alcohol abuse.
The last half decent add was probably
The drumming Gorilla for Cadburys and not a human in shot
Favourites are probably some of the old Guinness adds but absolute favourite are some Henri Wintermans Cafe Creme adds, absolute classics in everyway
I really liked the one where the highly motivated predator/voyeur would parachute into a nice ladies bedroom with a box of chocolates to tempt her into a life of obesity/white slavery.
Probably made by Mr Saville.
I had no idea Lizzo could play the drums?
She took the role seriously Hand 2, didn’t shave for a couple weeks beforehand and wouldn’t speak either, just grunting , getting into character and all that. Should have won an award
I only remember terrible adverts. The rest are ignored or met with indifference.
Off topic
But Gary Lineker said he got a ‘standing ovation’ in of all places a Marks & Spencer’s. So customers are that supportive of his stand against deporting migrants they put down their shopping and clapped at his presence among them.
Gary became bashful and wanted them to ‘please stop’.
M&S is for well heeled Conservative ladies isn’t it? Those kind of people wouldn’t dare do something like that. Especially spontaneously.
I find it hard to believe the story.
Yes it reminded me of those guff stories that people post on LinkedIn where some corporate bullshitter with delusions of grandeur makes a long post about something that didn’t actually happen and everyone claps.
Probably the same type of cunts who had a pet Ukrainian refugee for six months last year before kicking them out.
Same sort of person as those arseholes that film themselves giving money to a homeless person and then posting it on Soshul meeeja to try and convice people what a good person they are.
sounds like a lot of things according to this country.clapping like demented seals over the scam demic
M&S is well woke nowadays.
Be nice to see an organisation supporting battered wives, orphaned kids, or stopping animal cruelty, but i guess that’s not fashionable.
More like that after the terrible Brexit referendum. Foreign children having ‘so long, farewell..’ sung to by British kids.
Absolute shite. Sad that some of my ‘friends’ on Facebook thought it happened and decided to share.
They regretted doing so.
*sung to them
Tesco can take a long run up and go fuck themselves anyway.
They make out like they really really care about the cost of living crisis.
You mean the cost of living crisis that you’ve helped to create Tesco by artificially inflating your prices you corporate whores? That cost of living crisis Tesco?
They make out like they care about people and whatever the latest cause is that everyone really cares about now.
Reality is that they treat their shop floor staff, customers and supplier like dog shit and try and fleece them out of as much money as possible.
I try not to shop there very often. Feel like I’m contributing to them treating people like shit.
If you’ve eaten their sausages they might be selling dog shit as well.