The Guardian (27)

In the article below, the journalist(?) goes into great detail about how over-tourism is bad for the natives in the places it affects and how a selection of tourists misbehave while on holiday by struggling to fit in and having no respect for the place they are temporarily visiting. Sound familiar?

Don’t get me wrong, I agree tourists can be major fucking bellends while abroad and they definitely deserves their own cunting but that isn’t the problem here.

The problem is that the Guardian are quick to have a call to arms and basically hammer home the point that tourists need to “fit in or fuck off” at the end of the article. Yet their most recent write up on the dinghy raiders goes as follows,

“ Will we finally learn, I wonder, that it’s those who demonise fellow humans from foreign lands who pose the greatest danger, not those who flock to our shores and enrich our communities, culture and lives.”

Get to actual fuck.


Nominated by Hand 2 Gland.

58 thoughts on “The Guardian (27)

  1. Natives in Cornwall:
    We fucking hate outsiders/tourists…but please, give us your money.
    There should be a passport test.
    Poor, thick, aggressive white people simply shouldn’t be allowed foreign travel.
    And they ought to be sterilised, the council house dwelling, no decorum scum

    • I don’t like holidays anyway ,
      so I’m not arsed.

      I won’t be “avin it large” in Ibiza

      I won’t be snorkeling in Fiji
      No egg n chips in Santorini

      I won’t have my kids abducted in Portugal

      And the Cornish can shove their cream teas up their kybers .

      I’ll be misbehaving where I’m welcome thank you very much.

      So the pearl clutches at the Guardian can’t blame me.
      The bunch of trots.

      • Good.

        I’m doing it for the climate Thomas.
        I’m the Greta Thunberg of Stockport.

        I don’t fit in plane seats anyway!
        My legs are to long.
        They may be alright for Warwick Davies,
        But I’m a human being.

      • Makes sense, gonna need all those runways to put houses on for the dinghy raiders.
        Plus the country will be a bankrupt third world shit-hole by 2050.

      • Thanks for that link Tom. The article confirms what I’ve been thinking for some time now i.e. that all this green bollocks is not going to happen. Close all UK airports? About as likely as seeing the sun rise in the west.

        Beware though Tom, I have heard that the green loonies have floral velvet suits in their sights.

      • Derby Dales and Cumbria on yer doorstep.Scotch if feeling adventurous ? who needs the abroad travails anyway unless fully yachted off the Greek islands maybe ?

    • Same as the Lake District cunts.

      Moan, moan fucking moan about the tourists after buying a house in a tourist spot, but they love the tourists spending money in their businesses.


    • Sterilising white people?! Are you out of your fucking mind, Thomas.

      That shouldn’t be near the top of your snippers list

  2. I look forward to the day when the Guardian demands that any organisation which gained from transatlantic slavery should be shut down and their assets sold off to pay reparations to the spoons. That would include the Guardian of course.
    Go eat yourselves, shit-for-brains.

  3. What they mean is they don’t like the working class elbowing in on the tourist spots they like to go to. They are loud, smelly, didn’t go to a decent school and there are far too many of them cluttering up airports and destroying the planet. They should know their place, just like the poor immos who work for fuck all and don’t bother us because they live among the smelly working class. We should never have given them the vote don’t you know? I mean, just look at brexit for goodness sake.
    I saw Sir Keir at Cafe Cecilia the other night don’t you know?

    • Absolutely spot on, Freddie.

      “Oh, Arabella. It was awful. Jonty and I had just come back from the marina, we saw Jeff Bezos’s yacht, don’t you know, when we decided to sit in Cafe Zen – you know, the one with real Buddhist artifacts from the East?

      “Anyway, we’d just ordered our mocha lattes and carrot cake, when in walked this family from a council estate. Like actual poor people. They sounded northern as well. They were swearing away like troopers. Probably Brexit voters.

      “Well, I’d had quite enough and bursted out to the owner, “Penelope! Get these poor people out of here!”

      Next thing, the woman in the family threw a chair at my head and said “Outside now, you fucking stuck up bitch!”

      It was just awful.

  4. You don’t get Cressida and Jonty on a cycling holiday in Blackpool.

    Go Blackpool
    It’s got the lot.

    Vegas of the North.

  5. The fucking Graun is not fit for polishing the shithouse window.

    As long as the jibber jabbering Somalians, Afreekans, Dooshka-dooshkas, bud buds and sand chimps don’t settle anywhere their bohemian, North London pads then unfettered immigration ‘benefits and enriches’.

    Even Lennie Peters or Ray Charles could have seen what a wasteland the UK has become due to the flocking dinghy pilots. This won’t stop the Graun and their acolytes like Owen ‘Pussy’ Jones continuing to champion gimmigration.

    Fucking cunts.

  6. All this stinking shit churned out by these cunts is very likely written by’s always cobbled together with a sniffy yet antiseptic tone,like it’s been dredged from a dozen other arsewipe publications run by the Right On.

    Anyhow,they should all be shot and replaced by Judith Chalmers.

    • Of course it never dawns on any of these hopeless cunts that without tourism half the world would collapse into abject poverty.

      • It’s owned by the Scott Trust Group, no Rothschilds there you fool. Now go and tidy your padded cell and if you’re good we’ll give you some back copies of Der Sturmer to wank over.

    • Zoe Williams is one of their typical hacks, po -faced white girl wringing her hands over fuck all. They’re all women giving a view, rather than reporting the news, just like the Independent.

  7. I’m glad I live somewhere that doesn’t get tourists.

    Fishfaced fuckin Japs taking photos of crisp packets,

    Fat fuckin gobshite yanks in Primark clothing,

    Most people who live in tourism hotspots have to pretend to like tourists,

    Can I take a picture of you and your ugly family stood outside?

    No. Fuck off Dwight.
    This isn’t Disneyland.
    Take it yourself you fat fuckin dummy.

  8. There’ll be plenty of tourists in Notting Hill this weekend……..getting rip offed and mugged while the coppers are dancing with fat arsed tarts. I wonder what the Guardianistas will have to say about that?

    • That it will be marvellous, a triumph for diversity, its what’s make Britain great.

      The Windrush generations offspring helping to improve this country once again.

      Now where do I pick up my cheque?

      • How did this country survive before Windrush? And if those cunts get reparation for slavery, I want reparations for the way they have fucked up my country.

    • We should have sweepstake on how many stabbings there will be, Monday is usually the day it kicks off.

      Put all those apes in one place is always asking for trouble ?

      • At least 10 .

        Arrests will be reported as good natured scuffles with the police

      • mostly good natured stabbings. I do believe that last year’s ape-fest was the first tim e”baton rounds” aka rubber bullets, have been used on mainland Britain. Apparently, there is a little trick of replacing the batons with batteries – go for it guys.

  9. Tourism will not be required for Brits when we have every possible enrichment, go on safari in Leicester or Brixton, go and experience Islamic culture in Birmingham and Bradford, Eastern European culture in every city and town (park life)

    Fuck the Guardian, all cunts.

  10. Fucking great, with our chocked full of sponging shit kickers from all over the world who just want to suck on the British tax payers tit and contribute nothing at all.
    Ironic that The Guardian have noted Brits abroad, but i have to say i have been on holidays were the behaviour of some of our countrymen has been nothing short of embarrassing, they are hated by the locals and im not surprised, the thing is these very same locals would be living in a dust bowl if it wasnt for the tourists pound.
    So cunt British tourists are still better than the permanent tourists we are saddled with and have to pay for while the UK runs out of money…..

  11. Fuck the Guardian with a grappling hook. When in Rome do as a Roman, when in U.K. carry on being a total cunt as you do in your shithole of origin, what you do is enrichment and what you do to school girls is legal in your shithole let the indigenous population of this now septic isle rejoice in the learning and benefits that this tide of parasites brings. Alan’s snack bar.

  12. Don’t misbehave abroad you holiday making cunts. I suppose asking for ketchup at a cafe in Spain is on a par with blowing up kids at the fucking Manchester Arena in the all seeing eyes of the Grauniad – utter cuntishness from pompous libtards, Fuck off.

    Good morning, everyone.

  13. We won’t have a choice eventually, whence this once loveable tiny Island, sinks under all its weight of greed.

    • We fought two world wars to save our tiny Island, from the slimy reprobates who are now just walking in, to do whatever they may wish ? Hope to wake up from this nightmare and see our Tommies be rid.

  14. Ah, the old ‘enrichment’ bollocks again.

    It’s an absolute given that ‘The Groaniad’ and every bellend that has anything to do with it are utter cunts.

    Morning all.

  15. Could the writer explain how illegal immigration enriches communities, culture and our lives?

    Oh yeah… it’s a barefaced lie.

  16. I used to write for The Guardian.

    I can’t stand their politics, but fuck me did they pay well!

  17. “Cultural Enrichment”

    That’s just some baseless Orwellian buzz phrase.

    Cultural Enrichment my arse.

    Cultural enrichment means leaving things and places alone in my opinion – not Turkish barbers in northern towns or Parking Stanley pa*do gangs in every fucking town.

    I detest the Guardian with every fibre of my being by the way.


  18. How did we manage before immigration?
    How did we have an industrial revolution and virtually invent everything the modern world has to offer before our country became so ‘enriched’?
    Looking at company websites and job advertisments, companies bang on about ’embedding diversity into our foundations’ and other such nonsense.
    ‘We particularly encourage applications from such and such ethnic background’
    No need for honky to apply then

    So a bunch of people from the same demographic are incapable of any kind of
    diversity of thought and we need a ‘culturally diverse’ workforce to make businesses a success.
    ‘Our strength as a business lies in our diversity’
    How the hell did we manage before indeed.

    • “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command”

      • “Those who flock to our shores and enrich our communities, culture and lives.” And who fill our benefit offices, schools, hospital beds and prison cells. Where would we be without them?

  19. Why doesn’t old Muskers buy the Grauniad just for a laugh?
    He could rename it the ‘White Straight Englishman’, sack all the current staff, and watch loads of lefties tantrum and explode. That would be a hoot.

    • I think he’s still a bit fucked off over yhe price he paid for Twitter. The Graun isn’t worth buying out with its trust fund being about £1.5Bn.

      They still keep begging though, the rancid fucks.

  20. I bet this doesn’t apply to the gap yahs who go to South East Asia to lord it over the locals. Usually they end up spending a year getting drunk/stoned/both while partying in Laos, Vietnam, Bali.

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