I read this piss boiling piece in the daily fail. FFS is there NO avenue of bellendery this fucking corporation will not explore? Travelling all the way to the Canary Islands to lecture the public that WE are responsible for global warming and the rise in temperatures this year?
Surely the Spanish have local TV companies who can send them footage rather than send the lecturing apparatchick to piss the British people off?
Rishi, here’s a chance to possibly win a few votes. Defund the fucking BBC. NOW.
Nominated by : CuntyMort
The whole lot of them should be sent to live in some caves for a year and then report on their beloved future. Wankers.
To be fair he only went there to join the queue for the swimming pool sunbeds.
He has got the look of a miliband about him, slightly tarded..
And a massive hypocritical cunt to boot,
preferably in the throat.
The distance from southern mainland Spain to the Canary Islands is about the same as the distance from northern Spain to Scotland.
As far as I know, no Spanish TV company sent any reporters to Scotland to tell us how fucking cold it is there and how we are to blame.
Too fucking right Arfur.
Where the fuck are TVE?
It’s been pissing down all day and I haven’t had a chance to perambulate the hound yet. He already stinks, so I’m fucked if I’m getting him wet.
I expect at least a dozen dagos from TVE, eth-eth-ething on my fucking doorstep and asking me how I’m going to carry on if this intense drizzle persists, while debating the hardships I’m facing because of rebranded global warming.
Or some such shit.
We are slowing catching up with bullshit here too Odin.
The TV weather maps used to show areas of high temperature in a pleasant orange colour.
Now, the same áreas with the exact same temperatures are coloured a very menacing purple.
Kneeling on criminal’s necks?
Emperor Commodus paying a visit?
Andalusia gone quare?
It’s raining here too, Odin. I am so fucking scared I called my MP to ask if I could pay more tax for him to sort it out.
Sorry you’ve had a bad weather day, Odin and Artful.
It’s been gloriously sunny, warm an dry here in sunny Sheffield.
Same again tomorrow, but a bit warmer, apparently!
You’ll be pleased to hear it’s cold and pissing down in Bucks Jeezum.
Well, arfur, we had that in spades last week.
Today is the first decent day for ages.
I may even have to buy sunscreen, when I go to collect my hypertension lowering tabs from the ” pharmacy” tomorrow. Even that elevates my blood pressure, when did the chemist’s become the phucking pharmacy?
Justin Rowlatt is a sanctimonious cunt, so where else would he work other than the bastard bullshit corporation.
How many of these cultural Marxist cunts do they need to send to every minor event at the taxpayers expense?
You can bet that the hundreds of useless cunts they sent to Glaahsteau this year to cover what could have been streamed from the mixing deck by one bloke weren’t slumming it with the plebs. They would have been put up in the glamping section (£25k for the weekend) or ferried in and out by helicopter (the cheap option).
Front row VIP tickets to the gulag is all they deserve.
I read that there was upwards of 1000 BBC twats there, I wonder if they helicoptered in, like Holly Willoughby.
I can just see a Sky King ( or the modern day equivalent) lowering the OB unit, along with it’s fuel guzzling genies into the Press compound, along with all the associated hi-tech twattery and the human attendants that is, apparently, necessary to cover an outdoor event, these days.
I hink the Merlin has taken over from the Sea King in a lot of roles.
He is a weapons grade cunt indeed!
He has a sister in Insulate Britain, so idiocy runs in the family.
Oh, did I mention he was a CUNT!
…and yet we still have people who believe in the man made climate change hoax.
“Heed my warning you ignorant great unwashed masses of parasitic humans! 104% of all scientists agree, this is the hottest summer in the history of the world! I…the Mighty BEEB have spoken! Let us pray:”
Our Greta,
who art in Sweden
hallowed be thy word…
When you think about it, it’s a genius scam.
Convince enough hand-wringing middle class, liberal busybodies that they need to be taxed for the privilege of existing, while giving the rich a get out of jail free card in the form of carbon credits, which can be traded for profit.
The working class suffer, the middle classes feel smug and the rich get even richer.
oh, sorry. Meanwhile our sun continues to deteriorate and get hotter, while we gradually follow a death spiral into it.
At this rate the planet will be extinct in a few billion years.
Quick! Fucking tax gravity!!
Fucking hell Odin, I hope they don’t read ISAC! I don’t think it’s occurred to them yet to tax gravity.
Evening Arfur.
You Sir, are a fucking genius for this reason:
If a bunch of bought and paid for scientists could be paid a fuck ton of cash for research pointing to gravity being disproportionate across the globe, then anyone who is not gravitationally challenged would need to be taxed more to compensate those who are afflicted year on year to disproportionate gravity..
Under this new New World Order guidance, anyone living above the Tropic of Cancer or below the Tropic of Capricorn should compensate those around the Equator for the centuries of gravity hardship put apon them.
Buy your government sponsored gravity credits now, while they’re still cheap!
Taxing gravity would be a great opportunity to bring in even more bureaucracy and more public sector employees. I don’t think most people are aware that the scales on the checkout at Lidl etc., are calibrated differently across the UK to allow for variations in the strength of gravity. Rather like your gas bill is varied to allow for small variations in the calorific value from time to time of the gas you burn. Hopefully though Odin, I’m just talking bollocks and they won’t tax gravity!
Turkeys voting for Christmas.
I hear you
On the contrary, those living within the tropics have equatorial privilege as the nearer the equator the more benefit there is launching a rocket as it takes advantage of the planet’s rotational speed.
Pay up, Africa.
Climate Justice Rowlatt is brother to Insulate Britain loony Cordelia Rowlatt.
I bet they were raised by a nanny.
I bet the nanny was Portuguese, a real stunner, and much better-looking than Mother Rowlatt.
I bet Mr. Rowlatt boffed the nanny…
These cunts fuck me off – do as I say not as I do.
Never understand why Ali Beebie journos have to jet around the world at our expense when I suggest they can report the same tripe from her in the UK.
Same reason reporters and the met to go to Portugal when a new scrap of conjecture on Madeleine McCann ’emerges’.
Free holiday.
Just bother they go live to camera with their affected sombrr bullshit, the production team are probably doing a conga to Black Lace after 17 Bacardi and passionfruit cocktails.. each.
just *before
You (and the rest of us) don’t understand because you (and the rest of us) are not worthy.
If you (and the rest of us) were virtuous, you (and the rest of us) would be worthy.
And being worthy you (and the rest of us) would signal your (our) virtue and thus demonstrate your (our) worthiness to rule over those who lack virtue.
It’s that simple. A kind of modern day, predestined, Calvinist approach.
Indeed GC and CP. Perhaps I should have studied harder at school or noshed the right people, or worse for the BBC gotten into a certain dirty little habit.
Here’s a fine example of BBC climate propaganda:
A report on the rise in average ocean temperatures. Note the use of the words ‘ocean heat’ instead of ‘ocean temperature’, and ‘hottest temperature’ instead of ‘highest temperature’. This deliberately emotive language permeates the whole ‘report’.
At no point is there any mention of the massive undersea volcano which erupted off Tonga last year, sending the highest ever recorded volcanic plume 35 miles into the atmosphere. The resulting tsunamis went as far as the Caribbean. Could that possibly have something to do with the rise in ocean temperatures? No of course not, it’s all the fault of us cunts for switching on the central heating last winter.
The report quotes some research grant sponger saying that getting into the sea is ‘like getting into the bath’. I’d like to see the silly cow jump into the sea at Whitley Bay today while I watch from the beach as she dies from hypothermia.
I seem to remember, Geordie, that the rise in temperature was an astonishing 0.01°!
Save us, Jesus!
And in amongst the gobbledegook, there was a little note that the temperature was taken in July 2023, compared with March 2022. What? The sea is warmer in July than it is in March?
Who’d a thunk it?
Getting into a bath?
The sea in the Bahamas might well be like that. Same with the Seychelles.
I’m sure it was like that when Columbus arrived and the Portuguese reached Goa.
I saw some bollocks on the BBC website where they said the average sea temperature had gone from something like 16.12deg to 16.13deg. They think they can measure an average to a hundredth of a degree!
sorry JP – just saw your post after making the same point.
Not at all, mi’Lord.
I’m glad I wasn’t the only one to notice that banal piece of information.
You can be sure that when they say average they are referring to the mean not the median. The mean is notorious for being distorted by outliers and in this case the distortion is in a direction which suits their agenda.
That goes without saying, Arfur.
I was an accountant. I could make 2+2 add up to 347, it’s easy when you add in the distraction quota.
Are these ledgers accurate?
Oh, look, Global Warming!
Where? OMG, run!
So you were an accountant Jeezum? So is my wife. Bunch of crooks.
No, we just worked for a bunch of crooks, arfur.
I worked for a huge, Global telecom company, whose going to get a well deserved hosing on this site, shortly.
Mafia are pussycats in comparison.
Marine heatwave in the UK?? Fuck me do these people ever venture outside?
Someone needs to tell the sea around the British Isles about global warming. We went in the sea at Exmouth last weekend and the other half said afterwards his knackers felt like a bag of frozen peas for the rest of the day.
Well you were in a position to fix that Mary!
Sorry. Couldn’t resist.
91 cuntings? Amazing!
Admin, perhaps we could round out the year with an unprecedented round 100?
It looks certain that the devious cunts will reach their century by Christmas, probably well before.
Is it wrong of me to hope they reach their (painful) demise before the century?
Not at all, Moggie.
I actually think it’s inevitable.
I hope I’m still alive, so I can through rotting vegetables and fruits at them, as they exit the building for the final time.
A day to savour.
Cordelia & Justin, the names say it all.
Sisterr of senior BBC journalist in court over Extinction Rebellion protest” https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7562661/amp/Sister-senior-BBC-journalist-court-Extinction-Rebellion-protest.html
Fuck me ,she’s ugly ! Even RTC would fail to rise ; not too sure that Cuntstable would not succeed.
Lovechild of Gareee the crisp-muncher and Jizzlane Maxwell.
“The names say it all.”
Precisely CQB.
When reading the link in the nom ( splendid, I love hypocrite exposure), there was another link to this story.
Good stuff, well said, Sir!
I’d have been tempted to say, if you or your kin arrived here after the second world war.
FUCK OFF , you have contributed nothing but misery on this once great country..
I am definitely of the opinion that things are about to turn, if there was a political party brave enough to stand on a anti immigration policy and promising hard penalties and long sentences for criminals they would be elected tomorrow..
Enough is Enough…???
Paying for the jails to house all of the criminals might be an issue now.
Stopping the boats would be a prriority, next would be fiscal responsibility.
That means massive reforms across the public sector and civil service. The NHS would need to be reorganised under a new system of get treated now, pay later, and/or upfront fees for consultations AND diagnostic procedures for working age adults.
Things HAVE to change.
So cunts who choose to cross the English Channel on an overcrowded inflatable raft are frightened of water are they?
Hadaway and fucking shite.
The only water they’re afraid of is the water that comes out of bath taps and shower heads.
Surely that cannot be true, GT … As I understand it, they need to wash their bottoms (according to their `religion`) rather than use Andrex toilet tissue?
Perhaps they should use this …
Best post today!
Cracked me up.
Well done and thank you.
The while climate charade has to be kept up in order to tax us until our eyes bleed and provide a platform for global governance. In olden times it was called fucking weather. The BBC are cheerleaders for this globalist/marxist crap. Fuck them.
For ‘while’ read ‘whole’. Ta!
FFs, you could not make this shite up..
My comment above.
Fear of bath/shower water.
Lying twats.
We might just have dodged a bullet… Are they rabid?
Cosseted little jessies.
Theey really would be scared of water under my regime.
You’re going back in the sea, dinghy or no dinghy.
The guardian and BBC would hiwl. the petitions would grow on Change. Org, butbit would carry on.
I remember when the now infamous ‘Best from the East’ struck. The Beeb constantly went on at everybody not to travel, then sent cunts here there and everywhere to report on how atrocious everything was. Real emergency stuff, like reporting from outside football grounds to tell us that matches were off, and hillside farms so that farmers could tell us that lorries couldn’t get there to take away milk supplies.
No fucking shit Sherlock.
These cunts should have been defunded yesterday. If a Tory government won’t do it, who else will?
Covid and the Iraq war showed that the beeb are far too useful to the government to change anything.
The rest is theatre.
The magical Gravy Train rolls on.
No doubt after two pints of watered down San Miguel if asked this lying cunt would laugh and say “Yes it’s all total bollocks this climate crisis slurry but fuck me I’m onto a good thing”.
I’d happily see every BBCistan employee gassed.
God, it broke my heart when I learnt that the Gravy Train was a metaphor.
Sorry mis this will probably put you off your roast beef and Yorkshire..
But TTCE will most definitely enjoy it..
Double yuck.
How… distasteful!
Made to find jobs in the private sector would satisfy me. Same with half the shits in teaching and academia, the MoD, the CPS and Parliament.. Also full indepence for Wales and Scotland.
Enough is enough.
The Maldives islands are at risk.
These are the lowest islands in the world.
The highest point on any island is a megre 4 meters.
I first went to The Maldives over 40 year’s ago.
Nobody knew where the fuck they were.
Only one travel company went there, Kuoni.
It took 24 hours, multiple stops, 2 planes and a sail boat ride to get to one of the 3 tourist islands which at that time had no desalinated water and the diesel generator for electricity kept tripping out.
The holiday was dirt cheap.
I remember having to have multiple injections to go there as well as a course of malaria pills.
Now, 40 year’s later the hundreds of islands set up for tourists are expensive and luxurious.
The highest point on any island now is…….. 4 meters.
Also, despite the dire warnings, the sea level in the Indian Ocean have not risen at all.
Absolutely nothing.
The coral, which was damaged by the tsunami a decade or two ago has recovered, even though at the time we were told that it never would.
These climate nutters will tell you that just a slight increase in sea temperatures will cause coral reefs to die.
They don’t tell you that coral will simply keep thriving in areas that were once a fraction too cold.
You would think that with the potential devastation that The Maldives would be constantly monitored for the signs of world climate change.
But they aren’t.
When that fucking cunt Barry O’Bummer was p*ncing about in the Whitehouse he was dishing out dire warnings about rising sea levels and how the coast lines would be completely changed. Didn’t stop him buying a 12 million dollar beachfront mansion in Martha’s Vineyard to add to the one he already had In Hawaii. Lies, lies and political bullshit.
The magnitude of Obama’s cuntishness is truly metaphysical. And not just on the Man Made Climate Change hoax.
Recently, biographer David Garrow spoke at great length about what a fucking cunt Obama really is.
This was the easiest story for me to link. But as RAT News has gone completely MSM it doesn’t touch on a lot of what Garrow discussed. Cunters should search for themselves if interested.
And don’t forget his wife.??.
Has a bigger cock than him.
The beeb and Guardian loved crawling up Obama’s arsehole, praising him for the most superficial shite, yet ignoring he was a former consultant for the CIA’s front company BIC and upped US military activity around the globe, albeit in a more covert and drone based manner than the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld gang.
Lets not forget that Obomber is the Pres who surrounded the South of China with Naval bases, Airbases and missiles, and wanted the same in South America.
I also visited the Maldives some years ago, about 35 years.
They were a little more developed for tourism, at that time.
They sprayed the island I was on ( Kuredo) twice a day with incecticides. No-one questioned it, and for all I know it was Agent Orange left over from Vietnam! Supposed to stop you being bitten by insects, fat lot of use it was.
Mind, the bird life was amazing, looking into the sea off the pier was like the most exotic fish aquarium ever, and watching crabs fighting on the beach was like being in Donnie on a Saturday night. All pushing and shoving.
Fond, fond memories.
Yes, good memories.
When the place was undiscovered and cheap I went there perhaps a dozen times.
I wouldn’t pay that price to go to a remote Muslim island now.
Too easy for a terrorist attack.
Not a question of ‘if’ but ‘when’ in my opinion.
The islands are sprayed and swept every day.
Unfortunately they bury the swept up leaves in the sand which is an ideal place for sand flies to breed.
These are what you get bitten by.
There are few mosquitoes as there is no fresh water.
Best to use sun oil when on the beaches as the sand flies stick to it.
They can still attack you through sun cream.
Lovely place.
The waiters that serve alcohol are Sri Lankan.
The fucking local Muslims hate the westerners, no matter how they smile at you.
Bob on, Art.
Fucking sandflies. Could be weaponised somehow.
Certainly paralised me. Hobling, had to get a ” fit to fly” note off the doctor.
Once home, hospitalised. Specialist consultant said he’d never seen anything like it.
Loads of antibiotics. Didn’t shit for a week.
“They don’t tell you that coral will simply keep thriving in areas that were once a fraction too cold.”
That sentence I feel is very significant AC. The climate varies across the world and always has. The Sahara for instance cycles between arid desert and savanna. The land on the globe is concentrated more in the northern than the southern hemisphere and Russia and Canada both have vast areas which are presently pretty cold and forbidding. (Siberia is host to a bunch of Somali pirates who are now working their nuts off in bitter cold so that they will be fed rather than lounging in the sunshine chewing kat. This makes me happy but I’m sliding off subject.) It seems reasonable to assume that if these areas warm up and the frost dissipates they will become attractive as a place to live and also will support agriculture.
Cunting the BBC is like having a cup of tea or a pint with an old friend.
On our way to becoming a failed state.
There was a local council recently that went bust after being ripped off by some solar panel climate bullshit grift, I mean company. We’ll all be paying out to help them ‘recover’.
Imagine the corruption levels when peaceful and chiggun munching MPs start handing out climate change energy contracts?
The fucking honky MPs are bad enough as it is, but look at what Khan is doing to London.
Soon, they’ll have monitors attached to each resident to see how much Co2 they expell and tax them on that. I’m only half kidding. As others say, what’s next? A tax on gravity? The weight of your turds? Maybe we’ll all have to pay for our own turd inspectors to live in our homes. They’ll weigh our poops and report back to head office and deduct from your salary as appropriate.
“Sorry Mr. Cuntybollocks, that helping of tofu and cricket salad created HMS Unsinkable. Midwives haven’t seen babies as big as that. I’m afraid we’ll have to take your electric car to pay it off. Don’t worry, you can cycle the 15 miles to work every morning. You’ll have to buy a government approved bicycle of course. A sustainably manufactured eco bike. Only £4,000. Deductable at £500 a month from salary at 95% APR, so it could take years to pay off. Bargain!”
I remember people joking in the 70s and 80s saying they might tax air soon. Well, here we fucking are.
It’s all a big money grab between politicians, climate change ‘scientists’ (activists and grifters more like) and these dodgy as fuck unicorn fart ‘energy companies’.
Oh and Dave Angel can fuck off and all.
My comment keeps fucking of, but I was trying to point out that this cunt wouldn’t be to keen on reporting from Dewsbury or Bradford. However ,he’s always up for jollies, I mean ‘reporting’ from popular exotic holiday destinations, isn’t he?
‘off’ and ‘too’
How interesting! What a very valid comment.
I must do a little research, it may take a couple of weeks, but I have nothing but time on my hands.
I’ll get back to you, Cunty.
The climate changes. All the time. Daily, weekly, monthly, even one century will have a different pattern than another.
It also turns out that it’s FUCKING AUGUST! Could that explain the hot weather of late?
The idiots buying this bullshit must be a level of stupid that is beyond comprehension.
Ignorance is the worst vise.
Yes Meat.
As I pointed out in an earlier nom, it’s Summer.
Not a heatwave, the climate hasn’t changed, the months that are traditionally Winter, Spring etc. may have shifted slightly, hence wet June, instead of May showers, but essentially the same.
But the mejja enjoy the panicky they create, otherwise they’d have fuck all to report about.
Something to cheer us all up-
Absolutely splendid.
That’s going in my ” entertain the Lass file” . Along with Thunderstruck, and various other things.
As an aside, how do some of our brethren have photos as pixars (as I believe they are called) and some just have generic images ?
Chief Admin, if its possible I’d like to have an image of Marty feldman holding a pint dressed as a pope as my pixar. How many cuntings does a cunter have to cunt before they are honoured with such?
And smoking a fag. (He added)
If its a time served deal I will respectfully withdraw my request as I am somewhat new to cunting but that said I do rather enjoy it. It is quite cathartic.
You can change your picture yourself I’m sure Cunter but I haven’t a clue how. RTC knows I think but he seems to be away on sabbatical at the moment.
Glad I don’t pay the Licence Fee, don’t listen to or watch the BBC at all, yet still I hear tales of their lies and general money wasting.
p.s. Idiots are talking about blocking out the Sun to reduce emissions. What could possibly go wrong?!
How does blocking out the sun reduce emissions on Earth?
They haven’t thought it through.
I pity the bbc for whatever ludicrous things they say and do, they can never repair the Savile hurt of pulling the foreskin over their eyes even though they didn’t want to admit what he was doing. Seeing that they are the only organisation free of advertising, you can get your own back by not paying the license fee similar to myself.
Semtex treatment ?