Gone are the days of Lord ‘Soapy’ Soper on his Soapbox. He was very ‘wishy washy’ Lord Soapy. Apart from his fundamental Pacifism.
He always looked like he’d just returned from an ‘Aldermarston March’ with his hobnail boots on and dusty cassock.
I suppose back then you’d get people with a sign front and back ‘REPENT REPENT REPENT for the Day of the Lord is at Hand’.
But a lot of debate was about Nuclear Disarmament and Vietnam other subjects.
Now it is almost All religion. And one participant one; Islam. Many Muslim believers there, hundreds even. You could say Speaker’s Corner is thriving in that sense.
But how can I say it! The rules of debate are not really adhered to.
They’re always arguing ‘I will listen you if you will listen to me and same thing for the other. Sometime it turns into fisticuffs.
It all seems a long way from a gentle eccentric English carry on.
Back then-
Nominated by Miles Plastic.
If these half wits have nothing better to do than fight about their imaginary friend in the sky, then I just think get stuck in lads, beat the shit out of one another! Fuck’em. Who cares?
Good morning all. Didn’t mean to be rude.
Possibly Mike’s point is that once upon a time it was eccentric vicars. Nowadays it’s violent peaceful s tranie men etc
That’s it @Everyone. That’s the worry.
Some background:
Good morning.
Good Morning
Speakers Corner is the last bastion of free speech. I haven’t been down there for years but it seems to be symptomatic of the cancel culture and the “you can’t say that” attitude that prevails nowadays.
I suppose ISAC is our own little Speaker’s Corner on the IInternet.
Have been getting into the apologetics of it. When there is some debate..
1) is the Bible the Od Testament and the New corrupt? But it says in the Koran at different points that the they are true. Is that a contradiction?
There are different Korans some scholars say. If there different Korans then how could it come word for word from Allah?
What else? The age of Aisha of coursem
The ‘carnal’ nature of Jannah (,Paradise)
But then the Muslims have a good day with the confusions Christians have in defining the Trinity. Many Bible verses can be used to seemingly disprove it.
You know who gets along the best paradoxically? Jews and Muslims. That because of both their strict monotheism and what they see as the idolutary of Christ.
In some ways I wish I could de-cunt this Nom. Because there is some good ‘debate’ to be had.
Debate? How does one engage in a debate on gibberish Miles?
Is it gibberish?
Seems to me the modern secular mind is full of gibberish.
The idea behind Speakers Corner is a good one
Typically English.
And as pointed out a bastion of eccentricity and a chance for gobshites to get things off their chests.
Pacifists, end of the worlders, religious problematics, alien theorists.
Now it’s all Muslims.☹️
Not known for tolerance of debate.
A shame.
Good nom Miles ?
Wouldn’t disagree with you there Miles. Plenty of people whose thought processes are loopy and in some cases have the backing of the law but I can’t see how a fictitious omnipotent deity can solve the problem.
I’ve been listening to a guy on YT recently who breaks down “Paradise” as meaning, “away from the ice” as in when the last ice age, the advanced peoples fled away from the ice to… where?
Florida fits the bill for Eden better than the deserts of the middle east. Fits the bill for Atlantis, too.
The Bible is a truncated account of what the world was like thousands of years ago. People use religious texts for dumb reasons these days. Screaming matches. Everything is a screaming match now, it’s tedious. I can’t be arsed anymore. Just sitting back and laughing at all the massive cunts getting hysterical over the latest manufactured outrage of meaningless pish.
Woke and Islam are interchangeable in their attitude to debate. Not tolerated.
Sorry folks, I realise I’ve been pulling the discussion off at a bit of a tangent. The nom is Speaker’s Corner, not religion. Humble apologies.
Speakers Corner comes from a different time,a more British time.
Now it favours a rowdy market in Islamabad.
Foreign trash out for trouble is exactly what it is.
Isn’t religion really all about claiming to have THE Archimedean point from which to view the world and the way those in it should behave? If so, I fear such claims are doomed to failure. Fucking hell, Miles, your noms always make my head hurt. Keep it up!
Visiting Speaker’s Corner used to be an amusing and, very occasionally, a thought provoking way to spend a Sunday. Now, like the rest of this country, it has been fucked sideways by the barbarians.
Good morning, everyone.
Wonder if back in the day you’d get awkward fuckers going to Speakers Corner just to argue with the speakers?
We used to have a neighbour back in the 70s, right battleaxe,
She was always telling people the score,
” Told him straight, I’m not paying that for fishfingers”…
“Said to her, well none of my kids have nits..”
My dad called her ‘I Told em Oldham’ ?
Morning, MNC. I am sure Mr Opinionated Cunt will have a view on all this. If he can be arsed.
Haven’t been to Speakers corner for years, harmless nutters telling everyone the end in nigh.
Looks like its now gone down hill, no such thing as a harmless Muslim, they are all fucking dangerous cunts.
Me neither, Sicky. There was a time when the weird beards were all soothsayers and Wicker Men oddballs; now they’re all muslamic terrorists.
Morning 20?
I always enjoy Opeys opinion on things.
And he’s not a disgusting deviant like that Tommy Cuntengine.?
It should be alongside the Punch & Judy Show, being a harmless bit of fun.
I am old enough o remember Stanley Green, the Protein Man, who wold wander up and down Oxford Street with his banners and placards denouncing protein.
A harmless English eccentric in the tradition of the original Speakers’ Corner, Lord Soper etc.
Nowadays Stanley would probably be stabbed by the mobs of savages who regular rampage along Oxford Street ( while the Met stand by).
I remember that looney Green, probably died from malnutrition.
What do you expect? It’s a stone’s throw from the Edgware Road which has looked like a scene from “Lawrence of Arabia” for donkeys now. It’s all sand monkeys and hookah pipes down there. Even their fellow Peacefuls, the P*kis, aren’t welcome. You can get away with being an Englishman…..”you wanna buy nice watch Effendi”…..but don’t start having a row with the cunts or you’ll be in a Gordon of Khartoum situation before you know it. And don’t expect PC Plod to help you out, those days are long gone. Different country, different times. Good luck with your imaginary god Miles.
Soon enough I expect Suckdeep Khan to be up there; peddling why ULEZ os so good, but he would need a pair of stilts to be seen.
Why haven’t they advanced in the same way as superior Western Europeans have?
They been here in some cases 4 or 5 generations now but they’re still barbarians.
Some cultures are just better than others I guess
Yes even if it is alll sky fairy stuff our Christian sky fairy culture is superior.
British culture as we would recognise it today has next to fuck all to do with Christianity. It emerged from the period known as the Enlightenment, or Age of Reason.
Politics, philosophy, science, and the economy were radically reoriented during the course of the ‘long 18th century’ (1685-1815).
Enlightenment thinkers in Britain and throughout Europe questioned traditional authority and embraced the notion that humanity could be improved through rational change.
Christianity’s major contribution was to fuck us up, hold us back, and give birth to its idiot bastard sons: Communism and Socialism.
Alcohol formed modern Britain. The 18th century was one massive, massive piss-up. Jesus loved a piss-up, of course.
And Jesus loved cannabis. Maybe we should just smoke weed, eat cannabis chocolate, shrooms and have orgies.
Better than this internet shit.
Like the munts
This, Lord Soper and more, in this classic documentary!
59 minutes
Contains footage of a plummy geezer who identifies as a German-Chinese mother. He was ahead of his time, this cunt!
Another great British tradition down the pan.
Hard to have a civilised conversation with someone who from the religion of peace when they shove a machete at your throat and look at your under age daughter like they’re a camel yet to be defiled. These cunts do not even know how to debate a because their religion outlaws it, like all totalitarian cults.
I remember a late night documentary from the late nineties showing bearded blokes in pyjamas calling for Jihad.
Not quite Speakers Corner, but do any of you Cunters remember this bloke. ( Sorry about long link).
” and sitting”
Oh my! Who knew about sitting?
Hang the A Rab’s high
I used to go there frequently in the early 80’s to heckle some asian bloke, who claimed to be Palestinian and got paid by the Iraqi embassy to speak there.
We had a great time winding him up.
I took one look at the picture for this and knew it was a Miles Plastic nomination