The curse (or the joy, depending on how you look at it) of soshull meeja is that it gives a platform to every fruitcake and his dog to express an opinion, however bizarre or outlandlish.
To back up my argument, I offer the link below as exhibit one for the prosecution;
Sometimes you just know that you’re looking at an absolute cunt of the first water.
It wouldn’t be any good trying to reason or debate an issue with a bloke with claws who hilariously uses the expression ‘we women’ when trying to make a point. And there are many, many more like this out there, just dying to make an exhibition of themselves.
Just roll with it, go with the flow. Have a good laugh at the state of some of the total fucking weirdos out there. They deserve our ultimate disdain. Not to mention being sectioned for their own safety. Cunts to a man…woman…whatever…
Nominated by Ron Knee.
Caution gents..
That little peek into an alternate universe might bring on Excessive Swearing and possibly a bout of Immediate Oven.
That “iron” made me feel sick.
Yeah, and it’s one of the ‘saner’ ones out there Sammy!
And why also do Brown Hatters sound nothing whatsoever like a female ?
I absolutely wet myself laughing when I first saw the cunt in the video link.
Social media has really opened the floodgates to give every mad cunt and his dog a voice.
Fair do’s; the entertainment value is enormous.
Morning all.
Edwina Scissorhands.
Lock it up, throw away the key.
Good one.
I used that exact name in a post somewhere in the last couple of weeks.
Time was such life forms would have been sectioned for their and our safety. But now…..
Good one Ron.
Social media is a fucking sewer.
I’m sure most of the cunts in the House of Commons dictate policy by watching whatever is trending on Twitter except for Jacob Rees Mogg who’s nanny is Tik Tok from Thailand.
I prefer the guy who was caught watching porn whilst parliament was in session
They slaughtered him like it was a bad thing!!!
If he was wanking, fair enough I suppose.
I’m late Gen X so to me Tik Tok is that robot from Return to Oz.
It’s a virus, and there is no hope
Tik Tok as the single source for news ?
It’s almost as reliable as the BBC…
or Sky.
Creature from the black lagoon ain’t got nothing on that freak..
Social, or rather antisocial media. An outlet for empty attention-seeking inadequates, freaks, fuckwits and loons who have achieved nothing, done nothing and have nothing except the crap rolling around in their empty heads and apart from being as outlandish as possible to gain “fame” for being identically individual as the other identical “individuals” who have nothing apart from the snot-hanger-nose-rings, coloured hair, hideous piercings, “individual” “body art” stupid outfits and of course the now high-fashion of a brand new made-up pronoun or “gender” to push in our faces.
We are in the age of the narcissist, worse, the toxic narcissist backed up by FUCKWIT politicians and “hate” laws used to persecute those who point out the fucking obvious, that these looks are mentally ill.
Welcome to looking-glass world where being a fucking useless mental freak is normal, and being normal is now a hate-crime.
The West is going rapidly down the crapper, enjoy what’s left while you can.
There’s no asylum for this asylum.
An excellent summing up Sheikh.
Aye up Sheikh.
I suppose these loonies have always been with us. For example, in times gone by, you’d have to go to a molly house to find men playing at being women. Now they can plaster themselves all over YouTube, along with any other weirdo with some point to make.
These days they’re just right in our faces.
I followed the link, it’s deleted.
If you hang on a few seconds, it plays, Bertram.
Nazis get a lot of bad press, but how many minutes would this cunt have lasted if he’d lived in Germany in the late thirties?
Ah, I waited, wished I hadn’t.
Frightful, isn’t it?
That’ll teach you.
Are we social media loony’s on Isac…? or just people who can see the futility of modern life…!
The latter.
I would drop kick the cunt in the video so hard that he land in Saudi and immediately be thrown off the nearest 10 storey building
Total cunt
Unfortunately I see no end to this shite.
No cunt under 40 is themselves. It’s all their fake social media profile. I kick off to fuck when cunts try to get a selfie with me without even asking.
Listen cunt, I don’t want to be on your shitty arsebook page. Just because you live a fake social media life, don’t expect me to join in, you twat.
Worst are the show off couples with the ‘pefect life’ on Arsebook.
I’ll tell you a couple who were like that. Chris Watts and his wife. He ended up killing his wife and two little kids in order to be with his new sidepiece (thankfully he didn’t get away with and got a whole life sentence.)
I know of a couple who did nothing but row when they lived near me. Screaming at each other in the street at least once a week at any old hour of the day or night. Kids screamed at.
On Arsebook? Fucking hell, it’s the Waltons.
Arsebook is the equivalent of junk fail. before i fucked off from it, i used to log in and then scroll down a feed of trash; recommended posts, memes, idiotic videos, self-pity and entitlement from Karens. None of my mates posted anything. All too bored with it or scared that some bird with a degree in social sciences and a high opinion of herself would start an argument or try to get him/her banned or worse.
The worst part was a page for locals to vent. It was all petty shit from sad Karens and Colins
Trolling them was verboten, so I stopped reading it.
fail or mail, take your pick.
Ten seconds of the fuckwitted twat was enough for me.
I think it was right to remove the video. All evidence that the cunt existed should be eradicated for when he/she/it goes ‘missing’.
What made me laugh was the fact that the cunt thinks himself so relevant that he stuck it back on.
Fucking tube.
Sometimes i wonder if it’s real, like that Mulvaney character.
They must be trolls, taking the piss.
It’s not real, is it?
If it is, just how close are we to anarchy.
I’ve long thought that Mulvaney is a troll PC; a smart cunt who’s found a way of cashing in.
Others though, are frighteningly real I fear;
Cunt needs reducing down to bone meal fertiliser for the roses.
That one has diddler written all over him Ron, how they get away with saying these things is beyond me.
It seems a certain demographic are hiding in plain sight at the top of the alphabet heirachy, enjoying the trans victimhood protection.
This cunt was called ‘a compassionate human’ and ‘somebody who offers daily lessons in generosity and kindness’ by the LA Times.
Yeah, I know…
I reckon the closer they get to having a p officially recognised in the alphabet gang, the bolder they seem to be getting.
Would not be suprised in the least to read about an arrest at some point for certain ‘ahem’ crimes.
Fucking terrifying.
@ Polite Cunt
I’ve posted on this before but it bears repeating. I’ve read that the P folk are covered under the ‘Q’, as the alphabet cult know an overt adoption of the n0nces would fuck their cause even more than pushing the T agenda has already.
Rings a bell about a documentary a while ago claiming some people set up as “therapists”, record all of their clients’ outpourings, and blackmail them into paying up or else their family / friends / employers get to hear all about their “grievances and shortcomings”.
This fella though has eedo written all over him
We are witnessing the real fist waves of lunacy from a generation that reared itself since infancy to adulthood by vacuous social media influencers, what could possibly go wrong.
Ask a 12 year old what they would like to be when they grow up
” I want my own brand to create content ” replies the tattooed blue hared angel.
And then you have the trolls mixing it up, that do the real damage.
Only a matter of years and all will be lost in numb skull world
One can just hope that the limp cunt attempts to pick his nose and gives himself an accidental lobotomy.
What a massive crusty arsehole.
RK that video freaked me out – what’s with the Freddy Krueger hands?
That cunt needs a good slapping and brought down to earth.
I swear that person was a geezer with a female voice.
It IS a bloke.
(I think…)
It’s fucking barmy whatever it thinks it is.
Now you fucking with me noodle. I thought it was a chick that looks like a geezer now it is a dick whose a chick.
The consensus on the comments under the cunt’s post is that it’s a bloke.
When I first saw it I thought it was a young male (from the voice and the face) but now I’m as confused as it is on the subject.
I jacked in Facebook about 5 years ago. I went back on out of boredom during lockdown but it was that boring and irrelevant I deleted my account after just two weeks.
No posts from friends, just ads and ‘suggested’ crap and ‘popular of Facebook’ digital junk mail. Jimmy Kimmel sucking up to celebricunts, ‘recipe hacks’., or dodgy medical treatments.
‘Doctors won’t tell you about this amazing treatment for your cunt…’
I’ve popped in to look at Twitter a few times over the years but it’s always the same just a whinge-fest about how the Tories made someone drop their ham sandwich and how evil Nigel Farage is. An online popularity contest and social monitoring system akin to the Stasi’s network of informants, but with less freedom of speech.
Again, utterly boring and damaging to society (and journalism).
I sometimes write comments on Youtube videos but have notifications of replies turned off. I don’t care for the opinions of zoomer fagg0ts.
This site is pretty much it for interaction with the internet, beyond mundane transactions.
I like the internet, but social media can go fuck itself.
My mental health problem started In the Beginning, When I created Heaven and Earth.
I know how you feel Hardy.
I’ve had ishoos since I was abducted by aliens.
What in the name of fuck is that.
Is it a woman? Is it a man? Is it a tranny?
Whatever it is it’s a fucking retard.
Burn it.
I think it might be one of those transsexual non-binary… thingies…
or something.
Mad as a box of frogs, and just one among many. We are truly adrift in an open boat on a sea of sexual weirdos.
We are mincing toward the apocalypse.
It’s largely fingernails with a deformed head growing out of the thumbnail ..
Send it to Tehran for re-education (and flying lessons).
Pure comedy gold. This is Bluebottle made flesh and walking among us.
The Komodo Klinik’s unique blend of ridicule, scopolamine and extreme pain will soon have it sorted out.
I like it Komodo, especially the extreme pain part.
Rip its ridiculous glued on claws off, it’ll beg for mercy.
I love the way silly cunts complain that they are being bullied on soshull meeja, It never occurs to the silly fuckers to turn it off – game over. Let them all boil in their own piss along with the cyber cops who spend their days looking for posts that may offend the milksop cry-babies.
The very tools that would allow them to withstand this behaviour are now deemed toxic by our betters; stoicism, banter and mild sociopathy.
You’ll be a victim, video yourself blubbing, throwing tantrums and share limp memes about mental health awareness, what never to joke about and how you must behave… and you’ll be happy
Exactly TTCUtS. Bullied on social media? How the fuck does that work?
I think it might have helped these cunts to have been bullied at school. Might have made them more resilient if they’d had their heads shoved down the lav a few times.
‘What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’
Ron’s Gran c. 1960.
I watched about 10 seconds of the video but with no sound. It was enough for me.
It was flapping it’s hands about so much, I expected it to announce it identified as a bird of the avian variety, possibly a shitehawk.
Possibly a Quarehawk would, describe it as it were also ,Jeezum
As old as the town I came from, is that one.
Quarehawk? AKA the flamingo
Prime, are you trying to scoop me up.
I am but a mere thorny bank minnow
Submerged in the deep and shallows
The flowing current sends me around
Pouched beaks, hoping not to be found
For info;
Just in case anybody is confused about what a REAL woman looks like.
*Pant* Lord have mur-cee…
Indeed, Ron
As the 4x2s say, ‘Oh, my fucking life!’
A lovely bit of motorboating with Salma.
She gets my propellor going and no mistake.
On the subject of social media bellends, Doctor Whoke tosspot and luvvie woke cunt David Tennant has smugly been going on about his ten year old kid being ‘non-binary’ and being referred to as ‘they’. And Tennant has openly encouraged this shite.
Now, I knew Tennant was a cunt. But now his twattery has gone through the roof.
Non binary but called Wilfred. How stupid.
Who calls their kid Wilfred these days anyway?
‘ My boy Wilfred, they is non-binary’.
Fackin’ ‘ell.
Is it Freddy Krueger?