Sadiq Khan [41]

Sadiq Khan’s say maaate to a mate

Fuck me my piss is boiling.

The Mayor of London has launched an initiative against male violence on women.

Of course, any man who hits a woman is a fucking cunt and a coward. Boil them all, black, white and everything in between, in horse piss for me.

Why cunt him then?

Well, it’s because of the video made for this campaign. In it, a white male acts like a total prick, making pretty lewd comments about women throughout, although he was right about women’s football being shite, but not about the players being ‘well fit’ though. And apparently, making ‘sexist’ comments like women’s footy is shite leads to beating women up according to his spiel on his website.

What a load of fucking bollocks!

Well, in this video, all ‘the evil honky’s’ mates are the ones tut tutting and not being sexist.

And pretty much all of these shining knights are…non white, of course!

A more blatant piece of anti white propaganda I have yet to see.

How much more of this evil crap will people take? A fucking lot, it seems.

Warning, this video will boil your piss.

Nominated by : Cuntybollocks

Seconded by : Big Cuntus

“Sadact” Khan everybody’s favourite Mayor is busy but not on issues like public transport, knife crime, sexual assaults and counter-terrorism. Oh no his new campaign is called “MAAAAAATE” basically encouraging Men to call out other Men’s “toxic” behaviour except a lot of it is nebulous and typical uber feminist woke shite we have seen for years now.

“Have you seen the new girl? I’d give her one.” Yes apparently saying this to a chum is really misogynistic its up their with violent rape. Fuck me.

Realistically if I saw a bunch of drunk rough lads at night harassing a women I’d probably not say anything not that I agree with their behaviour but I don’t want to get my head kick in and up on Life Support because I went and said “MAAAAAAAAATE” and up being a statistic of the kind of violent crime this Mayor is soft as shite on.

In shot Sadact is still a CUNT and needs to deal more pressing issues other than this pathetic lofty woke shite.

YouTube Link. – Ad about same campaign.

78 thoughts on “Sadiq Khan [41]

  1. All Sad Dick has done is spent millions on inventing a new catchphrase. All cunts are going to do is shout “maaate” to each other as a piss take. No one is going to use it in its intended context except the pussies who go and watch the Barbie film perhaps.

  2. What does London have a high abundance of?

    That’s right third world ethnics..

    I have just solved your issue you smelly brown goblin.

    But no that would be racist..

    Maybe get a grip on knife and violent crime first…” oops same group again.

    • That is the fact of the matter Barry.

      We didn’t have no end of rapey, stabby cunts before Suckdick got his evil little paws of the levers of power.

      It’s his pets that are the problem.

  3. There are cameras everywhere in Londonstabistan, including every Tube and bus, every bus stop and station. So you track the real cunts, who are actually assaulting and harassing wimminz, down and get them banged up for a long time. Oh no we won’t do that because most of them are immos. But that’s not the purpose of this campaign anyway. The purpose is to target and control US, to make the white straight male the scapegoat. In the next one whitey will be having a pop at some Gaylord and George fucking Floyd will come to the rescue. What a load of shit!

  4. If anyone said “maate” to me I’d say,
    “Who are you to call me maate, you fucking cunt.”

    • Another one is ‘Are you trying to fuck me?..
      then why are calling me your mate?’

      • This bloke came up to me right, and he said ” Hello”.

        What do you mean hello? Provocative fucker.

  5. It’s a bit rich being preached to about violence against women and girls by a member of a faith which institutionalises abuse of women. Fuck off.

    Good morning, everyone.

    • Shotguns, cs and sjamboks. Then trundle back to base in a comfy Casspir.
      Nice to see a peaceful worrying about women being abused, utter cunt suckdick you really are. Bet you ain’t discussed your new plans with the local iman as he will tell you you can act the cunt till you offend a tenet of peacefulness and votes gone.. This man is a real arsewipe .

  6. Why does sad khan always have the facial expression of having a dildo stuck up his arse ?

  7. So, because I can’t stand wimminz footy (or rugby or boxing) does that make me a Muslim?

  8. Up until fairly recently I thought you were only allowed two terms as Mayor but I found out that’s not true. That means only the Labour Party can kick him out, the cunt. Forget about voting him out, the demographics just aren’t there. Some enterprising journalist needs to dig up the dirt, in a “let’s get Trump” kind of campaign but which branch of the s*um sucking media is going to finance that and then publish it.
    Not much hope as far as I can see.

    • The only thing likely to lose him his core vote is a photo of him being bummed by Justin Welby in full regalia. Come on AI – do something useful.

    • I’m not so sure about his reelection being inevitable Freddie.
      Following the Ulez fiasco, this campaign is just going to be ridiculed, and when a politician invites his own mockery he’s finished. It happened to John Major and Gordon Brown – both became a national joke. Consider Krankie as well, brought down by the sheer comedy of Isla Bryson’s nutsack bulging out of his pink leggings.
      Maybe this will be Khan’s Isla Bryson moment. Here’s hoping.

  9. Even the whitey in the video has a big of ‘wigger’ about him.

    Little odious Khunt. I can’t stand the dwarf.

  10. If I was in that London and cheerfully rabbit punching Mrs Khan in the tripe,
    And some soppy Hugh Grant type said

    ” Oh maaaate”

    Well then Itd encourage me to stamp on her neck.

    Now look what you’ve made me do.
    That’s your fault that is.


  11. No campaign against women who physically abuse men? Thought not maaate.

  12. Watched a movie last night called “Living” set in London in the fifties. The main character was a chap working for London council. Oh how things have changed…..?️

  13. Don’t you just love devolution?
    Shed loads of power given to people with crackpot political ideals, questionable backgrounds and dictatorial tendencies.
    Just a few of the reasons why Thatcher abolished the GLC in the eighties.
    Ted Heath once asked ‘Who governs?’. The same question is relevant with devolution. It was meant to give those in large urban areas a say in their regions, but as Londoners have discovered with ULEZ, their opinions don’t matter.
    There can only be one guiding hand and that has to be Westminster, regardless of all its faults.
    Yet here we are with the likes of Suckdick and his ilk doing whatever the fuck they like under the protection of devolved government.
    Yet another Blair experiment that clearly hasn’t worked.

  14. Moslems like Sucldick are all for women’s rights and equality. They even let them into a segregated part of the mosque. And beating them has strict koranic rules.

  15. Has this little shithouse only been cunted 41 times?

    Maybe just maybe his ULEZ crap will be the twat’s downfall.

    Fucking little arsewipe.

    Afternoon all.

  16. Words lead to violence.

    Not necessarily. The Maate campaign is a good example of the slippery slope fallacy.

    That’s all I have o say on it…


  17. Khant wants to protect wimminz?
    What a hypocrite. Khant’s very own brother was recently banged up for 17 years for honour killing Khant’s niece because she gave a white man a blow job. The man in question had had blowies before and enjoyed them moderately but, he said, there’s nothing quite like a blowie off a muzzıe bird. It’s their moustaches tickling his inner thigh, you see.
    Anyway, Khant’s brother discovered honky yoghurt dripping down her stubbly chin and he and her brothers chopped her into 8 pieces and buried her in a shallow grave.
    For legal purposes, all that ????? not have happened.
    But it probably did.

  18. What’s he got to say about grooming gangs’ attitudes to women, oops – my mistake, under age girls?

  19. As for the video, clearly the white lad has fallen foul of some local custom.
    His hosts should be a bit more tolerant, given he is obviously a volunteer working to help Somalis, Ethiopians and Indian immigrants in some backward East African shithole. I assume his charity provided the games console as well.

    So ungrateful.

  20. I saw a video of this fucker (it might have been on the Lotus Eaters.)

    In it, he’s interrupting and talking over some wimminz politician. Even trying to play the race card by saying something about one of them using racist slurs years ago. It seems one of them once called him a hypocrite by using the term ‘pot calling the kettle black’.

    Apparently, that’s racist now eh?). Anyway, he just avoids answering her with ‘Pot kettle is it? Pot kettle? Pot kettle?’

    Fuck me, if present, I would’ve been holding myself back from jumping over the desk and ripping his fucking throat out, whilst hurling the worst racial abuse known to man.

    He also has no problem speaking at events that segregates women.

    Therefore, for speaking over women and being rude to them….maaaaaate.

    And for segregating women…..maaaaaaaaaaate.

    Fucking hell. I would never wish harm on anyone, but this fucker?

    I hope he gets eaten alive by a grizzly bear that’s escaped from London Zoo.

    He’s so well loved this cunt, that he can only travel in an armour plated car and always has a team of bodyguards nearby.

    The fucking shithouse.

    It is an absolute disgrace that fifth columnists immigrants like this cunt are lording it over us.

    What a fucking country.

    • Nice point about the armoured car and the guards Cunty. Even Ken Livingstone travelled on the tube. I remember also John Harvey-Jones being asked for his opinion of Rupert Murdoch’s then new printing plant in Wapping. He replied that if he had to operate his business behind barbed wire and guards he would feel deeply ashamed.

      • “…He replied that if he had to operate his business behind barbed wire and guards he would feel deeply ashamed….”

        The Lakota chief Red Shirt upon visiting England with Buffalo Bill’s show – “Among my people a chief walks in complete safety, why does your chief (Victoria) have to hide behind guards and high walls?”

  21. He really is a full weight bellend. Arrogant, thick as pig shit, useless, out of touch, and a turd. No redeeming qualities whatsoever. And I’d by saying the same if he was white. Never been a fan of London even more so after I went down there in April for the FA Cup Semi Final. An undercurrent of violence in the air that could erupt at any time and this was in the so called ‘nicer’ areas. He really needs to pull his head out of his arse the fucking idiot.

  22. And wimminz football is fucking shit.

    I don’t give a fuck if this jumped up, third world peasant thinks that I must be a violent rapist for thinking this.

    I just skipped through that England wimminz game just now (took me about 5 minutes). Fucking hilarious it was. This is world class level is it?

    I saw a Nigerian ‘defender’ do an airshot on the edge of her area with no cunt near her (and the ball was slowly rolled to her). England nearly scored but for some ‘incredible goalkeeping’ (Jo Biden would’ve saved it).

    Not one ‘pundit’ mentioned the ridiculously bad (and funny) error. Talk about the elephant in the room.

    And some of those penalties lol.

    They’ve all got imposter syndrome.

    It’s fucking garbage. Terrible.

  23. Fuck me, part of my council tax goes on this.

    What a total Khunt Khan is, I bet he secretly eats pork sausages.

    Personally, some of the comments were OK. If someone has big juggs, it’s worth mentioning and admiring.

    We’d all stand around a Rembrandt and appreciate the artistic nature, wouldn’t we?

    • Agreed. That’s how lads speak when together.

      Do they say, ‘Oh so you’re in love now? Happy for you.’. – ‘Thanks mate’ like in the video?

      Do they fuck. If, back in the day when I had mates, I had been in the pub with them and two said this in a conversation, they’d have been relentlessly mocked as ‘gays’ and probably duffed up a bit.

      They want lads to be wimpy, feminist tossers. Well, the honky ones anyway.

      I bet Khan doesn’t preach this shite down his mosque, the infiltrator that he is.

      • Khan probably lifts up the Islamic dresses to have a little sneaky peek – he wears mirrors on the tops of his shoes.

        Little goat.

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