Sadiq Khan’s say maaate to a mate
Fuck me my piss is boiling.
The Mayor of London has launched an initiative against male violence on women.
Of course, any man who hits a woman is a fucking cunt and a coward. Boil them all, black, white and everything in between, in horse piss for me.
Why cunt him then?
Well, it’s because of the video made for this campaign. In it, a white male acts like a total prick, making pretty lewd comments about women throughout, although he was right about women’s football being shite, but not about the players being ‘well fit’ though. And apparently, making ‘sexist’ comments like women’s footy is shite leads to beating women up according to his spiel on his website.
What a load of fucking bollocks!
Well, in this video, all ‘the evil honky’s’ mates are the ones tut tutting and not being sexist.
And pretty much all of these shining knights are…non white, of course!
A more blatant piece of anti white propaganda I have yet to see.
How much more of this evil crap will people take? A fucking lot, it seems.
Warning, this video will boil your piss.
Nominated by : Cuntybollocks
Seconded by : Big Cuntus
“Sadact” Khan everybody’s favourite Mayor is busy but not on issues like public transport, knife crime, sexual assaults and counter-terrorism. Oh no his new campaign is called “MAAAAAATE” basically encouraging Men to call out other Men’s “toxic” behaviour except a lot of it is nebulous and typical uber feminist woke shite we have seen for years now.
“Have you seen the new girl? I’d give her one.” Yes apparently saying this to a chum is really misogynistic its up their with violent rape. Fuck me.
Realistically if I saw a bunch of drunk rough lads at night harassing a women I’d probably not say anything not that I agree with their behaviour but I don’t want to get my head kick in and up on Life Support because I went and said “MAAAAAAAAATE” and up being a statistic of the kind of violent crime this Mayor is soft as shite on.
In shot Sadact is still a CUNT and needs to deal more pressing issues other than this pathetic lofty woke shite.
YouTube Link. – Ad about same campaign.
The khunt needs stoning then burning to dust.
Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t he a follower of the religion of peace and tolerance?, The religion of feedopilia? Grooming enabling, marrying your own cousin ( obviously she has no choice ) honour killings to name but a few! You fuckin hypocritical fuckin worm. Telling honkies how to behave, when your fuckin neanderthal fuckin mob groom innocent white girls on an industrial scale, fuck off you cunt!
This cunting reminds me the useless manufactured pop Thunderbirds puppet, Ariana Grande.
Grande did a video in 2018, where she was surrounded by loads of abusive and aggressive white men. Scores of them, but not a dark one in sight. And like some sort of Feminazi god, the little pop princess cunt ‘deals’ with them.
White men? It wasn’t white men who callously murdered her fans in Manchester, was it? She is a fucking cunt.
I know who Ariana Grande is now but until the bombing of her concert assumed it was some type of fashionable coffee.
Oh, and the little tart fucked off like greased lightning on her private jet before the fire brigade even got to the Arena that night. Her ‘people’ could have paid for people to be put into hotels for the night and offered help to those who needed it. But they did fuck all. They didn’t even stop to ask if there was anything they could do and they couldn’t get out of there quick enough. Then when it was all over, the bitch turned up again to milk the publicity and spouting her ‘PTSD’ bollocks. Any knobcheese who says Grande is an ‘honorary’ or ‘adopted’ citizen of Manchester is a cunt who can fuck off.
Just wait until London is under Sharia Law, the women will be desperate for the ‘Toxic’ white male to protect them.
Oh she has been sentenced to death by stoning…. Maaaaate.
Not just the women. Gays, trannies, Christians, the left wing morons who are encouraging this shit. In fact, anybody who isn’t a particular flavour of Islam will be fucked. But it’s the far right that’s the problem. Yeah, right.
Andrew Tate has taken the baton from Tommy R has the latest hate figure ?
Yeah, the fuckflakes have got a new panto villain. First there was Tommy Robbo, then there was Nasty Nigel, and now it’s Hate Tate.
Crying with laughter , just think how women are treated in non white countries .
Almost exclusively like fucking shit
Funny how it was never a problem until this cunt and his ilk infested the capital.
what a dumb fucking video. The blokes just a bit of a twat. He’d get on my tits but not just for his “”misogynistic” views. Just cos he’s a cunt.
Not seen the video, as we don’t have to suffer absolute fucking shite like that out here. However, what I do know is this sniveling little cunt will do anything to get a few more votes to keep his unwashed arse in power. If there’s a sex offence committed here, you can guarantee that it’s one of his sort that committed it. Fucking dirty, p*ki n*nce cunts.
I watched the video and got a bollocking at the end for “not saying nufink”, but I only heard some bloke being insecure around his cool, efnik mates.
The highlight for me must have been when he banged on about the appealingly large backside of his would-be paramour only to be met with a rolling of the eyes……..from a black lad!
Come on Sadiq, our African brothers would be all over that like fried chiggun.
Maybe they should have done the video in the back of a kebab shop up north it might be a bit nearer the truth
He wants concrete shoes and throwing into the sea.Napolean complex.
The sooner this stupid little twat is voted out of office the better
Look to your own race regarding male violence towards women why use white people as actors you live in a dream World.
ULEZ is a Poll Tax on motoring vote this horrible twat out of office
Surely this cunt must have a record number of cuntism ever recorded on the cuntometer? A good fucking slap he needs – can’t he walk into a North East Kebab joint and jump the queue at 3am?