NHS Consultants [27]

This is a story that will make your teeth itch.

A mate of mine – a younger lad also on the dialysis treatment – was put on the transplant list last Christmas (2022). The consultant asked if he he had any questions, and the lad said he had serious problems and pain with his teeth. And, as anyone who knows knows, a transplant can no way go ahead if there is an infection, especially a dental infection. But the consultant just smiled and said ‘Don’t worry about that. I’ll get you a referral to a Dentist’. He was then told he would have to wait about three years for a sniff of a transplant.

A couple of months later, he sees another consultant at another hospital. And he told me that this one also laughed his dental situation off. ‘Oh, that will be done before you get the call’.

A couple of months after that, he gets a call at 4am. Saying a kidney is there if he wants it. But he still has the teeth infection (and has evidence and X-Rays to confirm it) and is in persistent pain, so he had to turn it down and he is totally gutted.

Point is, had that useless cunt gave him a referral to an NHS Dentist (who are only now just openng their doors to NHS patients this week) in January, he probably would have been done and dusted and in Salford right now under the knife. And the cunt who said the dental infection would be gone before he got a call. Well, he got the call in about three months, not three years. And nothing was done about his gnashers, even though he asked them several times.

He was in a terrible mood yesterday when I saw him, and I don’t blame him. He asked to speak to a senior nurse on the unit to tell her what happened. She didn’t give a toss. Listened, but didn’t give him any sort of answer or support. Just fucked off back inside without saying a word. Only one member of staff said they were sorry, and he is a support worker. I know we have to have this treatment and deal with these people, it’s a case of do or die. But seriously, what a bunch of cunts they can be.

No link, Just him telling me and me witnessing this useless cunt promising the lad a dental referral which never came.

Nominated by : Norman

49 thoughts on “NHS Consultants [27]

  1. And those cunts on the Bibby Stockholm can get to see a dentist in-between a game of pool and a workout in the gym.

    What a fucking country.

    • Apparently, 35 were meant to board the barge but a ‘charity’ has announced that 20 ‘declined to do so ,preferring to remain in their hotel.
      What the fuck is going on?

    • It is up to all of us to do something about it. The pigs can’t arrest us all.

      • Especially with officers leaving the force in droves due to low morale.

        I think the clusterfuck over Covid guidance let them down, making them appear utter nazis. That plus the fact barely a single voolation of the ‘rules’ lead to prosecution. Their meek response to the BLM and vociferous anger of the majority.

        Then you have the Sarah Everard case and the police response to the protests.

        A lot of them are now fucked up.

  2. The poor bastard should have told them he was an Afghan.

    Turn up in a bedsheet stinking of shit and talk mangled gibberish,dentist sorted that day.

    How low this country has sunk.

  3. I had two consultants telling me the exact opposite to each other for a condition I have, how the fuck can you have any faith in the NHS.

  4. Sadly, not an untypical story, Norman. I knew of a lad who went to hospital with a swollen ankle. A bad sprain, the medics concluded. Anyway, after several more visits due to increasing agony, and so called ‘complications’, he had to have his his leg amputated above the fucking knee.

    A pity DCI is no longer on here or we could have had a lively exchange of views on this nom. He was a good bloke and I always enjoyed his attempts to defend the indefensible!

    • Why hasn’t a dialysis unit got its own appointed dentist?

      Surely that’d make sense?

      Lots of people have dental issues,
      For lack of attention to mean you lose out on a transplant is fuckin outrageous.
      Poor fucker☹️

      I of course have a beautiful smile.
      Filled with Turkey teeth

      • I’ve only got about 3 quids worth of teef left LL.
        Slim pickings for the tooth fairy .?

    • Shame that DCI has left. I valued his input, being on the front line of our society’s suffering.

  5. The NHS is now a fucking big joke, and one of the attractions for those fucking dinghy cunts. Scrap the NHS and bring in privatisation, but make the investment come from British only companies and if you can’t afford it, well you’ll just have to fucking die, won’t you! There, I’ve said it!

    • Hear hear.
      If my NI contributions won’t help when I need it, give me the choice to opt out, and I’ll sort my own insurance.

  6. Law of diminishing returns. Consultants and GPs are leaving the NHS in droves. To fill the void, Itchy Ballsack will enthusiastically encourage Doctors with names like Mtembe Nmbuku and Bupindra Mohammed Ding Ding to emigrate to the UK. They will be the order of the day and you won’t understand a fucking word of what they are saying.

    Come to think of it, they won’t understand a word of what you are saying.

    The country is clusterfucked.

    • ‘Mtembe Nmbuku and Bupindra Mohammed Ding Ding to emigrate to the UK. They will be the order of the day and you won’t understand a fucking word of what they are saying.’

      That was my utterly confusing experience fairly recently. The face masks didn’t help either.
      Bad when telling patients results.

    • Evening Paul. You and I have the inside track on the problems in the NHS and I would hazard a guess that your wife’s view of the problems matches our daughter’s view i.e. it’s mostly down to those shit weasels in the HOC. Our daughter is considering going to Australia or New Zealand where she could start work immediately she recovered from jet lag for better pay and conditions and far less stress. Bodes ill for the future of the NHS. Don’t know if your wife has yet retired but wish you both the best anyway.

      • Thanks Arfur. My wife is seeking a GP Retainer post for 2 days a week so she can spend more much needed time with our son, who is growing up and needs full time care.

        No practice locally wants to know, despite the shortage of GPs. One local practice agreed but she would be the only GP there on the two days, which would become 14 hr days. She may just give it up and PM will have to support the brood and a hefty mortgage!

        If your daughter is young enough she should go for it. The UK is circling the plughole in far too many ways now.

  7. He should put on some pyjamas and a headscarf, call himself Iqbal, catch a train to Calais, then pay the £5000 to a people-trafficker for the 100-yard dinghy journey before being “rescued”.
    Sometime during his seven month hotel stay, he’ll be given the operation.

    • If you have ever heard the call to prayer it sounds like some cunt with chronic toothache.

  8. The so called Conservative government have had nigh on thirteen fucking years to sort this shit out. It’s about time they started looking after the British people, not pandering to the fucking third world dregs that are flooding this country daily.

    • They don’t care. They’ve abandoned any attempt at representing anyone but themselves. There’s no more money to spend.

      Rail jockeys, teachers and medics can strike and whinge all they want.

    • A once proud party has been hollowed out by venal scum and lefty cunts in blue rosettes. A fucking disgrace.

  9. Our daughter, a few weeks ago slammed her hand hard in the door and we thought the silly bugger had broken a finger.

    6pm we depart for A+E. Sign in and sit for two hours. 8pm, triage nurse informs us to go to critical care – sweet, we thinks, the system works now.

    Oh how stupid was I. Sit in another waiting room, no one acknowledges us – the darkie, moody looking tart on the reception desk clearly does not give a fuck, thinking more about the bucket of chicken she’s gonna get when she leaves.

    10pm rocks up, nothing. I am sat there with a chinky hocking his guts up, a daki who smells like Ghandi’s flip flop, a Ploak giving everyone moody stares and a raggie who keeps pacing up and down demanding she get seen now (I had to refrain from telling her I’ve paid more in tax that she could dream of earning in 10 years so sit the fuck down and shut up, or fuck off).

    11.30 comes and still no one has seen us. At this point daughters hand is now moving, fingers not broken so we all go to leave and remember the fried chicken nurse I told you about that doesn’t seem to speak English.

    Well, she suddenly acknowledges us and informs us we did not sign in…

    Sign in, we did at A+E but nooooo, no one told us we had to sign in again.

    I shout a lot of profanities about if my skin were a different colour this would be different and what the fuck do I pay my taxes for at which point I am asked to leave…

    Cunts, with a capital K

    • Fucking hell that is bad.

      I was in A and E for 12 hours about a month ago. 1pm to 1 am.
      The sad part was there were as many medics as patients, but they all seemed confused and pretending they were busy or sitting at computers saying ‘no’.
      I didn’t say anything. They would’ve made a point of ignoring me.
      I was moved to a seperate cubicle about 10pm and saw doctor but couldnt get a bed until after i’d had an x ray and injection and then saw another doctor. this was in the early hours.
      I was wheeled to the AMU at around 1; 30 am.

      Pretty fucking bad.

  10. Nowt worse than tooth ache.

    Sounds Mard?
    People have topped themselves with dental abcesses due to the pain.

    It poisons your blood.

    • Yep a bloke I worked with had one. Herrified of dentists and held out until he looked like he was pouching a golf ball in his left cheek/jaw.

    • Aye. Once had to see an emergency dentist about 25 years ago with an abscess. Had to have two teeth far side of my gob pulled out.

      I was in fucking agony for a day or so. I was putting clove oil on the area before my appointment every 2 minutes at work. Hardly worked at all. Stinking the place out.

      Blood everywhere when he pulled my teeth. He also took a step back after injecting my gob ( for about the tenth time – I think i had a strong tolerance to anaesthetics back then ahem.)

      He looked at the nurse with a worried look. I thought ‘eh?’ then a few seconds later I suddenly shot bolt upright with my heart going 500bpm. Thought I was fucking dying. Then he said just relax. I calmed down, blood everywhere from pulling the first tooth a bit earlier and him saying he’d just accidentally injected into my bloodstream. £125 it cost and this was 25 years or so ago. Wonder what it’d be now? £500? A grand?

      Kept ringing me every day for about a week asking how I was. I thought he must be a puff or summat. Then it was pointed out to me he was scared I might drop dead or sue him etc.

      Fuck me. I should’ve done what a peaceful would’ve done. Taken him to the fucking cleaners.

      And I once heard of a bloke in Yankland whose toothache was so bad, that he took out a gun and shot the lower part of his jaw in an attempt to get the tooth out. Sadly, he ended up removing half of his face and bled to death.

      Proper toothache is a cunt.

      • Anaethetic effect lessens if there is an infection. The pH is too acidic. And if he injected into infected tissue he needs fucking with a mills grenade, sans pin. He just pushed the infection deeper, possibly into a nice convenient blood vessel, spreading it systemically. Shoot the cunt.
        If i did that id get struck off.

      • Just had a filling done privately as me and missus can’t get an NHS dentist – nearly 200 quid – got to have a crown replaced that will cost me another 700 – and I’ve just paid for missus to have a tooth, removed , a few fillings and a plate – nearly 3 grand and they’ve said she will need another 2 grands worth later – it’s a fucking joke alright – and those cunts getting free treatment, food, clothes, mobile phones, free Internet, gym, transport , allowance and god knows what else – and then on top of that you have the middle class Liberal luvvies saying we MUST take in MORE – well another 750 plus crossed yesterday – how long before we rise up against this shit? Personally I think we should all chip in for a few fishing boats and deliberately capsize the cunts. Fuck ’em. Rant over.

  11. The NHS is falling apart. Ive been referred to two seperate trusts for the same investigation. No joined up thinking at all. Money wasted. I think i know what happened. my GP sent me along for investigation underbone trust, and a hosital consultant referred me to a different trust for the same thing after treatment for another condition. I told my GP and she said go along to the other appointment anyway, even though ive seen a specialist under a diffrrent trust already!

    Having had a transplant back in 1995 I feel very bad for the lad who was let down.Things ran almost like clockwork in the kids unit at Guys. Sometimes it took a while but largely the Doctors knew what they were doing.

    Ive found that things get done quicker in a teaching hospital where they are real experts rather than smaller generals or community hodpitals. As for surgeries that is pot luck. your local surgery might be good and in a well-pff postcode but your GP might be useless. ive been lucky and very unlucky in this sense.

  12. It’s very simple, the NHS under both lefty liberal parties ( I know) is being slowly but surely run down. It is to expensive to “operate” at the current and projected levels of expenditure.

    So, there will in the not too distant future a cut price version for the poor / illegals and a better version for those folks that can afford health care insurance….Sad but inevitable…..?

  13. The lad in question was a building worker who has paid in since he left school in 1991. His kidneys failed in 2021 like mine. And, like me, he has paid in all his working life.

    Yet when he needed them, they let him down. But I bet my bollocks that some cunt from some foreign shithole who has never paid in and never will would get a referral like a shot.

    • Did he say what led to his kidneys failing? It is very rare for Kidney failure to accur in people in their forties.

  14. Where are we finding the money to pay for NHS treatment given free to illegal immigrants? I’m beginning to suspect it’s from people like us. I went to the dentist on July 27th after losing part of a filling. A temporary filling was put in and after giving me another appointment for August 29th to have it fixed permanently I was charged £25.80. One option I’d been given to think about was a crown costing around £300.
    The temporary filling lasted exactly a week before it fell out, and today I went back for another temporary filling. And they charged me again! Another £25.80. They didn’t do a proper job the first time but I had to shell out. I think there’s going to be more said about it when I go again.

  15. Envy of the world the political lot tells us.

    My experiences and that of erstwhile cunters here tell a different story.

    Only part of the phrase that rings true is ‘the world’ as every cunt on the planet seems to come here to ‘work’ for the AnyChess or partake of its services.

  16. National Health Service? It’s a fucking International Health Service, priority given to any itinerant cunt that turns up here provided they haven’t paid a penny into the system. Work hard all your life paying your stamps and you’re well and truly fucked when it comes to NHS treatment.
    Medical negligence is absolutely rife, my 68 yo father failed to receive the appropriate aftercare for a routine hip-replacement op, resulting in pulmonary blood-clots that have now left him with permanent heart and lung damage. A direct result of no proper follow-up checks.
    These (mostly foreign) consultants and doctors truly do not give a shit, they care about covering their own arses and demanding ever increasing pay for less work. Disgraceful!

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