Mike Stirling and The Beano Overhaul

Yes, a children’s comic has now gone totally woke, and has received a ‘modern makeover’

The publishers have hired ‘Inclusive Minds’ (who now doubt exclude anyone who doesn’t go along with the acceptable group think), to vet characters and reinvent the comic.
Characters now include Khadija Raad, a talented artist who wears a hijab; Mandira Sharma, a girl battling anxiety; Jemima Jones, a ghost hunter who is black; and Rubi, a ginger haired scientist who uses a wheelchair.

Stirling told the Sunday Times that he is comfortable with the prospect of being branded “woke” by some readers. Hope he’s still comfortable when sales figures go due south.


Nominated by Mystic Maven.

91 thoughts on “Mike Stirling and The Beano Overhaul

  1. I used to love reading my Beano book in bed stuffing my face with selection box treats Christmas ? mornings before it was light. Happy days.

    Why do cunts have to spoil things? Guess it’s because they’re cunts

  2. Comics don’t sell like they used to in the 60s and 70s.
    And nowadays it’s not kids buying them it’s adults.

    I was never really into the Beano as a kid.
    I’d read it but only if there wasn’t something else.

    I definitely wouldn’t read the new woke version!

    • I read Sparky and Topper as a kid, only read the Beano once, at the dentist if I recall correctly.

  3. How difficult would it be for these cunts to create their own comic..
    “I’m sure it would be a laugh riot”

    Nope let’s ruin a existing product..

    I have a character for their comic.

    Abdul the goat herder and he’s attempts to reach the land of milk and honey.

    It could be a kenny from South park rip off, every week he dies in his attempts to reach England.
    Drowns, fall outs the back of a lorry,freezes on a aeroplane wheel.

    The last square would be of various insincere celebs crying and blaming the wicked government.

    I give one week..

    • Desperate Dan’s now a vegan.

      Minnie the minx is a lezzy.

      The Bash street kids are on the spectrum.

      Rodger the Dodger is non binary.

      Remember Sweeney Toddler??

      • make minnie the mince a smoking hot lezza ;mmm sorry what was this about again?

  4. It’s a pity that the proper comics of my youth such as The Victor are no longer around , it would be impossible to give them a woke makeover. Who remembers Alf Tupper, Braddock VC, Captain Hurricane and his batman Maggot Malone ? Stout fellows one and all who called a spade a spade.

  5. The Beano was all right fifty years ago but Battle (?) was much better..page after page of dead krauts and nips.

    Modern Britain,where everything gets fucked.

    Well….fuck them into a cow pie.

    • Buster Comic had the Leopard of Lime Street.

      A kid who lived with his abusive uncle and aunt.
      He was bitten by a radioactive leopard and got ‘leopard powers’?

      It never explained how a leopard got radioactive?
      And why it only bit him once rather than maul him?

      He was a bit feral
      Like most of today’s kids,
      I lived in hope I got bit by a radioactive leopard,
      But true to form it never happened.
      I’m just not lucky.

    • IMorning UT, I’d love a UK edition of Battle…the Army and Navy actually taking charge and performing a coup, machine gunning dinghy cunts from warships and blowing the utter shit out of every mosque in the land with tanks, hordes of burning muzzıes and Sadiq Khunt’s and sunak’s traitorous heads impaled on the railings at the end of Downing Street

      • Thoroughly spiffing Thomas.

        A pile of the cunts dead round the statues of Churchill and Monty in Londonistan.

        What a day.

    • Whizzer and chips was my comic of choice….although later it was tiger comic. Particularly liked Skid Solo the racing driver

  6. The more I think about this, the more I am convinced that we are deliberately being stirred in a giant pot of shit! Every day, another abomination peddled from a Galactic arsehole somewhere in the Universe.
    Is it to encourage revolt? Division? Or is this preparation for days of “Soylent Green”?

    Apart from the Beano, I have seen so many brilliant comics fall into the shit . “Commando” ( need I say more ) Viz ( a one time brill but now a shill ) and of course my all time favourite “Oor Wullie ” . Im afraid the Sunday Post has joined the shit show too.

    Anyone here who remembers the “Hotspur” the “Wizard” “Lion” and the “Tiger” would wince at todays offerings of multi everything propaganda fit only for the netty nail! Brilliant cunting . But so sad it is the Beano

      • Indeed Hugh Cumber. The days of “Fat Bob” have gone. Soapy is distinctly “odd” these days, and a whole circus of “forint” fuckers occupy the pages. Ye Gods

    • Just cultural marxism doing it’s thang.Anything thing that vaguely gives a sense of national identity must get the cancerous inculcation of Mordecai Marx’s satanic offerings.

  7. Spent many an hour reading comics as a kid.

    Dandy, Beano, Victor, Roy of the Rovers. All full of great stories and characters.

    Even the Panini football sticker albums of the mid 1980s provided hours of childhood interest and entertainment.

    Wonderful fuzzy warm memories.

    What do kids, especially young lads, read these days??

    Even though they don’t know any different – it must really suck being a kid today when compared to the mid 80s.

    • Morning HJ, fear not…decent lads will find their own entertainment. My 11 year old son had a sleepover with two boys last night. There are two mattresses on my living room floor and currently the boys are launching themselves off the sofas onto each other and playing UFC and making a racket.
      The leftie scum attemoting to subvert this country will never faggotise decent boys with strong-willed fathers.

      • Hehehe ?
        Morning Thomas.

        All my mates wanted to come play at my house ,
        My dad had interesting stuff and no sense of safety.
        So 9yr olds could get to handle a cavalry sabre, a divers knife,Arab dagger, ww2 Aussie machete, even a decommissioned double barrel shotgun.

        Don’t remember anyone getting hurt, and kids love dangerous stuff.

        One fell in the pond but that was his own fault.

  8. Wow, from being a founding member of the SAS to ruining the Beano. Just shows how dangerous wokeness is.

  9. Looks like they nicked the ideas for characters straight off these pages. Didn’t they realise we were taking the piss?

  10. Comic writers used to get close to the knuckle.

    ” Dirty Dick ”

    ” Winker Watson ”

    Great characters.

    Hee hee hee ?

  11. I hope the Beano sinks with all hands.

    The treacherous woke cunts.

    Good morning.

    • Morning Jack…although not a comic character, there’s never been a better character name than Monty Python’s ‘Mrs Nığgerbaiter’!

      • @Thomas. ” I don’t like dærkies ” LOL ?

        Terry Jones as Mrs. N. RIP.

        Original post went AWOL, for obvious reasons.

        Morning Thomas ?

    • Mussolini was indeed an absolute cunt.Totally fucked Adolph’s plans with his disastrous African campaign misadventures.

  12. The Fat Slags are now The Bubbly Persons Who Menstruate.
    Sid the Sexist is Sid the Misogynistic Patriarchal Oppressive Gammon.

  13. Slightly off topic we used to buy tiny soldiers an re enact ww2 battles. Build bridges of twigs and leaves out them on the light bangers under them boom ? Gerry got blown up. Hey ho memories

    • I just used to line them up and execute them with my gat air pistol.

      Hours of fun, mainly due to the total inaccuracy of a £5 air pistol.

  14. “Inclusive Minds”? What a cracking little con that sounds. There’s always some clever cunt who can find his way into a dimmo’s pockets. My congratulations…….get that cheque cashed straight away Dennis the Menace!

    • Morning, Jack. I loved this too. Always on the rob. He went forward in time for some of his adventures! A truly desperate man.

      Will look up the film. It is free to watch on Amazon Prime…

  15. The Adventures of Colin the Climate Change Activist. Every week he gets mollycoddled by the Police while “Nazis” trying to get to work fume in the background. He turns up in court, gets congratulated and sent home to Mummy and Daddy’s house in Sussex where Mummy prepares his Vegan tea.
    I’m sure the new look Beano would love my story……..especially when he goes trannie!

    • Fucking hell Cuntstable we both had the same idea at the same time. This stuff writes itself. Hello readers!

  16. Started off with the Beano. Calamity James was my favourite. Used to read Viz and my cousin got me into Marvel when I was about eleven. Collected Iron Man, X Men, Spiderman and the Fantastic Four. Loved the Latverian
    Gypsy king, Doctor Doom.
    Stan Lee said he was his favourite villain. ‘You can’t arrest Doctor Doom… he’s got diplomat immunity!’
    As for the films, the first few were good, I guess, but ive long since sold my comic collection and the MCU has since bored the fuck out of me. I agree with Martin scorcese; they aren’t cinema.

    As for British comics, I did read a few issues of 2000 AD, but my favourite character was in Action Comics;

    Hook -Jaw was sort of an eco warrior that forgot it was an eco-warrior and killed anybody who fell in the water.

  17. Buck toothed Nips getting blasted by Bren gun wielding heroes. Square headed Jerries blown to fuck with deftly lobbed grenades. ‘Banzai’. ‘Englander pig dogs.’ Gob stoppers and liquorice bootlaces. British bulldog in the playground. Torn school blazer, then home for tea.

    Replaced by what? Mobile phone and gender confusion. Fuck right off.

    Good morning, everyone.

  18. I still have a Beano occasionally. Recipe:- baked beans on an omelette.

    Sadly the comic Beano, now Goneo.

  19. I wonder how many park key kids read the beano? Or are allowed to for that matter?
    I thought the only reading material they could set eyes on was the Koran or other publications espousing the virtues of allans snack bar.
    And how would they relate to kids mixing and having friends at school who aren’t relatives? They’re only allowed out to play with their cousins before being called in for prayers.
    As for the dark key kids. I thought they were all at home reading books on architecture in between perfecting their rap acts.
    I really don’t think those wizard chaps at the beano have done their market research.

    • Evangelical Christians don’t let their kids play with many toys or read Satanic comic books. Some of my schoolmate’s fellow worshippers made Mary Whitehouse look like a Slayer groupie.

      The church his dad was pastor in had a strange collection of evangelical propaganda on a shelf in the porch.


  20. A roll of caps thrown onto a fire, drinking out of a trough,jumping off a slide onto a smelly matress, doing ghosties with bikes. Simple times back then that you see nothing of nowadays. I have never read the beano but dad always used to buy me spike comic with its collect a kit tokens that would get you an airfix kit, which i still make to this day (50) 51 in a couple of weeks time. Viz is still on prescription in my world of nonsense and still funny.

    • Meeting precocious girls who liked East 17.
      A lot more fun and free-spirited than the ones who liked Take That.

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