A cunting please for Lucy Letby.
Well, it’s now it’s official and I can finally say what everyone and his dog suspected the entire time – Lucy Letby is cold, calculating, evil, child killing bitch.
If I had my way I would hang her, but I don’t, so in the absence of such retribution may her fellow inmates give her the justice she so richly deserves.
The Countess of Chester Hospital deserve a gigantic cunting here too – they received multiple warnings about her and yet they failed to act. As seems to be usual with our fucking NHS.
Nominated by : OpinionatedCunt
Seconded by : Cuntybollocks
This cunt is now the most prolific child murderer in British history. After reading about this witch, it seems to me that she killed these babies to get attention and sympathy. Her texts I thought were quite revealing (see link). Anything for a ‘You ok, hun?’ Even giving babies a painful death it seems.
She even started nobbing a doctor at the hospital. I reckon this was to help her get info on what the hospital were doing about all these babies she killed and tried to kill.
I thought about going on a bit of a rant about social media obsessed narcissists being the reason for this shit, but I reckon she’s just evil like that Beverly Allitt cunt.
This sort of shit is what the death penalty is for.
String the fucking witch up.
But she’ll probably end up in Rampton knitting sweaters, reading novels and eating scones with Allitt in all probability.
I tell you want will happen to the managers who despite warnings allowed to go on killing.
1. They’ll get some abuse , probably on social media
2. They’ll go off with mental health issues
3. The inquiry will say they weren’t to blame
4 . They’ll be ‘too ill’ to go back to work and will get a mental health payout of £500k plus a £350k lump sum into their already ludicrously over generous pension
Just you wait
I’d giver her one and look on the bright side, you’d never have to worry about paying her child maintenance.
To be be fair it would have to be fuck and go . I wouldn’t want to go to sleep around , you might find that you’re dead when you wake up , the psychopathic bitch
Your user name ?????
Roll it alive, straight into the cremator. Best possible cost efficiency for the taxpayer. ?
Bring back the stocks for the bitch then finish her off by locking her into a wrought iron cage and suspending her from the nearest turret for the crows.
Incidentally I have seen no mention of male companions or partners of any description. Funny that.
While Letby was focussed on her career, boyfriends do not appear to have been a big feature of her early 20s. However, during the trial, Letby claimed she did have a mystery boyfriend as she defended herself against allegations that she had an affair with a married doctor on the ward.
During the trial at Manchester Crown Court, it was alleged that Letby murdered two premature triplets in less than 24 hours to get the attention of the doctor, known as Dr A, whom she had a “crush” on. The hospital medic, who cannot be named for legal reasons, shared supportive text messages with Letby following the deaths.
The prosecution suggested their relationship went beyond that of colleagues. After she was removed from the ward, the two continued to meet outside of work for coffee and restaurant dates, shopping trips, and a visit to her home, where she lived alone. He was described by prosecutors as her ‘boyfriend’, but Letby insisted: “I loved him as a friend. I was not in love with him.”
The jury heard they exchanged messages at work and at home, while her nursing colleagues teased her about flirting with him. In one text shown to the jury, Letby had said she received a ‘strange message’ from the doctor. Her colleague said: “Did you? Saying what? Go Commando (laughing face emoji).” Letby replied with four laughing face emojis but when questioned during her trial, she denied knowing what ‘go commando’ meant.
In another message, Letby protested: “I don’t flirt with him! Certainly, don’t fancy him ha ha just a nice guy.” At one stage, the court was presented with a document citing examples of her social life during the period of the killings. It saw that she and Dr A had been to London together for the day, and messages between them showed a series of love heart emojis exchanged as they made plans to meet.
But it was during this questioning that she appeared to reveal she had a ‘boyfriend’. “was a married man, it’s not a relationship at all it’s a friendship,” she said before admitting she did have a boyfriend at this time. It wasn’t made clear if this was the same person and no previous partners were mentioned during the trial.
Letby claimed her relationship with Dr A, who she referred to as ‘sweetie’ in messages, “fizzled out” at the start of 2018. But there was no denying her emotions when the man appeared in court to give evidence against her, with Letby visibly distressed for the first time during the trial. She tried to leave the dock, claiming to feel “unwell” but prosecutor Nick Johnson replied: “No, it’s because you didn’t like hearing your boyfriend giving evidence, did you?”
Meanwhile, her infatuation was made evident after her arrest when police found a note in her home with the name of Dr A and the phrases: “My best friend. Love, I loved you and I think you knew that. I trusted you with everything….I wanted you to stand by me but you didn’t.”
Verdict: Fuck her.
The primary purpose of the death penalty is the deterrence of the most heinous of crimes, namely premeditated murder. I’ve long been in support of capital punishment, under the strictest conditions of due process. That being said, it makes me wonder if anything could deter such evil, as there is no clear motive for doing what she did. I doubt she will ever reveal a motive, and she may not even quite know herself, as she’s obviously just fucking nuts and wicked..Even so, she deserves nothing less than to be hung from the neck until dead.
And there’s another reason I think she slipped by so easily, it’s our national unhinged worship for that overrated sack of shit known as the holy NHS, which to even remotely criticise is blasphemy.
Thank you NHS, *clap, clap, clap* – a right nation of gullible, spinless, sentimental numb cunts we’ve become.
Pro of Death Penalty: saves the taxpayer a fortune.
Con: let’s the miscreant off lightly.
All O want to hear about this evil cunt going forward that she’s either been murdered in a violent fashion or that she is now the plaything of a butch MMA enthusiast.
Drag the cunt outside and throw a burning tyre around her neck. Winnee Mandela FC-styleee.