Lizzo [4]

Not only is she a fat revolting sight with all the grace of a heifer stuck in the mud, the voice of failed x factor cunt and the dress sense of a bag of chips, it turns out that she is allegedly a fucking sexual deviant.

It as been reported that amongst other things she been telling/urging some of her dancers to eat bananas out out each others cunts. Allegedly. Twatter was trending Yesterday this giant hippo like turd predilections for fanny flavoured fruit.

Some of her dancers have now started to complain, big style, who could blame them ? she is about as sexy as a dog turd.

Grauniad Link.

Nominated by : Everyonesacunt

67 thoughts on “Lizzo [4]

  1. Render it down to fuel oil and sell it on the open market. With such a massive increase in supply the price of oil would collapse, inflation would fall and the cost of living crisis will be eased. And we wouldn’t have to listen or look at it ever again.
    Win win.

  2. I like it when these Blek Keys are obese.

    Heart disease and diabetes!

    You Go Girl!

    …Then fuck off.

  3. Lizzo? Jello more like.
    The behaviour of some of these weirdos is like the End Of Days

  4. Banana stuck in her blow hole ay, man the harpoon before it dives again …..thar she blows and then we can tow it back to the beach and turn her into diesel,tarpaulin and vaj smelling candles….
    Honestly im surprised she isnt sat in the corner of a dark room with her Slimfast and a KFC bucket, let alone parading around a reinforced stage as if she is J,LO dancing to 3 times a lady…..

  5. Wish I was that light green bit of her outfit, just imagine the force those legs are putting on keeping her twinkle shut

    • Her outfit must have been designed by a civil engineer rather than a textile technologist.

  6. There should be a weight limit by law. Otherwise you are put down. To stop law braking, all food establishments should have turnstiles fitted. What I have just said might frighten a few, but there’s fuck all can be done. I’ve said before, take note of “The Bottom Inspectors” and form something similar to stop people being overweight.

  7. When backed into a corner she’ll pull out as many “ism” cards as possible because she’ll be the victim, blah blah woof woof.

  8. The fat lumps varicose veins should be removed by heated metal tongues, without anaesthetic.

  9. I cunted this meat market some time ago – couldn’t agree more.

    She’s been told time and time again by MSM that “plus size is good” that she actually believes it.

    The reality is she is simply obese and apparently not a very nice person.

    • Personally I don’t care if she’s a fat cunt or not. There are plenty of obese people who are just as civil and kind as anyone else – at least that’s in my experience of meeting such people.

      However. I detest arrogant, self-opinionated cunts regardless of size/colour/whatever. And if the allegations against Lizzo turn out to be true then I hope the MSM turn on her like an avalanche of shite!

      • Amen to that Techno.

        That said, I bet she goes with a thunderclap loud bang and a tusami-like splash when she drops a ‘chocolate redwood’ into the pan below.

        Parp parp!

  10. Aren’t her backing singers/dancers or whatever they are all fat cunts too?

    I smell bullshit here.

    Fat cunts don’t eat fruit.

    And they’d find a banana hard find among all that cream cheese.

    • With that lot on stage, the smell of any kind of dung would be present.

      A whole Jovian system of stinking fleshy moons, sweating and revolving around the big black ham planet.

  11. Can’t say that I know much about her (wouldn’t listen to her, no way).

    All I know is that I’d rather wake up next to a giant hog weed.

    Afternoon all.

  12. Before the cop-out BS of ‘fat positivity’ became the method of denying any of the responsibility or many negatives of the obese existence, there was a period of them spilling “you can’t make hurtful comments, .. being fat is GENETIC” … (fat genes, eh?) … so the, say 10%, of superfatties – not those just a bit out of shape – that made up the numbers when this was the excuse .. would declare it was not their fault, it was simply a genetic percentage.

    Funny how the fat-gene percentage never seem to stand out in the concentration camp liberation photos …. ?

  13. I bet admin was waiting for lunchtime to post that heap.

    Not only is it fucking grotesque in proportions, it has a bloke’s face, yet the cunt media want us to worship this and Sam Smith?

    Churnalists/activists of Twitter need sending to the abattoir, along with this beast her singers and Sam Smith. Doesn’t matter if it’s some po-faced Guardian/New York Times ‘opinion-former’ or the 3AM cunts from the red tops, send them for slaughter and sell their skins at Smithfields.

  14. Fat.



    Talent free.

    Appalling dress sense.

    Sexually dysfunctional.

    God’s been harsh ( but fair ).

    Get To Fuck.

  15. Probably smells too, it can’t be easy to wipe your arse properly when you’re that fat.

    If indeed she even attempts to.

    The dirty cunt.

    • Be glad the Internet has no smell-o-vision function, and hopefully never will with what Mr Cunt Engine posts.

    • I don’t believe there’s any way she can reach her arsehole. Perhaps somebody hoses her down in the garden?

    • I watched the classic Space 199 episode ‘The Black Sun’ the other day. In it, Paul Jones (yes, the Manfred Mann singer) uttered the words. ‘It’s huge, it’s wide, it’s scary and it’s black. My God it’s black!’

      Talk about a premonition.

  16. The biggest threat to people doing anything outrageously ridiculous is being ignored. But nobody is prepared to help out due to nosiness.

  17. Billy Smarts circus have extra security around the big top if she’s in town, it’s the only thing that would fit the oleaginous bloater, you would need a packed lunch and a flask to circumnavigate it. The Great Wall of China is not the only human creation visible from space, vile talentless cunt needs a holiday in BELSEN.

  18. Even if she is a pervo, she will get away with it. The BBC and Grauniad will be writing excuses for her already. Why?

    Fat cunt

    Also, why doe this chocolate walrus have to keep posing in the billy bollocks? Who the fuck wants to see that? Is she some sort of sadist? It’s truly fucking repulsive. Of course, that woke bog roll Rolling Stone had this ten ton slab of chocolate lard in their rag starkers. I bet that boosted sales, eh?

  19. The hitherto excellent Mandalorian series was ruined by this fat fuck (and that Kennedy bitch, and Disney). One entire episode in the shit third series was a vehicle for Lizzo as – wait for it – black royalty. Queen of the planet Chiggen, no doubt. I’m surprised she didn’t sit on Mando’s face and then ate his little green friend with the big ears.

    Acting ability and screen presence doesn’t come into it. A fat black woman? You’re in.

  20. Anyone would be a mug going out with that.

    If she sat on you, you’d never be seen again.

    • The average sized person to her is like a remote control is to the average sized person.

    • I’d let her sit on me. Or on a glass table with me underneath looking up ?

      • You’d get glass in your face and then that thing’s blubbery mass pushing it into your skull.

  21. The bare faced inconsistency and selectiveness of the government, the MSM, various companies, social media and the nanny state makes one want to throw up.

    They ‘crack down’ on junk food and tell folk what to eat and what not to eat. They shrink bars of chocolate (yet put the price up), packets of crisps are 60% air, a bottle of coke costs nigh on three pounds, and they lecture families and kids about the dangers of junk food and becoming obese.

    Yet these same people and media outlets treat cunts like Lizzo and Lewis fucking Capaldi like gods, and beautiful Greek style gods at that. Lewis Capaldi advertising pizza? I suppose that could be viewed as some sort of health warning: eat this and look like him. Not that it’s that at all though. It’s just that they are fat, so they are to be – for some warped reason – indulged and coddled and worshipped. In case their ‘feelings’ are hurt and they feel ‘shamed’. Most people who suck up to Lizzo are probably repelled by her and wouldn’t have her in the house. But they do it just to virtue signal and score social media points. Well, I am totally repelled by her and I would not have her in my house. But these liberal progressive shitehawks want to make their minds up. They tell parents and kids that eating crap and being fat is bad, then they treat a piece of vast repulsive rippling lard like Lizzo as a 21st Century deity and make out she looks like Ann Margaret in her prime. Completely fucked up hypocritical shit. I dare say Lizzo will be advertising Pepsi or KFC soon enough.

    • 5 a day is now 7.
      No more than a pint of average strength lager a night.
      You can have meat, but a piece no bigger than a deck of cards, and it should be lean.

      Unless you’re famous, then you can be a fucking glutton.

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