Lily Allen (17)

When is Lilly the musical mong going to learn to shut her fucking hole, this cunt is now whinging about the out pouring of messages for that other whackjob cunt Sinead O’Connor.
So Lilly the cunt says why didn’t more people care about her when she was alive, the answer is really simple,,,,she was a cunt, same as you are Lilly, I don’t give a fuck now she’s gone and to be fair would give even less of a fuck if it was the mong……that’s why Lilly, so shut the fuck up and fuck off you complete attention seeking cunt.


Nominated by Fuglyucker.

94 thoughts on “Lily Allen (17)

  1. I just envisaged myself fisting Lily with gusto as I shouted, “Send the buggers back!”

    And I smiled like a bastard.

  2. This is the sort of pub quiz question I hate.
    Lily O’Connor? Sinead Allen? No idea.
    Are they perhaps members of the England wimminz footy team?

  3. To be fair when she tweeted that, she had 3 africunt refugees hanging out of her.
    While her dad filmed it..
    Coming soon on BBC three.

  4. Always preferred her dad Des.
    Better singer and always up for a laugh.

    Not something you could say about lily, though I do prefer her dad dead.

    Whole wretched family of cunts.

  5. I believe the general consensus is that Miss O’Bogtrotter topped herself.
    I’m not going to make light of that. My family have experienced suicide first hand and it leaves nothing but what ifs.
    What this gormless slag doesn’t realise, is that some people won’t accept help. You can’t force them.
    In fact, I’d go as far to say that a few people of that persuasion actually revel in their self pity and when one problem is overcome, they seek another.
    Stick to giving north London’s black imo’s free blow jobs Lily.

  6. So what did Lily do for her?
    I mean did she do Sinead O’Connors shopping and cleaning while she Wallowed in the mire?

    Or did she do like the rest of her celeb chums she’s calling out ,
    And think

    “Fuck that nutter,I’m not wiping her arse”

    Thought so.

    Morrissey made the same point.

    He can fuck off too.

    • Which is the perfect response MNC.

      “So what exactly did you do to help?”

      Fuck all is the answer.

      If karma exists, I know how it ends. Let’s just say dinghies and gang.

  7. She looks OLD AS FUCK in that photo.

    Her dad’s a mentalist as well.

    I reckon we should just chuck all celebrities in the ocean.

    Except Orville the Duck, he’s a good egg, or was hatched from one once.

    Val Doonican will tell you…

    Simpler times, simpler times.

    • Keith Harris thoroughly enjoyed going elbow deep into both Orville and Cuddles’ rear ends. And in front of children, too.
      Wonder if Barrymore has had a cloth puppet of Stuart Lubbock made that he can fist and reminisce?
      Then use the puppet’s mouth to give Les Dennis a hand job.

      • That’s actually how Keith Harris died. His bother recently said that addled with dementia, Keith flew to Zambia and tried to backdoor a baboon thinking it was Cuddles and ended up ripped to pieces by a tribe of them. Cautionary tale, folks, cautionary tale.

      • Well, I’m just going off what Collin said the other day on a podcast and he might have the dementia, as well. Zambia, Tower Hamlets, Chicago, could have been anywhere.

        Rest in peace, Keith Harris, you’re with… God, no ROD! Rod Hull now. Parkinson will be shitting himself!

  8. Next she’ll be moaning about never been invited on the Parkinson show; or that she was never picked for the England’s Wimminz WC team now that they’re in the final.

    Mongy is a desperate attention-seeker: very much as “do as I say, not as I do” type. I don’t know where she lives or what kind of home(s) she has, but I wonder if she’ll object to any proposed planning application for a 5 hundred bed 2 ** hotel for her lovely migrants on her doorstep!? I think not!

    She’s just another Katie Price but not quite so vacuous, plastic and (in)famous other than being a bubbleheaded cunt-biscuit.

    • She was invited on Parky years ago, but the stage manager mistook her for an Albanian crack whore stealing biscuits in the green room. Police dragged her off… to the Graham Norton Show set.

    • 2 star Hotel?
      You heartless monster techno, 4 star with a health spa and room service is the least their deserve.

  9. I just Googled to see Lily is promoting anything at the moment.
    Apparently she’s given up making music.
    Which came as a major shock, as I’d never realised she’d started.

    • Good thing to promote that, “anything”, shows that you are… that you are… well… a desperate obnoxious walking irrelevancy. She should show up at the women’s World Cup tomorrow with wireless microphone and launch into, “Fuck You” (yes, she has a song with that title) during the singing of that song about saving the King, or whatever that shite is before the tackles fly in.

    • No chance of that, she takes after her dad, a raging moutermouthed mongoloid whom she also gets her hygiene instincts from. That family bathroom in the 1990s must have look like Mexico City’s sewage plant.

  10. MNC makes a good point, just exactly what did Lily do to support Sinead?

    The sum total of bugger all minus three, I suspect.

    Well, Lily although I cannot name the title of a single song warbled by you, I can name (and have listened to) at least one of Sineads dirge-like output.

    • Indeed, UT…I’ve seen that pic and it looks perfectly nice. A damn site better than Susan Boyle’s or Anne Widdecombe’s anyhow.
      Just imagine the state of both of theirs…like black hessian welcome mats above a burst open hedghogs guts…?

  11. O’Connor was a genuine windowlicker.
    It was on the cards when her son tragically took his own life she’d follow suit.

    I wouldn’t wish that on any parent
    And it must of been unbearable.
    Where was Lily?

    O’Connor had a good voice,
    It made me stop in my tracks first time I heard her sing Mandinka.
    But apart from singing Princes ‘nothing compares ‘ she didn’t seem to have much else.
    Still, better than Lily’s achieved.

    It’s easy in hindsight to say you should of helped someone with mental health issues,
    Easy to say
    Hard to do.

    I await Lilys voluntary work with MIND charity.

  12. How many pints would it take for the wearing of beer goggles to kick in and take her up the back alley?

    Any advance on 8 pints of Stella?

    • If I was single I’d do her before my first pint had settled.

      Dip her handbag though.
      The rich cunt.

    • Hell TC, I’d hit that sober as a judge.
      If nothing else, between her looks and my “unique” DNA, it’d be interesting to see what sort of monstrosity was baked in her oven.

    • I could probably manage it after 10 pints of Old Curmudgeon, a triple dose of viagra and a sneaky peek at TTCE’s porn stash.

      • You’d have to have quite a strong stomach to endure a peek at my stash, GT…there’s things in there a decent fellow couldn’t even understand; it’d break his mind.

  13. Lily has a point; many of the tributes were hollow. it was just another bit of virtue signalling for the media zombies. Sinead stopped being a public figure of any note several years ago. She was only remarkable in her decision to convert to Islam, but I saw that as a cry for attention.

    I dont disagree with the cunting; Lily Allen is s cunt, and a rancid one at that.

    • Lily Allen should emulate Sinbad Connery’s Pope ripping gesture, but do it with the Prophet Muhammad and see what happens. Solidarity an’ dat, innit, bruv… sista?

      • Once she converted to that great appreciator of women kind. Peacefulness got some daft fucking name and almost did the whole pillar box outfit. Well the plot was completely lost and the slight disregard I held her in turned to total just fuck off. Not that I gave a shit about the dozy cunt anyway. Oh yeah fuck off lilly Allen you annoying fuckwit, like a good wine improves with age Allen is maturing into cunt of the year material.

    • The irony of Sinead converting from catholicism to Islam was because she couldn’t stand the misogyny, sexism and child abuse within the Church. And so she hops over to Islam for some enlightenment!

      • Scientology would have been a better choice.

        “I have found great comfort in the mad ravings of L. Ron Hubbard. All I have to do is give $75,000 to David Miscarriage every month and one day, I’ll find out if Tom Cruise likes to get ramraided in the shite-pipe from backyard wrestlers.”

  14. One day, Mick Jagger will die. Oh fuck me, I dread that day, as he’s a selfish, tight-arsed mega-cunt. But he’ll get talked about like he was some sort of iconic force of nature, a… a… what? A guy who jumped about the stage and sang in a weird style, hardly Sinatra, is he? Sinatra would send money anonymously to people struggling, he was a true humanitarian who remembered were he came from. Jagger is only beaten in the penny-pinching pantheon by that other mincing, pinching cum-guzzler, Rod Stewart.

    As I say, it’s time we stopped “celebrating” people in showbiz. That was one of the great errors of the 20th century, the elevation of entertainers to “stars” who need celebrating, worshipping. Someone worshipping God or their ancestors makes sense to me, but to worship some stranger who amuses you is like a King worshipping the jester. Kings used to make wannabe jesters compete in jumping-while-whistling contests in the days of old. Nothing much has changed, the jesters of today just get paid obscenely and no of them can jump while whistling. Adele, in her fatty boom-boom days, would have died doing that and we would have been deprived… oh actually, that would have been great, seeing a fat lass die while imitating medieval methods of mirth!

    • Quite right, PMF.
      The beatification of David Bowie when he croaked, not least by the BBC, was ridiculous. I actually heard their arts idiot Will Gompertz, after an interminable veneration on the News, come out with ‘David Bowie changed the way we think about ourselves.’
      Pardon me you baldy prick, no, Bowie made a few good records decades ago. Full stop, end of, you Beeboid wanker.

      • Good point GT, saw an advert for some bollocks about Bowie,
        “The man who changed the world”. Sent email to producing company asking how. Awaiting reply

      • Well said Geordie, spot on! Will Gompertz looks like Coco the fucking clown anyway, which is appropriate.

    • When McCartney carks it, we will see griefjacking and media arselicking on a whole new level.

      When Lennon got done that was bad enough. And, even years later, he was still canonised. With loads of cunts going divvy with outrage because Albert Goldman had the balls to call Lennon a complete cunt. Treated like a saint, when he was anything but.

      George Harrison also eulogised very over the top. The entire Daily Mirror front page ‘While The World Gently Weeps’ and virtually a whole episode of Newsnight, I mean, come on.

      But Macca’s outgoing will make the slobbering over Bowie and the other two deceased Beatles look tame. Rest assured, it’s going to be horrible.

      • Evening Norman – well just imagine the outpouring of fakegrief from the media when Elton kicks the cumbucket!

    • ‘he was a true humanitarian’

      Hanging around with mobsters and threatening people.

  15. I don’t really know anything about Lily Allen and given that this is her 17th appearance on IsaC that tells me all I need to know.

    As for the aforementioned Shithead O’Bogtrotter, she insulted, offended and alienated a significant portion of the population. So why is it surprising that we didn’t care about her while she was wasting oxygen and using resources someone else could have put to better use?

    • She’s the daughter of Woody Allen. He molested her in the 1990s and then claimed that the Queen ordered the September 11th attacks… or something, I can’t keep up with all the crazy shit that people believe anymore…

      • I should have known!

        Woody Allen’s cuntishness transcends physical reality so it does not surprise his daughter is a cunt.

        The turd does not fall far from the ass.

  16. Come to reading this late in the day Fugly, but it seems to me that your answer to her question was right on target! Couldn’t have phrased it better myself.
    Big thumbs up …

  17. She really is the gift that keeps on giving, one of those people everyone loves to hate, when will this fuck knuckle ever learn…

  18. Mockney cunt. I hate her. I thought her crying over foreign rapists/Islamic terrorists in war torn France (but not taking one in her mansion in da Surrey hood) was bad, but now we’re meant to cry over an IRA sympathiser and hater of western life (while living it to the full on the proceeds of a song it never wrote)? She can jog on back to her champagne socialist pretend cockney daddy and fucking die.

    Traitor. Rope.

    • I bet the Calais crew get the same fruit and veg and bakery vans as Michel Roux Jr when he’s back with the family.

  19. Never could stand chavette thicko Lily Allen. Gobby, talentless and rough as fuck. Southern bint should stick to taking it up the arse! Wasn’t O’Connor a certified nutter and IRA supporter anyway? Being a clueless lefty is usually the common factor here.

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