Cunts to the left of us, cunts to the right of us. It’s a situation that IsAC regulars will be all too familiar with. But every now and then, you come across a cunt who is nothing more than a piece of detritus, literally a waste of breath.
Step forward one Lewis Hudson, recently found guilty of a committing acts of appalling abuse against a defenceless kitten, seemingly as a means of controlling his (now ex) girlfriend. I won’t detail the arsewipe’s actions here, those with a strong stomach can read about it for themselves in the link.
Tough guy Lewis has been sentenced to 23 months in the clink; no doubt he’ll be back on the streets in half that time. Personally I can think of a much more fitting punishment. Unkle Terry, fire up your oven.
Nominated by Ron Knee, Link by Geordie Twatt.
Due to the Climate Crisis it’s important to use resources wisely.
Hang the cunt and have the remains made into pig food.
A most acceptable compromise Unkle.
I really hope someone inside smashes the fuck out of this cunt
Fortunately I think there’s every chance that will happen. If not by a prisoner then by a warder.
Some cunt from E-wing with a face like a bag of nails will likely sliding on his knuckle duster as we speak.
I would make the punishment fit the crime, bring back the cat and give a few lashes, he won’t do it again.
People like that are wrong on so many levels, it’s a waste of money and time to try to rehabilitate.
Throw in to cess pool with weights around ankles.
I agree with you absolutely, anyone acting in such a savage manner cannot be a human being. Fuck me, I am unable to think of any animal acting like this cunt did.
The punishment should fit the crime.
Throw him in the lion enclosure at Whipsnade Zoo and see how he copes with torturing a Panthera Leo.
Felis Panthera
Do they not teach you Latin in the private schools of Newcastle?
According to Linnaeusian binomial nomenclature, the lion was originally called Felis Leo. This has subsequently been changed to Panthero Leo.
Don’t mess with Mr Pedantry.
I beg to differ Sir.
Felis Leo still describes the common or garden Lion.
However the genus Felis denotes that the animal in question is of the family of cats.
Panthera further describes the big cat in question to be of the panther subspecies of the genus Felis.
Therefore, to the classically trained mind, Felis Leo will always be a Lion, where Felis Panthera will always be a panther.
Don’t even start me on Felis domesticus.
Linnaeusian binomial nomenclature can quite frankly, suck my fat one.
Welcome to pedant’s corner. ?
Hey Odin, what would you say to a Pedantry Challenge?
You and I to search for other cunters’ grammatical, spelling and tautological mistakes, then post a reply to each with corrections. We could ask Admin to run a separate page entitled ‘Is a Pedantic Cunt’.
The winner is the first one to be told to ‘fuck off’ by an offended cunter.
English translation, big furry ferocious fucker.
Evening Geordie,
In this instance and in order to maintain the balance of the universe, I am going to tell myself to fuck off.
I fall on the sword of my own pedantry.
It’s the last day of freedom until the wife gets back from her annual sabbatical to the old country and I need to figure out how the fuck this hoover works really fucking quickly.
You may have won this battle Sir, but you have not won the war!
I salute you.
Does anyone know how to get red wine sick out of dog fur?
How furry is the dog?
Do you have an outside tap?
If yes, tether the dog, and dowse it.
You won’t be their favourite person, ever!
If not, a watering can, filled repeatedly.
No watering can?
You’re fucked, mate.
A magnanimous gesture Odin, much appreciated.
Regarding the pooch, take him/her down to the your local poodle parlour, they’ll know what to do. Or would your pit bull not appreciate a curly perm?
The wife will be home in 3 hours.
It’s a Tervuren and would look a right cunt in an ’80’s Scouse bubble perm, Geordie.
I”m fucked.
Well, he’s a future serial killer in the making. When his face pops up on the news again in a couple years time I’m sure they’ll be much discussion about how his sentence was too lenient.
Bet his face pops up on one of the sites that hunts those Not On Normal Courtyard Exercise, upon his release.
Sick cunt.
I could easily kill this cunt. Hopefully somebody will go one step further and do so.
Siberian tiger enclosure for this cunt.
Then, to paraphrase Brick top, the Komodo dragons can finish what the tigers don’t.
This inadequate scouser I feel really looks the part. There are paki women on the checkout at Tesco with a stronger beard. Important point that comes to mind is that this is typically how child abusers learn their craft. They start on defenceless small animals and move on to children. Hopefully someone will cripple or blind the bastard before he graduates to that level.
Cunts like that start off by toturing and killing small creatures, as a prelude to working their way up to the most vulnerable of people as victims.
Just look at the history of serial killers such as Brady, et al.
Little fucking runtcunt.
He’ll get his.
A good indicator of future cuntish behaviour, which appears to be often overlooked by members of our legal system leading to some poor bastard being killed/raped or both a few years later.
O/T.. can you imagine if mosques where burned I. The west ..
BBC News – Pakistan: More than 100 arrested after churches burned
Rubet Ensis Sanguine Arabum
An accusation of blasphemy can lead to riots. And we have thousands of these cunts living here.
Hopefully karma gets this cunt. My daughter’s hamster bit her yesterday so I had to explain it wasn’t her fault whatever he was pissed at. Ok I called him a bastard under my breath and put him back in the cage. That woman who was caught on CCTV binning someone’s cat deserved the reaction she got.
Ironically he looks like a vegancunt!, actually the skinny pale physique and staring eyes made me think that!, but obviously he’s just a normal psychopath cunt!
Also a scouse cunt, boil him in bleach!
Feed him to the hungry crocodiles ??
Physical torture would be waisted on this sadistic cunt. Have all the pleasant sounds a cat makes during its lifetime fed into the twats cell. He will be hearing them long after release, unable to get rid of them.
I sincerely hope that he is now on someone’s watch list, embryonic serial killer for sure.
Scousers eh?
Honest to goodness, salt of the earth people.
Well known for their sense of humour and all round cheeky chappiness
Or so they’d like us to think.
I understand there’s bad eggs in every area, but Liverpool really does have an image problem more than ever.
City of culture? The kind of culture you’ll find in a Petri dish.
But the petri dish has higher IQ
and a.better chance of employment
See that face in the picture up top, wouldn’t you just love to punch it repeatedly?
Then punch it some more?
Then go, have a shit, and start round 3.
Cunts who torture and slaughter defenceless animals need to be strung up. Like the Royal Family for example.
Despite his recent misfortune, Andy Pandy is living proof Karma is a useful lie.
I have a few cats, always been a cat lover. I can’t even bring myself to read the link. Just give me 5 minutes with the cunt
Same Sir Mali, I can read or watch disturbing subject matter but animal cruelty is just something I can’t do.
Truly horrendous, Sir Mali.
He won’t stop at a cat, either.
Pity it wasn’t my Bengal, he’d have had his throat for breakfast.
Same as.
Ours is annoying as fuck, wants attention or for you to play with it on pain of the house being wrecked and annoying the fuck out of you if you don’t. Little cunt pretty much owns the fucking gaffe and any cunt who comes in. Any human our cat meets it tries to train them what it wants them to do. Stroke me. Massage me. Play with me, open the door, move I want to sit there etc.
Aye, annoying but if any cunt had done this to our moggy I reckon the Mrs and I and a few others would kill the cunt – our cat has become a bit of a legend with those we know.
I see this cunt is a Scouser. I wonder who he tried to blame?
I’d sentence him to being the tigers’ breakfast at Whipsnade tomorrow, the fucking evil little shitbag.
Bet the cunt was a bedwetter. Maybe he could play for West Ham?
I never was a hard nut and I’ve never been to prison, but if I had been I’d look for twats like this and I’d make their lives a fucking misery. Tell me which prison he’s in, point me towards the right people and I’ll pay them money to sort him out.
Now that’s an idea Allan. We could set up a “Go Fund Me” page to raise a good wedge to reward handsomely someone who inflicted life changing injuries.
My cat attacks me (my feet) occasionally, thinks it’s funny, little monkey will walk past and then suddenly turn and have a go.
I would use this guy to assess how dangerous the so called dangerous dogs really are, which one can inflict the most damage in the shortest time, obviously he could fight back or it wouldn’t be fun.
Unfortunately the one that actually kills him would be a banned breed.
Chihuahuas are banned?
Never underestimate a chu.
I have one, and he’s an annoying fucker, barks me out of bed around 3/4 am every bloody day!
Off topic-
This is Hillary’s reaction to the news of Trump’s latest indictments-
A more honest response would have been to spring up from her seat singing– ‘ZIPADEEDOODAH!’ waving her hands about in the air.
I’d like to see her response if Trump wins the election from prison then pardons himself. Her fucking head will explode, along with those of every member of the woke Left, here and in the US.
They want the latest charge to go to a federal court so he could do that, apparently he can’t use the presidential pardon for a state conviction ?
Fuck off, Hillary.
I hope America never has a female president.
After all, look how well having a female PM worked for us.
Sorry, Ron.
OT, and hope you’ll forgive.
What about barry o’bummer jp,he is certainly the female In the relationship with big Mike.
Animal cruelty is abhorrent and the people who do it should suffer the harshest punishments.
Animal charities could receive a fortune in donations if they just changed tack slightly.
Half the money to care for the animals the other half to achieve retribution on the scum that cause it.
Donate now to see a africunt donkey abuser have a quarter of a tonne of bricks hoisted onto his back..
For a extra ten pound we will whip him with a large stick..
I’ve said precisely the same to my wife.
Like most people, I find animal cruelty particularly egregious and can’t even think what should be done with the cunt.
I’ve always liked cats, always find animal cruelty upsetting.
Perhaps feed him to this
“…Perhaps feed him to this…”
Bloody hell, that cat looks pissed off! The only message being “wanna fuck around and find out meatbag?”
Brave cunt filming it mind, seeing as the only thing separating him from those jaws is a poxy bit o’ chain link.
Off topic but I noticed the Beeb reporting a rape in Magaluf.
The men are identified only as 5 French and 1 Swiss . Very sketchy detail
I’m willing to bet these ‘Frenchmen’ are probably something entirely different
Yep.A darker hue.
He should be treated exactly how he treated that poor little kitten (whatever that was, I don’t have the stomach to read it).
You really don’t want or need to, absolutely horrendous.
“… I don’t have the stomach to read it…”
A wise decision, I got about four sentences in and that was enough to determine this bastard’s life prospects should I ever become Lord Chief Justice.
As a cat lover I’m not ashamed to say I’ve just cried reading the link over this poor cats suffering. RIP Binx. Reminds me of the case of the cat who used to hang out at a bus shelter near his home. Used to sit there, people loved him, he loved the attention, stroking and petting, fondly known throughout the town.. The friendly cat approached three scumbags one night who proceeded to kick the cat, broke its skull, jaw and knocked out all its teeth. He managed to somehow get home, walked into the kitchen, collapsed and died. The contempt, anger and hatred I feel for cowardly bastards like these. Human bullies, animal bullies. You hear it all the time ‘acting like animals’, I hate this phrase, animals know no better, it’s nature, for food and survival and for disease control. I would do to Hudson what he did to Binx, not once but every morning, evening then finally just put the cunt down. Who’d miss him????
Hope this might restore the balance a little Bob;
There are good folks out there!
Thanks Ron, lovely stuff. As you say, there are good people out there,
Bob, I don’t let my cat out.
He’s a thug, well able to take care of himself, but even he can’t compete with a speeding car/bus/bike.
Got a Norwegian forest cat who won’t stay in the garden that’s plenty big enough for him but continues to go into the garden below ours and walks across a main road. Just shits me up Jeezum when I see him do it but as you say what can you do?
I had a NFC, what a Madam she was.
Had to go to the vets, to be dematted under sedation.
It’s unbelievable how matted their fur becomes. Like it’s got ping ping balls on his back. Likes a good brush though luckily so we get him sorted.
Ours is a bit of a lad as well.
He loves to sit on the garden wall for hours just waiting for some interloper to venture onto his patch, so he can have a go.
I can just imagine, the stroke me purr, followed by the how fucking dare you claw strike!
One hand, there’s hope he gets his comeuppance in prison, just like Ian Watkins, the singet/attempted baby rapist. I understand he remains in a serious condition in hospital.
On the other more pessimistic hand, there’s Stephen Barker, the murderer of Baby P who, despite a supposed contract out on the fucker, remains alive and well, alas.
Shame there’s not a gofundme for an overendowed gay rapist to make Lewis Hudson’s bottom look like a the top of a welly boot.
Struth; looks as though Watkins’ card is well and truly marked, the loathsome cunt.
We can hope, Thomas, because despite his disgusting criminal acts, he’s not ugly.
Hopefully, someone in there likes fresh fish.
An interesting observation JP.
He could well end up as some right villain’s little bitch, if only to save having his head smashed in by a chair leg.
Should have shanked the diddler in the bollocks as well, filthy beast.
Would love for these cunts to get a bit of the same, cunts like this I would love to spend 5 minuits with…..