Lewis Hudson

Cunts to the left of us, cunts to the right of us. It’s a situation that IsAC regulars will be all too familiar with. But every now and then, you come across a cunt who is nothing more than a piece of detritus, literally a waste of breath.

Step forward one Lewis Hudson, recently found guilty of a committing acts of appalling abuse against a defenceless kitten, seemingly as a means of controlling his (now ex) girlfriend. I won’t detail the arsewipe’s actions here, those with a strong stomach can read about it for themselves in the link.

Tough guy Lewis has been sentenced to 23 months in the clink; no doubt he’ll be back on the streets in half that time. Personally I can think of a much more fitting punishment. Unkle Terry, fire up your oven.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Ron Knee, Link by Geordie Twatt.

101 thoughts on “Lewis Hudson

  1. I’d nail the cunt inside a chipboard coffin and then roll him in and out of a cremation retort.

    Give it a couple of minutes in between roastings so he can catch his breath and prepare himself for the subsequent heat. Luvvly fucking jubbly you don’t do dat doh do dey cunt.

  2. he should come and play the hard man with Mrs Civvydogs doberman he has the most beautiful inch and half long canines and is as big as my shetland stallion who after the boy has turned him into a rag doll would kick 7 sorts of shit out of him, dont know who you’d come off worse with pony is a little cunt. Silly Lewis is probably a right pansy boy fuck knows how he had a bird, wet looking little prick.

  3. This cunt needs a real ‘makeover’ …
    I recently bought a ‘small’ chainsaw to trim the branches on my overgrown tree.
    The chainsaw length is about 6 inches and cuts through 5 inch wood branchs like butter.

    I would love to visit this cunt in his cell with this tool and tell him that his hands are now to be removed ( as I start up the machine ) – I would love to see the look on
    the cowards face. Of course it wouldn’t just finish with the cunt’s hands

    I hope somebody sorts him out good and proper

    • Please watch a short film called The disappearance of Willy Bingham. I think you will greatly appreciate the theme.
      Its about 20 mins long.

  4. Nothing gets me more angry than animal cruelty.
    If i caught some cunt doing it i would most probably do time for what i would do to the cunt.???

  5. Never been a fan of cats, as i’m allergic snd they shit indoors, but I’d still watch the cuntbwho did this suffer, samecwith any cunt who tortured a pet or even just an animal reared on a farm.
    They might be bred for meat or milk but give them some sort of life.

  6. Like many who’ve posted about this nom, I can’t bear to read the link, but it’s reassuring to know that you lot are as sickened as I am. There’s hope for our country, after all.

  7. I’m sure he’ll need incontinence pants for quite some time upon his release. Dentures as well hopefully.

  8. His name, his face, his location.

    Thanks for the nom. I’m going to try my hardest to get this cunts face plastered everywhere just before he gets out of prison.

    Let’s make sure we can drive this cunt to suicide.

  9. Top Cat !, will get get him when he’s inside for sure.
    Top Cat !
    The most effectual Top Cat !

  10. I stopped reading this nom as soon as the words ‘cruelty to a kitten’ appeared. cruelty to animals upsets and angers me immensely. I hope this 9 carat cunt rots in hell.

  11. Well, I did read the link and I won’t repeat what he did but I will add that he appears generally to be mentally subnormal, judging from his child-like, illiterate text messages to his gf.

    I also know that people who can do these things to animals frequently graduate onto people. Hope some good Samaritan does us all a favour in the nick.

    • Indeed.

      What this piece of trash might actually be capable of doing at a later date is very worrying.

      I wonder if the cunt will be placed under some form of monitoring or supervision?

  12. The fucking scumcunt. I can’t stand animal abuse. Strip the bastard naked, stuff him into a barrel lined with six inch nails and Stanley blades & roll it down a very long hill. Afterwards, rub his torn-up body with salt and leave him to die.

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