Justice for all

Justice for all.

A violent, racist piss artist has got her just rewards. Nearly.

”The 20-year-old from Oldham, Greater Manchester, admitted assault by beating, assault by beating of an emergency worker and racially aggravated harassment at Tameside Magistrates’ Court.”

Jail obviously. But no. But wait.

A tag which monitored alcohol was deemed culturally inappropriate because:_

”Her lawyer, Seraj Khan, urged magistrates not to impose an alcohol abstinence order, claiming Hussain had stopped boozing and a tag would stop her from completing the ritual washing Muslims perform before prayer.”

A piss artist, who, had they been white, would be in jail for aggravated racism and violence has her sentence modified so she can wash her fucking feet for mosque.

Justice for all.


Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.

69 thoughts on “Justice for all

  1. “Ritual washing”?

    All these greasy goat fucking bastards stink like a Taliban’s jock strap.

  2. It would be nice to think that we one justice system for everyone regardless of race, creed or colour ; it appears that I am wrong.

      • It was the Police’s fault my husband is an idiot!

        I’ll post about it on Tik Tok!
        Black cock!

        Fucking louse.

      • I feel sorry for the parents of the genuinely autistic

        These lazy parents want to diagnose their children as having a disorder to excuse their shite parenting. They’re all autistic now. They’ve got ADHD. They need pills to clam them down. Numb the little blighters while mummy watches her soaps and drinks a box of wine.

        No wonder they grow up craving attention.

  3. No wonder she’s grinning, the piss-taking bitch.
    And how convenient that her PTSD is ‘undiagnosed’. PTSD my arse.

    • I have some friends from the Royal Marines . I served with them back in the mid 90s .

      They had to help dig up bodies in Srebrenica. They have PTSD.

      Fuck her and her PTSD

      Utter cunt

      • They don’t show that in the recruiting adverts.

        If they had, Thomas the Cunt Engine would’ve been first in the queue.

        ‘When do we sail?’

      • Tremendous effort , you’re most likely right but won’t be a person from the sub continent , just getting to initial training requires passing physical tests and it’s obvious the average person from those areas possesses all the strength of a wet wafer

  4. Another enricher for this wonderful country..

    How did we manage without them, all those years ago.

    I hope her “father/husband same thing”
    Honour kill her.

  5. Tagging is just for whitey.

    I know Tameside well.

    It’s been home to such luminaries as Dr Harold Shipman and Ian Brady and Myra Hindley.

    Its also infested with the carpet kissers.

    We once had to pick up a bloke off a building site,
    He’d been there overnight as security.

    When we arrived he was having a bath in a wheelie bin he’d filled with warm water.
    Just like Top Cat!
    I kid you not.

    Anyway, he was from Tameside.

  6. Sets a stupid precedent.

    Sorry, but I can’t be in jail for Christmas and Easter. Or the Summer and Winter Solstice. Or Halloween. Or Shrove Tuesday. It’s my human rights.

    • Shrove Tuesday?
      Pancake Day?
      Jesus. Imagine going to court on Pancake Day?!!

      I’d crepe myself.

  7. Mozzers, along with other effniks (including gypsies ffs) are deemed as having “protected characteristics” by the equality act. Strange as they’re more likely to be the ones involved in criminality in the 1st place.

    By the by, here in E Anglia you can get a discounted water bill if you use water for “religious purposes” (obviously washing feet). I tried telling them I say a few hail marys whilst having a shower but got nowhere.

    All aboard sir Alan’s Snack Bar, where preferential treatment is a guarantee !!

    • Can you , will it be enough to say I’m the gamekeeper at the Gardens of Gethsemene?

      Or do I need to try harder

      • Now you mention it, I’d like to turn water into wine and save a few bob. Might give that a go; either that or turning anglian water into Holy water to sprinkle about in contemplative moments

  8. Surely it is the magistrate’s court that is the biggest cunt here?
    For its appeasing behaviour.
    Magistrate Ronald Marshall is named in the report.
    Multicultural appeasing white cunts like him are destroying the cultural fabric of this country.
    If criminals like this Hussain scumbag refuse to integrate they need to be told where to go.
    Appeasement never works.

    • There’s a little park/play area in Ashton, Tameside.

      The local Muslims put up a sign saying it was for Muslims and their kids only.

      It caused a shitstorm.

      They take arrogance to new levels

      • If a ‘White Kids Only’ sign had been put up, this would have news around the World, arrests made, prison sentences, the full works. Only in the UK, strangers in our own land. What a state of affairs.

      • There are over 100,000 white Muslims in this country.
        “Christian Kids Only” would be a more pertinent sign.

      • Werneth park.
        Alexandra park.
        In Oldham are the same,
        No fucking go area’s in our own Fucking country…

        Government does not give a flying fuck that we “whitey” are foreigners in our own country of birth….!

        Fucking disgrace…?

    • Meant to say “destroying the social fabric of this country”, not cultural,
      Although they’re destroying that too.

  9. Wipe the smirk off its face with a cat o’nine tails.

    Then entire family to oven.

    Good show.

  10. I note this carpet kissing bitch called this bowling alley manager a “ni**er mother fucker”. So I presume she was black.
    Well that’s interesting……imagine whitey chinning somebody and using language like that. Do you think they would have got the soft soap treatment this fucking letterbox got? Answers on a postcard please to……. The Right Honourable David Lammy MP, Jaffa Cake House, Londonstabistan W12.

  11. the best the judge could have done would be to insert her(the letterbox)into a letterbox and leave the bitch to rot .after the aforementioned emergency workers had belted 7 shades of shit out of her first the cunt

  12. If she’d had a serious accident and, to save her life and guard against complete paralysis, had to wear a surgical neck brace supplied at others’ I.e. taxpayers’ expense would her legal aid funded lawyer have argued against that? Doubt it.

  13. I thought Islam prohibited alcohol?
    Why was the raghead whore allowed to then use it as an excuse?

    • I had the same thought. Surely getting pissed would mean that you’re barred from the mosque.

    • Yeah, if she’s breaking that rule why can’t she break other rules like don’t wash your feet or don’t go to the fucking mosque in the first place. Like all these cunts they obey the rules when it suits them. Oh…..good job by her brief with all the sob stories and pathetic excuses. There’s a job for that bastard with the dinghy raiders…..”some of the most vulnerable people in the world.”

    • “I thought Islam prohibited alcohol?”
      It does. Quite specifically. For rather good reasons:


      “Why was the raghead whore allowed to then use it as an excuse?”

      Nice to see temperate tolerance, for which cunters are justly famed, displayed. This has become a bit of an echo chamber, hasn’t it?

      Ho, hum. Just to point out that, while a lot of Muslims are utter cunts, like a lot of Christians, a lot of atheists and a lot of Jews (though I am inviting outrage by even mentioning that last category), a lot of Muslims – most of the ones I’ve met – are decent, law-abiding and polite folk who would not dream of calling a Christian a ghiaour whore. And would protest if they heard the defendant doing so.

      Here we have a Muslim-who-isn’t, a slippery lawyer getting her a favourable deal and a thick woke magistrate. And everyone piles onto the Muslim aspect. The real cunt here is the magistrate, who (a) failed to realise that getting pissed is no part of Islam, (b) failed to inform the defendant that justice is done impartially in this country, and (c) omitted to mention that in Saudi she’d have been flogged and put away for a few years, under the rules of her own (claimed) religion.

    • Let loose a load of large pigs there. I thought she might have been stoned to death by her bruvvas and sistas.

  14. If you see a Peaceful in a bowling alley look very closely. If the ball has a fuse sticking out of it and he’s got a lighter in the other hand get the fuck out of there!
    I’ve seen it on “The Roadrunner.”

  15. The magistrate is the cunt here.

    As Priscilla White once said “Surprise Surprise”

    • Just stone the goat fuckers. Dog I am in a foul mood tonight. Seeing B Liar’s face hasn’t improved matters. I bet they avoided Stamp Duty by claiming they were slimes. Cheroot looks like a typical Mad Mullah.

  16. ‘I can’t do, can’t have, because I am a Muslim’

    All cunts, the UK would be a much better place without them, lawyers are corrupt, if we didn’t have them the police could concentrate on keeping the Blicks in check

  17. I’d like someone to spunk all over her black tent whilst traveling up an escalator.

  18. This sand slag reminds me of that Shamima Begum bitch. Perhaps the magistrate had the same feeling and didn’t want his severed head ending up in his own recycling bin.

  19. Typical woke, legalese bollocks. What really surprises me is that they did not give her a car as well. Interfere with some old bollocks ablutions, fuck off. Seriously considering becoming a peaceful, get away with anything from murder to diddling.
    Sickening the cunt should have got 6 months minimum .
    About time ambulance staff just said fuck off if they get some pissed up mentalist or similar. Once the cunts kick off then time to fuck off, let the bastards sort themselves out.

  20. Clearly a racist and how the fuck can you have ‘undiagnosed PTSD’?

    She couldn’t wear the tag because it would interfere with washing for Prayers, really what about washing in general?

    And if she’s such a good Muzzie why tye fuck was she drinking in any case?

    So many questions but I reckon the answer is the judge is a Cuck and scared of being accused of be waycist.

    Fuck them all.

  21. Oldham, aka the town owned, run and ruined by uncontrolled immigration. Like many towns in GB today.

    Always puzzles me, the ditlrty cunts come from SHITHOLE countries and then turn the place the infest into the same SHITHOLE their parents came from. If you’re in the north visit.
    Etc, you get the picture, fucking grim…!

    • Makes me want to avoid at all costs.☹️.We are turning into a third world country.I despair.Comw back Enoch all is forgiven dear.

      • And Bury and Bolton. Went to the kidney unit today because I’m in Salford for an op tomorrow. But is was still crammed with dakis and bogo bogos. Different day, same colour.

  22. If someone knocks at your home would you let them stick your foot in the door to stop it closing. If yes, join the Lib/Lab/Con/Greens. If not vote for anyone else. This was not a party political broadcast brought by the home office or any EU institutions….. FACT.

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