Jeremy Vine (15)

A big fat ‘Look at me! Look at me! I nearly died doing something that is clearly outrageously fucking stupid and dangerous’ cunting for the BBC’s Jeremy Vine.

It’s an old story but one that the attention seeking cunt seemingly just cant let go. This article in todays Daily Fail is garanteed to boil ones piss instantly.

The thought never seemed to occur to the opinionated prick that Penny Farthings expose the rider to a degree of risk. Doesn’t stop him riding one along the road whilst holding a selfie stick and filming himself though evidently. Driving without care and attention Jeremy? Bit rich considering how he cunts off and vilifies drivers for using phones at the wheel.

His exhibitionism also put further strain on the feeble resources of the NHS. Apparently they scanned and x-rayed the hypocrytical cunt extensively. As if

I long for the day that this poisonous pious champagne socialist gobshite gets proper mashed up in a high-speed head-on Penny Farthing crash with another equally clueless out of touch metropolitan lib-elite hipster ball bag cunt. Preferably one caused by the cunts having to re-route due to a just stop oil demonstration.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Cunter S Thompson.

42 thoughts on “Jeremy Vine (15)

  1. When tossers get together they look up to Vine in admiration. The tosser’s tosser.

    • Perhaps they could sell tickets and have somebody push the cunt off his bike. This could happen daily, maybe twice a day.

  2. I think he should ride his ‘dangerous’ contraption every day.
    Go on Jeremy, you know it makes sense.

  3. “I had been learning to ride a Penny Farthing. It’s brilliant because everybody laughs and stares – it’s great.”

    They are not thinking “look at that maverick, what a character!” They are thinking that lanky BBC bellend looks a right cunt.

    Where is a pothole when you need one?

  4. He looks a massive wanker on that stupid bike but………that fucking shirt!!
    Only a complete cunt would wear a shirt like that.

    • Indeed, and when he’s inevtably pitched off his preposterous contraption, I dearly hope it’s an electric car that crushes his chest and that his family are told, unambiguously, that he’d have survived if the damage had been done by an old (lighter) petrol car but, because of the weight of the electric cuntmobile, the damage was catastrophically unsurvivable.

      • But his brother is very funny. Must be ashamed to be related to the utter wanker.

    • BBC presenters like being the news these days dont they?

      If i was Director-General i’d say sort yourselves out or look for another job.

    • A very protracted mid life crisis in motion for all to see? I think his Marxoid programming is unravelling at a major rate of knots.

  5. “Hi it’s Jeremy here – on todays show we’ve got Doctor Sarah Jarvis on to discuss anal warts, Mohammed Iqbal from Bradford who can’t afford to pay for his electricity, we’ll also be discussing inconsiderate motorists and we’ve got some hipster cunt from Islington on to teach us how to make a sustainable soy latte from recycled piss”

    “See ya at twelve!!!”

  6. So the cunt rides a Victorian bike?

    Perhaps he will career into some proper Victorian iron railings and impale himself,hopefully right through the eye socket.

    The embodiment of the BBCistan and everything that’s gone wrong in this country.

  7. Tales that witness madness, uncle albert, youre welcome. Surely his time at the now not so good R2 is over, preaching cunt, you can sometimes hear the click of his mouse when ahem listening to twats problems so you know he aint listening. Paste under the wheels of a large diesel item.

  8. The picture in the mail shows him on the idiot bike without an helmet, not very smart is it Mr Vain.

    He is a complete wanker and should feel right at home riding around London, the place is full of cunts. No idea why he gets upset about drivers, if you haven’t got your wits about you then you shouldn’t be on the fucking road.

    Hopefully he will get squashed by a 30 tonne truck turning left with Jez flying up the inside because he is entitled ?

    PS, first lesson on riding a penny farthing, learn how to fall.

  9. Maybe the BBC can turn this into an annual charity bike ride for Comic Relief and have the likes of Lineker, Nick Robinson and Anita Rani strewn across the road.

  10. I can’t be in the same room as this cunt on tv. My missus has his quiz shows on which gives me the excuse to fuck off out or to the man cave.

    Jelly Vine Productions set up (legally) so tax paid as corporation and not PAYE.
    His wife, himself and daughter being shareholders so dividends stay in the family. Now I don’t have a problem with this as many people do it but if the income is from the BBC then I do.
    I stopped watching tv a long time ago and spend my media time on YouTube or Iptv but can’t make the spouse switch.
    Oh how I despise that knobjockey.

    • Women need the telly dont they.

      I think it says something about their mental state.

  11. This cunt is doomed.

    Another penny farthing fail.


    Road rage incident.

    Stabby, phone robbing jungle bunny.

    He’s got ‘ loser ‘ written all over him.

    So long, Jezzer.

    You sad cunt.

    Get To Fuck.

  12. Vine seems to be loathed by just about everyone. He’s a BBC Shill and a particularly nasty cunt at that, He’s got this irritating winey voice and likes to play the victim.
    I pray that the loathsome cunt is in front of a juggernaut when it’s brakes fail.

  13. That cunt Vine is just asking for someone to ram an umbrella through the spokes as he wobbles along ignoring red lights and the rest of Darwinian theory.

    • I hope he rides at speed between a scaffold lorry and pavement just as a 20 ft pole is being carried off and it impacts his gob.

      Just imagine the fucking mess.

  14. Vine must be the only praying mantis to live after sex. Unless he’s still a virgin and the females won’t allow him near them, due to him being a boring twat.

  15. “…However, the one thing nobody said to me is if it stops suddenly, you are only going one place … over the handlebars.”

    What the chrome plated fuck…?
    “…nobody told me…”
    Jeremy Jeremy Jezza you witless brain donor..! are you really that situationally unaware, reckless and so wilfully clueless as to the consequences of gravity that you need to be told something most of us have painfully learned by the age of three? Even the most protozoan intellect would foresee the possibilities and inevitabilities, fucking omnitard!
    I mean; imagine being stuck in a lifeboat with this wanker, a clear and present danger to himself and all around him, vigorous bludgeoning with the boat hook, over the side, shark shit by the morning. Ekes out the supplies, provides a comforting morale boost for the weeks ahead and inner satisfaction of having done the world a solid.

  16. Like a great number of things the humble bicycle has been refined to the point where the wheels are of equal size and more safe, practical and much more efficient not to mention comfortable and enjoyable for the rider.

    There’s a reason why the penny farthing hasn’t been used for some time by the general public apart from people that want to be seen as ‘quirky’.

    Cycling in London has got to be hazardous at the best of times never mind on a penny farthing.

    I nearly got knocked down on a country lane by someone in a HiLux with hounds in the back of it barking at me once in rural Northumbria….part of me thinks it was intentional.?

  17. One of many reasons I stopped paying the Licence fee – anyway they fooked up Radio 2 years ago – all the decent presenters have either jumped ship, retired or popped their clogs.

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