James Barr

A nomination for rent-a-gob, professional gay and radio DJ/Presenter James Barr.

He looks like a Jimmy Somerville clone, if Jimmy Somerville had no talent and was designed by Mattel.

Not content with embarrassing himself once by assuming Douglas Murray was straight during one of Piers Morgan’s mass debates, he does so again by thinking he knows what’s right for Dwarf actors, trying to compare his life as a gay to their lives as dwarves. What a complete fucking cunt.

Is this camp dunce aware of how arrogant and patronizing he is? Is he aware that he is defending a corporation that openly lies about it’s own productions in a blind panic because people are laughing at it?

He likes to lie to himself about Sam Smith being sexy and is one of the pronoun police, supporting the bogus ‘LGBTQ’ movement.

This woke Ken doll is what people mean by an ‘NPC’. He’s a non-player character form a computer game. The guy has no opinions that aren’t received from the Woke hivemind. His style and mannerisms are downloaded from the online guide to being a snarky woke shit. His existence is defined by his gayness. He’s a boring, talentless turd.

If he were any more of a camp cunt, he’d be wearing rouge.


Nominated by : Cuntamus Prime

75 thoughts on “James Barr

  1. Not a fuckin clue who he is.
    But if he fucks with the dw@rf community he better watch his step.

    He crosses the midget mafia he’ll find a Shetland pony head at the foot of his bed.

    • I dunno about that… all this massive butt crusader has to do is draw a circle and stand inside it on top of some stacked yellow pages to not succumb to any vertically challenged aggressors.

  2. Never heard of the tosser. He looks like a cunt though. I saw a dwarf on a bike in the town center a few years ago. I still have a little chuckle to myself.

  3. I think that IsAC could start a ‘Britain’s Most Punchable Faces’ section.

    This twat would certainly be on it, along with the likes of Tony Bliar, Yasmin Alibaba Brown, Tessa Dunlop, Harry Hazbeen and Sam Smith.

    What a cunt.

    Morning all.

      • Sukdiq Khunt
        Jeremy Vile
        Twatt Hancock
        Dame quee^r Starmer
        Bill goblin Gates

        Add them to the list Ron, thanks kindly.

    • Morning Ron ?

      Tessa Dunlop was on GB news last night.
      There’s something wrong with her.

      I’m not joking, she’s got something that’s not being diagnosed.
      For someone who’s meant to be a serious academic she acts like a 13yr old girl.

      That Ali Baba brown?
      I’d kick her till she stopped breathing and still wouldn’t be able to stop.

      • Notice in MJB’s link she made sure to mention the fact she’s a doctor? Well she calls herself a “doctor” because she has a PhD in some obscure branch of Romanian history!

        Hahahahahahaha! Oh do stop, you’re killing me!

      • Dunlop seems to insist on being referred to as ‘Doctor’, the egotistical twat.

        She’s a very aggressive and unpleasant individual, yet keeps getting airtime.

        Oh and yes, Owen Jones; he’s on the list, the cunt.

      • Ahh she’s one of those losers who bandies her qualifications about because she is talentless, charmless and stupid.

        People with non-medical doctorates who insist others call them Dr are usually social inadequates with very fragile egos. It’s quite apparent when you’re on first name terms with accomplished medical consultants and scientists.

        I bet she’s on Twitter.

    • Wait until he starts squeaking his demented woke, self-contradictory shite

      Up there with Owen Jones in the itching knuckle’ ranking.

      He could be the Eloi to Jones’ Morlock, while Douglas Murray is the disgusted Victorian scientists.

      Ive never heard Douglas Murray call anyone a ‘wanker’ but with these two he can’t be far off, especially being professional gays.

  4. Anyway , what has being gay got in common with being a midget?!!

    He can reach high cupboards
    Doesn’t need a stepladder at the supermarket

    Alright he might struggle to get the lids off jars but it’s not like being 3ft shorter than everyone else!

    Being gay is still being able bodied.
    Just weaker
    And more prone to fainting.

  5. Never heard of the wanker. There’s nothing funny about bottom inspection. They are all dirty fucked up bastards.

  6. I’ve seen the clip of him saying ‘they’ when Morgan referred to Sam Smith as ‘he’.

    Every time he said ‘he’ he interjected ‘they’

    He even seemed to appeal personally at one juncture ‘they Piers’

    He’s always saying ‘its only respectful’.

    I can imagine going round a gossipy party policing pronouns as it were – familiarising himself with all those that identify as ‘non-binary’ and if he hears them being whispered about and referred to as ‘he or ‘she’ he quickly interjects ‘it’s they’.

    See, to him, this absolute insanity is-‘only polite’

    What a way to live your life.

    • I think that’s the one with Douglas Murray and he kept using male pronouns when referring to Sam Smith. Little James looked like he was about to self combust.

  7. I’ll bet he’d like Peter Dinklage to give him a full Barrymoreing, up to the elbow and with minimal lube.

    • Thomas@

      I’ve made a in-depth study of the Dwarven race.
      They had a noble history of mining and blacksmithing.

      Nowadays reduced to seasonal work in panto or picking low hanging fruit.

      I wouldn’t go upsetting them!
      They have a ‘ death curse’ that in the final little wheezing breathes they lay on the “lanky” community.

      Famous dw@rves are Dinky Dinklage
      Ellie the aqua dw@rf
      Thoren Oakensheild
      Inch high private eye
      Daniel devito
      Thomas cruise
      And luvvie Warwick Davies

      All are outcasts from mainstream midget society.
      Never to be allowed back into the goldmine.

      • MNC, If you were trapped on a desert island with a dwªrf woman, how long would you give it before slipping her one?
        A year?
        A month?
        Or 10 minutes, because much longer than that and her beard will grow in.

      • I’d nail her in the first hour just to set the boundaries Thomas.

        Then teach her to shin up trees for coconuts.

        Probably the best person to be castaway with?!

        Don’t eat much,
        You can outrun them if any wild animals
        And the funny voices they have ?
        never get bored of that!

      • Is dwarf throwing still a rural sport, MNC. It used to be, I think. Wasn’t it an alternative to wellie wanging at village sports days? I may be wrong.

      • It’s had to go underground nowadays 20.

        Health and safety spoilsports got involved.

        But yes, a fine sport!!
        The Olympic committee should rethink,
        It’d be a popular event.

    • I thought the mention of ‘dwarves’ would give both of you a twinkle in your eye.

      I am not disappointed.

  8. Glad to say this twat’s oeuvre has passed me by. Not even sure if he is real. Looks like a fucking cartoon character from a woke lesabian kid’s show about anthropomorphised dildoes. Is CP having us on?

    Good afternoon, everyone.

  9. Never heard of this fella but he sounds not unlike one Benjamin Butterworth who frequents GB News with his puddled wokery infused opinions.

    I don’t know for certain but I’d be willing to bet that he loves Islam as well.

  10. The reason this cock cheese didn’t know that Douglas Murray is gay is because Douglas Murray doesn’t constantly bang on about being gay as he is defined by his sage words and achievements, not his sexuality.

    • As an old mate of mine used to say – There’s 2 types of gay.

      There’s the gay who quietly live his life as a normal person and then there’s the “look at me everybody I take it up the arse” types of gay.

    • I didn’t know Murray was gay at first as he never really mentioned it.

      However, James Barr seems even worse on that front than Grraham Fucking Norton, the camp twat.

      I had a gay friend at college who acted the same as a straight bloke. You could joke about it to an extent. The camp attention-seeking type of gay, the theatrical gays, were dismissed by him as ‘fagg0ts’. He had no time for them.

    • As with others on here you’re lucky to have avoided him. He seems intent of creating a media career and getting himself in public view.

      I’ve only seen him twice and he’s already a cunt.

  11. I saw that Sam Smith shit with Douglas Murray and Piers Morgan. Murray (as he does with everyone ) annihilated him and Barr was reduced to shouting THEY loudly every time Morgan call Smith HE. Same as

    What an absolute fucking cunt

  12. He looks like one of those little characters you put on the end of a pencil.
    Have another look at the picture and imagine it. He’d probably like it too

  13. It must really piss off this cunt that the vast majority of the IsAC gang have never heard of him and none of us give a flying fuck about his opinions.

  14. I bet he’s the kind of poof who can’t stop talking……..even with a mouthful of jizz.

  15. Has he been rough shagged by Schofield, if not he’s just a fucking nobody.

    Looks like Schofield’s type.

  16. Only a homo-of-gaygantuan proportions would mistake Douglas Murray for a straight man (no offence Douglas).

    Granted Douglas has a lisp, but that’s because he HAS A LISP…….. A NATURAL LISP!…….. not the lisp that many in the gay “community” have appropriated from people with that particular, unfortunate speech impediment.

  17. \\\\\there was a time when sodomites were invisible. They were also very quiet. Very Quiet. Oh how I long for those days.

  18. Talking of annoying cunts Eddie Izzard is to stand for Labour in the Brighton Pavilion seat.

    If this fucking degenerate can’t get elected in a city full of degenerates then he may as well give up.

    • He hasn’t been selected yet. He’s got to do a bit of bumming in the Labour Party first.

    • It should get in easy (oo er).. the right honourable Suzy izzard member of poofery for Brighton, sounds right.

      • If he wins the seat how will the Speaker address him/her. He says he doesn’t mind what he is called.
        See Eddie reverts to Eddie sometimes. Then becomes Suzy again.
        What is the poor Speaker supposed to say?
        Maybe The Honourable Lady/Gentleman.

  19. He must be heading for a slot on BBC Radio as most of their male DJ’s are now Bent, as are weather men and blokes who tell you if the buses and trains are running.!!

  20. The pic in the nom, if he looks at you like that, run.
    Looks like he’s trying to decide which hole to use.

  21. It apparently reads autocues for a living. Why should anyone listen to its opinions on anything? Piers Morgan* asked it – after wondering why everyone had to look at rainbow pride flags for a month – “Where’s my straight flag?”, Coherent response came there none. Its only real claim to fame must be its extremely punchable face.

    * It’s on Youtube, if you care.

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