High Quality Men

Deserve High Quality Women.That’s the other side to it. But I’ll concentrate on the men.

Rather old fashioned thinking that now I suppose. Are there are High Quality Trannies?: No, not with the people that use this term ‘High Quality’ about men and women.

Andrew Tate is one. He is a High Quality Man by his own definition.. And he deserves a High Quality Women.

He said recently that he would prefer to go out with an 19 year old instead of a 26 year old. That’s because he’s a High Quality Man presumably.

High quality Andrew has a High Quality friend in Justin Waller. He talks often about High Quality men like Andrew and what it is to be one.

And they are not just into looks and wealth no they have very high moral standards.This means they are good fathers they are always ‘there’ for their women.

Trouble is with both of them a lot of their YouTube videos (after the talk about having high moral standards) is about having a nice expensive car and a luxurious house to live in. Oh and a 400, 000 dollar watch or thereabouts. Seems standard. Seems standard with their high moral standards.

Andrew lives in Dubai. He admires greatly Sheikh Mohammed bin Mahktoom a lot. But isn’t what he has done there is make a sort of Disneyland of the Emirates?

Justin was challenged about his women on a discussion programme.. And it seems he still goes from woman to woman even his 30s. So is he really ‘there’ for any woman at all? He says he has tried to ‘fix himself’ about it. But then added (which I thought was revealing) that is too busy with his many companies.

I don’t know…not much of a cunting this because they’re not bad people at all to me. (I am conscious of AT being arrested in Romania and all that).

Cut to it. You cannot serve both God and Mammon as it says in the Bible.
Or can you?


Nominated by Miles Plastic.

As ever Miles you lost me within the first couple of lines, so based on that I bet it is a top quality cunting sir. C.A.

54 thoughts on “High Quality Men

  1. I wouldn’t worry too much about what these wankers say if I were you Miles. What do they call them?…….”.influencers” I believe.
    Only cunts can be influenced by other cunts. LISTEN to what I’m saying here!

    • Not sure what it is Andrew Tate is famous for?
      Dating young girls?
      Same as Gary Glitter?

      Seems to be obsessed with material stuff,
      Show off watches, designer labels,
      Show off cars,
      Trying to hard.

      Just get a tasteful well made garden gate.

      And he can’t settle down with a woman?
      Just like Gary Glitter.

      • Something like MMA, or UFC, or KFC.

        He’s a cunt.

        Even if I agree with some of what he says, he’s still a cunt.

  2. Social media bell-ends.

    Those cunts couldn’t influence me to buy a bottle of water if I was dying of thirst..

    The world is truly fucked if air time is giving to numptys like that..

  3. I just cannot equate Andrew Tate with a ‘high quality man’. My own definition of this is a ‘gentlemen’.

    My balls will grow miniature AK47s before I see the words Andrew Tate and gentleman associated with each other.

    Silly bald cunt.

    • Morning PM…I thought that my porn watching had become stale and boring. After all, there’s only so much octopus vs đwarf porn a fellow can watch, but your idea could reinvigorate the whole punishment porn genre…the thought that when a gentleman shoots his load, he’s actually firing miniscule bullets from a pair of Lilliputian AK47’s into a lady’s entrails is a splendid idea indeed!
      Presumably in gay porn, they’d replace their knobs with a punt gun?!

  4. just more self important ego driven fuckwits that have a modicum more brain cells than the sheep that follow them, even in a cesspit a few turds rise to the top.

  5. Andrew Tate is basically a 2020s version of Dan Bilzerian who rose to fame about 10 years ago.

    Appeals to the same demographic – impressionable teenage lads who don’t really know any better and are looking for a male role model.

    Hmmm holds himself to moral standards ?
    Such as recruiting young women from impoverished Eastern European countries and persuading them into becoming e-thots?

    Most of these get rich quick, lifestyle gurus are snake oil salesmen with a slick website.

    I wonder if the London’s mayor will say maaaaate to him?
    (I don’t really. I know he won’t)

    • There’s nothing Andrew Tate can teach me.
      (Well possibly grammar).

      I don’t have to pimp my arse on social media to earn a living.
      I’m not in a Romanian Jailhouse,
      Nor ever will be,
      And can maintain a long term relationship with a woman older than my socks.

      Win to MNC.

      Andrew might argue,
      He owns a ducky diamond encrusted watch?
      A look at me! Sportscar.

      I’d say, who you going to leave them to?

      You’ve got nowt.
      That life lesson was free luv.

      • Morning Arfur ?

        I don’t understand his appeal to younger blokes?
        Maybe it’s a age thing?

        But doesn’t seem to stand for anything accept greed and being rude to women.

      • I don’t know Mis. Many people mellow with age and I think that would include me, but I’ve known some right curmudgeons in my age group and some of them I suspect were just the same miserable sods when they were eighteen. I can’t see the point myself. This life isn’t the rehearsal and you are dead for a long time.

    • Bilzerian is like Tate and that Liver King twat. Vaguely on the radar but not worth a lot of time investigating.

      I try to ignore that strata of cunt (Tik Tok/Whatever ‘tards/Reality TV Bozos).

      • Liver King was some next level clown world stuff.

        It was like the sort of thing that I would have seen on a troll thread in the misc forum on bodybuilding.com back in 2009.

  6. Justin and Andrew are the horrible toffee pennies in the quality street tin.

    Guaranteed to pull a filling out.

  7. If Tate is a high quality man who has worked and trained hard for his many garish displays of wealth (credit also to his legions of cam-whores), then why doesn’t he ever smile?

    Seriously, he is a miserable cunt.

    • serious intellectual folk never smile. He’s too busy dropping truth-bombs on us cucks.

  8. Tate and his bumchums in the ‘manosphere’ are pretty pathetic specimens of manhood.
    I imagine the followers of Tate are ‘red-pilled’, wear their baseball caps backwards and scoured the land for that energy drink designed and marketed by those youtubers (one of the Paul brothers and another cunt). zthey probably cheered when Connor McGregor was filmed sucker punching the old guy at the bar in Dublin.
    These followers are not high quality/value men. they are scum-sucking thralls and dupes.

    Jordan Peterson is apparently now a blubbering cuck in their eyes because he dismissed Tate as a low-life pimp.
    This made Tate’s fanboys spit out their dummies and throw their X box controllers to the floor. He didn’t recognise the high vslue of musclemen with sports cars and fat wallets.
    This was a big schism in some imagined fraternity.

    They have their special horoscope signs as well – are you an Alpha, or – even better – a Sigma.

    They’re more likely to be a combination of Sigma and Omega, a smegma.

  9. Brilliant cunting, Miles.

    The actual qualifications for high quality men are as follows:

    Always wears lace up shoes – never slip-ons
    Only ever wears brown shoes to the office on a dress-down Friday
    Always leaves the bottom button of his waistcoat open
    Always carries a freshly laundered handkerchief lest he sees a lady in distress
    Always takes his hat off indoors
    Only ever remove removes his jacket when invited to by the most senior person in the room
    Always passes the port to the left

    Good morning, everyone.

    • Add to that list:

      Well spoken
      Has regard for others

      In my view, the above attributes are what a high quality man is about and what others should aspire to, not the faux materialistic, misogynistic wank that old baldy-bollocks and his mini-me brother peddles.

    • A gentleman who has served with the parachute regiment will drink his port over a pickled egg, served in tumbler.
      I hear it is known as ‘dead man’s eyeball’.

  10. Andrew Tate is about as high quality as what drops out of my dog’s arse.

    The lilo lipped slappers that he pimps out on only fans are not much higher up the food chain either.

    I hope the Romanian police and judiciary throw the book at the morally bankrupt cunt.

  11. When i’m looking for my favourite brand of aftershave i always gravitate towards FIST OF MAN . A highly intoxicating scent that drives the ladies insane for my high quality Penis .

    • Fist of a man?

      Sounds like the regular goings on in Simon Cowell’s house.

      Joke of course, he’s definitely not a homosexual.

      I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone as macho and non gayness voiced. Mind you, I do live with the Village People.

  12. In my book a high quality man is someone with good manners.

    Open doors for ladies, give up your seat to them on public transport.
    You know the sort of stuff.

    It is not good manners to brag about money or material wealth.

    Those are the actions of a low quality cunt.

    • I’d love to be in a position to be able to brag about either. I wouldn’t, but I’d still love to be able to.

    • Yes, Tate is a vulgarian. Ian Fleming wouldve shot him had they been on the same Caribbean Island.

      I bet Tate doesn’t even know how to seduce women properly; that is through champagne and… sausages?

      .. according to Fleming.

  13. This site is surely the go to place for encountering High Quality Men.
    I commend it to the house.

  14. I admit to knowing very little about Mr Tate. Seems like some kind of pimp to me.
    I suppose by Romanian standards he could be regarded as high quality, but I wouldn’t use that as a barometer.
    It has to be said though, that some Romanian women make very high quality porn stars.
    Most probably why he’s been living there.

    • Romanians know what a proper man is and his name is not Tate.
      It is Vlad Tepes, and a bloke I worked with many years ago called John, who sounded like Dracula and had worked across central Europe.
      Older than the Carpathians but very interesting and helpful.

  15. The definition of a high quality man has been bastardized. It used to mean someone who was strong and stoic, a breadwinner and a family man, a man who went and fought for his country like our fathers and grandfathers. often with little thanks. Not some cunt who wears a pair of sunglasses worth more than most earn in a month.

  16. I don’t understand anything I’ve just read.

    Is the header pic from an upcoming remake of “Disclosure”…..?

  17. There’s a Youtube channel I view regularly called Common Sense Skeptic and although they ordinarily do in-depth videos on Elon Musk and his various companies, they’ve started doing in-depth videos on Andrew Tate and his cuntish ways:

    Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVYtxg_DiX8

    Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akQgqLPmIxA

    An interview with conservative BlazeTV contributor Jason Whitlock:


    Be aware though, if you decide to watch any videos by Common Sense Skeptic, the narrator speaks with jarringly-inconsistent pacing/prosody and somehow manages to sound like an 18 year old Valley girl but without a raised inflection or vocal fry….. I don’t know how that’s possible but he made it possible.

  18. My definition of a gentleman?

    Just say ‘luv’ at the end of every sentence. They fucking love that nowadays, don’t they?

    Like to that Alex Scott tart, I said “You? A bird? Talking about football. Has tha’ banged thy bloody head? Two sugars and some bourbon creams luv.”

    Fucking speechless she was. Hyperventilating at my gentlemanliness.

    Or to Claire Balding, “I know you’re too ugly to get a fella with that big, fat potato head of yours, but you might get a proper fella instead of frigging yersel’ off with a di ld o every night if you put a balaclava on and washed your fishy fanny. Now there’s a good girl, put the kettle on two sugars, luv.”

    She was even more overwhelmed. Crying with what appeared to be joy. Ran off in the general direction of the police station for some reason. Probably to ask for help to calm her down from all the joy, the poor mare.

    Oh look, two police officers are coming up my path as I speak, probably to give me a commendation and have their photos taken with me. Not sure why they’ve brought the police dogs though.

  19. Andrew Tate Total Cunt.
    Sooner he drives his high quality muscle car under an artics trailer the better.

  20. I guess I can assume that the cunting is about what passes for “High Quality” these days. The way I see it a man or woman has quality based on their thinking and moral compass.
    One could also live by the bumper sticker on a car I saw a few days ago that said:
    You’re all cunts. Fuck you!

    As a nod to Miles the highest quality person who ever lived was Jesus. Through Him we can also live quality lives.

  21. I like to picture Miles as a straight version of Alan Bennett reading extracts from his diary.

    I’m in no doubt Top G Tate and his fellow members of the ‘manosphere’ would look upon me as some beta Cuck.

    Perhaps I will change my handle to Cuck E. Monster?

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