A lifeglug-attached cunting for our Great and Wonderful National God. – err Health Service – grinding to a halt at weekends.
I was in hospital a few weeks ago, taking up a bed in the AMU. I was there from Thursday morning to Saturday night, as doctors quibbled over whether i could have a scan. I was told i would be consulted Saturday morning but that day i was told there were no doctors available and would remain in hospital until the Monday in ‘normal working hours’. The NHS isn’t an office at a publisher for women’s magazines or coffee shop. There should be doctors available, looking at drugs, blood results and organising scans 24/7. That is why we spaff so much cash on the service. Diseases and injuries don’t have the weekend off.
It’s bad enough my GP only working 3 days a week, to have doctors going home Friday night to reappear on Monday morning is pretty shite.
There’s enough of them to cover the weekend so that services don’t get held up and cunts like myself aren’t taking up emergency beds. I was moved to a ward late on Saturday night but I shouldve been moved and scanned by Friday evening.
This not a cunting of the NHS, just for how it operates at weekends and how much more efficient and safer it would be if proper cover was organised. The tardy cunts never sent my GP a copy of the discharge letter either.
Nominated by Cuntamus Prime.
An Addendum on the NHS below from Cuntybollocks.
I’d like to second this cunting, if I may. Not per-se the weekend thing, but the NHS in general.
I’m worried about the mother. She’s never ill but was in hospital recently due to some weird stomach issue that really fucked her up (couldn’t walk, lost her voice, lost loads of weight etc.).
Well, they think it was due to a burst stomach abscess, but they want to find out what caused it.
But her appointment to have tests done was cancelled due to the specialists being on strike. £120k+ p.a. + not enough then? My heart fucking bleeds.
NHS appointments being cancelled were as rare as rocking horse shit a few years back. Now, every cunt I know seems to be having issues.
What the fuck are we paying for? My mum must’ve put 10s of thousands into the kitty and now can’t access it when she needs it for pretty much for the first time since she gave birth a million years ago.
It’s a fucking piss take.
This is not aimed at most NHS front line workers btw, who are underpaid and undervalued as a whole.
Well I think they’re wonderful.
So there.
A mate of mine went in to A&E on Friday with severe stomach pains , they couldn’t examine him because their were no Doctors till monday.
Turned out to be a burst appendix got Peritonitis and was dead by Tuesday.
Have i got sympathy for Doctors striking on £120 K a year ? No i fucking we’ll don’t ?
My mum’s been in with a double break to her ankle.
I clearly stated I wanted
her left in a corridor on a gurney for 7hrs
Misdiagnosed by someone who can barely speak English
The ‘nil by mouth ‘ sign absentmindedly left up so she dehydrated
And them to give her a prescription for someone else.
They delivered on every count!
Well done,
If I owned pots and pans I’d be banging them on my doorstep
Wouldn’t mind banging some of them nurses on my doorstep.
Fit white ones in fishnet stockings and high heels,
was that under the University Hospital Sussex trust as well?
addressed to Fenton.
As it happens Cuntimus it was that particular Hospital
Well I thought we’d be under the same trust with you being on the Sussex coast.
It’s the envy of the world, yep the third world ?
The system isn’t fit for purpose anymore, all routine shit should be done privately, just leave the NHS to do the emergency work.
I worry about the NHS , post Covid the wheels, already pretty shaky, seem to have fallen off. I am not sure that changing it from a National to an International Health Service has helped the situation.
Mrs. Wanksock has a blood cancer, thank Christ not Leukaemia, but hasn’t seen her consultant for nearly 4 years, all she has had are telephone consultations. I have a small growth on the prostate revealed by a private (£750) MRI scan. It needs to have a biopsy done, and apparently I should see a consultant before it is done, I have been booked in for my telephone call tomorrow morning at 10. Neither are good doctoring but seems to be the way things are now done.
Our medical outcomes are far worse than those in Western Europe. Many years ago a very senior doctor said to me if you recruit staff from the the 3rd world you will end up with a 3rd world medical service, it would seem that time has arrived.
PS A very left wing friend of mine suggested we should paying doctors more to stop them going and working abroad,I asked her how much she would suggest for a GP and from the top of her head she said £100k a year. According to my local medical centre’s website the average pay of their GPS is £135k a year.
Our local hospital operates 7 days and evenings for outpatients, scans etc. There are fewer ward staff at weekends but overall not bad. However, this is Scunny not fucking London or any other 3rd world city.
NHS? Absolutely and utterly unfit for purpose! Mostly useless, lazy cunts or greasy fat cunts with their pudgey fingers in the till! Time to scrap it and privatise! I said this the other day and did the PM take any fucking notice?
One thing that pissed me off even more than having to wait ten hours with Mrs T in A&E, was how some cunt escorted by plod and in handcuffs was seen straight away! This country and its health service are totally fucked and deserve each other. Don’t be shy, CP, the NHS is staffed by bovine dimwits and missing doctors. My NHS? Fuck off.
Good afternoon, everyone.
I should get a rebate on my taxes ( if I paid em)
As I never use NHS resources.
I’m never ill
And I watch where I’m going
I’m not some accident prone Mr Bean.
Lot of people are hypocondriacs anyway.
Never away from the doctors
Wasting the doctors time.
They should have to pay for a season ticket
My elder sister was in hospital recently. A junior doctor told her she had lung cancer and started quizzing her on her work history. She had pneumonia and pleurisy. The senior consultant went ballistic. Useless cunts. And the food is fucking awful. On a plus point the food was ordered by a dwarf, which made me laugh.
“Sorry, toast is off the menu today?”
“What? You’ve got no bread?”
“Oh no we’ve got bread, it’s just our chef can’t reach the bread bin.”
Fortunately we don`t have that problem here. Our local witch doctor just prescribes the same herbal potion elixir to everyone who`s ill & it kills them within 24 hours. So, nobody gets ill any more. Result.
‘Free at the point of delivery’ do they still say that? Just as well really, who would pay for such a fucking shambles?
the yanks’ healthcare is also free at thr point of delivery (in the case of emergency treatments at least).
The fuckers at the BBC pretend they love the NHS but many are covered by Bupa. They also send their mini-targuins and Pippas to fee-paying boarding schools.
The NHS was in debt within 18 months after it was rolled out.
Doomed from the start .
The NHS has been run into the ground by a bunch of cunts.
If doctors and others wish to strike then unfortunately give them a good reason..
If you aren’t British and haven’t paid in for a minimum of ten years then there is no treatment without payment in full up front.
This country is rapidly declining and fannying about around the edges of all these gathering crises is a cunts trick.
I should also mention those cunts who can’t or won’t pay should toddle off to one of those Fifth Column outfits that seem to have plenty of money to throw about..
Care for Calais would be good choice.
Fuck them all.
I miss DCi going apeshit on noms like this.
He’d go fuckin bananas on NHS noms and tell people to do the job themselves if they thought they could do better.
Funnily enough, he never had any takers.?
Mental health is a breeze. you’re better off not speaking to a CBT nurse than doing so.
My GP and consultant for kidney problems were far more helpful than the soppy ‘time to talk’ cunts.
waste of money.
Straight white men aren’t allowed to work in the public sector anymore.
Not for me anyway, I hate the general public so I would be prescribing poison to everyone..
Headache take two Strychnine every hour..
Athletes foot try dome hemlock.
When a Remainer fuckwit starts pompously saying, “oh yar, what about that 350 million on the side of that bus”, you can tell them that the NHS now receives FAR more than what was suggested. This untouchable subject is an insatiable sarlaac pit equivalent to Madonna’s stinky fish-hole or Diane Flabbotasaurus’s gobby pie-hole.
Nothing will satisfy it.
In a prior job I used to care for a lad who got locked in syndrome as a result of a brain bleed being misdiagnosed. Believe it or not a colleague at the same job was also misdiagnosed BY THE SAME DOCTOR as having indigestion, when she actually had pancreatitis. Meanwhile under a different trust my grandad also had his stomach cancer misdiagnosed as indigestion – then had a fall which ultimately led to his death as a result of the NHS delivering the wrong type of bed to his home. Negligence, incompetence and a refusal to learn from past mistakes have been a hallmark of the organisation for years, if not decades, and it’s staggering that they keep being allowed to get away with it. Strikes? Root and branch reform is needed urgently.
How tf has the word ‘strikes’ ended up in there?
Off topic, but I reckon someone on here is Morrissey
If he was anyone on here I’d point my finger at Capt. Magnanimous