Gurwinder Singh

Exceeded his planning permission ever so slightly ( coughs) and has been ordered to demolish it.

Metro Link.

I hope it’s cost him thousands and thousands, although by the look of the new build, he used a load of “cousins” to help out, all of whom are currently applying for refugee status.

Not that we don’t have our own twats that think they can do what they like, that utter cunt, Captain Sir Tom’s daughter, who also thinks she can exceed the approved plans, and get away with it.

Nominated by : Jeezum Priest

54 thoughts on “Gurwinder Singh

  1. If its Indian built, just wait for a strong gust of wind..

    Goodness gracious me..

  2. Saucy fucking cunt. He should have bunged a nice brown envelope to the relevant cunt on the council. Doesn’t he know anything about politicians?
    He’ll have to play the race card now.

  3. A simple administrative error on Mr Singh’s part which anyone could have made. They’re a bit over-zealous, those Council jobsworths, aren’t they?

  4. He should have told them that it’s a mosque.

    Instant planning permission and the council would have paid for it to be built.

  5. I wanted an extension and we were only granted permission for a single storey at the back of the house. The house was sold to a bunch of suntanned cunts and the next time I looked there was a 2 storey extension on the side and a fucking granny flat at the bottom of the garden. Funny that.

  6. Stupid fucker. Should have known not to try it on with the local planning dept, unless he was going to slip ’em a bung or play the religious card.
    Planners are selective cunts, up here in the Lake District you can fucking forget it if you’re in the National Park …unless you’re a fucking farmer, then any amount of industrial-looking shite will get approved. Wankers.

  7. Poor Mr Singh. He needed to quadruple the size of his house for all his “family” he is bringing over. Oh well, there must be a nearby hotel the council can buy up to accommodate “some of the most vulnerable people in the world”
    My fucking heart bleeds for them.

  8. I didn’t have to read the nom.
    Just having a name ending in “Singh” he’s bound to be a cunt.

  9. What a sneaky cunt.

    That said, Cuntcil planners are fucking cunts. I tried to get planning permission for a brickwork wall, railings and gates along my frontage to help keep my disabled son from wandering out into the road when he is in the garden.

    The cunts refused the application as it wasn’t ‘rural’ enough – the fucking retards suggested chicken wire! Clueless fucking arseholes. The area is rural but dozens of other properties have similar some with and some without planning permission.

    Off to appeal now, so it’ll be taken out of the hands of the retard/infant planners.

    • Captain Tom’s daughter is a abhorrent greedy cunt.

      I’d take great pleasure if I was in the planning dept from twarting her swimming pool and huge extension.

      I hope the charities commission fucks her off as well.

      As for this cunt,
      He’ll just have to sleep 15 to a room like the rest of them.

      • How can an office built to administer a (maybe dodgy) charity turn into a fucking spa complex with sauna?

        Talk about how to shit on the memory and corpse of a man who had good intentions that were then eatan up and shat out as greed by the tit swingers round him.


      • Let’s be honest; the media overhyped Captain Tom. It’s a human interest story for the local news but when it goes national and feeds the agenda for as long as it did, something else is going on within the media and government. Not as bizarre as the ‘grass roots’ campaign to applaud the state on your doorstep like a fucking seal but still ‘off’.

    • Agree completely Paul. No time for this cheeky bastard but certainly local authories are cunts. We’ve been trying to get an abandoned car removed from the road outside for months now. By we I mean virtually all the residents in the road. I am now informed that this unroadworgthy, untaxed, uninsured, no-MOT vehicle can be removed by the council who have the power to put a warning notice on the car and can then lift it fifteen days later. This has been put to the council. Their response? It ain’t gonna happen.

      Sincerely, good luck with the appeal.

      • “…We’ve been trying to get an abandoned car removed from the road outside for months now…”

        One method suggested by a cunter a month or so ago in relation to the same issue – paint a big fuck off swastika on the bonnet and boot, email the cuntcil a pic and it’ll be gone within the hour.

      • Now that would be funny; a black VW beetle with red driver’s side door and a white circle with black swastika painted on it.

    • Raise it with your local MP Paul.
      And maybe the local paper.
      Council cunts don’t like negative attention especially when it comes to people’s disabilities.

      • Thanks Arfur and Fenton

        Yes, that is one possibility, but I hope I don’t have to go quite that far. I have pissed them off already by putting up a fence adjacent and it all hinges on a legal technicality – what is a highway? Despite highway records showing the land in front of my house isn’t a highway, in the opinion of these nasty, childish and clueless cunts, it is.

        I’m seeking a definitive answer from the highway authority, hopefully they will be able to provide some clarity with which I can bash the planning cunts around the head with (in a Solicitor’s letter of course).

  10. Singh? Must be a siikh

    How did he get his hard hat on over his turban?

    Trotter’s crash turbans anyone??

    • they don’t need to wear them. Like crash helmets. Another example of one rule for ethnics, and one rule for everyone else.

      • Bet they sue the contractor when a brick falls on their stupid fucking heads though

  11. I wish they’d left him alone, only for the shanty house to collapse on top of him,crushing him to death,after a moderate breeze caused by the climate crisis.

    What a total cunt,someone should have parked an HGV across his drive.

  12. Seems Rishi’s roof and windows are in disrepair.
    He should maintain it better because it is a Grade ll listed building.

    • The whole country is in disrepair miles, so fuck itchy ballsack’s windows.

      Someone should smash his old lady’s back doors in.

  13. I feel sorry for the cunts on the other side of the semi, I just hope they are blick ?

  14. Shame I wasn’t a planning officer in Walssll. a couple of lamb samosas here, a chicken madras there.
    “You put up a fucking ferris wheel and water flume mate if you keep these coming’.

  15. Imagine having this Cuntwinder Singh has a neighbour… no fucking doors or windows on his shitbox, shanty mansion to contain the putrid odour of curry contaminating the entire street. Even though the council are enormous bellend cunts, it was probably a smart move to tear it all down as this Singh was probably building this so called ‘mansion’ to house 100s of his distant, inbred relatives who had the dinghies on stand by.

    • It’s got an outside loo though.
      Well,, they call it “shitting in the garden.”

      Hello Please!

  16. Nice that the cunt hasnt been given a free pass to do whatever the fuck he wants due to the fact he,s an import, may work in Bangladesh, but not here ya cunt….

    • Bangladesh doesnt bother with planning as most of their houses are washed away by regular flooding.
      climate change y’see.

  17. Take pity on this chap.

    Perhaps he was trying to do the right thing and house loads of muzzies as they step of the boats.

    • Actually, that would of been a brilliant idea. Round up the fresh off the boat rug pilots into the Singh manor and then drop a big fucking container of flaming bacon fat via drone onto the fuckers once they’ve congregated inside by the 100s.

  18. And this is how the Muslim gets around stamp duty..

    2.2 Stamp Duty Land Tax and Land Transaction Tax
    Provided the statutory conditions are fulfilled the lease, the transfer of the reversion and any intermediate transfers of shares in the freehold are relieved from Stamp Duty Land Tax or Land Transaction Tax, as is the initial transfer if the customer is the registered proprietor.

    Both the transfer to the Islamic financier and the lease to the customer are potentially notifiable transactions. If they exceed the threshold for notification to HM Revenue & Customs or the Welsh Revenue Authority, you will need to send HM Land Registry a land transaction return certificate (form SDLT5 or LTT certificate).

    Please contact HM Revenue & Customs for further details regarding Stamp Duty Land Tax or the Welsh Review Authority for further details regarding Land Transaction Tax.

    2.3 Fees
    In common with other government departments, our fees are based on the amount of work involved and are assessed under the current Land Registration Fee Order as follows:

    transfer to lender – scale 1 (if for value) or scale 2 (if not for value)
    lease to customer – scale 1
    agreement – schedule 3; no fee is payable if it is lodged at the same time as the other applications
    See HM Land Registry: Registration Services fees.

    2.4 When the Ijara wa Iqtina arrangement has come to an end
    When the Ijara wa Iqtina arrangement has come to an end, you should send HM Land Registry a transfer of the reversion to the customer and, if desired, an application to merge the lease back into the reversion. If you have registered an agreement, this can be removed using form CN1 (agreed notice) or form UN2 or form UN4 (unilateral notice).

    The transfer to the customer is a potentially notifiable transaction for Stamp Duty Land Tax or Land Transaction Tax. If the consideration exceeds the threshold for notification to HM Revenue & Customs or Welsh Revenue Authority, you will need to send HM Land Registry a land transaction return certificate (form SDLT5 or Land Transaction Tax certificate).

    A fee is payable on the transfer to the customer, assessed under scale 1 of the current Land Registration Fee Order (if for value) or scale 2 (if not for value), see HM Land Registry: Registration Services fees. No fee is payable for the merger or removal of notice, provided the application is made at the same time as the transfer.

  19. I wanted to extend my mud hut. But although I had planning permission, and all the materials, I couldn`t afford to transport the water required for the new mud due to my waterhole still being 300 miles away.

    • You needed Ewan McGregor to have a televised whip around.
      ‘For just 3 pounds a month…’
      Get your lightsaber out Ewan, take some heroin, ride a bike down a muddy hillside in Vietnam.. go on, fall off you Scotch wanker’.

  20. I don’t live that far away from this pile of cunt and, this is not an isolated case. It’s common around here, for the joe daki’s to buy up the houses on corners and then extend the fuck out of them. They also like to pinch an extra bit of land at the side if possible too. The houses are fucking monstrosities and take months to finish because the cunts have a whip round at the temple/mosque/shithouse from time to time to raise funds. Whenever there’s a wedding, funeral or some shitty religious bollocks going on, you can’t even park in your own street because of all of the smelly cunts parking their German cars everywhere and the fireworks they set off for hours on end sound like an artillery barrage. They extend the houses so much, that they end up with fuck all for a garden, so their gobby, smelly little bastard kids just play in the street and on the fields.

    It’s got that bad, we’ve put our own house up for sale. It used to be a nice area but now, I’m a stranger in my own fucking country. Ironically, the only viewings we’ve had on our house have been from park keys but, as we’re not a corner plot, they’re not fucking interested.

    • What the cunts do is put the house for sale up in the local mosque with a note saying ” don’t offer/ pay more than£X for this house”
      That way whitey ends up with a shit deal and carpet kissers get cheap housing plus as above no stamp duty…

    • It’s only right he was spared jail.

      We have to allow for cultural differences.

  21. Pakistan has one of the highest rates of diddling in the world followed by the rest of the peaceful country’s it’s a cultural thing.
    Perceived as perfectly ok by the majority of the community, beating your daughter with a metal bar cos she may be doing something that does not agree with their norm fine. Preserve the family honour . From my research kids between the ages of 6 to 9 are the ones most at risk in peaceful family’s from relatives and neighbours. If by some very slim chance some relative is charged and appears in court with out exception the victim will have written a letter begging for a lenient punishment.
    This is the problem with our soon fuckfest country. Politicians and civil servants will not acknowledge that the differences in our cultures are fucknig massive. As that prophet of peace Chowdury said years ago “use their laws to defeat them”. How right the cunt was.

  22. Fucking Dakis. Any dodge they can do, they’ll do it. Any liberty they can take, they’ll take it. Any awkward questions and it’s No Engerlish! Nononono!’ No regard for others and no manners whatsoever. And this is just on a fucking hospital ward.?

    • Tell me about it. Being on a ward in Guys when i was a teenager. Fucking TV blaring screeching Bollywood shite from across the ward because little Mo’s mum wanted to broadcast her culture to everyone. Never mind there were sick toddlers struggling to sleep.

      The nurses said nothing until the sister nurse asked them to keep it down.

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