Pretty simple really – these heartless morons had the audacity to use a photo of a woman’s deceased son, without her permission, in an article about Covid vaccine deaths (the son actually died from suicide and didn’t have the vaccine). The woman is now suing the paper. As a result, the paper and its supporters have launched a vicious campaign of abuse and harassment against her and her lawyer. Needless to say, I hope this poisonous, toxic ‘paper’ gets sued out of existence and the evil hag who runs it tarred, feathered and dragged through the streets of Dublin by an angry horse.
Regarding the link, I was initially going to link to the BBC story which was published today. However, for whatever reason it had been deleted when I tried to find it again for the nom. So I’ve used the next most recent one instead.
For what it’s worth I found this from a while back whilst researching the organisation as well. What a truly vindictive, repugnant bunch of wankers.
Nominated by opinionated cunt.
Top notch cunting, OC!
Good morning.
Quite right to point out the excess deaths caused by the Covid jabs as the msm and Parliament ignore it.
Quite wrong to go after someone who has suffered their loved one committing suicide.
There’s a telegram page I look at some times which posts links to supposed deaths/side effects from the jab – blood clots in lungs, heart, leg brain, myocarditis, strokes, auto-immune diseases etc but some of the links there are so obviously not vaccine-related or at the very least can’t be directly linked to it.
Some of the people who post there are probably the sorts of people who uncritically believe what’s shat onto the pages of The Light and some probably are the sort who have harassed this poor woman.
I think those are more likely effects of lockdown and the shutting down of the NHS so that nurses and porters could film themselves dancing… I mean cope with the strain of Covid.
The Irish light lot look a right gang of total bastards
Imagine trying to say that sentence when drunk. ? Far too many Ls.
Repugnant behaviour by this newspaper if the young fella took his own life.
A right cunts trick.
Meanwhile other newspapers are blaming the spike in heart attacks on things such as climate change, cold showers or anything else they can think of for that matter.
Anything except the elephant in the room that is.
Investigative journalism is long dead.
I stubbed my toe the other day and my immediate go-to response was to wave a stick at the sky and shout “FUCK YOU CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!”
Several years back, when Radio 4 was worth listening to, they had a female journalist who had been exposing police corruption. The rozzers made her life hell. She eventually won a case against them. I still remember her saying that proper journalism was dead and all they did now was to repeat press releases verbatim. And it’s only got worse.
If only the liberal left really knew about the far-right, rather than just throwing it around as a lazy slur to shut down discussion.
I bet most wokies have never heard of John Tyndall.
The editors of the Irish Light ain’t so bright are they, I always take great delight watching Bogtrotters fall on their swords, EU loving CUNTS!!!
Just wait until their ‘hatred’ bill gets passed.
No possession of ‘hateful’ material
No telling of jokes about certain groups or historical events.
and plenty more for our Hibernian chums to watch each other for.
“Water fluoridation is lowering Irish IQ”
To be sure, to be sure, seems to be borne out by those running the Irish Light ?
The tinfoil frothy mouthed conspiritards have no shame.
Leave the poor woman to greive for her son.
Go mither Bigfoot or Aliens instead.
I gather that Irish Light is merely an extension of a UK freesheet founded by mad Manc flat-earther Darren Smith aka Nesbitt. Calling it a newspaper is grossly to flatter it.
I guess Smith is hoping to increase circulation, and propagate his conspiracy bollocks further. Oven, and no appeal.
Indeed it is Komodo. The sad thing is that most of their readership – my mother included – don’t quite realise how utterly repugnant they are. They’re one of the few ‘media’ organisations to whom the far right label can be plausibly attached.
Sorry about your mother, OC!
Trouble is, if something agrees with your prejudices, you are likely to believe it – the echo chamber effect. Even ISAC is not immune (by a long way). Why not download a picture of the straggly-bearded fruitloop rat fucker Nesbitt/Smith and ask your mother whether she’d even let the cunt through the door?
I’ve read copies of it in the local kebab shop from time to time and they use quite a few far-right buzz words. The contributors (and I assume the avid readership) seem to be populated with a disproportionate number or sovereign citizen type dipshits.
Sovereign citizen types are a hoot.
I”m not driving, i’m travelling…’
and they always cite that one court case.
Love seeing them geting tased.
If the cunts used a photo of one of my relatives they’d soon be under the impression that Reinhard Heydrich had risen from the grave to “ask them to reconsider”..
Anyway all this has given me PTSD I think,I’ve just remembered there were quite a few Irish on the campsite in Italy last month and fuck me what a bunch of cunts they were.
Oven,to be sure.
Campsite? Sounds like you were on a travellers site!
Eeeuurrgghhh….Unkle Terry is a poikey!
UT, don’t nick the hinges off of MNC’s lovely cream gates.
People get very upset if you disagree with their views nowadays.
A world of fuckin mardarses.
If I disagreed with someone and started to organise a hate campaign against a woman who’s son had just commited suicide,
I hope I’d have the presence of mind to question my cowardly actions and feel ashamed for the hurt I’d caused .
I hope I’m man enough not to do it in the first place.
I like to think not,
Other people having opposing views doesn’t send me hysterical.
These fuckin zealots are no different from your eco loonies or gender spastics.
A headtheball is a headtheball.
Leave the women be you shower of shite.
Ooh, what’s Italy like? Planning a solo trip around the country for next year.
Rome was hot and mad busy,public transport excellent..less expensive than the UK for eating out,train travel very good…lovely women as well.
I’m planning on visiting Turin, Rome, Florence (plus a a few day trips to surrounding small towns) and Trieste. Possibly Venice and Trento if I can fit it in too but I don’t think that’ll be possible.
Cheers for the Beeb link admin – I noticed it was back on their front page yesterday afternoon. Fuck knows what happened there.
You are welcome, C.A.
What’s particularly shocking is the fact that Gemma O’Doherty used to be a highly regarded investigative journalist in her own right. I wonder if she was always secretly like this behind the facade.
Nutter in 2021, and not too good at providing evidence:
A lovely horse surely, begorrah.
The problem with many journalists is they don’t like being proven wrong, especially the ones who think their word is law.
There’s a lot of them about, always has been.
Usually the ones who bang on about free speech being a human right, until someone disagrees with their opinions.
Apologies for going off piste.
I see the BBC website has LIVE reporting of Sinead O’Bogtrotters funeral.
Fucking laughable, lazy and pointless journalism.
Aye I saw a picture of a bunch of random young women crying.
What a load of shite!
Why are the libtards losing it over her? I bet they only know one of her songs (and that was Prince’s song anyway.) And that was from fucking 30 years back. Yes, she was a bit nutty. But let’s have it right.
She was a fucking cunt.
They’re going on like a living saint and musical legend has croaked.
She was fucking shite.
Bob geldof’s just turned up In a tarmacking van, looking to fleece a couple of old ladies..
There’s always a stack of this rag (English version) in the local kebab shop and while I’m waiting for my food, I often sit reading it just out of amusement.
It’s filled with articles for morons written by pseudo-intellectuals, pseudo scientists and non-scientists spouting bollocks about 5G but it’s funny to read what a bunch of spastics “think” about things they have a less-than-rudimentary understanding of.
Don’t get me wrong, I took zero shots and have no intention of doing so, but much of what’s written in the pages of The Light is pure fantasy fiction, the like of which you’d find in some dystopian sci-fi novel and yet fuckwits take it seriously.
Fuck The Light, fucking it’s authors and fuck the cunts who take it seriously.
Maybe it’s JK Rowling’s secret side-gig?
I wrote a nom about those 5G mitmots.
But it didn’t make the cut.
The daft cunts couldn’t keep their mouths shut shouting for a revolution and got themselves and others in trouble.
Rule number 1 of being a urban guerilla?
Keep ya fuckin gob shut.
@Miserable northern cunt
The thing that annoys me about that 5G bollocks is that I was a techie in the Royal Signals so that is my bread and butter so I know it’s complete bollocks. Most normies however don’t and they just lap it up.
Afternoon ?
Yes, I remembered that your ex military.
I knew it was bollocks because I’d not just been hatched from a fuckin egg?
And the people spouting it all looked like out patients from One Flew over the cuckoo’s nest.
Hehehe ?
Didn’t Amanda Holden push the 5G shite on Twitter?
Useless thick as mince. trout-lipped plastic cunt.
@TitS – agree 100%. Early 70s witnessed me servicing RAF ground radars: 3 and 10GHz, anything up to 500KW pulse power. I never caught Covid once…
Mind you the cunts who spend their entire lives on a mobile phone are definitely asking for physical finger, thumb, and neck problems.
These fucking idiots seem to mistake frequency for power output, with the latter being far more of a health risk. I used and serviced Bowman radio units which utilised HF and VHF wave bands at high power output.
There was a wave guide leading out of the det to the roof with a funneled opening to concentrate and expel excess radiation and we were told under no circumstances to ever stand in front of it – even putting your hand in front of it would result in instantaneous, severe RF burns but it was due to the high power output; not the frequency or wavelength.
What 5G wankers don’t seem to understand is that due to the inverse square law, wave density decreases the further away from the transmitter so becomes less harmful.
During the pandemic there were 5G transmitters being installed high up a mast by guys wearing what appeared to be hazmat suits and 5G nutters took that to mean that the transmitters were dangerous. I had to point out to one idiot that those were a safety precaution in case of a sudden power surge….. kind of like how when you put on seat belt, that doesn’t mean that you’re going to have a car crash.
Just so, TitS. Though cw would be much more hazardous than relatively short radar pulses. As the inventor of the microwave oven realised…Even so, there were horror stories such as the man who came off the antenna of a 3GW height-finder set – powered up by a cunt colleague -and only later discovered his liver had been cooked.
We wore mesh facemasks if we were close to a running transmitter, and stayed well clear of the beam. But what made the authorities most nervous was the x-radiation from some of the valves – We had to wear radiation badges, and had so much fun leaving our mates’ badges next to the power stages.
On a related note I once cured a verruca by lashing up a 1/4-wave stub to the output of a 25W Sailor marine vhf, and holding it against the verruca until it became uncomfortable.
Ah, memories…
I once read a copy, never again. My conclusion was “The Light” may well be on, but there is no-one at home.
Volkischer Beobachter and Der Sturmer had more focus.
The press are a bunch of dishonest, moral less bunch of shysters, they dont give a fuck whether they have permission or not, if its true or not, guilty or not and who gets hurt in the process, they are just cunts of the highest order and that gormless cunt who owns the paper needs spit roasting by Romanian beggars….
Would put my fish and chips in this dirty rag.
Never heard of this pamphlet but it goes to show political extremism breeds the most disgusting and feral of nitwits.
Yep indeed. 5G fuckfaces, SovCit DipShits and Flat Earthers all seem to have similar mindsets and personality types….. cluster b personalities to be precise. Nasty fuckers you wouldn’t want to meet but have access to the internet so get to spout their bollocks to anybody who’ll listen.
Mentioned Smith/Nesbitt being a flat-earther above.
Apparently – and I didn’t know this – the reason you think you can travel round it is due to spacetime warping at the edge of the disc and feeding you back to the opposite edge. Like Pacman, he says.
This means you can’t look over the edge and see the four elephants, which is a pity.
Lol, I knew that comment was heading towards a Pratchett reference Komodo. A true genius taken far too soon.
@Komodo. I’ve read about that.
Does Mr Smith know that it’s called Misner space?
Perhaps he uses it to give himself presents at Christmas.
I’ve encountered a few of them via Facebook. If you undermine their argument/ramblings they get really nasty.
Go after your info to use against you, try and find you on other sites, send messages to your friends.
Luckily you can return the favour and if they leave more of a digital footprint than you across social media and post videos because they are egomaniacs, it can really mess with their day.
Talking of Potatoland, Sinead O’ Connor’s funeral was crammed with dykes, pride rainbow dribblers, feminazi freaks and other sundry woke nutters. Like attracts like, I suppose….?
Oh, and some muslamic head the ball did a eulogy for old baldie and all. She was a terrorist loving little shit.