Are they really more eco friendly? What Car doesn’t seem to think so.
1. The production produces more carbon emissions than a petrol vehicle according to VW by about 25%
2. It’s more difficult to recycle. Only 10% of the rare minerals used are recovered.
3. We just push the carbon footprint uphill to the power station which we will need another dozen of to hit the demand
4. On short runs the breakeven by going electric is about 77,000 miles. It’s better on long run usage assuming you can find a charging point
5. Most of the lithium used in batteries comes from the Congo where they use child Labour to dig it out.
6. Insurance premiums are higher. Damage the battery and the car is a write off
7. They cost shed loads more to buy
8. The extra weight means that some older multi story car parks will either have to strengthened or ban them
9. Potholes will get worse and roads will wear out faster, again due to extra weight
10. Cars don’t just emit CO2. The rest of the particulate shite they emit doesn’t go away when you drive an EV – just move it upline
I could go on but as far as I can see you have to be a virtue signaling eco loon muppet with more money than sense to buy an EV…
Nominated by : Rt. Hon. Dioclese
100% agree. The mining for the cobalt by children is abhorrent.
EV are not green. From conception to death they plunder the planet ? and the are fucking near on impossible to recycle.
Worlds leaders are crackers.
Take into account the towing of anything, too.
Not to mention the probability that the damned thing will catch fire!
How much more polluting can you get?
….and the fire can’t be extinguished. Several shipping companies are refusing to transport them because of the risk.
How long before one catches fire in an underground car park beneath a block of flats? Another Grenfell?
Here’s hoping…
Just wait until one of the electric single decker buses decides to go and Ronson up when full of passengers…It’ll be particularly toasty if it’s one of the ones with the battery packs in the roof…
It’s not a case of if here, but when.
Yes! my local supermarket has just installed high-power EV chargers within its car park, which is directly below the store. I have asked them if the Fire Brigade approved this siting, as access is very limited (& not all around the chargers, as it should be for the FB). There are no high-flow sprinklers above the chargers or the EV bays.
A lithium battery fire takes 1000s of gallons of water to extinguish – bye bye shop!
Our local Lidl installed 2 charging bays in the car park at the beginning of the year. They are now permanently out of order, due to the cables repeatedly being stolen. There are no plans to reinstate them.
The age of rational debate ended some time ago. Nowadays decisions are made by politicians listening to the people who shout loudest . The shouters are generally lacking in scientific, engineering and economic awareness. Who in their right minds would be guided by St Greta of Thunberg’s opinions?
Her opinions are all second hand anyway.
I don’t think that she has ever had an original thought.
How dare you!
On second thought, I feel pretty sure that was scripted.
Never mind.
I suspect she’s never had a thought of any description.
There’s a balance to be had between rule by expertise and rule by mob but I think a common sense approach can result in decent compromise because sometimes, the experts and the plebs are one and the same thing.
Take for example annual controlled burns in the Australian Outback. Whose opinion is more valid?
– A 2nd or 3rd generation land owner in the Outback who does controlled burns because it creates a fire break thus stopping bush fires from spreading.
– Some soft-handed, city-dwelling, middle-class, double-barrel name-having, soy latte-drinking, hipster eco-warrior who knows fuck all about fuck all but “knows” it’s right to ban controlled bush burning because “muh feelings”.
On of these approaches led to huge, virtually unstoppable nationwide fires across Australia which could be seen from orbit……. can anybody guess which one?
I’d add to that by saying that it has recently been reported that chargers have been installed at a fuel station somewhere in UK, but cannot be energised as the grid won’t cope. What a fucking surprise. If one of these expensive toys breaks down, what %age of the emergency fleet needed run on these PP9s with ambition?
Those with the smallest minds shout the loudest.
Some say the whole point of the initiatives is to curb car usage altogether. Keep the plebs in place – time spent galavanting around the countryside could be better used raising productivity for the money powers and the GDP.
Not that it will matter to the wealthy eco loons, they will still be able to take that a break in Tuscany or the Maldives.
It will only take one EV to catch fire on a transport ferry or container ship before these cunts start admitting that the technology is not there yet.
That’s already happened:
The general consensus is that they know very well it’s the EVs causing the fires, they’re just loathe to admit it as it’s another nail in their coffin.
EV fire in the Channel Tunnel doesn’t bear thinking about…
Excellent nom.
The manufacturers are already jibbing about unsustainable costs and materials, The insurance for shipping must be off the scale following disastrous fires at sea. The logistics involved in dealing with burning EVs are mental. Railways already refuse to take EVs because of fire risk. Oh, and they recycle old lithium-ion batteries. What could possibly go wrong? Utter eco-cunt.
Good morning, everyone.
Clarkson did a piece years ago when the first Prius came out.
Your average family car in the states has a life cycle cost of 50 cents per mile. Assuming ten year life span and 100,000 miles.
The Prius has a life cycle cost of $3.50 per mile due to the high price of recycling the battery.
Although I have feeling they just launch them down a mine and encase them with concrete.
Can we do that with our government, I wonder?
EV’s are the VHS videos of the twenty first century.
A shooting star that will be superceeded by something more practical and reliable, not to mention more eco friendly too.
People are being sold a lie and like lemmings, they’re running over a cliff edge for it.
When they wake up, the EV age is over.
Good morning.
More like Betamax in my opinion.
Blueray disc?
The hydrogen fuel cell is the way forward.
The only emission a hydrogen fuel cell produces is water.
But the eco loons don’t want it because it’s not available NOW!
Hence why we are witnessing this EV interlude, which is all the history books will relate it as one day.
The eco nutters really do believe that the planet will be a burnt out husk spinning round the solar system by 2040 at the latest.
In a sane society they’d have been locked up by now.
But it is available now.
Ford, Peugeot, Citroen and Opel all have hydrogen cell vans in production.
Bosch are also trialing their own.
Toyota have the Mirai, which actually a decent looking motor.
Mind you, I bet the road rent will still be at current levels or higher.
That’s true, Odin.
Trouble is, water vapour is a greenhouse gas just like the evil CO2. But wait, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is miniscule compared to the amount of water vapour, but all you ever hear about is CO2. Hmmm.
Since we evil humans exhale CO2, I think we should all be killed to save the planet. Let’s make a list of who goes first. Now there’s a Top 10 worth savouring.
“…Trouble is, water vapour is a greenhouse gas just like the evil CO2….”
True indeed; how to poleaxe an ecotard, just ask them which atmospheric gas has the greatest effect on planetary temperature?
“erm well it’s carbon dioxide of cour…”
Wrong you know-nowt knobhead, it’s water vapour which constitutes 97% of atmospherically active gasses and about which you can do quantatively absolutely fuck all!
And interlude it will be…
The only good? thing about it is that in five or six years time Greta will be able to pick up a second-hand EV for peanuts.
Hopefully it will self-combust with the stupid Danish Pastry inside it.
Good morning everyone
By coincidence I have just been reading this in the DT this morning ;!preferred/0/package/1423/pub/1423/page/100/article/NaN
I hope the I am not very good at that sort of thing..
A timely nomination as there is news from the States on the failure of another EV Company. Proterra, (that’s pro-terra) billed as the nations largest manufacturer of battery electric transit buses, has filed for bankruptcy.
They are of course the much ballyhooed company touted by the White House. Back in 2021, they gave Don Bidini a virtual tour of the company where he proudly proclaimed among his myriad of accomplishments, he used to be a bus driver.
How much money the US poured into this virtual black hole is unknown. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm (aka Jenny Grandstand) was on the Proterra’s Board of Directors but she evidently forgot to disclose that…or at least she admitted that she forgot to disclose that she owned some (?) stock.
Just another scam by the “Elites” to promote the Green Raw Deal. The truth is that EVs are not…as the Rt. Hon. One pointed out…reliable…dependable…functional…green… or viable and therefore not ready for the market.
Once again RAT News
Give it 10 years and every electric car will be chinese as they pretty much own all the mineral rights in Africa.
Then bang.. kill switch every vehicle on the road.
Then back on the chinese made bicycle to get to work.
Spot on, already happening, China last year overtook Japan and Germany to be the biggest auto exporter on the plant, and surprise surprise they are already the biggest manufacturer of EVs with massive economies of scale (state funding) they can produce each unit at a price that nobody else can match (£30-70k in Europe v £7-30k in China), and you are right about the risk of over-rides etc built into each vehicle, an EV is just a smart fridge with wheels with lots of tech built in. Only now are some starting to think oh hang on is this a risk.
What happens to the battery when it (eventually) fails? I don’t think it can be recycled. Land-fill?
Lithium is amazing stuff: a metal that floats on water, is so soft it can be cut with a penknife, and is so reactive it has to be stored under paraffin (memories of school chemistry lessons).
well, you’re a cunt for buying one.
850 million, zillion, gabillion pounds. insane.
Sorry to go off topic, but there is, apparently, a new BBC scandal brewing involving a presenter paying a teenage girl for explicit pictures. Of course, nowt on BBC website. Please God, let it be Linneker.
Sorry- ignore that. Wrong end of a stick. Oh well, back to hoping….
He is a cunt, so, not too far wrong
Tdi power all the way, be it a perkins or a cummins, lovely stuff.
I don’t know anyone who has one of these cuntmobiles but I know a few who would love one if only they could afford it. It’s the smugness value that is the attraction you see. Once you have swallowed the climate crisis bullshit you desperately want to be holier than thou.
It’s a fucking disease, much more virulent than Chinky Flu. You control people through fear and rob their pockets at the same time. It’s a beautiful con trick you have to admit.
Two daft cunts near me have his and hers leccy cars. They never go anywhere.
That sounds like the only realistic reason to have an EV.
I know two people that USED to have EV. They now drive ICE cars (again). Must have put then quids out of pocket.
What happens in the deep winter when your stuck on the motorway for hours with these EVs do you use the heating and lighting and use up the battery or freeze to death so you have the power to get home. Smug cunts will be begging to be let into a nice warm oil burner to stay alive , eco chic lifestyle suddenly forgotten as reality hits home.
Quite apart from the fact they are not green. Where how the fuck do people in flats terrace houses charge the cunts??
Not really well thought out this EV bollocks
Any electrical cable &c. not under lock and key is just a target for the crikey thieving bastards.
Great nom, ad to that the fucking things are virtually impossible to sell/part ex because no body in their right mind will take the risk, the huge ques for public chargers, damaged chargers [ copper cables are worth £10 scrap value] , the fire risks, house insurance if your ev is charged on site, electric is now more expensive than petrol, servicing costs are huge considering there is no fucking engine, very few garages will set up for this, so finding someone to work on it is difficult, charging it when its hot or cold effects the battery and the best bit is the huge amount of stress you have when your driving and battery says your going to be phone the RAC = Rescue A Cunt shortly.
God help you if you break down in a car park, because these fuckers lock on the brakes and cant be moved.
Own a leccy car, not fucking likely, they are for deluded cunts only
Owning an electric vehicle means you are:
A cunt
A cunt who bicycles in lycra at the weekend on a expensive pushbike
A cunt who reads the Guardian
A cunt who is pro immigration
A cunt who likes Coldplay
A cunt who likes Jamie Oliver
A cunt over whom I wouldn’t throw a bucket of piss if you were on fire
Classic cars are far greener and chicks will want* to sleep with you, especially if you have a brown Allegro.
* this will never happen in a million years
“…A cunt over whom I wouldn’t throw a bucket of piss if you were on fire…”
Bit harsh Thomas considering all the trouble you went to to set the cunt on fire in the first place.
My Unc had a burgundy Allegro, am sure the reg started UVM, as my ex and I reckoned it stood for Unwanted Vaginal Mucus. Unc had quite an… interesting private life.
I know they are largely a bunch of corporate wankers, but look at the kind of shit car manufacturers have had to put up with over the past few decades.
They were told to make engines cleaner, on which they spent billions of dollars doing so.
Then they were told it’s not good enough, so they make them cleaner still. Only to find that their efforts have been rendered obsolete by another EU specification.
Then we are told by our leaders that diesel is the future and car makers produce more of them, investing more money in making them cleaner.
Then the government does a u turn and declares that diesel is filthy, telling us we shouldn’t own one.
Now our cretinous leaders want the sale of all internal combustion engined cars banned by 2035.
All that money pissed up the wall and now they have to spend billions more developing glorified milk floats that a delusional minority believe will be powered by wind turbines.
Why the manufacturers haven’t told us to fuck off and go back to horse and cart is a mystery.
It’ll never happen, FMC. The ban on ICE, I mean. Due to my job, I have a lot of contacts high up in the motor trade, and they say it’ll be walked back in a couple of years.
I know the manager of a VW dealership and he said that when one of their Golf EV’s went wrong recently, they plugged into the official VW scanning reader machine, the problem was so complicated that they couldn’t solve it…at an official dealership, ffs!
Electric cars are so wank.
And Teslas.. holy shit, the panel gaps are all over the place. You can get a little finger in one place and the mirror opposite position, not a ciggie paper.
Agreed TCE. Which makes the investment by the traditional manufacturers pretty much senseless.
Then again, I suppose the opportunity to virtue signal overrides business sense.
Not just EV VWs, they’re all shit. Long story, but our Passat had a feature, newish to market in any marque, first in the country from the newly purpose built German VW factory. Anyhoo went wrong, plugged in, oops then wtf. turns out beta hw & sw not compatible with replacements. Tried replacing, twice, by a guy supposedly sent from Germany until they found a combination of bits that worked together. They waived most of the nearly £10k bill, Car stuck in a dealer other end of the country for 3 months. Didn’t want to know about settling for dents in the boot when it was used as the nearest shelf. Wife had taken newborn to family so lumbered without car, luckily she wasn’t locked inside.
Best bit of adertising ever “If everything was as reliable as a VW” we would be fucked as this was because they had a bad reputation, deservedly.
The Germans were using gibbons, or some such, to test CO emissions. I’d have thought they had enough data from the 30s up to 1945.
I’d volunteer to have my emissions tested by Ship’s Engineer Penny M, on back seat of her car..
The EVs are coming, Rishi sticking to his 2030 ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel, manufacturers must be assuming there will be a dash for new petrol cars in 2028/2029 because it is an absolute certainty that Electric cars will still be less popular that petrol.
Setting targets without a plan is crazy, even the woke EU have rolled back to 2035, modern petrol car are much more efficient, small engine turbo with excellent mpg are powering good size family cars, the need to ban them has diminished if you go along with CO2 bad.
EV city buses are a good idea, much better than a big diesel lump spewing out shit as it trundles along, charge them overnight and run them all day.
And that,s the point of course SoI. The humble milk float was such a success for so many decades because it fitted the job perfectly humming quietly round residential streets early in the morning. Round complete back on charge at the depot ready for next mornings round. Something I haven’t heard mentioned is vehicles which are running pretty well non-stop all their working lives without any regular down time where they could be recharged, ambulances and police cars for instance.
I went skiing in Zermatt back in the late 80’s, all the buses/taxis were electric, no petrol cars allowed the only exception were the emergency vehicles.
Ah, the milk float, rattling glass bottles, those were the days.
Untill they burn a bus full of pax that is.
Last weekend we went away with some friends. A mate of mine had just received his new company car. Some brand new leccy VW thing.
His onboard display told him his fully charged battery was good for over 200 miles. Seeing as it was a round trip of less than 150 miles, he was safe as houses.
Like fuck was he!
After blatting down the motorway and some A roads for an hour and ten minutes, he arrived at the destination showing 30 miles range left.
Cue a 20 mile detour the following day to find a charging point whilst sweating his bollocks off worrying he wouldn’t even make that.
Let’s hope they don’t insist our ambulance service goes all electric.
Pile of ????
Brake dust from cars is quite a significant contributor to pollution.
I assume EVs have brakes or have they been done away with to save the planet?
Removed ??
I read the single biggest particulate pollution from cars is carbon dust from tyres – they also contribute most to noise pollution, especially given the German trend for overly wide tyres.
Tried one once to drive to the waterhole, but the cable was nowhere near long enough to reach after plugging it in. We don`t have electricity either.
You need to get in a dinghy and get your black arse over here. It’s all free!
This is going to be a tad counterintuitive for my esteemed fellow-cunters, but consider this hypothesis: ALL cars are a pile of shit. And all their drivers are Mr. Toad. The statistics are on my side, I think.
IMHO it would be a lot more productive to reduce car use altogether, encourage our fat cunt young people to use the legs Dog gave them, reintroduce (gasp) affordable and efficient public transport and shoot people using their enormous and aesthetically disgusting SUVs for journeys of less than 100 miles. Or requiring two parking bays for their twatpanzer to be parked across.
And now we have electric SUVs.
Apart from the inherent drawbacks of EVs, why the fuck would anyone want an electric SUV? More of the charge goes into moving the fucking batteries around than moving you and the machinery. Yet cunts buy them, (or more accurately rent them under the modern “you will own nothing and be happy” policy of our financial masters. 2/3 of the cars on the road belong to a bank.) These are trophy vehicles, designed to overawe the neighbours with their size and ugliness. Makes more sense to keep an elephant.
Sorry, sorry. That nom kicks off too many issues for me to deal with. What I was going to say was, at least strike a blow for sanity and consider this lot:
I think the issue transcends party lines.
Nest door has a (non-EV) twatpanzer. What the hell. Good practice…
The Flabbott might well be mistaken for an earth-mover tyre.
Would be a larf if some Olivia or Crispin stuck a blade in it, innit?
Excellent cunting Sir! And so so true. We’re just pushing shit uphill with this. Another no brained response to the worlds issues..
and what about the road rage that will ensue when there’s too many electric cunts n not enough chargers..? It’s already started.
I had a mad n in March and went out n bought a brand fire new Dodge Ram. 5.7L Hemi gas guzzler, and I love it.
And that’s the thing. It’s on gas. LPG. 82p a litre, 130% tax write down off the books, VAT claimed, first company car I’ve given myself n the tax is £650 a year coz it’s a commercial and it gets me 350 miles before it wants to switch to petrol. Had it over 4 months, and only refilled the petrol tank once n done 4000 miles. Filled the gas a lot mind, but I drove it along with a smile, knowing I’m doing my bit, n it costs me fuck all in fuel. I go out just to burn some more gas ?
LPG doesn’t emit the shite black soot which is the problem, so I’m saving the planet ?
We need to sort stuff, agreed, but in 10 years it’s gonna be an issue with electric car waste and dead solar panel waste mountains..
Related – Just replaced my mobile when its lithi battery started swelling, can’t get a replacement off the shelf but I could’ve sourced one from a firm in Germany with a 3wk turnaround and £30, for a £60 phone… fuck that. So now I’ve got this expanding incendiary device to get rid of. Slinging it in the bin is just a none starter; pollution and resouce use issues aside apparently there are hundreds of refuse fires a year caused by these things and we’re talking burnt out bin lorry stuff here. So I spent half the a’noon phoning round to see where you can recycle these fuckers in this city. Could I find anywhere? Could I bollocks!
Nothing on the council’s website. OK talk to the organ grinders, ask the phone shops and see what they do. The few white staffed phone shops I called said take it to the council facility (6 fucking miles away and back) and the stanny ones were non-committal and equivocating as if they were being recorded by trading standards or something and replied along the lines… “you can bring it in to us and we do it” but y’know they wouldn’t give a shit it’s gonna get tossed in their skip.
Once again South Park were ahead of the curve, they covered the smug of EV owners, seems about right, all about virtue signalling not about reality or the cost.