One of the more bizarre sights of late has been that of companies falling over themselves to demonstrate how ‘diverse’ and inclusive’ they are. You know the sort of thing. Effeminate males posing in women’s swimwear and lingerie. A rather dodgy looking tranny punting beer and cosmetics. There’s a lot of it about.
Costa Coffee has become the latest company to climb aboard the woke train.
It’s using imagery which originated in a ‘Gay Pride’ mural in (go on, have a guess) Brighton. This depicts an androgynous ‘trans male’ figure drinking coffee and displaying masectomy scars.
My usual reaction to this lunacy is to laugh, but I reckon that this goes beyond a joke. A masectomy is a terrible trauma for a woman to bear. My own mom (bless her) had to undergo this as a consequence of the cancer which ultimately took her life, and it shattered her.
Now here we have Costa being glib about it as a way of showing how ‘right on’ they are. In my opinion this is crass beyond belief. It’s also utterly tasteless; pretty much like their coffee in fact.
Just fuck off Costa, you thoughtless, charmless cunts.
Nominated by Ron Knee.
Sick as fuck.
Going woke on a condition that has taken countless lives is about as low as you can get.
I’ve never been in a Costa, never likely to.
And what is it with folk strutting around with a cup of coffee ? Like it’s a badge of honour.
Parents, after dropping off their kids at the local school, nip in the local shop for a coffee, which they then carry home with a stupid grin on their chops.
Whatever happened to sticking the kettle on ?
Gormless cunts.
Fuck Costa and its clientele.
Good morning.
I see the school kids drinking the sludge as well. £4.50 for burnt sugary drain water.
‘Sick as fuck’ just about sums this up Jack.
There’s a definite air of ‘Look at meee!’ about carrying a Costa/Starbucks coffee out of the cafe and into the busy street.
The tarts think they’re on Sex in the City and so do the puffs. The straight blokes? They don’t go in after going in once, if at all.
£5 for a brew? And a crap one.
Ask for a mug of strong tea in these places and it’s like you’ve asked them to invent time travel and all.
Fuck off!
Once asked to meet up in ‘Costa’. Said I’d rather meet up in the local sewers.
And yes, sick as fuck. A mastectomy isn’t something normal people have out of of choice, unless for plastic surgery after a bad accident. And yes, mostly the procedure is done after a cancer diagnosis.
Only, and I’ll say it, fucking mental weirdo borderline diddlers have one out of vanity.
Fuck them, and shove your overpriced shite coffee up your crowded ringpieces while your at it.
Drinking the water in the sewer Cunty is preferable to supping a cup of their tea. Wankers.
For that extra ‘look at meeeeeee!’ factor around town. Help save the planet by buying a plastic mug with ‘Costa’ on it, and help Costa’s profits, not to mention cutting back on their overheads at the same time…
Excellent nomination.
Another idiotic Company committing commercial suicide.
Will they never learn?
If only. Can’t wait for these woke shit heads to get old and think Christ what a cunt I was…
I wonder if they ever will? Come to some see the insanity…
It’s a good chance they wont.
Self reflection is beyond most of them. They’ll always see themselves on the ‘right side of history’
We’ve all no doubt heard the ‘if you can’t see it, you can’t be it’ woke bollocks.
I’ve taken it on board and preferentially avoid any company who isn’t actively interested in selling their product to me.
Deviant nonsense sick of it. Hope they go bust. Pardon the breast pun.
And the old classic corporate soundbite
“we celebrate the diversity of our customers, team members and partners”
People don’t care, just get back to pushing your overpriced shit coffee you dull cunts..
They might, but only as a means to a cash reward from globalist investment firms.
Spineless Coca Cola-owned cunts.
If it wasn’t for the tit stitches you’d think it was just a “normal” blue haired chutney ferret out for a bit of Brighton arse on a Friday night. But the devil is in the detail ; you have to have something wrong with your noggin to come up with shit like this. I don’t drink coffee, as it’s for girls and poofs, so I don’t have to boycott these cunts.
Why do companies like Costa Lotta feel the need to publically display their ” look at us, see how inclusive we are” policies?
For every weirdo they attract, 20 normal people switch off.
These cunts need a lesson in mathematics.
You’d think they’d have learned after the Bud Lite fiasco, but apparently not.
A celebration and promotion of mental illness.
Just splendid. What sheep cunts Costa are. Fuck them all into a tramp’s hat.
What next? Burger King having cups displaying castrated kids? Try our new Children McNuggets.
Nandos should sell Buffalo Blll Wings.
Vote with your feet and boycott the cunts…
This shit just never stops.
Here in the states the Bud Light fallout caused by the supremely stupid Alissa Heinieshite continues. Transheuser Bush has been forced to close a bottling plant and lay off some corporate workers as their sales continue to suffer.
We don’t have Costa Coffee here in the states. But I do have a suggestion for their marketing team. An advertising campaign with their executives showing their lobotomy scars.
Fucking brain dead cunts!
I always assumed Costa was American. I stand corrected.
These outlets are definitely an American disease tho…
(no offense Generall
Hey Dio,
No offense taken. It’s always a pleasure to read your comments.
If I might make a suggestion…if American colonists can throw tea into Boston Harbor as a protest, why can’t English citizens throw Costa* Coffee into the Thames?
*Maybe this isn’t about woke? Costa is a Greek name. Could Greek sexual proclivities have anything to do with the company’s support for the pride agenda? Just a thought.
The Costas were actually Italian Catholics, I knew one of them from London if you can believe that. Old man Costa would be rolling in his grave at those titties scars but his progeny certainly couldn’t give a fuck, they’re pissing the Cola money against a wall, the useless cunts.
I think they were bought out by Coca Cola from memory
CotL is correct.
I just looked. The company was bought by Coke in 2019. Its headquarters however, is in Loudwater, Buckinghamshire.
They have almost 2500 stores in Britain and almost 500 in China but none in the US of A.
I’ve got a friend that owns a bar/restaurant here.
You can forget about his pricey food.
What gives him the biggest profit is coffee.
You buy a big bag of beans and once they are ground and served up you will get your money back 50 times over.
And that’s at 1 euro a cup.
I see that the price of a cup of coffee at the Costa Coffee chain is almost 5 times that amount.
I don’t know what percentage of their customer base they have alienated.
When I first saw the image I just thought that it was a bad drawing, perhaps produced by a 7 year old.
But it seems that they now want to be seen as inclusive for female to male trannies.
I run my own business and I fail to see how diversity and inclusivity can be used for anything other than to exclude the main bulk of your customers.
Even in the UK I would imagine that the vast majority of people are just bored with this nonsense.
There will be a percentage that are supportive, probably a similar percentage will be incensed.
So why bother?
Just stick to serving overpriced coffee and raking in the profits.
out of being a nosey bastard, where’s ‘here’?
Sod it, I will not use these cunts again. Costa GO FUCK YOURSELVES.
I live in East Anglia near two US airbases. We’re overrun by gormless US air men and women wandering up and down with a coffee in one hand and a phone in the other.
One of my neighbours DRIVES every morning to the local Starbucks drive through to fetch her morning breakfast coffee.
FFS if you really like this shit, buy a fucking Nespresso machine. It’ll pay for itself in a couple of months and save a lot of time, petrol and shoe leather.
These people need to be removed from the gene pool before they can breed…
I’ve never understood cunts who “go out” for their morning coffee. I drink coffee EVERY morning and I make it at home in (what I call) a Dripolator. It ain’t that hard.
Step 1 Put filter in dripolator
Step 2 Put coffee in dripolator
Step 3 Put water in dripolator
Step 4 Push start button on dripolator
Step 5 Fill syringe with brewed coffee and shoot up
Still he could be one of those lazy twats that have it delivered..
Time it turns up it’s fucking cold..
What the fuck is that about?
Yep. Even the coffee from the Commissary is shit.
What is the name for the Air Force used by Army and Marines?
Chair force.
My comment is in moderation!* A badge of honour in this case.
Good morning, everyone.
*I think it is for using a p word.
You have to laugh, well if was funny
It’s one thing if you fancy the same sex, girl/girl kinky, male/male dirt bastards, it’s life however all this trans shit is fucking dangerous and needs to kicked into the long grass.
Trans rights, yes fuck off you sick cunts.
PS, Costa are cunts, nice one Ron ?
Two sugars.
In a mug without Frankenstein on it.
Why is the trout lipped freak pouring coffee onto it’s head??
Ha ha,
Looks to me like she’s pouring it over her mastectomy scars.
Good morning.
Perhaps it’s because they know their customers are all total cunts?
Good shout Ron.
It’s earnt Costa a boycott.
What sort of twat frequents coffee shops anyway?
I don’t like to pay the price of a jar of coffee for a single cup ,
Served by a homosexual on his period
” Would you like a Americano?”
Would I fuck.
Starbucks is the worst. It’s more like steamed milk with sugary syrup and bits of different desserts on top.
Babies’ coffee. Grow up.
I’ve been to one, a Cafe Nero, and that was as a mystery shopper. Never been to one before or since.
zin my limited experience of using Costa, this seems to be true. Robert Peston lookslikes with oversized scarves, Blonde surrey bints and gin enthusiasts who go everywhere with sunglasses propped on their heads and drive Porsche Cayennes and Range Rovers. Bratty teenagers who are slaves to their phones.
Buncha cunts.
It’s all coffees, lanyards and sitting in meetings all day talking a good job at the building near where I work.
I watch these vapid cunts go about their business with their expensive coffee whilst I drink a cup of tea that I’ve made myself using a kettle.
District council?
My good lady says that some of the younger staff at her work will buy a couple of overpriced coffees every-fucking-day. At $5 a pop, that’s $50 a fucking week. I buy a 1kg packet of coffee for about $30 and lasts a couple of months.
The other problem with places like Costa is how piss weak their coffee is. I need my morning coffee super strength and injected straight into my eyeballs.
As for this tranny shit, not one of our glorious leaders’ believes in this religion. Like Christianity used to be in the West and Islam still is parts of the world, trannyism/Woke/whatever is merely a stick with which to beat ordinary workers. As Seneca wrote 2000 years ago, “Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.”
Seneca was indeed a man of great insight.
Costa Coffee think a blue haired fresh from surgery titless wonder promotes their products, Tasteless and insensitive to breast cancer sufferers.
When I was a kid , the only people who had blue hair were grannies after their blue rinse
Dr Martens are shit and cheaply made in PROC using cardboard as leather which splits wide open.
Don’t buy these, buy some Solovairs instead. Solovair are the Northampton manufacturer who used to own the licence to manufacture DMs years ago until DM fucked them off in favour of cheaper foreign manufacturers. Solovair are still going strong and their shoes are very good quality.
British made??
They make boots like if doc martens had taken steroids !
Not a word about this on the BBC. I wonder why?
Although the Sun, trying to portray moral outrage, don’t seem to know exactly which side they’re on.
In the same article, they use the term ‘Trans woman’. Surely the former ‘tits out for the lads’ conservative supporting rag should know there is no such thing.
And the anonymous quotes from outraged costa punters bear all the hallmarks of being written by a reporter who never left their Islington flat.
If you want to do outrage, at least do it properly.
And where are the wimminz in all of this? Have our media gone so woke that even they are being silenced?
A boycott is the only answer, but I bet your local Costa has been as busy today as it’s ever been.
They are all at it, Lloyds bank, Starbucks , Fagwolf tv productions,Target USA selling tranns clothing to kidscelebrating pe—-verts and people who are mentally ill, next it will be peedo,s and priests being celebrated for their strangeness.
When are they going to realise to be pro LDHJSNXBCTREKJFDJM you pretty much alienate the normal/majority of your paying customer base….
Apparently Feedopiles are already covered by the ‘Q’.
The same cartoon has been used by Dr Martens.
Dr Martens!!
Dr Martens was originally invented by a German using the left over rubber used on Messerschmitts.
Bought by a Englishman it went on to be the workingman’s boot.
The police wore them
Posties wore them
Factory workers wore them.
Then the skinheads wore them.
Then punk rockers.
They got popular with youth.
Nowadays they’re made in China,
Are shoddy , cheaply made shite,
And worn by lesbians and poseurs late to the party
A pair of steel toe doc martens used to be about £50
Nowadays £180.
Fuck doc martens?
Were £50, now £180. Another kick in the teeth for the consumer.
Why are they selling their gay coffee from vans anyway? Driving around polluting the atmosphere, killing the fucking Polar bears and destroying the planet. What kind of wokies do that?
They haven’t thought this through have they?
I prefer tea anyway.
I’m a Englishman.
Or Bovril
Bet they don’t do Bovril!
Not a kaw-fee?
A cuppa joe?
The problem is too many brits think they’re in the NYPD.
One Eight Seven. it’s a Homicide!
Take the freeway up the Hudson. I’ll take the chopper!
Goddamn it, stop ridin’ my ass Kowalski. Call the DA’s office. I want to hand in my badge. Get me a chilli dog, extra mustard, No pickles, Goddammit!
Ya want 48 hours Cuntamus?
Ya got twenny four. Now get owda my cawfee sharp!
No, and I doubt they see the irony either.
Costa is shit.
Burnt-tasting bitter coffee and overpriced snacks.
Go to McShites. Better value for the same quality coffee and food.
Using mastectomies to virtue signal is also shite.
Breast cancer is fucking horrible. It can strike at any age. I know of a 22 year old girl who had it. Another currently in the fight is in her early 40s.
Funny this came up . I’m in Cyprus presently . It’s about 40 degrees c . Hard to do much
Just seen some dumb fucks have managed to sniff out a Costa and have bought themselves hot lattes for by the pool
Are they poofs? I don’t trust poofs around swimming pools. Too much chance of a Barrymore situation.
Highly likely yes , I’ve made sure my lounger is well away from the pool in case they try to distract me and push me in.
I am not one to forget the wise words of the Lubbock coroner who said that he’d likely been sodomised with a table leg . Especially not when there are lots of Sun lounger umbrellas about
Cyprus? 40°?
Impossible. You wouldve been boiled off the sirface of the Earth or up in flames by now. The science is settled. The BBC told me so.
Vote with your feet/ wallet/ purse.
Go fuck yourselves
Costa fucking coffee
Costa fucking packet into the bargain CQB
Sam Costa will be turning in his grave.
If you are in one of these costa packet establishments, I advise you don’t sit close to any of the windows at the moment.
Is anyone else getting really tired of being lectured at by everyday products?
It’s screaming out of the packaging / branding of every fucking thing these days
Want a crap take away coffee? Accept mental mutilated cunts as quite normal
Brushing your teeth? get nagged not to waste water by leaving the tap on, by your tube of toothpaste
Doing the laundry? Heave a sigh of relief on learning from the persil bio box that it’s “being kinder to the planet”
Enjoying a glass of wine of an evening? Phew, its carbon-neutral – thank fuck for that.
Don’t get me started on fag packets …
Etc etc ad infinitum
I really couldn’t give a shite as long as the thing worked as intended. Does what it says on the tin as it were. The rest is bullshit
I couldn’t give a toss how many trees were planted by my bogroll when I’m sitting on the loo trying to have a turnout.
It’s tedious and unnecessary.
ps. great nom, pushing your product by trivialising mastectomy is offensive and crass in the extreme. Hope costa has its bud lite moment
What I can’t understand is why any cunt at Costa Coffee thought that this was remotely like a good idea, particularly where potential female customers are concerned.
My missus went into meltdown when she saw this. As I said in the nom, my mother had to undergo this grim surgical procedure, so although I’m a bloke, I’m mad as fuck, as I imagine thousands of husbands and sons up and down the country are.
As you say Norfolk, so many companies are trying to push their products on the back of a ‘woke’ agenda and it’s tiresome as fuck, but Costa’s gone beyond the pale. Bastards.
Morning all.
ESG investment.
I cunted this a while ago. The twats at Costa think they’ll get investment if they parade their social justice credentials based on a mysterious and magical ESG score decided by a few organisations.
This is the problem when you boil it down that is what they are doing , trying to normalise mutilation
This would be disgusting enough if Hitler was pushing it but a fucking coffee chain???
FFS. I’ve bought my last coffee there
Trying to normalise mutation.
Christ, that’s exactly what they’re trying to do; that, and the ‘Minor Attracted Persons’ vomit-inducing shit.