Catherine Tyldesley

I would like to nominate this freeloading lovvie cunt for a Oscar worthy cunting.
Apparently her influencer shitehawk asked some baker to make a three tiered cake for the nominated cunt, plus a smaller one for hubby whose birthday is the same day as the (non event).

They also wanted another 40 cup cakes as well, all for nothing but would be repaid in whatever the influencers thought up.

Hopefully the baker told them to do one. Influencers scum of the earth. Catherine Tyldesley, fucking supreme scrounging cunt.

Daily Fail

Nominated by CuntyMort.

71 thoughts on “Catherine Tyldesley

  1. Thank fuck people from Yorkshire are normal.

    Try your bullshit in Camden or Chelsea you free loading cunt.

  2. Had to search and find out what she did. No wonder I didn’t know, due to her working in entertainment for the lowest common denominator.

  3. Baker dropped the catch here, i could think of some great exposure here in return of 100 cakes – Cath may not approve though

  4. These fucking useless people influencers are popping up on Youtube everyday.
    Some limp wristed Soy boy was on Youtube yesterday who goes by the name of “ Fragrance Jeremy “ telling other useless cunts what aftershave they should be wearing.
    Fucking Pathetic !!!

      • You have to watch this bollocks to believe it Jill.
        Plus i wanted to see if he had my favourite fragrance . Dingy divers armpit.

    • I know someone from down your way who’s tired of having to work for a living and wants to start a youtube channel. Hasnt got a clue what the channel will be about (himself?), just that he wants to earn a living being on youtube.
      Ibtold him one chap Ive watched only decided to jack his job in after he reached 150-200k subscribers but would go back to his old job if youtube didnt work out.

      I think it’s now a lot harder to make money from youtube as its a saturated market and they’re hot on copyright and demonetising people.

    • Fragrance Jeremy! 😁
      Is that actually his name

      I’m not interested unless he says “no splash, no gash” or “no soap, no hope” 😁

  5. Great reply from the Keighley bakers, it is amazing what these freeloaders think they can get away with. They have a greatly over inflated opinion of their own worth. After all the poor publicity for her she has tried to use the Shaggy defence “It Wasn’t Me” and blamed it on her PR company but you can bet your life she signed it off.
    Having said all that I would like a tramp on chips.

      • I like Paul Stenson but it wasnt his response that upset her, ot was supposed death threats etc.

        Still 87,000 followers is fuck all for Youtube. There channels with more subs without even trying.
        I’d say ‘come back to me when you’ve got over 500,000 you fucking nobody’.

      • The trouble is, the bar gets set by the likes of the Beckhams or the Kardashians or the Jenners, etc.
        Expensive stores and hotels provide freebies to these
        $Multi Millionaires on the hope that they stay at their hotel / eat in their restaurant / buy their products and become regular customers, buying the most expensive stuff and tipping heavily.
        Then these ‘Z list’ wannabe’s think they get in on the act.

        The only sort of ‘social media’ reviews I pay attention to, are the likes of ‘Mack’ @ ‘Worth a buy’.
        He doesn’t give anyone a good review because they send him a game for free. If it’s shite, he’ll tell the world, chapter and verse.

  6. Mind you i would give Catherine a right royal dry buggering in a heart beat . Yessssss 👍💪🤪

  7. There is asking for a discount but this is taking the piss 😂

    ‘Exposure on their socials’, well why not.

    As a side note, some ‘fans’ turned up to Heathrow to welcome back the kittens but they fucked off out the back door 😂

    • Back to their day jobs.

      probably got a stack of ironing to do and that sink full of dishes won’t wash itself.

    • Kittens… Back door (??!)… Cat flap, more like! Latter also useful for dodgy duchesses, z-list “actresses”,and other assorted grifters.

  8. I thought this was about a Coronation Street character at first. Linked in my mind with Gail Tilsley of old.

    You do get that- a ‘news’ story about a character in a soap.

  9. We always get influencers trying to get free product from my company (ultra high-end parts for classic race cars).
    Sponging wankers. We’ve fucked dozens of them away.
    “But I’ve got a million subscribers”
    Maybe so, but they can’t afford our products.

    • Those rare to find, NOS factory trim parts in a period blue and white BL paper wrap, for a brown race Allegro – need to sell a kidney nowadays to afford them!

  10. The baker may have missed out on being able to say ‘By appointment to some non-entity’.

  11. If I was the baker I would’ve done it and even increased the order to 1000 cupcakes all with a generous dosing of Epsom salts. The resulting ignominy of so many bone idle self important entitled
    middle class wasters shiting themselves into oblivion would make a great YouTube channel, “Twats shat to death “.

  12. She’d certainly suck some dick for half a bag of Charlie. I bet more have been up that than the Blackpool Tower.

  13. I would like to influence her to bend over the table, drop her nix and take her up the back alley!

  14. Another tight fisted cunting ‘ celebrity’ with a bad case of the don’t you know who I think I am syndrome. The fucking ego these cunts have, all about me me me….. I fucking loathe the lot of them………🤬

  15. It was bad enough when woke, atheist, gay activists in ‘Murica were taking Christian bakers to court for not baking a cake which portrayed sentiments which were against their strongly-held religious convictions.

    Now in 2023 we have lazy, useless, talentless free-loaders demanding that hard-working, useful, talented tradespeople give these cunts money and praise for merely existing otherwise they might receive negative review-bombing online (sounds like a mafia-style shakedown to me). Fuck these entirely non-influential “influencer” cunts.

  16. Call me a thick cunt, but if someone approaches your business with an unrealistic and unreasonable request, surely you just ignore them?

    As in do not reply or go whining to the tabloids.

  17. When that dozy bint with a whole 76k followers tried to get that hotel break for free a few years back , she used the example of ‘I went to Universal Studios in Florida last year and my exposure is working brilliantly for them “😂😂😂

    Yeah I don’t reckon anyone had heard of the media giant Universal before then .

    What an utterly deluded cunt

  18. Always remember Melinda Messenger on some house refurb programme for unfortunate 25 year old ex Special Forces dinghy invaders. She used to go round the local shops trying to fleece gear for nothing. And I’m not talking a couple of hundred quids worth, I’m talking thousands of pounds in settees, carpets, furniture. I bet the shop-owners fucking winced when she waltzed into their shop,

    • Those shows are fixed.
      Just like ‘Antiques Hunt’.
      Some no-mark TV wannabe ‘how much is this?’
      ‘$125 sheckels’
      “`i’ve only got $40 left – can you do it for that and throw in a $25 snuff box?’

      Then the producers pay the guy the full whack after the camera stops filming.

      You try going in an antiques shop and offer $10 less than the advertised price of Toby Jug. They’ll show you way out to the street with a boot up your arse.

      Lying TV cunts

  19. She’s never ate a cake in her life.
    The skeletal twat.

    Mr Bun the baker quite rightly told her to sling her hook.

    I have no followers on social media.
    Because I’m not on the fuckin thing.

    I don’t care where your on holiday

    I don’t care what you had for dinner

    I don’t give a fuck about you
    And expect the same courtesy.

    • On the link seen her neck?!!!
      Fuck me Olive Oyl.
      My wrist is thicker.

      Get your cakes blended into liquid.
      Easy to honk up when you stick your fingers down your throat in self loathing.

      You fat cunt

    • You’re attitude to social media reflects mine mnc.
      I have been tempted to open a fuck face account to see who contacts me so I can ignore them

    • I had a pie.

      Steak and kidney.

      With peas and lashings of gravy.

      Delicious 👍

      Just so as you know

      Done that laundry yet ? 😁

      • Some people are very spoilt,
        They have pie for tea AND dinner.
        Like they’re James Bond or something.

        I have a thin gruel for breakfast

        Windfall apple for dinner

        And if I’m lucky some bread for tea
        Off a bird table down the road.

        I only get pie on my birthday 🥺

      • Close.

        Home made meat and potato pie ! 😂😂

        I’m having a pie fest.

        Fuck it 😀

  20. Don’t succumb. I opened a fuckbook account and was contacted by my (newly) ex wife and shut it down immediately without replying. I’d had it less than a week.

    • I have, on several occasions, almost opened a twatter account before realising that I don’t have enough interest in anything that any cunt on there would say. Luckily I wasn’t drunk on any of those occasions.

      • Twitter hasnt changed.
        Still full of divs whining about the tories.
        ‘I wouldn’t have overcooked my fried egg if the Tories gave real term wage rises to teachers and nurses.’
        Fucking tories made me drop my sandwich. Fucking tories.”
        Pronouns; shit, bollocks cunt. 🇪🇺🌈

      • They’re not too happy when you go on some cunts ‘feed’ and comment that they’re a fuckinh waste of oxygen.
        They get most purturbed and ban you.

        Best set one up as ‘Khaled Fizzmash’ and post a pic of a dinghy rider. Put your location as ‘Royal Angus Hotel, Richmond’ They’ll bend over backwards to make you welcome…

  21. Another Close Encounter of the Do You Know Who Am? Kind.

    Coronation Street? Fuck off.


    These influencers are deluded cunts, expecting things for free depending on how many followers they have.
    So business can have the honour of having some fuckwit that no one gives a fuck about recommend their business in one of their bollocks vlogs that no one follows because all these followers are bought/ made up same as the reviews.
    Any way the White Moose hotel/ restaurant has experience at telling these whinney oxygen thieves to fuck off and rightly so, the old adage of SHOW ME THE MONEY is true here… take your favours and fuck off, useless free loading, parasitic cunts, go suck on the devils cock……

    • There’s loads of businesses that would pay good £££money for the Miserable seal of approval.

      Pork pie manufacturers
      Chip shops
      Rustic Gate makers
      Beard oil companies.

      I could make or break them with a thumbs up or a sneer.

      But I believe in free market economics,
      It wouldn’t feel right to crush some gatemaker who had painted a gate
      Cotswold sage or some oil blender for using sassafras instead of patchouli in my beard oil.

      I’m just to kind.

  23. There are a few pics of her with her chuds out and a supposed sex tape of her on the sewage web. Worth 30 seconds of your life to see her in a different light.

  24. Pack of arseholes, influencers are.

    I simply do not *get* being famous on social media, do you? Being famous on the TV or for writing books, making music, sure – that makes sense.

    But bellending around on your phone for likes and all that? Fuck off. I recently copped an Instagram ban for asking one “but what will you do to earn money when your looks fade and you have to get a real job?”

    You think this lot are a spoilt narcissistic bunch of whelks, though? Try looking at Russian social media influencers… that’s a whole new level of dross.

    • Social media “models” can fuck off, too.

      They’re about as much of a “model” as I’m a soldier in the Donbas given how many hours I’ve whiled away on CoD…

      … or a five-time Formula 1 World Champion, according to my PS5 stats. Similarly, I’m also a 10-time World Rally Champion.

      In fact, I might give Christian Horner or Toyota Gazoo Racing a ring to see if they want to pay me loads of money for exposure online.

      When will these cunts realise that social media ain’t real and counts for jack all?

      • Ahh, the Space Shuttle Cargo door gunners of CoD.

        I’ve heard of their exploits as Navy SEAL (team 6, no less), engaged with the Vietcong Taliban of Bogota and being awarded the CMoH for free diving from orbit and into Osama Bin Laden’s personal bunker.

  25. Who is this woman anyway?

    She’s such an ‘influencer’ that I’ve never heard of her.

    Glad the baker told her and her crew to do one.

    Afternoon all.

  26. When she was in Coronation Street I’d have rogered her to Kingdom Come.

    Still a cunt though, and every ‘influencer’ on Earth is also a cunt.

  27. Always intrigued by these young women who look like they’ve just stepped off a red carpet in a publicity photo and then in real life they look like a council estate scrubber with their hair scraped back like Vicky Pollard. Yeah but, no but.

    I used to call it the Saturday night/Sunday morning effect.

  28. Free cakes and service in return for social media business “exposure”? I think not you piss-taking cunt! Pay for your shit like everyone else.

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