Care4calais is a herd of traitorous cunts.
Hasn’t been cunted for three years, so well overdue a recunting.
It’s been under investigation for three years by the Charities Commission, jointly cuntable, too. I can as yet find no conclusions from the investigation, but more on that anon.
C4C sent some of its wimps and wokes to welcome the first tranche of fighting-age economic migrants aboard the Bibby Stockholm at Portland, today. With flowers, shampoo and a map of the area to better facilitate the migrants’ dispersal into the black economy. Let us hope that the shampoo is insecticidal.
It appears that the same bunch of UK-hating shitstirrers are opposed to the barge. Though not to its actual location off a small town far from their leafy suburbs. That might put them on the same side as the far-right waycist locals who are for some reason scared that this is going to get completely out of hand.
Cunters will not wish to know what proportion of illegal immigrants, who have no right to be here at all, are going to be housed in a few accommodation barges, and half the hotels in the country. In conditions rather more humane than many a UK -born renter or applicant for social housing is likely to see these days. Indeed, with easy access to doctors and dentists, in relatively luxurious conditions…
And C4C claim charitable status as they pursue their insidious objective. Here, there may be a slight problem. I crave CA’s indulgence for a second link:
The Charity Commission, which is funded by the (legally resident) taxpayer has been sitting on the issue since first advised of C4C’s governance problem in 2020. While the accounts are visible on the Charity Commission website, the source of most of their funding is completely invisible. Begging the question of whether a little palm grease is not coming from Albania or India. It’s certainly not coming from me.
And this question is front and centre: should registered charities be allowed to run political campaigns?
Take home statement:
“A Commission spokesperson told Civil Society News that charities can take part in political activity that supports their purpose and is in their best interests.
“There are many examples where carrying out political activity is the best way for trustees to support their charity’s purpose. However, political activity must not become the reason for the charity’s existence,” they said.”
Slippery, that. If you hand out a few cheap freebies to illegal immigrants that nullifies your nakedly political intention to flood the country with illegals?
Cunts who need a course in citizenship, administered by waterboard and oven.
Nominated by Komodo
This is like Dunkirk, but taking the German soldiers back instead of British ones, these cunts are pure, triple filtered Quislings and must be shunned by normal minded people!
There are some simple minded gullible trusting fucking idiots out there. Did those maps also include where to groom 12 year old white girls, and to find cash in hand jobs at various car washes?
Bunch of cunts.
That ship should be towed out to sea and scuttled.
‘The Great Replacement’ is a conspiracy theory, obvs. Until it’s not.
Send in a squad of T-800 and obliterate them all.A shit show.Boils my piss.??
T-800’s.Stupid phone ?
Vat loads of our boiled piss shouldn’t go to waste. It should be dropped on them if any attempt is made to leave the floating prison.
Spot on Komodo.
The UT solution is straightforward
Round up this enemy and the entirety of their financial backers..
Put them all up against a wall and give them a minute to plead for mercy for their traitorous behavior..
Then machine gun them.
Bren Gun Unkle ?
No, a flame thrower.
Magazine’s too small on a Bren. And do we need to keep the wall?
FN Minimi with belt feed.
Tell them that for every migrant who volunteers to go home, one of the charity workers will be spared. Watch as the selfless migrants all step forward and say “fuck off, I’m staying”. Then machine gun them.
I would care4calias with a low level bombing raid with napalm..
Turn the coloured rats into beef jerky.
Hollow ’em out, use ’em for wetsuits!
Morning all.
I heard the Mayor of Portland on the radio yesterday. I was expecting her to support her constituents and talk about the lack of infrastructure to support this influx of population etc etc.
Oh no, not a bit of it. She was weeping for these poor people “some of the most vulnerable people in the world “ and the terrible conditions they have to suffer because of this vicious government etc etc. I had to switch the fucking thing off before I smashed it against the wall.
So I looked this bitch up…..Labour, member of UNITE and retired social worker. A stereotypical do gooder, leftie, I’m all right Jack fucking posh whore. Fuck off bitch.
Oh, don’t you worry, that is very much on the illegal’s agenda.
Although they will be focussing all efforts on schoolgirls under the age of 15 before getting around to raping the rest of the local wimminfolk.
If the wimmins look even remotely like the mayor they’ll be left alone.
How much longer before something is done about this?
Most people I know are seething with anger.
Ok, if any politicos read these esteemed comments and I hope they fucking do.
If a family member of a labour or Lib MP was raped by a channel cunt it would be kept very quiet ?
Ladies and gentlemen. Within the next ten years, we wont need to continuously secure our borders for fear of invasion. This will happen from within.
They will rise and overthrow the country that ‘saved’ them. This is all part of their plan.
I am glad i am at the senior end of my life, so if i see it in my lifetime, i wont have a lot of it left.
These cunts won’t be bringing nylons and chocolates, like the yanks did, it will only be their raging testosterone and weapons to make sure the daughters of the idiots who are welcoming them, submit to their demands.
These cunts should be designated as ‘enemies of the British state’, they are part of the ‘pull factor’, supporting illegals in and around Calais, coaching the illegals on what to say when they land in Dover, I wouldn’t be surprised if some are actually facilitating the crossings.
The header pic should be a fucking flame thrower not a puffer jacket.
Care 4Calais activists and Lily Allen should stay in the camp.
While attempting to return to Britain their passports will be confiscated.
‘Uh, like mate? I’m like British yah? I fuckin’, like live here?’
‘No sorry your citizenship of the United Kingdom has been revoked as you are now deemed a traitor to the Crown.
Step this way, sir..’
Sir?! SIR! Don’t assume my gen…
‘Ooaawhh! that’s police brut…’
‘We’re not the police. We’re the army Now get in that fuckin’ cell and stop snivelling!’
It would make great reality TV
A few years back, around Christmas time some of my sister’s dickhead luvvie friends decided to spend Christmas day outside Calais cooking Christmas dinner for the illegal dinghy pirates.
They took two vans loaded with ingredients and a small mobile kitchen.
Very noble you may think.
There was plenty of smiling selfies on Facebook with #careforcalais popping up as they made their way down to Dover on their epic crusade to feed a bunch of Muslims Christmas dinner (eh!?)
Unfortunately, around about the time they were unpacking to set up the kitchen, the alfresco residents of Calais let it be known that they could leave the food, their watches, iPhones, wallets and anything shiny and we’re then cordially invited to fuck off…At knifepoint.
It was at this point they beat a hasty retreat and couldn’t get back on the ferry fast enough.
Best Christmas ever that one. I was crying with laughter until new year.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha twats
Fantastic, this heartwarming story of thick wokies being shown the truth (the hard way) about so-called asylum seekers being “helpless” has really put a smile on my face and a spring in my step. Cheers Odin!
I love stories like that.
I had an old mate going back over 20 years ago. Do gooder type.
Wanted to become a teacher and volunteered to teach some ‘inner city’ kids in Washington DC.
I told him to be careful after he said it’s a high school full of black kids. He laughed and said I was being racist.
This voluntary placement was for six months. Got a free rental/free bills cheap apartment in the same rough area and a small stipend for food.
He was back home within 10 days. Ok that time he’d been mugged twice at knifepoint, punched in the street for no reason and punched off a student in school. He said he was constantly mocked with racist abuse when walking around with ‘cracker’ ‘limey piece of shit’ ‘white bread mother fucker’.
He was too scared to go outside in the end.
He learned a valuable lesson. The daft fucker.
‘In that time’
Fuck off
I bet he didn’t learn any kind of lesson. Leftards never do.
Whenever some socialist dictatorship fails and starts swirling round the pan, while simultaneously executing innocent civilians…
Leftards: It was the wrong kind of socialism.
Whenever some fuckwit dogooder gets pummeled by their pets…
Leftards: They were just acting out their cultural differences.
Whenever some fucking idiot leftard splitarse gets gang raped in Italy while volunteering to help illegal immigrants.
Leftards: Don’t say a word to the police. It will look bad for the cause.
Socialism is a disease and I’m the fucking cure.
“…Socialism is a disease and I’m the fucking cure….”
“Communism killed the body but liberalism rots the soul” – Tomoslav Sunic
After sinking the vessel, we need to weigh it down with the bastards who arranged it, by filling their pockets with anything that will submerge them also to a early grave.
How about all the money they screwed out of everybody. In 10p pieces, in a bag, tied round their throat and in they go.
After sinking the vessel, we need to weigh it down with the bastards who arranged it, by filling their pockets with anything that will submerge them also to an early grave.
I see these grifting sewer rats are complaining about the accommodation already……saying Its a shithole basically.
Really does beg the question just how well they must have lived in the battlefields and persecution they fled for their own safety?
Or could they be bullshitting??
If i feared for my life and was one step away from seeing my wife and daughter raped and my bollocks being removed and shoved up my own arse, then if i made it to safety then i would be more than happy to huddle down in a shitty shop doorway surrounded by that weekends fresh piss and puke….i would sleep sound in the knowledge that at least i was a lot safer than i had been previously.
Gentlemen/ Women, peruse this website. If your piss isn’t boiling it will be….!
What’s are your council officials earning.
Plus “civil” servants….???
I see on the bbc website the government has announced they ‘may’ withdraw the uk from the human rights treaty so they can actually do something positive about this situation….like getting these rats shipped out to rwanada without all the objections by these well paid human rights lawyers preventing it happening.
If, and its a big if and i hope its not just another headline for votes, then that would be something positive from the tories.
Not a fucking chance. They won’t pull out of the ECHR and no cunt is setting foot In Rwanda, or anywhere else…..including the shitholes they came from.
More chance of me winning the euro millionss..!
Calling this bunch of traitors a “charidee” is very misleading. It makes it sound like they operate on fivers and tenners donated by bleeding heart libtards. There is big money behind all these wokie organisations, ranging from immo lovers through tree huggers to our old friends, the bummer brigade. Big money from big money cunts who have something in mind for us. Whatever it is we’re not going to like it, trust me.
I already don’t like it.
Have not read the post in full and do not need to, as all I have to say is this.
Guy Fawkes, was considered a traitor and he was hung drawn and quartered. Any respectful conservative voting cunt that supports this ‘charity’ should be shot at dawn. Big up to Lee Anderson, if they don’t like what they are being offered, fuck off.
Wikicunt definition of charity threw up an interesting point at the end – I will continue:
Charity (practice)
The practice of charity is the voluntary giving of help to those in need, as a humanitarian act, unmotivated by self-interest. There are a number of philosophies about charity, often associated with religion.
WIth the “associated with religion” theme, most of the dinghy folk are muzzies, where is their ‘loving’ religion when the the chips are down, mmmmmm can’t see that one.
Here’s the catch. Most hate the west, and our religion, but are happy to take:
Christian houses
Christian money
Christian food
Christian women
Shall I go on, or do you get the point?
I understand ?
They have the brass balls to complain that the accommodation on the barge isn’t suitable, and liken it to “a prison”.
Tell you what, ask ex-serviceman Jones if he’d be willing to swap his 4 star shop doorway for M’Tebe’s bunk bed?
The Marines and Navy wete stationed on it for 3 months. One called in to Jeremy Vile yesterday and said it was clean and nice enough.
These immigrants are just ungrateful shits who know there are lots of gullible weaklings who will help them out in this country.
At least it isn’t all bad news today.
There were survivors.
That’s a shame.
Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
The twats welcoming the thieving rapists, have a sneaky resemblance to the JSO brigade, who have already been fighting a loosing battle and are doing this out of spite, for something to do with their pathetic little lives. What will be their next underachievement ?
This country will end up like the old Yugoslavia. Civil war, along ethnic and religious lines.
A race war, if you like.
The sooner it fucking starts the better.
” Bradford has been heavily shelled overnight ”
Hoorah ! ?
My view exactly, Jack.
Muslims and Christians have lived alongside each other in the Balkans for 1000 years and never integrated. I see Britain going the same way, a patchwork quilt of mini states, minority populations driven out of each leading to resentment, hostility and ultimately civil war.
“Bradford has been heavily shelled overnight”
And is looking a damn sight tidier than normal.. and the smell of burning has removed the smell of shit and body odour.
The meltdown on twatter yesterday after the fuck off back to France quote..
The tory’s were the national front, BNP and nazis all rolled into one.
The same torys that have let in untold vermin in the last 13 years..
Twitter is the home of the feeble-minded, noodle-armed, blue haired whinger. Can’t stand the cunts.
They’d blame dropping their Greggs Sausage roll on the tories.
Now this is frightening and needs deep investigation…
The Tony Blair Institute for Total Cuntitude
An institute of cunts, named after a cunt, run for the benefit of the said cunt and his cunt mates.
……is the result of my investigation.
It is about time this smug, grinning-faced parasite disappeared up his own chocolate starfish. I wouldn’t seek his advice on anything, the massive liar (which is why he was a first-rate politician).
I’m so glad you mentioned the Tony Blair Institute for Tony Blair, which used to be my specialist subject. Unfortunately, it’s a pretty impenetrable outfit with all sorts of deniable funding – high tens of millions – from all sorts of foreign actors. And by actor I do not mean Cherie’s pa. Since 2016, when it was formed from the amalgamation of Tony’s network of tax-opaque LLP s and dodgy looking charities, it’s been expanding its African presence, backed at least recently by Mubadala, the UAE’s sovereign wealth fund. Larry Ellison is not by a long way the only billionaire it has shared a bed with.
Talk Radio today alleged that the TBI has a staff of 800 – this means it has quadrupled in size since around 2018. It has direct contacts with Starmer, for sure, and if the extent of its lobbying were ever revealed (it won’t be – Tony knows where all the bodies are buried) there would likely be numerous questions regarding corruption and undue influence.
…also on Epstein’s (actual) client list…
Sounds like more globohomo guff.
For just three pounds a month, we can give Sebastian a cushy non-job at an NGO advising bankers in Singapore about commitments to Environmental and Social Governance and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
Cunt truffle
This made me chuckle
Course they changed their minds, but was has boiled my piss is that some are saying the conditions are like prison.
Ahem, it is still better than the fucking mud huts you came you, bunch of ungrateful cunts.
Our fucking taxes are going towards propping you dirty cunts up, have some respect.
Just wait until it’s full and it all kicks off.
Care4Cunts will be behind it, that is for sure.
This country is so so fucked.
The enemy is within and they operate with impunity.
Corrupt politicians allied with do gooder leftists.
Burn the fucking lot of them. Every last one of the bastards. Publicly.
I thought Care4Calais was simply a vehicle for that old bike, Clare Moseley, to have her overused snatch stuffed with assorted immo pork sword.
Apparently these cunts were donated over £2m last year. The suspicions raised on these pages are 100% spot on. There are some big bucks floating their way from some questionable sources.
Great cunting, Komodo!
The fuckers piling on to the barge (in my prayers a torpedo target) are complaining and comparing it to Alcatraz. If they were genuine refugees, instead of women and children abandoning cowardly bags of shite, they’d beg for the guaranteed food, bed and security of an Alcatraz cell over the shitholes that they all pretend to be fleeing. We should wait until it’s full, tow it out to sea and sink the fucking thing.
BOOM …..?
It’s never going to stop is it?
No, no until the public take the law into their own hands.
Slowly but surely that will happen. Very slowly.
We need a referendum, people in favour of unchecked no limit immigration will have £50 pound a week removed from wages,pension or benefits.
See how many are still in favour..
It’s like doctors saying it’s not their job to see if someone is eligible for treatment.
Fair enough, what did the operation cost?
Bailiffs while be round shortly, any extra will be taken from salary.
Soon be checking for insurance then..
£50 a week is nowhere near enough to pay for their pets to stay in the style they have become accustomed to.
Try 50%. That’ll get their attention and sharpen their otherwise dull minds.
Care for Calais? The granny shagger is already caring for Calais by sending all these cockroaches over here. Care for Dover, Care for Kent, Care for your own fucking country not a bunch of parasites, thieves, rapists and terrorists.
You cunts.