Sorry I could not think of a less ungainly title. I casually mentioned to another person at work this week that I was getting emails from the local cinema, telling me I must go and see the Barbie movie. I said to the other person, a younger woman, that I had thought a lot of people considered Barbie beyond the pale these days.
I was informed that, no, this was different – the whole idea has been subverted. I just didn’t understand obviously!. I said that the other half and I had been to see another film recently and saw a long trailer for Barbie whilst there – my other half had described it as ‘migraine inducing misandry’. It was apparent even from this short extract that all men are to be regarded as useless thick tossers. I was then informed that ,well, that is because they are! Presumably women who think like this do not have fathers, brothers or male friends as otherwise they would have to concede that some people are all right and some are not, irrespective of any characteristics.
If this is progress you can frankly count me out – I said that for an example of good practical feminism, they should perhaps refer to the recent book by the former Olympic swimmer Sharron Davies who has experienced much harrassment, loss of income and abuse for simply pointing out that women and girls are physically different from males and they therefore cannot compete together in sports fairly, and for trying to challenge this.
Never mind though dear, you go and see a shit film and boo the male characters throughout and I’m sure that will make a huge difference to everyone’s lives. No society ever worked better for people finding a way to get along, after all. It is also a bit peculiar that actual children, who you would think would be the target audience, are deemed too young to see it.
Not that I think people shouldn’t go and see crap films if they want to, but I can see months of these sort of conversations ahead, which makes me feel very weary, a bit like the carry-on about Fifty Shades of Grey ( where it was seemingly OK for someone to tie you up as long as you got a new handbag afterwards).
What a huge bag of sickly pink, festering, candy sprinkled cunt.
Nominated by Mary Hinge.
I also read a article suggesting women should dump their boyfriends if they didn’t enjoy the film!!!
Overreact much…
I imagine the guys who were dumped had a lucky escape..
Ha ha.
I’m sorry love but being dictated to by a partner after she’s seen a film / TV programme kinda makes me think you’re a sheep which is a red flag is I believe you women like to call it so fuck off yourself
They should not have gone in the first place woke cunts. Forget dumped they should have been chinned at the exit of the movie
Agree Barry.
Shallow women who throw tantrums because they can’t get their own way are all to common.
Young bloke where i work was dumped by his bird because he wouldn’t pay a packet for a Gucci bag. I pulled him aside and said count yourself lucky mate.
Any bloke who goes to see this film must be light on his loafers, knows what’s in his flower beds, good with colours, bats for the other side, bakes a light cake, bowls from the pavilion end or likes a cock up his arse.
Good Morning Everyone.
I did my duty as a father to my 12 year old daughter who wanted to see it……and i”m a hairy arsed mavhinery mechanic. Just sometimes you have to do the fatherly thing….even though the film is a sexist propoganda machine which even my daughter realised afterwards.
In 1970 I was 14 and Soldier Blue was on the cinema circuit.
A girl I was at school with and had known all my life, tarted herself up to look 18+ and went with a friend to see it.
I know the films content is disturbing and harrowing, but fuck me, she hated me after she’d seen it for some reason.
Told me straight to my acne covered face that the white man’s treatment of the Indians was fucking deplorable and because I was male, I was a sick sadistic bastard.
Or words to that effect.
Now I’ve never seen the film, so I don’t know how the fuck I got singled out for this bollocks. She was just fine with everyone else.
I had long hair back then, so maybe I looked like one of the cavalry officers or something.
Anyway the stupid bitch never spoke to me again!
All these years later, she still gives me the stink eye when I see her around the village.
Fucking dozy cow.
And to think, back then I would have let her play with my willy.
Denying all responsibility for stealing Red injun land are you?!
You pale faces are all the same.
Tonto died for your sins.
Signed Miserable
Last of the Mohicans
Sounds like a nutter, or a coward using the film as an excuse to admonish you because she’s on the blob.
Fucking mental either way.
That article is clearly aimed at cat ladies.
The women enjoying this film have 3 partners called Tom, Tiddles and Tigger.
What am I saying?
Cat ladies with male cats, and with such humble names.
These mongs are on twitter and their portrait is po-faced with horn rimmed glasses. Pronouns, rainbow, EU and Ukaine flags.
Cats; de Beauvoir, Dworkin and Bergdorf
Asking someone’s opinion about a Barbie film is exactly the same as asking their opinion about the local gay bar or the latest range of vibrating butt plugs.
A sign of extreme poofery.
This film was getting bigged up to swamp out the success of Sound of freedom. Hollywood did not like the vibe of that film one bit for some reason.
Barbie is yet another film made to demoralise men. Any ‘man’ that goes to see it is already clearly demoralised so the film is nothing more than an echo chamber for the already converted.
I’d rather watch my house burn down than see a minute of that shite.
I fully agree with you, Cunter. I too would rather watch your house burn down then spend any time watching the Barbie movie ?
‘to swamp out the success of The Sound of Freedom’.
I think you’re right Cunter, and you have to keep on asking ‘just why do they want to do this?’
Fat chance anyway; this tiny budget indie film has now soared past a
$160m US box office take, and counting.
There’s something sick buried in the gut of Hollywood these days.
‘Any ‘man’ that goes to see it is already clearly demoralised…’
Demoralised and cucked.
I was disappointed when I saw it wasn’t about mein onkel Klaus, he loved to go camping.
I’ve not caught the Barbie mania sweeping the nation.
I’m always out of step with fashions.
I never had a rubics cube
Never wore legwarmers
I never got into computer games
If I want to play something
I play with myself.
So I don’t have a opinion on Barbie
How ‘deep’ can it be?
A bimbo doll for little girls.
Same here Mis’. Never been a follower of fashion. Feel sorry for those who are.
The only ‘Barbie-mania’ I suffer from is on a sunny weekend and it involves steak and burgers.
Getting withdrawal this summer. Must be the global boiling…
boiled by rain.
I threw my Rubik’s cube out of a train window after having it for about a week. Fucking thing drove me mad.
What’s the difference between this film and a fork?
At least a fork has a point.
When someone asks for your opinion on a film that’s just come out and is being praised to the skies by the MSM they are not interested in your opinion. They are just trying to show you how trendy and up to date they are. It’s like saying “do anything special this weekend?” They don’t give a fuck what you did, they just want to tell you about THEIR weekend which they think was terribly exciting and every cunt needs to know about.
Just fuck off you self centred bores.
A friend of mine was hassled by a couple of people because he HADN’T read Harry Potter. These people are adults.
Nobody has asked why I haven’t read Hazza P. They know better.
Good man!
Is it cos J.K. Rowling is transphobic?
I can’t comment on her talent as a writer but I would suck her tits.
No thanks.Zero shiny shites awarded for Barbie.
Are men in the audience for this film then? How on Earth does a man join the queue at the cinema to see the “Barbie” film? Come to think though, how does any self-respecting woman do so?
Have you been to Brighton?
Point taken CP.
I have seen groups of overweight women accompanied by what appear to be their equally overweight gay male friends, all dressed up in pink to go and see this film. The carrying-on and screeching is off the scale. We are not supposed to believe in stereotypes, but there they are, all around us and all the time. I accept there are a few fathers who have been pestered into taking their young daughters to see it.
My opinion of Margot Robbie is she is a absolute goddess. And if she is interested I will give her the best 45 seconds of her life.
If the MSM are fawning all over it then rest assured it’s total fucking shite for cunts,by cunts.
Much like a politician telling you how wonderful net zero will be.
Or Gary Crispmuncher telling you anything. His latest……at the time of his BBC suspension he walked into Marks and Spencer and the customers gave him a standing ovation!
Yeah, of course they did. That’s right up there with his experiences as a black schoolboy and the imaginary immo who stayed in his mansion.
What a fucking barefaced fucking liar.
Gary is losing it. His latest outburst reminds me of something Albert Camus said/wrote;
‘The beggar begins by wanting justice, and ends by wanting to wear a crown’.
Same goes for pretty much all Social Justice Warriors
My opinion?
Couldn’t give a fuck.
Good morning.
Perhaps Ken was captain?
Promote the cunt to admiral.
Good work from Captain Ken but isn’t he a trannie by now?
Despite having Australian names are quite clearly from California.
And therefore cunts.
Probably vegans, probably do yoga
Probably believe in Scientology.
Like all Californians they’re plastic cunts with no discernable genitalia.
Far out dude✌️
Unwatchable American garbage. Just another shit yank film with that cunt Ryan Gosling. No more to be said. Yet another reason why all UK-US relations should come to an end!
Don’t mind the baby goose, personally. I enjoyed First Man and Drive.
England women are playing a team of various breeds of apes, the ape team seem to think that the game is all in wrestling ?
Other than the media hype does anyone in the real world give a flying fuck about the Barbie film
Nobody I personally know intends to see it.
Nobody I know personally has even mentioned it.
Damn, I need a better circle of friends.
I bet it’s all about the modern ladies favourite expression ” female empowerment ” the most trite annoying two words in the language.
Just another attempt at the pansyfication of the Male of the species, another generation and there will be no men left to do anything physical incase they break a nail or cut themselves in half with their thong panties when they bend over. Hopefully I be long dead by then.
You could not pay me enough to watch this tripe. I’d rather watch a documentary on pencils narrated by John Major. It’s just for the poo-pushers.
Nah I wouldn’t Cap.
I’d watch if he made one about peas tho.
A film portraying men as blubbering idiots. Sounds like a full length version of most modern adverts.
A terrific nom Mary; well said.
I don’t watch any ‘Hollywood’ product these days; I stick to watching my collection of ‘golden age’ classics, and new European and South American films. I’ll bloody well make a point of seeing ‘Sound of Freedom’ mind.
Hollywood in general, and Disney in particular, looks like a festering sore on the face of America to me. Corrupt and degenerate cunts.
Morning all.
Why this deja vu of shite ?
I wish someone would make Action man the movie.
He kills all the european types, because they are a lesser species. Then when he gets home he sits down, for a proper home cooked dinner.
After Mrs Action woman has done the washing up, he unchains her from the sink, and fucks her senseless. Then he goes down the pub to put the world to rights, and has a fight on the way home.
I’d pay to watch it.
Made with the actual figures
Better in Aardman Animation.
I haven’t seen it but I will give my opinion. It’s a load of wokey wank.
I hear that there’s chat about furry pussy in it and a load of innuendos but the woke brigade are lapping it up.
The producers and film studio cite that it was made to promote freedom of women to be what they want to be (sluts, in the case of Barbie) but i know it was really made to rinse unsuspecting cunts – it’s made about a billion dollars – not all about the money, eh?
I liked Ryan Gosling, and would love to pork Margot but they’re both uber cunts in my book now.
What fucks me off is in the bedroom some women still want to be shagged like a dirty dog, taken out, spoilt like a princess, have doors opened for them, and ‘treated like a woman’ a lot will say, but they want their cake and eat it – start giving it the large about equality, diversity, treated fairly.
The end result is that the man ends up mentally fucked up and skint, and the woman wins – how equal is that?
Fuck right off, I see those dishes need washing up and the clothes are dirty.
The woke live in the cultural gutter. They rarely venture beyond Hollywood, comic books and television or pop music in their tastes.
When they step away of these media and aim for high canon they get laughed at and called philistines and Maoists.
Nobody I personally know has seen it or plans to. A friend did see a gaggle of pink-clad epsilons queueing in Brighton recently.
Subverted or not, this is still a film about a doll and toyline, that is the first objection.
Secondly, it is misandrist so why should I bother? Just another Hollywood fantasy for the cat ladies.
Even in a sea of infantile shit, this is the last film I’d bother with.
The people seeing it can kid themselves it is subversive all they like. It isn’t. It is just another poorly-written misandrist diatribe aimed at woke morons, and thoroughly establishment propaganda.
I’d rather watch a Bollywood movie.
You can’t deny that a Bollywood film cast earn their money, they never stop dancing.
When are they going to make that hollow wood sign into splinters ?
I wonder if those nice chaps from South Park are working on anything.
Would love to see their take on an action man film.
They screwed Harmless to the wall, really funny.
The Harkles, not fucking Harmless.
The skidmarkles, halfwit harry and woko mono.
Lots of monikers for them, none of them being nice.
Harry no-nuts and sparkletits
Wonder how long until it’s all over and how long ’till she finds her next vict, sorry, partner..
Must be a few stray billionaires floating about.
She wants to be president, god help the USA.
There was a group of middle aged fumps all dressed in pink outside my boozer the other night, cackling away like something not too far removed from Macbeth. So I asked why they were all dressed up in pink, to be told that they had just seen Barbie at the flicks.
I replied that wouldn’t it be more pertinent to be in SS uniforms, only to be met with a stony silence.
One of them was my bank manager, so I might be getting the Farage treatment.
Fucking miserable, fun-sponge, fucking harridans.
There’s no agenda. Except to get bums on cinema seats and sell dollies for Mattel.
Follow the money – and if you get a tip about something similar in the works, inve$$$t!
Nobody’s going to ask me my opinion of the pink candyfloss dross, because I don’t speak to people that stupid.
How do you manage to not speak to people in authority?
These days it’s easy. I can’t get hold of the cunts at all…
Just go round to their house, no point trying them at work.