I’ve just been sat on the Barrow train from Manchester Piccadilly.
(You must be a) lucky the trains were running and b) very rich – NA)
There was an Arab family also on said train. The 2 teenagers and 2 younger kids were running riot – screaming, shouting, talking loudly, playing audio without headphones – and, surprise surprise, the ‘parents’ refused to do anything about it.
Even when myself and other passengers bollocked both the kids AND the parents, they STILL kept behaving like wild animals.
Why is it that people from that part of the world can never manage to behave respectfully in public?
No link for this one I’m afraid admin – just the experience of a pissed of commuter.
Nominated by : OpinionatedCunt
Why would they show respect? We have handed our country over to them on a plate, and gradually they are taking over. They have complete disdain for us, our history, our industrial, scientific and technological achievements and our culture.
Perhaps these kids might calm down when the parents get them to sing ‘Tomorrow Belongs To Me’.
“…these kids might calm down when the parents get them to sing ‘Tomorrow Belongs To Me’….”
in the same vein; we did a set at the BNP’s ‘Red White & Blue festival and the 7yr old son of the Asst. Nat. Treasurer (i.i.r.c.) got up on stage and did this classic…
… not an emotional man by nature but I gladly confess to shedding a tear. Got a thundering cheer from the crowd, lad must have felt ten feet tall.
tits!! … “…BELONGS TO ME…”
I thought they traveled on the roof of the train?
No mis that’s India,I’ve travelled from new mills via Manchester and back home tank Christ and can attest it’s fucking awful ,like a can of sardines
Oh yeah , India.
I might be thinking of Lawrence of Arabia when they derail a train?
Cracking Film that.
My personal opinion, the roof of the train is where they should have been seated, ignorant twats.
This is all a part of the Net Zero plan to get oiks, riff-raff, chavs and ordinary working class people off the roads and onto public transport.
Can you imagine the likes of Keir Starmer, Suckdick, Greta-6-fingers, or Rishi Washi roughing on public transport and having to deal with noisy, uncouth and obnoxious shitbags like the ones you mentioned?
That said, if you see an Arab family carrying rucksacks on a train, I would advice getting off at the next station!
You should of bought a bacon butty before getting on the train
Wipe bacon on the kids head towel and the cunts would shift to another carriage
I’ve had the same experience with an Arab family on the train, shouting loud music etc, but what gets me most is that fucking language that makes them sound like their choking on their own vomit.
I fuckin loathe the dirty cunts. Does that make me a racist. Quite frankly i couldn’t give a fuck.
Have a heart, FF….imagine every time you look in the mirror you see a filthy muzzıe staring back and whatever muzzıe bitch you have junior terrorists with (after raping several dozen poor, unfortunate 12 year old white girls), will be brown, ugly and hairy as a little monkey.
I agree with Mis.
A bacon butty from the trolley, although hideously overpriced, will always be a good investment.
Also, those mini pork pies, offer the kids one, while the parents are pretending not to notice the chimp behaviour.
I always have a snack pepperoni about my person, here’s some piggy…
Hehehe, yeah,
Give the kids a pork pie when sheikh n vak aren’t looking!
Where they actually Ayraabs? I saw a family in Sherborne (of all places) and they looked like they were syrian “refugees” or something. How can you tell a home-grown muzza, from a proper arab?
we had a kid at school – I think he was Lebanese or something (it was a boarding school and plenty of sons of diplomats etc.). We just called him “arab strap” and he revelled in it – will never forget the look on the face of the school receptionist when he told her his nickname. I think it was more shocking that she obviously knew what it was.
“How can you tell a home-grown muzza, from a proper arab?”
That’s a trick question, LC….the answer being that you can’t…they’re all cunts who deserve to be bayonetted then shot.
I think these must have been genuine A-Rabs, if they had been homegrown towelheads then plod would have been waiting at the next stop to arrest OC and the other passengers for a hate crime after bollocking the kids for being little cunts.
Their all a bunch of uncontrollable Sand
Dar keys Thomas that got wealthy because they happened to be standing on tons of oil.
Wouldn’t waste the bullet, bayonet works just fine
The pigs bollocking the kids I think not..
Nail on the head Fenton! Before the oil was discovered these low grade life forms scratched a living at the lowest level. When the oil is gone they will be back in the stone age wandering about the desert on camels. Look at the state of Venezuela holding the world’s largest oil reserves when there is heavy demand for it but still in shit order. Consider also that the Venezualans are nowhere near as lazy, arrogant and avaricious as the arabs.
Home grown peaceful less likely to speak English.
A proper Arab is usually where the oil is or in a Bentley/Mercedes or Audi/not I suspect on one of beardy Bransons trains
I tend to refer to them all as Arabs although in hindsight they were probably Pakistani or something.
The unibrow rule is useful.
Unibrow? Pakistani
Two eyebrows Persian or Arab
I wonder what would happen if they behaved like that in their own shithole? They’d have limbs removed by a sword wielding show off quicker than Indiana Jones could shoot him.
We had a kid at school from Yemen,
We called him “Flake” because he had ecsma.
I once had to punch the cheeky cunt for correcting me when I called him a paki.
There was a Paki kid in my form called Nadeem, shortened to ‘Nads’ by his mates. Naturally he became known as ‘Gonads’ by everyone else.
Fucking right.
Asian and not an obvious bud-bud-ding-ding or a slit-eye?
Then you’re a pakı. Simple as that.
We had a paki at comp he was known as Oojararkapiss he didn’t have a good year before he left.
Even the blind can identify Pakîstankis.
This is what happens when your country is taking over by third world vermin
Like the donkey raping shit eater Khan.
In my country he would be cleaning toilets. With his hands.
Just be grateful it wasn’t the London Underground, where they routinely fire AK47s into the roof of the carriages.
If you cross 2 bits of bacon to form a crucifix then stick your weapon on a muzzıe’s forehead, it’s like Mrs Glick on Salem’s Lot (1:35):
Loved Salems Lot, i’ve lost count of the times i’ve watched it
Nice tits though
Get used to it because this is where the UK is going.
According to Suckdick, London is no longer the majority stronghold of WASPs, and therefore whitey is being gradually pushed out alongside Christianity, while the Arsehole of Cunterbury does nothing to defend the faith.
I was in London yesterday TC and I must say, I was expecting nowt but wall-to-wall darkıes. However, there were a surprisingly large amount of white people too.
But I think they might’ve been French.
Were they running away carrying white flags? If not, they probably weren’t French.
What makes you think they were French,
A car backfired and they all put their hands in the air.
New Zealander’s and South Africans for the rugby
Any honkies in London are probaly Polish cunts. Romanians are a bit swarthier.
Did they have square heads?
Cristiano Ronaldo had better watch himself.
He’s over in Saudi Arabia playing and he’s allegedly the “GOAT”
You think it’ll be like this, HJ?
I always travel in the quiet coach where mobile loud mouths aren’t allowed to operate. The trouble with that, groups of big mouthed twats gather in groups, which is worse. I make it as comfortable as possible by wearing “Quies” earplugs. No, I’m not one of those if you read it properly. If you know how to put them in properly also, I’m sure they keep out gunfire also. Smelly food is a difficult one, but I’m working on it.
Soon as my contract runs out, MUTV can take a flying fuck after United signed the black Irish goalie O’nana.
O nana, O nana,
Hey hey now, O nana
Mick O nana
They are some of the rudest and unruly peoples I have ever come across, its just that simple because if you think for one second that the parents didn’t know or weren’t aware that the Ali Babas bastards were driving everyone insane on the train, they were in fact revelling in it quietly because they can get away with it. Goading everyone one to react so they can spin shit later
Try that whitey, outside a mosque in Aslambibad is there intent, I’ve had my musical chairs with the cunts, Liars, beggars and thieves the most of them
Ever travelled with Ruskies?
Rough ignoramus cunts Chris, I must admit and always coming on with the heavy shit.
Sheikhs on a Train.
Double oven.Afterwards microwave the remains.Dirty ? shaggers.
I find it always pays to be polite when dealing with public nuisances as you describe..
Something along the lines of “Fucking Hell you lot are a right bunch of disgusting cunts” always helps break the ice.
Breaking out the pork pies also helps cross the language and cultural divide between Englishmen and the large variety of Sand Nig Ger.s that infest unlucky places.
Fucking big Oven.
I think you’ll find that muzzıs are resistant to dry heat, UT.
Best err on the side of caution and dissolve them in hydroflouric acid.
I was most encouraged by your recommendation regarding the bayonet.
Britain built an Empire with such fine Conduct and we need it back to see off the hordes of looters that make land daily.
The feral flotsam of the world.
Fix bayonets.
Kids today need to be entertained, constantly.
If the stuff they watched, listened to and played was educational they would all be geniuses.
You see them all the time, sitting in restaurants with their parents, always on their mobiles.
They can’t interact in a group because they have no conversation.
They only know how to send banal messages on their phones.
Take away their mobile lifelines and they have no idea how to act.
Younger kids start running around making noise.
Older kids just sit and sulk.
Modern parents are hopeless. Often glued to their mobiles too.
Just last night there was a young Scandinavian family in the restaurant.
The youngest child, a girl about 2 year’s old would not sit down.
The father, instead of sticking the brat in her seat and telling her not to move, allowed the child to wander wherever she wanted.
He followed her around, a few steps behind. For most of the fucking evening, not saying a word.
Perhaps he thought that she was being cute?
Later in a bar another family, Scandinavians too had another cunt of a child.
They had obviously told their kid not to run into the road which was down the few steps from their table.
This bastard kid was absolutely determined to run into the road so the father spent almost the entire time they were there standing at the bottom of the steps to grab the child when she made a bolt for it.
She would then struggle to get away from him to get to the road.
There can be no family enjoyment for these people.
They should all stay in their hotel rooms and not make such obvious cunts of themselves.
If the second family were from Finland, the desire to rush into the road is understandable.
This would be my only love for the push for electric cars..
To bankrupt the camel loving, cousin marrying cunts. back to living in tents.
Yeah, but then you’ve got to cozy up even more to the chınkies, BZ. They own the rare ore mines in Africa that supply the pooch-munchers’ battery factories.
There is always a sadder side to prawn toast. Yum yum..
Sheep eyes and lamb guts! No thanks.
Germany are failing to convert their automotive industry to EV. They’re on a real downward trajectory.
” your comment is awaiting moderation….”
Ffs – only spelled Nigeria with two g’s……
A simple spelling mistake anyone could make.
I doubt they were Arabs. They wouldn’t be seen dead on public transport.
More likely they would be in a Merc, Aston Martin, Bentley or a Lambo.
Some of them have that much money they have them flown over from the UAE to wherever they are staying.
Swimming against the tide on this one but there are plenty of white families with unruly, screeching children. I had the “pleasure” (it wasn’t) of sharing a plane with some earlier this year. It isn’t something that is exclusive to one particular group of people or another.
I agree. Proper Arabs wouldn’t be on the bus.
Some utter scumbags who I think were from Pakistan insisted on opening the windows on the bus in the winter, and I kept shutting them. They then pretended I’d called them something rascist. I then responded in Spanish which confused the fuck out of them.
I always speak Spanish or French around these types.
They can’t speak English, except when they’re complaining, or asking for money.
Strange, that.
In your Sheffield accent JP?
” hast thee any Bisto?”
Fuck off you Spanish cunt!
Start shouting in German while making open-palmed gestures
I not only believe you, and you have my sympathy, but I’ve not only experienced shrieking children, but one of the little shits became, for some reason, enamoured of me.
The mother begged me to allow the stinking snot-nosed, shitty nappy wearing infant to sit next to me.
I told her, I’d rather blow brains out, starting with her.
Daft cunt.
It was those Werther’s Originals that you keep secreted about your person JP.
Nay Lad.
Fishermans Friends.
Chinese tourists are also notoriously bad mannered, then again, they usually own the gaff’s infrastructure, or the country they visit is in debt to them.
‘All hail Ping, ruler of the universe!’
I’d have kept quiet out of fear, in case one of the cunts pulled out a machete.
Evening all.
Evening Ron.
Even worse, pulled out a tit and started breastfeeding!
Native brats are like this and if you say anything their often drunk parents chimp out. Then the woke social Stasi join in with their shrill whining. The only solace is that the libtards get rolled by the ferrals when they alight the train.
This is actually awful, and I’m terribly ashamed of myself.
Sis married an Algerian Muslim.
To be fair, he was great fun.
We used to make him lamb bacon sarnies, and the beef roast was always cooked in lamb lard, as were the roasties.
The best laugh we had, was taking him to Scotland, when I said ” we’re approaching the border”
I haven’t got my passport, he says!
We’ll put you in the boot, no worries!
His face! Priceless.
Mind, he did cook. I’ll remember the taste of his couscous for ever.
Don’t be disgusting.
Taste of his couscous,
This is a family site!
Only you, Mis, only you!
You’ve caught Cunt Engine virus, told you about sharing DibDabs.
Arab parenting, do they teach them how to be suicide bombers…?
Give’m the Arab Strap.
Or, the Chinese burn.
The brats were all upset as this being the first time on a train.They are so used to travelling by camel,the little arab islamic fuckers.
Or rusty Toyota Hilux with a couple of the brotherhood.