NatWest CEO Alison Rose has put her hand up to being a massive twat.
She’s come clean and admitted to being the source who gave BBCunt Simon Jack confidential details about Nigel Farage’s bank account, which was instrumental in Farage being ‘debanked’ by Coutt’s.
Whatever your views on Farage, this is disgraceful behaviour by the head honcho of one of the country’s major financial institutions. It’s a pound to a pinch of bird shite that such a leak of information from a rank-and-file member of staff would have resulted in dismissal. We’re told however that the Bank’s board still has ‘full confidence’ in Rose.
It’s really beyond the pale, but I’d bet that Rose will still get a whacking bonus at year end; unless of course as in football, the Board’s ‘vote of confidence’ proves to be the equivalent of the Mafioso kiss.
I hope Farage can sue the cunts. Such a parcel of rogues in a nation.
Nomination by Ron Knee.
She is a weird looking bint isn’t she?
And Howard Davies looks like a fucking gnome who has lost his fishing rod.
She’s no oil painting that’s for sure.
Mind you, I’ve got room to talk (luckily my gorgeous wife adores me nevertheless).
I loathe NatWest, I bank with the “National Friendly Bank”, the manager is a cross between Boy George and Russell Harty
The guardian called her a role model.
So that’s enough for me.
Massive cunt then.
Should of come out as trans or suffering from mental health to save her job. ” it’s the same thing ”
I’m sure the Massive pay package and pension should soften the pain..
Well, the Board’s ‘vote of confidence’ did prove to be the kiss of death for the fair Rose.
She’s fucked off, as has the head of Coutts, so you might say that this story’s old news now. But the fall-out has done a massive service to the nation, lifting the lid as it has on the extent to which obsessive, cultish wokery has infected our public and private institutions.
By what right does some HR cunt at the bank get to label a customer as ‘a disingenuous grifter’ and ‘a racist and xenophobe’ for expressing lawful opinions on matters such as Brexit and illegal immigration? How many other Stazi files are there piling up on citizens at organisations such as NatWest?
You have to wonder and worry as to just how deep our national life is now mired in the pit of insane wokery.
You can just imagine these two pathetic libtards smirking and laughing about stitching up the “far right” enemy. A warning for the future……the cashless society, social credit scores, keep your head down and your mouth shut. Just look to Canada and that moose shagger Trudeau. Does he look any different to the Suntan Kid or the Blair/Starmzy double act? Not in my fucking book.
an unwarrented aspersion on self-respecting mooses everywhere Fred.
Mooses or mise?
Left school?
No job?
No money?
Then fuck off.
The Frank Bank
Ah, the good old days!
I’m sending off for one of these.
Are you loaded? Morally incorruptible? Looking for somewhere to stash a few million? Then look no further, you need:
This account is only open to persons of high moral fibre whose values align with those of GnatWest Bank. Therefore we only open accounts for fraudsters, cryptocurrency scammers, people traffikers, drug traffikers, pornographers, pimps, corrupt Chinese Communist Party officials, Russian oligarchs, oil-rich Arabs, Third World dictators, Mafia dons, members of the British Royal Family and Gary Lineker.
NB This account is not available for supporters of Brexit. Any account holder who is found to have voted for Brexit will have their account closed and the Bank reserves the right to divulge false information about the closure to the BBC.
I bank with NatWest.
And I always prefer to be lectured in moral behaviour by large banking institutions who deal with russian oligarchs, African dictators, and slumlords.
Quick idea, but maybe stick to looking after your clients financial matters rather than posturing about gender issues, and meddling in politics?
Just a idea, like.
Great minds Geordie…?
Indeed Mis. Seconds apart.
And so say all of us Miserable.
Hehe, they fell and kept on falling…
It’s just the sort of thing you would expect from theses twats
The conversation probably went along the lines of ‘Farage didn’t have the funds, you know his type, almost a Nazi’ only people with a good ESG are welcome in our squeaky clean bank’….. Ooops.
Simon Jacks, ‘the impeccable source reconfirmed the next day’
Didn’t he think that the head of Nat West shouldn’t really be discussing someone’s account
All cunts.
Apparently Exxon-Mobil are in the top 10 for ESG scores.
Irony isn’t dead then.
Left School? No job? No money? Then fuck off. GnatWest: The frank bank.
What’s the point in having a Data Protection act (and fuck me is a fuss made if someone lets out someone’s name or something at a hospital if the persons not a relative) when the head honcho of a bank still partly owned by the public is happy to disclose details of a customers account to the bbc. What a load of fucking bollocks. Surely the data protection commissioner is going to investigate this totally disgusting debacle. Bloody unbelievable , if I was legally qualified I would do this case pro bono. Bastards.
The natwest group, part of the RBS cunts that should of gone to the wall after that cunt Fred Goodwin bankrupted them with his crazy expansion plan.
But don’t worry the mug British taxpayers will come to your rescue..
Thanks Gordon brown you one eyed scottish personality vacuum.
The cycloptic jock cock.
He was shite.Hopefully he walks into the path of a bus
I have aunt and uncle who were both employees of NatWest (pre-recession).
They left because of bad practices and the awful ‘team-building’ nonsense the corporates sent them on. One very senior figure was encouraged by these dimwit life coach types to dance or some humiliating bollocks and he excused himself on grounds of ‘sudden ill health’.
My uncle found him in the bar of the hotel. He said he would be complaining to the HR gimps who thought this humiliation was a good idea.
In the 1980s I worked for an organisation which underwent ‘corporate restructuring’, cuntspeak for cost-cutting and, of course, job-shedding.
In due course, a third of the workforce went. Have a guess how many of those were from HR? Go on, have a guess…
If it was like the place I worked at they probably increased to deal with the compulsory redundancies…
H fucking R.i had dealings with the cunts, most of them were ex shop stewards. Poachers turned gamekeepers….?
Saw one of those women on Linkedin, you know the type CEO of a firm or one called Empowering Women or some other shit
She said that this was all sexism
Nah can’t see that personally , she fucking cancelled a customer due to his political views .
She’s a cunt like the men before her . At least she is equal in that
Yeah, Rachel Reeves.
A bank CEO discloses a client’s private financial info to a BBCunt, and a real furore develops.
Tell you what, let’s get ‘bullying’ and ‘sexism’ allegations on the table. It couldn’t be that Rose just acted like a cunt and got what she deserved could it? No, not in your world.
Fuck off.
My dog is on Linked In.
I’ve often wondered what people at the very top of organisations like this actually do.
I imagine a boardroom full of executive this and non executive that and deputy vice chairman that are all shining the seat of their leather chairs with their flabby arses, speaking in that executive tongue, using big words to try to impress each other while earning two hundred times the pay of their lowest payed employee.
God it must be dull.
I guess all the woke crap and esg gives them something to work on as they sniff coke off a prostitutes arse.
Jealous? You bet i am!
They deep-dive into core competences, focussing on blue-sky strategy on how to micro-and macro manage cascading investment priorities.
Stuff like that, while sniffing coke from a prossy’s arse to help gain
corporate momentum going forward.
So a bunch of stupid, up their own arses, incompetent bullshitters then.
Thanks for clearing that up Ron, i feel enlightened!
I think the coke snorting and prostitures is a thing of the past. The probably have to attend DEI lectures, make sunbeam smoothies and play swing ball or go trampolining.
Bullshit Bingo, my favourite game whilst sitting through endless team meetings and useless training courses.
That, and the word game. You think of a word, maybe open a dictionary at random. You then have to say the word aloud during the course of the meeting/training session.
Imagine trying to get, for example, provocative into the conversation, and it had to sound entirely natural.
Damn near bit through my lip once or twice, trying not to laugh out loud.
It’s all part of developing your ‘six-figure vocabulary’.
When I saw some fuckwit use that while advertising his online course I thought ‘no, that’s the vocabularly of a wannabe Apprentice contestant who sells packets of sea monkeys (brine shrimp) via children’s publications and cleaning products from the back of a van.’
Six-figure vocabulary, CP?
I think I’ve already failed in that respect, most of what comes out of my mouth these days would cause a vicar to faint.
I get so outraged by things that other folks shrug their shoulders at, like this utter cunt, Alison Rose, who should be facing a criminal prosecution, imo.
Good luck getting another job, Alison, BTW. I wouldn’t trust you to run a whelk stall.
This is from an actual local council job advert:
“We’re looking for a fantastic, driven and motivated individual to join our Projects and Transformation team. You’ll play an integral role in the delivery of an exciting transformative portfolio of work that will make a fundamental difference to the way we work. The high-profile role will cover technology, customer and cultural-focussed projects that span a range of service areas. We’re in need of an experienced Programme Manager to deliver our ambitious transformation programme, within budget and to a high quality.”
(Salary starts at £44,439.)
Yes, but what is the successful cunt actually meant to DO?
And does “transformation” involve gender reassignment?
There’s the clue, Komodo
Thanks, JP. “Fantastic”, in that context, must mean “addicted to fantasy”.
Indeed, Komodo.
You thinking of applying?
I would, if I wasn’t as old as God’s armchair.
These skumbags infest every area. They’re all mates.
Hoo-eee, what a cunt.
34 responses and no-one’s mentioned her potentially awesome-looking tits yet?
Has ISAC turned fruity?
Lopsided, Thomas.
Left one looks like a grapefruit, right ones a lemon.
And that Godawful top she’s wearing!
Words fail me.
Gravity’s taking them in a southerly direction too, Jeezum.
I wouldn’t mind though. My standards aren’t what they once were.
I never had any standards, my opportunities were limited enough as it was without narrowing them even further.
Just googled her Mr cunt engine, you could be right, face like a sack of chisels though.
I imagine that wont bother you any.
Well you know what they say about poking the fire PC
Wear asbestos Johnnie’s?
Must of missed the swimsuit shots?
Looks like a mistreated hamster.
More time needed on the exercise wheel.
Megan Rapin’hoes mum
I followed this story of Nigel Farages bank account closure by Coutts bank from the start.
It caught my imagination.
I watch GB news whilst having my tea.
It was done on a whim,
And bragged about at a dinner date by Alison Rose to a employee of the BBC.
Now, more than anything that’s careless, stupid and arrogant.
I’ve broken the first rule of banking by breaking customer confidentiality.
It snowballed resulting in her stepping down and a CEO having to step down.
And bad PR for the bank and new legislation being introduced into banking conduct,
It’s not over yet.
The trigger for this was Nigel Farages issuing a Subject Access Request.
I’ve done a subject access request.
My last employer
Before working for myself.
It contained not just relevant information
But unproven rumour
And management opinion.
You can go through it and demand that parts are removed and destroyed.
Stricken from your record.
A interesting legal tool.
If in doubt about how a company views you
File one.
Right eye opener!!
I must say that is of consuming interest to me Mis! Pray tell, how does it work? To whom do I apply etc?
I worked for a large supermarket chain Arfur,
And got a reputation for being a grafter,
And was earmarked for a management position.
They got a new manager in who thought he was fuckin Ronnie kray.
We instantly butted heads.
Long story but I became a senior shop steward instead.
It became open warfare between the management and staff.
I spent a year suspended from work on full pay.
They tried to get workmates to give dirt on me.
They didn’t.
The union told me to file a subject access request with the company.
It was a standard template letter.
They dragged their heels on it.
They have a certain amount of time to comply.
I also sent a copy to the unions legal team
And made a complaint to the information commissioner.
The company had to show me everything.
And I went threw it with a manager present.
I asked for a copy of everything.
And had unfounded information stricken from my file.
In the end I returned to work with all disciplinary hearings dropped.
I was offered a agreement to resign which I accepted.
It enabled me to buy my business off my dad,
And buy the missus a new car.
The manager was moved on.
The swagger had gone out of him?
Jolly well done, that man!
Seriously, the pineapple fuck, spiky end first, admirable, Mis!
Cheers JP.
It was stressful for my missus (worried about the mortgage)
But this cockney manager proper upset me and I was fuckin furious.
I went all out to piss in his rosebed,
He must of had a ulcer near the end of it.
But it all worked out for the best in the end ?
Sometimes upper management crowbar some totally unsuitable cunt into a position of supposed authority over you.
More fucking fool them, I’ve destroyed more of these cunts than you have fingers. So easy, just keep you record facility on your mobbie, whenever you talk to them.
Fools of the first order, my thumb has more braincells.
I never knew it got that ruthless at arkwrights..
You don’t know the half of it, Barry.
Morning Mis, everyone.
Only just got back to read your detailed reply Mis about a Subject Access Request. I must say, I’m absolutely fucking delighted! My missus asked why I’m grinning like a fucking idiot and I think I will be all day. We need more people like your good self in the world and good on your missus for sticking with it. I wish you and yours all the very best.
Great nom.
She looks like the sort of wretched cunt who would have gone on to be Supreme President of the EU – had Nigel not closed off that particular opportunity. Fuck her, fuck Gnat Vests and bugger Coots.
Bet she loathes Brexit and controlled borders. She’ll probably end up working for the EU Central Bank.
The old ‘Beeb’ are in mourning, as a migrant boat sinks in the Channel killing six people. I suppose we could look at it philosophically. That’s one for Lee Rigby, one for Sir David Arness, one for Westminster Bridge, and the other three for Manchester.
But I dare say Saint Gary of the Holy Lineker will give a ‘heartfelt’ eulogy and a big fat lecture on tonight’s Match of the Day. Without mentioning any of the poor murdered people mentioned above, of course.
Spot on Norman.
How many died today from an overburden NHS? Hundreds I’d guess.
I’ll vote for any cunt who can sort that.
We all know the fucking reason for this. Been to a doctor’s surgery lately? Fuck me, spot the English speaking honky in many places.
The indigenous people of this land must come first. Yes, this means North West Europeans and their families.
If that offends you, I don’t fucking care.
We need change from the two party, legacy media driven narrative.
They’re all in it together.
They are purely evil cunts.
And yes, North West Europeans are white.
If you are white, you and your family are under attack.
Wake the fuck up.
All banks are cunts.
Santander are the worst in my experience. As a young and stupid man who got into his partying too much, I got into huge debt with them.
On my arse they were. Made my life unbearable. Huge fees which were illegal at the time, but I only realised after the deadline for claims. I was too busy shagging and getting wrecked to know. No internet then.
Then, did ok for myself. Plenty in the bank. Paid every cunt off. Happy as Larry. Rolling in my own faeces.
Kissing my arse they were. The very same people.
Realised, closed my account and went to Halifax. They are cunts too with their gender shite. But they are ok overall, but cunts for promoting pea dough shite (gender pronouns).
They’re all cunts, but I find Halifax are ok when it matters if you can avoid the gender bollocks. Luckily, in my branch they’re all he’s and she’s.
If I get a ‘they’ I’ll speak to someone else. Or go on a rant and get my account closed.
Nobody has yet mentioned, it’s the Glorious Twelfth! Any cunters been out shooting the grouse?
Shot 12.
Oops, sorry, easy to mistake cultural enrichers for grouse.
Poor eyesight, m’Lud, and mental elf, innit!
Sorry, what a tosser I am.
6 brace.
I hope Mr Farage arranges for this bank of cunts to choke on their woke dossier.
The govt should have sacked the entire board.
From what I have read all Natwest customers are to receive a leaflet landing on their doormat soon titled “The future begins today” or something like it, telling how they are going to limit the amount of cash you can pay in or take out from them.
Sounds like they are setting us up for the cashless society sooner rather then later. I bank with the cunts but worry that trying to change banks at the moment could lead to an unbanking. As sure as anything once NatWest go down this route others will follow
I bank with Santander, and unlike a previous poster, find them quite sound.
I don’t bother them and the dagos don’t give a fuck who/what I vote for.
Banking as it should be.
Fatwest want the full oven treatment.Tossers.
What is potentially even more wrong with this is the same bank probably lets leaders of Um Bongo countries launder their money through UK financial instruments.
Not a big Farage fan but I got his back on this one.