UK foreign aid

is a cunt.

Bbc news

Greetings fellow Cunters! Long time reader, first time poster!

I read this and thought surely this is the cut off point for an ending to UK foreign aid for you, you mighty moon men!

I bloody well hope so when we have homeless people, hungry people and cold people here. I don’t see a reason to seen this arseholes a further penny and indeed may open a government petition to just this effect.

Nominated by ObnoxioMaximus.

80 thoughts on “UK foreign aid

  1. I fundamentally disagree with this nom.

    I can think of no greater use to put hard-pressed British taxpayers’ money towards than funding India’s space programme, while that country’s population continues to breed like flies and threatens to overtake China as the world’s most populous.

    Seriously, well cunted OM, and welcome to the IsAC nuthouse.

    • Actually Ron, you make a good point.
      I’ll gladly pay to have Itchy Ballsack launched into deep space.

  2. And we get fuck all in return apart from dinghy raiders and cunts from all places. Enough all fucking ready. The country is broke. And full.

  3. Don’t forget, we also send aid to China, to teach them the best way to grow rice!

  4. What are they going to do on the moon’s south pole, turn that into a slum too?

  5. County on its arse, but let’s hand out sweeties to countries who have space programs or fund wars that are fuck all to do with us. Great idea.

    You can bet all this foreign aid shit is just another piece of nepotism to get Jacinda (some MP cunt’s/party sponsor’s daughter) her gold plated quango/NGO ‘job’ in Kenyahhh after Cambridge.

    The rest is syphoned off by corrupt Africunt officials to buy their kids a Porsche each and a little bit left to make an advert about clean water or some bollocks to get more cash next year.

    The actual poor get fuck all in reality, I bet.

  6. Whoever is in charge of sending the UK tax payer’s money abroad should politely write to his equivalent in all these countries.

    He should tell them that the UK is in a bit of a financial pickle and ask that they should start repaying the billions that they have received.

    Of course they would get fuck all back, but this will justify not giving them any more.

  7. Estimated UK Government borrowing for 2023-4: £130 billion
    Foreign aid budget for 2023-4: £8 billion
    Current national debt: £2.7 trillion
    The Government is borrowing money at ever increasing interest rates to give to foreigners. What a legacy to leave our children and grandchildren. Never forget kids, YOUR GOVERNMENT HATES YOU, AND SO WILL THE NEXT ONE.

    • Unless you fucking well change it!
      If the electorate just can’t be bothered to do something about it, then don’t they get what they deserve?
      Let’s notforget that the government that hates them was placed in power by their parents.
      Just venting my spleen …

      • “…Spineless cretins replaced by spineless cretins…”

        …elected by spineless cretins who, for fear of public disapproval, lacked the balls to vote for the party who actually did have a spine and would have ended this nightmare OVERNIGHT! Fuck ’em… it’s called ‘consequences’.

      • Difficult to find a way out when ALL the parties have the same aid policy

        Labour wants to increase foreign aid.

  8. First published back in 2006, William Easterly’s brilliant expose of the Foreign Aid rip off ‘The White Man’s Burden’ is still the best. If you are looking for a copy you may have to get it second hand. Although I don’t think it has quite been banned by our filthy globalist puppet masters, I very much doubt that the Oxford University Press would publish it today!

    PS The BBC is a fucking sewer.

    • Lord Reith’s illegitimates only think of themselves and forget they need an audience.

    • Just got a second hand copy off amazon, TT..
      £3.28 used free delivery..

      See I can budget.

      So tell the smelly cow worshippers to pay for their own rockets.

      Anyway what are they gonna do on the moon, set up a call centre..

      • Money well spent BZ. Pity that cunt Sunak doesn’t read it!

  9. This nonsense needs stopping IE funding India’s Moon project China yes China why are we giving aid to a potential enemy?
    Charity begins at home people using food bank’s, utilities ripping us off at any given opportunity Nope stop all Foreign Aid till/If Blighty ever gets back on its feet these folk are laughing at us ??

    • It’s white guilt by our politicians.
      Their great grandfather sir Humphrey whipped his bearers whilst on safari and it doesn’t look good at dinner parties.

      Why are the 3rd world’s problems ours to fix?

      Clean water
      Cleft palates
      Ingrown eyelashes

      The handouts never end.

      • How come we never mention airdropping condoms anymore. Is it because they took the piss by using them for party balloons, with the food we’d also dropped ?

      • Uh, mate, like, we caused those problems yah? It’s like, really like, racist to like, blame black people an’ shit? Everything wrong in Ahfrica and A-shaah is like,the fault of the white patriarchy, right?

        You need to like, educate yourself, right?

  10. “All the world’s a stage” said Shakespeare, but where’s the fucking audience dear Bill ?

  11. Give em f all, stop letting illegals in, remove illegals. 90. recent of our nation’s problems solved or vastly improved.

    It’s not quantum physics is it.

  12. It won’t be long before we are spending more money on foreign aid/legal refugees/illegal dinghy cunts than we do on defence.

    Foreign aid should consist of telling the shit hole countries to stop breeding like flies.

  13. Good moaning OM.

    “My name is Cuntus Maximus. Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the IsaC, loyal servant to the true emperor, Miserable Northern Cunt”

    Superb cunting and only last night, while downing some wife beater with my friends I questioned why one minute they’re pleading poverty and every time they have a bit of rain they start shaking the tin can, expecting us to cough up and the next sending rockets into space.

    Don’t we do enough, letting them and their extended families live hear, having built up their corner shop empire these last 60 odd years.

    Poppadom and Tandoori parties in India tonight I think!

  14. As long as you’re sending aid to these countries (apart from China, 2nd biggest economy in the world, ehhh??) they will never learn to be self sufficient. That lefty shitfest Band Aid summed it up. Millions (of our money) just thrown at an issue. No thought on teaching them farming, trades, birth control etc. it’s an American thing copied by idiots in other countries, throw money at it with a bit of “Grab em by the balls and their hearts and minds will follow” mentality. For fucks sake, this country is broke, veterans on the streets, endless illegal immigration, Ukraine. God help us if Labour get in, the magic money tree has already been picked by the Tories, Labour will dig up the fucking thing,

  15. If Indians are making up most of the dinghy jockeys knock a million pounds off for each one that rocks up here.
    I have to deliver to one of these migrant hotels, all I get is stink eye from the cunts. My boss, they’re fleeing war etc, Fucking news to me that there’s a war in India.

    If I recollect correctly Cammoron instigated it with Smeggy of the Limp Dumbs. About time the party ended on our largesse. Charity begins at home. Fuck the chancers rocking up. Deport them all and be done with it.

    • I get that to CM when I go into ethnic zones in London for work..

      I know I’m a handsome and charming man, but staring at me ain’t gonna help you in any way.
      Maybe having a shower and shave would be a good start, you fucking goblins.

  16. A wise man (not me) described foreign aid as taking money from poor people in rich countries and giving it to rich people in poor countries.
    Ain’t that the truth!

  17. I do not like the apparent continuing involvement of Andrew Plebgate-Itchwell in matters of my fucking money being sent abroad…

    • In a financial climate hit by inflation and cost of living problems,
      Maybe chucking millions to countries who have a space program is taking the piss?!

      I don’t know I never went to Eton?
      I’m just a removalman.
      Not a statesman.

      But I’d reduce foreign aid to nothing.
      And reinvest the capital in kick-starting our steel industry and arms industry.

      That’s what we’re good at.
      I won’t give African countries aid
      But I’d happily sell them landmines.

      • Ps

        My first phone call would be to Niger.

        They’ve just had a coup.
        Some general has seized power.

        He’s bound to go full Idi Amin and start ethnic cleansing and feeding people to crocodiles.

        May as well sell him some toys for the new regime?

      • Selling weaponary to oppressive regimes killing their own people is a national pastime. You can’t pretend we’re helping anyone by handing out aid to countries with a comparable GDP to oursleves.

        Who said the tories could be trusted with the economy and public spending?

  18. Seems pretty simple toe.

    Take your third world illegal gimmegrant scum back or no more shiny things courtesy of the British tax payer.

  19. Anybody have Randy Meisner in the dead pool?

    Those cunts Frey and Henley (but mostly Frey) bastards to him.

  20. I was talking to an American who’s visit to Albion is his first, he’s been here a month and cannot believe the amount of charity begging on the box he is genuinely amazed, thing is he’s from California woke central and a sausage jockey but to my amazement is nearly as right wing as I. The action of giving money to countries with more loot than us is unbelievable most of it is to salve the conscience of the over educated middle class hand wringers who believe us guilty of every crime under the sun to the poor foreigners. Patronising cunts should let them stand on their own two feet.

    • ‘Old people telly’ is crammed with these adverts, as well as funeral plans, Macmillan cancer, Help on writing a will, Life Insurance.

      It’s almost as if the channels that show them are saying, ‘die you old cunt, but before you do, hand your money over to these fine people’.

      I’ve always wondered where in the body you find the MacMillan?

      • “…It’s almost as if the channels that show them are saying ‘die you old cunt…”

        Almost? … that’s exactly the message!

  21. Reckon we should fund a Pakistanee Spice Girls.
    Shitty Spice
    Semtex Spice
    Smelly Spice
    Burqua Spice (it might be a bloke)
    Jihadi Spice

    • If the Spice Girls were manufactured now, like they were in 1995, they would include a daki camelshagger, a Lizzoesque fat slag, a Lioness type dyke, a ‘feisty’ sambeau, and a colagen lipped false eyelashed trollop. Anybody remotely attractive, talented or sexy need not apply.

  22. I’d be interested to know which of the banks holds the record for the number of customers it’s debanked.

  23. What about the half billion we gave to the Frenchies a few months ago to stop the dinghy rats? That worked didn’t it?
    That went straight into the granny shagger’s offshore bank account. Greasy little snail munching fucking bastard.

  24. 98 yo D Day paratroop veteran kicked out of his rented house, now in a council hostel…… fucking cunts. He should not have bothered and let Hitlers boys run the cuntry.

    • Mayor of London, white
      PM white
      Scottish first minister, white

      Everybody white

      ‘Allo, ‘Allo would have been a slightly different ?

  25. Next time the Yanks launch a moonshot they’ll no doubt discover some moon walking Patel type has curled out a 17 pounder slap bang in the middle of the sea of tranquility.

  26. The other word for it is ‘bribe’.

    I do wish the politicians would speak plain English and not cover things up.

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