I’d like to cunt the government for what is clearly fuckwittery and cuntery of the highest order.
The cunts that rule us seem to have worked out how to kill two birds with one lazy, thoughtless, poorly aimed stone.
If these trades are in short supply it means the day rate of those trades should be higher than if they were abundant. When youngsters leaving school see theres money to be made in the trades they may go to college and gain a vocational qualification and enter that trade to earn some good honest dosh and boost the nations economy whilst doing so.
If the government think relaxing immigration rules to let foreign trades come in what they flying fuck do they think will happen to the day rates of those trades when the market is flooded with an influx of workers that will work for less? Our youth wont be much motivated by the thought of busting their guts for 80 quid a day will they?
The Gov is about to fuck another industry if they’re not careful. You’d have thought that lessons may have been learnt when they pissed our ship building industry up the wall. Evidently not. Cunts.
Nominated by : Cunter S Thompson
How the fuck will they police this?
“Muh name is Mtembe. I beez persecuted in Afreeka for being da batty boy. I make tings from da trees and is is mudhut builder. Nomesayin?”
Asylum granted as the red rubberstamp of approval is brought smartly down.
Already happened 20 years ago under cunt face Blair..
Thousands of cowboy East Europeans doing substandard work..
So we might as we be inclusive and invite the fucking Indians.
Back to wearing a hard hat on site,when a block wall falls on me..
As long as them and their rich mates get richer that’s all that matters. Fuck all the crime, especially sexual crime, the drain on an indequate infrastructure, the religious and racial conflicts you are importing. That don’t matter because they can buy their way out of it. It’s the peasants who have to live in this fucking mess that nobody wants.
They don’t need to buy their way out of it, they usually find somebody else to take the blame.
It seems to me they are trying to ramp up capacity for some sort of house building campaign.
Through countless idiotic policies the pressure on housing stock is becoming unsustainable and it’s quite certain planning laws will be “relaxed” to allow houses to be built anywhere at all.
After all its easier to let in countless droves of foreign rubbish than to even pretend to deport any of the awful cunts..never mind that none of our infrastructure can even vaguely begin to cope.
Shithouse wankers.
Yes UT
Let’s build hundreds of thousands of new houses for the arrival of the 3rd fucking world.
Let’s destroy acres of woodland and various other green spaces while we’re at it.
How fucking green eh.
How “Net Zero”
I’m sure by driving an electric car then that should off set it all.
Right Unkle Terry, always been a shortage of social housing now it’s as rare as rocking horse crap. Plenty of fucking huge detached houses being built all over the place where I live. Sold before they’re finished to the hordes of people exiting the Home Counties.
As the hordes of doctors architects blah blah continue to arrive on our shores do not forget the total pisstake that is legal immigration.
As far as I’m concerned Tony the cunt and his gang of weirdos and cunts banged the first nail in Englands coffin, curse the lying unctuous bastard and all his works.
I hope the Government are also relaxing the rules to attract foreign architects to Britain. We have a desperate shortage here because all the aspiring architects keep getting stabbed.
……and “promising footballers” and “aspiring rappers.” We have a terrible shortage of those.
‘Watusi and Tunde are currently herding goats on the serengeti, but with your help and just three pounds a month, you can help them remove their bone jewellery and put down their spears, send them to school and get them a job in your local radiology department’.
-‘Mistah Smeef. de kansah has grown.. I mean de kansah has shronk .. ‘
‘-Ah mean you still have a heed. This is your heed. You have no Kansah…Your wife she has de Kansah’
‘-She died ten years ago, pal’
Despite stiff competition I think that the current shower will be remembered as the most incompetent government this country has ever had.
‘We’re rubbish but Labour will be even worse’ is not going to get people to vote for them in the next election.
Like Barry said, Blair is the culprit. Go to uni get a degree, fuck the apprenticeships and look what happened. Skilled workers, those that were left could take their pick, quite rightly so would I.
Not many want to leave college and start a relatively low paid training course. Those that do can do well in life but a lot want their dosh immediately.
Lefty Labour wanted to scrap apprenticeships many years ago claiming them to be a source of cheap labour. Nowadays a large proportion of tradesmen are East European, Blair you cunt.
Also, keeping the kiddies in school or some form of learning until 18 means a shortage of workers. 78 % of 16 year-olds now stay on to study A levels, but A-levels in what?
Media Studies?
I’d drop the school leaving age to 14. Half of the kids in my school were done with learning by then. Not their fault; they just weren’t academically minded. They were bored out of their minds, knew they weren’t going to do well in exams, and a distraction to the more academic children, The trouble is teachers live in a bubble and are institutionalised. University is the only way they can imagine a person making it in life, because it’s what they and their social circle did.
It’s a colossal waste of time and money to keep the les academic kids in school beyond the basic English and Maths skills. What we have now is kids being kept in school longer but still with poorer literacy skills than their grandparents, many of whom left school at 14.
“The Great Replacement Theory” is of course a conspiracy theory advanced by far right, white nationalist extremists.
Just like the recently mentioned International Peddle File Theory, nobody in their right mind would believe that there is a world wide movement to replace native white populations by relocating “refugees” from the jungles of Shiholia to the great civilized nations of the world. That’s just crazy.
Next you’ll try to tell us that backward tribesmen from the deserts of Peacefulistan are navigating the English Channel in rubber dinghys launched from France so they can continue their education as Brain Surgeons/Rocket Scientists..
Why would the Daily Fail publish such racist propaganda? Clearly it has no basis in fact and is inspired by QAnon extremists in America. They’ve obviously lost the plot.
Now where’s my copy of the Grauniad?
All I know is that Hilary does like Pizza….just saying.
Every day on the pages of this august forum, cunters rail against the wokeist propaganda spewed by Media outlets like the BBC or the Guardian. Even the link in this nomination is the Daily Fail.
Whenever the Progressive Left wants to discredit someone they love to use terms like far right, MAGA and QAnon. However, they do not apply the same standard to the far left, Antifa or BLM. Those groups are either lauded or ignored depending on what need is best served. So I wouldn’t be so quick to believe the entire QAnon narrative put forth by the MSM.
My views should be pretty well known on IsaC by now and I’ve never met or spoken to a single person who admits to being a part of or professes any knowledge of QAnon. Yet I keep hearing about them and what a danger they are from an obviously biased (so called) press (and a few cunters).
The left needs a villain. With that in mind I would take most of what the MSM says about QAnon with a 50 lb bag of rock salt.
The Grooniad hacks are paranoid about the far-right and obsessed with QAnon.
These days, anything they don’t agree with is ‘dangerous’;
Graham Hancock’s Netflix series is ‘dangerous’.
Give it a rest you chicken licken cunts.
I see this morning that some of them may even be able to go to Cuntbridge Unifarcity on a Stormzy Scholarshit…
You know…it just occurred to me…if Phoebe and Esme could convince Tobias and Atticus to stop going to climate change protests and get a job maybe you wouldn’t have to import so may potential Software Engineers/Architects?
They could even become Insulators…
Sorry, these people think they’re overqualified for any job they could actually do, and only want high-paying jobs in the charity and public sector where they can p0nce about for the morning, go for a liquid lunch at 12:30 then finish the day ‘working’ from home (sending two emails), then not turn up on Mondays or Fridays
Useless shits.
A giant Ponzi scheme – shipping in immigrant to build houses for……immigrants!
What fucking training is required for building fucking shanties? Anyway, if the Net Zero works out we will all be back living in caves so no tradespersons needed. We will be able to keep warm from the heat generated from our burning EVs. Ha, ha ,ha. Fuck off.
Good morning, everyone.
“More electric cars than first reported.” No shit. Ha, ha, ha.
Multiculturalism is a failed ideology.
It doesn’t work unless the immigrants assimilate with the indigenous population.
Multiculturalism destroys societies. It causes division not unity as people naturally clan with people of a similar ilk.
You cannot have unity without a common identity and national affiliation.
Just ask Yugoslavia.
Good Morning FF.
Research ‘Kalergi’-Count Richard Coudenhove Kalergi no less.All should become clear.
the only unity that will have any rightfull meaning both here in the UK and across the pond.Is when people have had enough of our useless overlords and their fuckwitted way of rules and substandard way of living .where upon the day should come come where its pitchforks and blazing lanterns lighting up the whole country to destroy the whole government .that is the only unity I can ever see.
Hey Rishi! see that glow on the horizon? … that’s us!
They know, but the apparatchiks that fill Westminster still want to ‘rub the right’s noses in diversity’.
The Tories, as usual, talk a good game but fuck all is done as they’ve allowed the civil servants to run the country for them.
They just look the other way, vote in more regulation and hate speech statutes and rubberstamp any old woke shit passed under their snouts.
As long as they get paid and can claim expenses, they don’t give two shits.
Nicely ‘nut-shelled’ there CP; all the information the thinking voter needs to know.
The problem is that importing third world labour brings with it third world working practices.
Trying to educate complete morons to do the most basic of tasks is nigh on impossible.
That’s why my entire labour / logistics team are of the darker persuasion and at best move at a slow shuffling pace, while being rewarded with £16 p/h for doing about £2 p/h worth of work.
Don’t even start me on the painters. The most useless, lazy cunts on the planet and all from sub-Saharan Africa.
If we need additional labour, force the long term unemployed into work by stopping their benefits.
Fucking idle cunts. No need for idle immigrants who only want benefits. They’ve no intention of doing a days work when they don’t have to.
I’ve known a few of the benefits class. They would rather turn to crime than work, or die.
If i hadnt poured most of my working career into being a mechanic and could start all over again would i bollocks do this cunt of a job for what it pays.
This is the problem with this country, without the likes of me doing my job and various other professions that people consider somehow inferior the whole fucking country would grind to a halt, the problem now is trained mechanics, truck drivers,nurses, to mention a few are realising for the hours,pay,stress they can earn nearly as much doing some easy job for minimum wage and also have a life,
Then the gov think oh lets bring back Pablo and Nkosi with their Romanian and Nigerian qualifications if any [that are not worth the paper they are written on] to do the job instead, then when it all ends in tears, they say we need more mechanics, truck drivers ect, so lets make the qualifications easy to get in no time at all and so it goes on, the older guys retire out of these trades, the young ones are next to useless, so its back to Pablo and Nkosi.
This country is a fucked up joke, by the time they have finished fucking it up, all there will be to look forward to is death….
People like me who have spent the last three and a half decades gathering experience and knowledge in my industry now get to name their price and choose where and when they work and who for.
Unfortunately M’tebe will never be able to do my job due to his sub-Saharan IQ.
There is no next generation coming up to fill the positions left by those retiring.
50+ hour weeks, unreal stress levels, a fuck ton of responsibility and early burn out are expected.
“… the older guys retire out of these trades, the young ones are next to useless, so its back to Pablo and Nkosi….”
It’s a spiralling descent to the bottom!
I’m pretty much retired from contracting so decided to flog off some surplus test gear (Metrel Eurotester jobbie) Some dooshka bought it as he said he was intending to do his C&G 2391 (elec testing and inspection) for which one must absolutely know one’s onions.
Shipped it off with all the accessories, case and even a PP3 batt. A few days later I got the most depressing email from this knobber asking …
” …how do I know battery isss OK?”
Fucking seriously??? You’re intending to take the 2391 and you can’t test a fucking pp3?
1) Have you tried installing it and seeing if it fucking lights up?
2) There’s a PSU in the case, plug it in and turn the big knob on the top to Vdc! Failing that…
3) Stick your fucking tounge across the studs and tell me how that feels!
4) Connect the croc leads to left and right knackers respectively and ram the Earth conductor up yer arse, switch to 1000v Insulation Resistance and punch that TEST button. Tell me how that feels!
Fuck’s sake… some cunts out there folks.
I would have quizzed the cunt on BS-7671 before selling it to him.
Chain gangs could be the answer.
Still shakin boss!
Chain saws as well…
Reverse immigration project, kick out all the foreign cunts and we wouldn’t need to build 100’s of thousands of new homes every year.
The Illegal Migration Act 2023 runs to 70 close typed pages of convoluted impenetrable bollocks, this replaces it in a single sentence and would be far more effective … and satisfying … and popular.
Theyy’ve done this because the Poles have fucked off or are settled in and see what the English are paid. Well, given the atrocious quality of plastering a team of Polish blokes did for a couple we’d built an extension for, athere’s not a lot to say other than ‘you get what you pay for.
These politicians and civil servants have never earned their money by working, and a lot of these cheap imports will end up on big sites for McAlpine etc. Send them to college to get their CIS card without knowing English.
Little private jobs get done on word-of-mouth. I’ve never met a polish or East european tradesman on any of those in 18 years, only seen their awful handiwork after being fucked off.
The couple who hired them were immos themselves. Australians who worked in the TV industry.
Pair of cheap bogans.
Thought Poles are all plumbers…..
If their plastering is anything to go by, the last thing you’d want a Pole doing on your property is plumbing, fitting boilers or wiring.
Shows just how short sighted and hopelessly out of touch our glorious leaders are.
Every 3rd worlder that rocks up in the UK is either a scientist, an architect or a musician.
There’s no Brickies, Chippies or Plasterers among them.
How do I know this? I get my news from none other than the BBC that’s why.
An epic fail by the government once again.
Morning all.
Moderated comment ?
Work for fuck all but rent and bills is most folk under 40s’ future. Forget owning a home, you’ve got a planet to save and refugees to help.
Thing is, it’s a fact that leccy cars are far worse for the environment until they’re about 2 or 3 years old on average (due to how they’re made), only then do they start to ‘pay back’ their carbon credit.
But our idiotic population don’t seem to realise that only the well off can afford these leccy cars as they have limited sell on value due to battery life and for their general cost.
And here’s the killer. People who can afford these things tend to buy a new car every year or two anyway!
What kind of retard can’t see what’s going on here?
Cheap labour and overpriced, scarce housing. Overpriced utilities. Who stands to benefit? MPs and their mates/sponsors.
Thing is, over population due to these policies creates gridlock on the roads. Packed airports.
How to stop this? Well you can’t just put the price up to exclude the plebs so you don’t need to ‘suffer’ such inconveniences as gridlock and packed airports.
Just tell them they’re saving the planet. The establishment even have that grift covered! Same old story with regards to who owns these companies and who they sponsor.
Yes, just tell the plebs they’re saving the world in order to buy this bollocks.
And it seems they have. In fucking droves.
The worst thing is, these sociopathic commie cunts actually get audience and have traction. The website’s bad enough but have you read their “White Paper” CQB?
Just the first page listing the lead and contributing authors tells you all you need to know and what to expect. Cunts such as one “Dr. Orit Gal – Complexity Tinkerer, Regent’s University London” what the fuck is one of those? (well well who’da thunk it, she was born in Tel Aviv btw – juss sayin’)
“Purpose Disruptors” …???… I’d love to read the job description/s that accompanied their recruitment. What commercial business that wants to stay solvent would seek to add a ‘complexity tinkerer’ to its payroll? Or a ‘complexity tinkerer’?
Or a ‘complexity tinkerer’? – bollox – I meant “a purpose disruptor” … too fucking angry to type! Fuck it let’s hire TWO complexity tinkerers, yes yes even better, what could possibly go wrong?
Regents University? PMSL. My aching sides. Private degree factory for cunt non-subjects: Check it out:
I waded through one of Orit Gal’s papers in an attempt to discover what it was that she was actually promoting: she conceals this well, and at great length, in a random mix of half-understood concepts invoking (inter alia) chaos theory, Chinese philosophy and cod sociology. Didn’t get to the end.
How do cunts like this get traction? Search me. It’s not through rigor or hard work, anyway.
I have an Hon. Doc. in Fart History, based on ArseEnders and Hitler. Farting clips on you tube. awarded to me by the HBH University of East Hull.
Didn’t the beeb cunts start up a site for pidgin English speaking twats that introduced tribes to communicate with each other, rather than help our own. Think the World Service radio had something to do with it. Remember seeing it mentioned on here, but can’t find it.
Aaaaahhh doonobeleefit!
FFs, you could not make this shit up. The link to this is definitely going on my email group….?
Thanks CP should’ve acknowledged you earlier.
Dis be im kuntri shop fo im kuntri pipi.
Der be nuffin fo U.
Pass along de bath man!
The cuntiest part of this is that most of theses “sorry boss, no speak English” will most likely take cash in the hand each week, go straight to Western Union and trainsfer to bongo bongo land where Imani and her 8 kids will be able to eat like kings for a month, while we in the UK are deprived of taxes and their NI contributions.
Jabari (the illegal) will then slip off his ladder and guess what, will expect to be seen on the NHS.
This is all very wrong, on so many levels.
I’d give them a job. To build boats to send all the fuckers back.
Surely they are all highly qualified marine engineers who could find gainful employment with the Stackton Trestle Memorial Titanic Death, sorry Day Trips Corp.
Never go full retard springs to mind.Useless shit weasels.
Relaxing Immigration rules? Fucking amateurs!
We’ll see your relaxation of immigrant work rules and raise you, their power to arrest native citizens.
Lack of joined up thinking.