The disparity between the way the police choose to act.

An enormous steaming turd of a cunting for the insanity that is the disparity between the way the police choose to act.

They were clearly on the horns of a dilemma when the woke twats from Just Stop Oil decided to protest in front of the equally woke Pride parade.

This clusterfuck of a situation called for decisive measures. The police move in to remove the JSO protestors thus proving that Pride takes ultimate place above any one or anything else.

Where were the police when thousands of people were stopped from getting to work/hospital/airports/etc ? You’ve got it. The police were doing fuck all.

But block a Pride march and the rozzers jump right in.

Get to fuck you woke hypocritical cunts.

Sky news

Nominated by MiddleEngland.

55 thoughts on “The disparity between the way the police choose to act.

  1. The police recruit from the dregs of society these days.
    Theatre Studies graduates, or fat beardy idiots who just want to shout at and punch old people. and rape and murder young women.


  2. There’s also a disparity in what old bill like to tell us about certain incidents.
    ‘A woman’ crashes her Land Rover into a primary school, killing a child.
    None of those hospitalised are in a critical condition, says knacker of the yard, only to decide the next day that they are.
    ‘We are not treating this as a terror related incident’. Yet it took two days of questioning to charge her with dangerous driving?
    I could name other recent incidents but can’t be arsed.
    Suffice to say, if the driver had been a honky, we’d know her name and address by now.
    Not to be trusted, just like the msm and government that control them.

    • Spot on regarding the incident at the Wimbledon school, the silence has been deafening which begs the question as to who actually makes the decisions regarding to what extent information is withheld from the public.
      How high up are these decisions made?

      • Indeed it does. Mind you, the two girls weren’t quite black enough to warrant the full force of the law.

      • Within an hour or two of the Wimbledon crash, Wireless 4 announced that “the police didn’t believe it was terror related”

        As regards JSO at Buggers Day – JSO should have sent homosexua protesters to do their slow mince. That WOULD have been a dillema for the Met.

      • I heard that the driver had a stroke or something like that.

        Anyway some MP cunt used the situation to want to ban large SUVs.

  3. I’d like to see Just Stop Oil blocking the roads around Finsbury Park Mosque and preventing the carpet kissers from getting to Friday prayers.
    We all know which side the rozzers would take in that circumstance.

  4. Jso haven’t got the balls to stop muzzies going about their medieval nefarious activities…

    Having said that, neither has the plod…!

  5. If you get burgled and the cops say they can’t do anything, just say one of the burglars misgendered you as they ran away.

    The helicopter and entire local force will be on overtime for you.

  6. There’s also a great gaping chasm of disparity between the way the upper echelons behave and virtue signal and the police who deal with crime every day..

    The disconnect between the rank and file and the woke shithouses that head many forces must be corrosive for morale.

    When the impression is that they can’t be arsed that merely encourages the worst elements of our society..the Cunts that are just stop oil,the drug stabbers,the paki rabble up to anything and everything etc etc..which is a very slippery slope.

    I’d advocate a paramilitary force only accountable to a senior member if the armed forces as a counterbalance..but the woke mantra has infiltrated the armed forces top brass as well..

    So we have what we have,a police force perceived as weak when that we’ll not be the case.

    The top brass should never have become politicised nor started any sort of social media presence,but they did and now have to bow to the hard progressive left and all manner of fringe nutters..

    A mess.

    • You only have to look at the Chief cuntsables a bunch of spikey haired hideous dykes, just google the Derbyshire bitch.

  7. The Police are basically criminals inn uniform. Zero respect for them. I’m sure there must be some good ones, but I haven’t met any

    Blair basically turned them into the military wing of the Labour party.

  8. *your fuckin nicked me old beauty!!!”

    Police used to be ace.
    They’d beat you up
    Fit your up, and laugh while they were doing it.

    Theyd drink ,smoke, be overtly racist.
    Marvelous ?

    Nowadays they think your a terrorist if you get their pronouns wrong?

    And same as mars bars, and wagon wheels,
    Didn’t they used to be bigger?!

    • Mars bars and Wagon Wheels are definitely smaller but at least they are free these days. You just walk into the supermarket, shovel them into a bag and walk out. They can ring the coppers if they like…….they ain’t turning up and every shoplifting cunt in this country knows it.

    • Afternoon, MNC,

      Hoping all’s well.

      In about 1996, my dad found out I’d been shoplifting. Went fucking mental, he did.

      Instead of giving me a slap, he called his mate who was the local Rozzer to come round and give me a talking to.

      Put the fear of Christ up me, that did. Trembling with fear I was when he left. Old school copper, he was. About 6’4, built like a brick shithouse with a beard like Gerry Adams.

      In 2023 if The Fuzz came knocking I’d misgender them and make them cry.

      • Exactly CC.
        They did the job from the roots up.
        They knew everyone
        And everyone knew them.

        A society without a police force is just anarchy,
        I want a strong police force ,
        Not what we have at the moment.

      • MNC, yes. This. Wholeheartedly this.

        I got arrested in Vilnius in 2017 for jaywalking. Had no idea it’s illegal in Lithuania, so they let me off with a bollocking and an “if you’re living in our our country, learn our laws and stick by ’em you little shit.”

        Rightly so, too.

        Conversely, I got mugged by some Belarusians one night in Vilnius. I was pissed in a sketchy part of town and had my rather expensive work laptop with me. On me in retrospect.

        When I reported the crime they were absolutely on it and couldn’t have done enough to help me and find the twunts who roughed me up and nicked my computer.

        Nothing came of it, but The Lithuanian Police were a sight more useful than the whelks we have here.

  9. I remember when having visible tattoos was automatically disqualifying to become a rozzer.

    • I remember when being ten stone overweight automatically disqualified you from joining the police.

      Judging by the fat cunts in uniform I saw in Hammersmith last week, this now seems to be a requirement.

      • You needed to be 5’11* minimum, and in good shape.

        When I Wasa kid my parents taught me to find a copper if in trouble.

        I have actively taught my kids to keep the fuck away from them

      • thzt seems to be the case with a lot of the staff working for the National HEALTH service.
        big fat nurses with gigantic arses and thighs, porters with huge guts spilling over their waists, sweating and puffing as push a little old lady in a bed, counsellors telling people about ‘self-control’ as they sweat while sat down. Receptionists with fat little fingers and bingo wings. There’s a lot of tattooed necks and wrists as well.

        I know that shift work fucks your diet but it’s getting to be a joke. No wonder there are so msny NHS staff calling in suck, the bloaters.

      • CM

        I was unfortunate enough to find myself in hospital recently. You’re not wrong, the fckn size of some of the nurses. The place was a shithole, discharged myself and recuperated on my sofa with a bottle of gin

      • I get that most have stressful jobs and caring for a lot of ungrateful scum must be tiring, along with the unusual hours, the need to treat themselves to a quick burger and fries must be instinct or habit for many, but fucking hell so many of them really need to watch what they’re putting in their mouths.
        It’s fucking sad seeing the staff sweat and waddle more than the bastards they’re treating.

  10. My local Post Office got robbed a while back. The manager (not a young man) got a right kicking trying to protect the ladies who worked there. The bogies took 50 minutes to get there and the bastards were long gone.

    But tell a joke on social media, or fly a a banner over a football ground and they are out quicker than shit off a shovel.

    And, when I was a lad, cozzers were big lads with huge feet and an imposing presence. Now, they are gnomes with tattoos, man-buns (for fuck’s sake) and more colours than jelly babies. Some of them look like they are from a circus, or a BBC soap…..

  11. I’m sure existing laws (obstruction of the highway etc) are sufficient to deal with these clueless scare mongering cunts. The fuzz just have no appetite to do so.

    I believe in the right to peaceful protest but what really does heat my bladder contents to steam point is when one groups peaceful protest is seemingly actively supported by the powers that be, but those of others are met with police brutality.

    I have been trying to find photos of the bloodied liberty and livelihood protestors that had the shit beaten out of them in London by the Met during the first big march through London in the late 1990s. The last time they used force like that it was on the miners. Their behaviour was a fucking disgrace.

  12. Where I live in rural Spain there is fuck all crime to speak of. The guadia are all biggish blokes, no females, same with the local police. Everyone seems to respect the law, it does help when they all pack 9mms. The poor old security van drivers only have revolvers.

    • I like the Spanish police. No fucking nonsense with those boys.

      Take for example that useless trail of cocksnot ‘Dappy’. Who recently decided to air his latest autotuned creation full blast out of an aging Audi R8 in Ibiza.

      It took the coppers two minutes to show up with batons drawn to tell him ‘Turn that shit off and get out of the fucking road’.

      Compare that with our coppers trying to shift a few blue hairs and coffin dodgers, slow marching down a busy road and you will see how seriously short changed we are.

  13. In view of the old bills response to protestors holding up an alphabet persons parade, if I venture into any city or use any major road in the near future I will make sure that my vehicle is easily identified as a supporter of the not so large rainbow hordes. Then if halted by a pack of brain dead dildos banging on about oil, a quick call to the gold commander should elicit my speedy passage and those behind me who I will have identified as fellow alphabetists. So it’s ok to let the cunts obstruct the highway, climb up bridges etc. drivers miss appts, planes, trains, hospital appts so what, but hold up an alphabet parade god help you.
    How much more fucked up can this country become? These cunts bang on about their rights re protest but try this cunts your right to protest ends when your protest interferes with my right to drive along some potholed track classed as a road.for which privilege I pay a mint in Road tax, fuel tax, blue eyed tax if in Londonstabistan god knows what else. My solution is all drivers carry Sjamboks and paint ball guns, don’t use paint balls though use the hard rubber practice balls they sting.

    • Hmmm. If a driver were actually to use one – or even make it known he had one in a public place other than a registered paintball playpark – I can confidently predict that an armed response squad would materialise from nowhere to take him down, while allowing his assailant to escape in the direction of the nearest mosque.

      Because –

      • Good point K and your observation would most likely come to pass. But oh the feeling of satisfaction as you dob some high viz wearing fucktard solemnly marching down the middle of the A40 in the toy shop with a hard rubber sphere, then administer a sound thrashing is worth the 48 year sentence, almost
        The police would take the crutches off a cripple if said crutch user was heading towards the site of any wokist protest.
        Must be bloody awful for coppers on the front line. Woke wankers in charge and even if you almost get killed nicking some scrote. You get called a (literally) lying cunt in court and the guilty bastard gets 2 week suspended sentence for two months a £50.00 fine and goodbye

  14. I seem to remember that Slasha Johnson preached about the repressive, fascist Police Force, the vicious exploitative arm of the raaaaaaay-sist state.
    I wonder how she’s getting on these days?

  15. They are all now Yellow Jacketed Numpties; that used to be only the PCSO’s…

  16. The only consistency the policemen have is misogyny towards their women officers. When they’re not satisfied with that, they occasionally rape them instead.

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