Sarah crew

I came across this guardian reading,university educated and when you see her tuppence licker chief constable of somerset and Avon when working away last week.

Up she pops on tv and tells me, not being racist is no longer good enough?

Taking the baton from the met police report, her police force is institutionally racist..

Those 3.6 percent of non white inhabitants of the area are apparently harassed and tormented and ignored.

I’m sure that’s important to the people of the area when crime is through the roof, that poor old denzel is stopped and searched.

Still since chicken George and burn loot murder I’m finding myself more racist as I imagine alot of white people are.

So luv how about you try and get the crime rate down and do the job your paid a small fortune for.


Nominated by Barry zuckercunt.

76 thoughts on “Sarah crew

  1. There is no cure for these cunts. Maybe they will all disappear up their arsehole in a bright flash of light, and the memory of their beliefs and actions will be confined to cheap horror films and inspirational quotes on sheets of bog roll.

  2. Kill the Woke and just get on with your job that you are well paid for.
    These wankers are unbelievable how do they get these jobs Cressida Dick Mk2 ?

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