Peter Tatchell


Big brave Peter. Yes Peter attempted to make a citizen’s arrest on Mugabe and got a slap from his bodyguards. Yes , he went to Moscow and got battered before the coppers rescued him.

Yes he went into a Church of England service and started screaming about gay rights before the coppers turned up. Oh what a fucking hero.

I might have some respect for this bender when he goes into a Mosque and starts shouting the odds. Ain’t gonna happen is it? …….because he’ll get his fucking head cut off. Those cunts don’t fuck about, we all know that. Fuck off back to Australia you wanker and shut the fuck up while you’re doing it.

Sky news

Nominated by Freddie the Frog.

42 thoughts on “Peter Tatchell

  1. I despise Peter so much I’ve started self harming.

    Not because he’s gay.
    That doesn’t bother me.
    Because he’s a prissy, hysterical, humourless,
    Peter Cushing looking little prick.

  2. Let him rant inside a Mosque indeed , preferably a Mosque somewhere in Saudi Arabia.

    I kept thinking who the hell does he remind me of ? and yes MNC your right he’s the spit of Peter Cushing ?

  3. Oh yeah I forgot he was Australian.
    Probably because he’s the least Aussie bloke ever.

    I think Australian I think Mick Dundee, gold hunters,Steve earwig,(r.i.p) opal hunters,sheep shearers,
    Real men .
    Drinking their weak as piss beer, poor bludgers.

    • I have a velvet rainbow suit, MNC.
      Just like Pædo Pete’s tie.
      Coupled with the mighty Magnum ‘tache, I look like a right bender when I wear it to a beer festival.

      • Unfortunately, not fann-eye watering…maybe jap’s eye watering?!

      • UK as we know is fucked.
        I welcome the caliphate.
        I welcome everything the limp wristed fucking left wing invited.
        I’m fucking ready to slay the lefty cunts that fucked it all up.
        Let’s not mention the excess deaths.
        Fucking fools.

    • Yeah, i have a few relatives in Aus’. Some of them are bogans. One (my dad’s cousin) was a firefighter and went to the wildfires a few years back .

      What does Pete do?

  4. he got such an annoying presence, I can’t stand him..if I was a member of the gay community I’d be ashamed to have a melt like that represent me. he doesn’t look like he could bum his way through a sheet of wet kitchen roll.

  5. Richard E Grant’s aids ridden gay brother.

    He demands some bumming.

    Cover him in lighter fluid..

  6. That shirt and tie combination looks a bit GAY to me. I wouldn’t wear that again Peter, people might think you’re a poof or something. Oh…..and I would avoid sticking your fist up like that. People might think you’re some kind of commie cunt. We wouldn’t want that would we?

  7. The cunt has never had a real job.

    Being an activist and crying about how victimized you are all the time isn’t a job.

    Back in the 90’s he campaigned for the age of arse diddling to be reduced to 14! If he wasn’t a professional whiner then he would be in the classroom grooming the next generation.

    • Indeed, he’s always on the telly and radio defending the bottom inspectors so must make a packet. Chuck in writing articles for shitrags like Gay Times and the Guardian and he must have a few bob the cunt.
      Mind you rent boys ain’t cheap these days, look how much that Welsh BBC cunt had to pay.

    • He’d be one of those angry “bachelor” teachers who never wash and wear crumpled shirts festooned with dandruff, spending the lunch-time rimming other poo-pushers in cupboards.

  8. “They don’t like it up ’em” said Corporal Jones.

    Well, he was wrong because here’s Tachell demonstrating just how far!

  9. He’ll be a real embarrassment to his Aussie compatriots. Must’ve had the piss taken out of him something crueler than we could. Wouldn’t be surprised if he preferred the ashes staying with us. Fuck the annoying cunt. What do I care.

  10. To be fair to Tatchell he was very vocal on mussssslim extremism and how people were becoming radicalised on University Campus’s in the mid 90’s in the wake of the Bosnian war and was almost a lone voice.

    Nobody wanted to hear it and called him an alarmist but let’s face it, he was right.

    So not a total cunt.

    • I quite like him. Says what he thinks, even though he knows hes gonna get filled in for it.

      Naaaah, not a cunt.

    • Absolutely CT all this is about is as you clearly stated older men get the legal right to diddle even younger boys/girls/cats/foxes whatever. Pure n…… at its wokist. Fucking sick beast should be done for incitement. Occasionally I used to think ok but he’s had a go shouted out the truth about various things. His obsession with getting the age of consent lowered just marks him as a beast.. surprised Harriet Harperson hasn’t stuck her oar in, knows all about PIE does Harriet she could give Pete a few pointers before someone else gives him a couple.

  11. Wonder what Pete’s taken is on young trans freaks?
    “Take that dress off, Roberto…you’re 14, you’re confused…besides, how am I supposed to bum you if you look like a girl?”

  12. Is he Bendover Bradshaw’s older sister?. Both look dreadful old queens. Still, I am sure Eddie Izzard thinks he looks like a nice boy and would entice him into mincing into the womens bog.

  13. His brother Bruce is a sheepshearer.
    Other brother Shane has a crocodile farm.

    Bet it’s hard work when Peter visits home?

    All sat in cut off jeans,
    Corks on their hats,
    Cept peters a big fruit covered Ascot races number.

    “Shane throw us another tinny mate”

    ” No probs Bruce. Want a pork chop? They’re ripper mate”

    “So Pete how’s your hummus?”

  14. Should lurch really be doing the black power salute, cultural appropriation I think..

    Should stick to bumming pugsley.

  15. That Steve earwig used to scare the shit out of me with them crocodiles.

    I’m not overly concerned about health and safety,
    Bit laid back about it to be honest.

    But that cunt took the biscuit!
    Dangling his toddler near what’s basically a 15ft man eating living dinosaur,
    I nearly spewed up.
    I’m deeply afraid of salt water crocodile.

    Not a fuckin chance I’d go anywhere near one.

    • You think that scary mis? Jacko use to dangle blanket over balconies, and his cock around the child mouth..

    • Most people would agree. An armoured repitile reaching 23 ft long and a bite force of 3000 lbs.

  16. That cunt looks like he died of AIDS thirty years ago..

    Give the bestial swine the Afghan treatment.

    • Have some sympathy for the poor puff, he’s got attention deficit disorder. A bit like people who have to post on ISAC every ten minutes.

  17. What the fuck rights don’t gays have here these days? A gay pride parade proves they are even immune to public decency laws now.

    Sign up for the Ukrainian army and fight the evil Russians Pete, though I suspect the average Ukrainian might indulge in some friendly fire when you mince up.

    • Well said SV, gays, lesbians etc have all the rights we have and a few more if we go down the free speech road, trannies have the same rights as everybody else so what is the problem. Most people don’t give a fuck what.someone else is doing as long as that doing does not effect them. The problem is men who want to be treated as women even though they make little or no effort to achieve their goals and basically think putting on women’s clothes entitles them to front row in women’s changing rooms or toilets The way they push their warped doctrine is manly, ie physical abuse of women who do not agree, telling their supporters to punch”terfs” in the mouth. Their behaviour when criticised leads me to believe that they are deviant so their intentions are not good. Women do not have dicks, little kids cannot consent, unkle Terry fire up the big oven.

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