My employers wokery (8)

They heavily buy into anything woke including, as per every year, Pride month.
Just today they surreptitiously put a small rainbow striped heart on our email sign offs.
It wasn’t there this morning, but I noticed it after lunch, although fortunately, it was an email to a colleague and not an external mail, so luckily no one outside the firm would think that I was ascribing to this crap.

I made sure to delete the offending item from all further emails today and will do so for the rest of this month, as I’m sure it’ll last that long, if not permanently.

What pisses me off the most, is their arrogance, assuming that everyone is in favour of this shit. No link for this nomination of course, but suffice to say, that the founders of the firm, long since retired and gone from the board of directors, would not be happy. Things can only get worse.

daily sceptic

Nominated by mystic maven.

66 thoughts on “My employers wokery (8)

  1. They gave the option at my workplace and sent an email with our company logo in rainbow colours for those who support sexual deviancy.

    Obviously I just fucked it off the the junk mail folder and got on with my heterosexual day.

    Interesting to see who is using it though. It helps me decide who’s who in the company hierarchy of woke cuntishness.

    • my company seems to be only the office arse lickers and 100% of the women who buy into this shit wanted to put a deviant flag on the flagpole for the month till we rebelled

  2. Same at our place. BLM ( including a black power fist symbol), Pride Month, Black Engineers Group all plastered over our intranet.A simple ‘no bullying’ policy should suffice. I guess they think all boomers are KKK so we need this ramming down our throat.

  3. I always wonder about the amount of time and money wasted, to grandstand over causes that the average man and women “oops get myself cancelled for that” don’t give a fuck about..

    A month for this cause a month for that one..

    “One day” for remembrance.. it beggars belief..

  4. ‘Assuming that everyone is in favour of this shit’
    Perhaps it should be pointed out to these cunts that a little over 50 years ago such activities could lead to a prison sentence and most people find such goings on as very distasteful in every sense.

  5. It makes you wonder what’s going to happen when Starmtrooper’s mob moves into Downing Street. It’s hard to believe they could be any more weak and pathetic than the current bunch of wankers but recent history has taught me to not only expect the unexpected but to anticipate the impossible.
    Anyone remember that song by The Stranglers?…….”Something Better Change.”

  6. Deleting the rainbow heart from your company’s emails is a thoughtcrime. Do that again, mm, and you will be the target of your employer’s daily Two Minute Hate, when your right thinking colleagues can vent their feelings about you.
    Big Brother is watching.

  7. Many housebuilders, to whom my company provides technical services, routinely has LGBTV8 and Pride motifs on their email signatures.

    Not sure who they think they are fooling. The only colour the average housebuilder is interested in is green – the colour of cash.

  8. Corporate posturing.

    From multinationals to two-bob outfits have it.

    I wouldn’t mind so much if it was genuine support.

    I don’t like being forced to comply .
    Even if it was say ‘ the right to roam’ which I’m keen on,
    I’d resent it being forced on me.

    My emails and invoices don’t have any political messages.

  9. This is the only sort of thing that I agree with the Muzzers on ie the forced adoption of wome doctrines

    Like those footballers who refuse to wear shirts with gayness symbols on

    I call out firms on LinkedIn all the time with their rainbow logos whilst still making shit loads of cash from their dealings with the Middle East

  10. Fuck that Edwards cunt. Plenty of people have mental elf problems, especially in this fucked up upside down society, but they don’t go round bumming rent boys. Nor are they rich enough, or desperate enough to pay 35 grand for the privilege.
    But we’re all supposed to cry over the dirty, pe*ve*t piece of shit. Fuck that filthy bastard and fuck the BBC.
    Put that on your fucking letterhead you wankers!

    • Funny how he has only needed hospitalising at the EXACT same time he is being investigated for tapping up 17 year olds .

      Amazing coincidence that it didn’t happen before anyone knew all this and he was busy collecting his £500k salary

      Tremendous shithousery from Edwards playing this card .

    • Huw?
      Oh yeah , he’s up shit creek without a condom.

      Seen his missus?

      Right horrorbag.
      Looks like Stan Boardman.

      • He has done a number on her too. She seemed to be feeling sorry for him in her statement to the press.

    • Mental health problems, these luvvie cunts haven’t a fucking clue about real mental health problems, try paranoid schizophrenia you Welsh twat then you “have” problems. Not just being exposed as a pervert….?

    • I hope he’s got aids, and given it to his wife. It would serve them both right, him for being a dirty little bum pirate. And her for making excuses for him.

      • To be fair, I feel for the guy. There are many forms of mental health conditions that we need to raise awareness of…

        Getting caught out.

      • Talking of the BBC just saw this on The Daily Sceptic and it made me smile:

        “Good evening, and welcome to the ten o’clock news from the holier than thou kiddy fiddlers club”

  11. Thankfully absolutely no PC or wokery in the office I work in. I’m the oldest by a mile, the nest youngest is 20 years younger than me. I have an office ‘daughter’ whos in her mid 30’s and we all get on like a house on fire. In fact my best office mate, known him for about 16 years, is gay, he hate all this bollocks. All he wants is a quiet life with his bloke, who is a great guy and very handy to know as he’s an electrician. The applecart may be upset soon though as the company have decided to set 4 new staff on, one is a young black girl, fresh from university, and one of the others is of the dark hued persuasion. I may have to reign my rants in somewhat. Either that or I’ll end up in the nick.

    • She’ll throw a tantrum within the first month.
      Guarantee it.

      At uni she’ll be given the red carpet treatment.

      First time she’s challenged about being lazy she’ll be screeching from the curtain rails.

      Have to goad her down with gentle talk and fresh fruit.

      • I though the very same. She seem nice enough on first appearance, but uni leavers are usually useless for a while. We’ll have to see. First job is making tea, that’ll indicate her abilities!

  12. Support of the LGBQT+++ people seems to be a one way street.

    I don’t think that they have any support for straight people.

    So fuck them.

    • I have no problem at all with any minority group including gay people

      None of this shit we have these days is any thing to do with race or various sexual proclivities , it’s about culture

      Multi racial societies could work perfectly fucking well without the C word being rammed down the throats iof the indigenous population

  13. I work in a heavy industrial job.
    There’s no women here, apart from in the offices, and we never see them.
    There’s not even any women’s toilets in the factory.
    There’s no ethnics.
    The only “non-British” blokes are 2 Polish blokes who work on the maintenance team and they’re sound.
    HR is non-existent unless you start taking the piss with having Mondays off hungover.
    Yep, it’s dirty and filthy, but it’s heaven compared to most places, To me anyway…….

    • You’ve reminded me Grantham, of nostalgic times at an engineering factory I worked in the sixties. In the middle of the workshop was a spiral staircase, a short cut that lead to offices. Occasionally, women of all ages would use it. There would be a silent signal go round to work mates, who would gather below and glance up the unaware females clouts. It was the time of stockings and suspenders which made all the more exciting. Some of the women got wind of this and would dawdle up them, pretending to look at their notes.

  14. Indeed, the BBC/ITV/Channel 4 etc… they’re all the worst offenders when it comes to forcing this appalling wokeness down your throat whether you like it or not. It is automatically assumed that you simply agree with it.
    As for that Edwards pervert, it’s all par for the course from such a vile and corrupt organisation. That such cases of depraved noncery are not more widely exposed at the BBC is not to the organisations credit, unless the crime of concealment be an art demanding credit.
    The best thing anyone can do is cancel their TV license assuming you’re still fucking paying for one!

  15. Another joy of self-employment.

    My email signature has my name, email, phone number.

    My invoices have my name, company name, phone number, bank details.

    You’ll see no deviancy from me, at least when it comes to work!

    • Oh……and poofery is normal.

      Orwell didn’t say that. I thought of it all by myself.

  16. Badwolf a film production company with a black wolf logo have now got a rainbow wolf logo, so they are now known locally as Fagwolf, which i think is only fair enough, everybody seems to have forgotten that most of the planet are NOT bent, modern times are not an improvement, the cuntery is getting thicker by the week.

    • This dogma causes resentment.

      I know gay people,
      No issue, no problems.

      I know black people,
      Get along fine .

      It’s when the shitstirrers start causing issues that the trouble starts.

      How many on here have stated

      ” I never used to be racist but…”

      I don’t like cunts telling me what I should think.
      Left or Right.

      Lots of people are capable of making opinions on their own.
      They don’t need or want indoctrination.

  17. I can’t say that I noticed a rainbow emblem on the email reply from my local KKK chapter, acknowledging my application for the Grand Wizard’s vacancy. Just ” Kind regards ” etc.
    Thank goodness for old fashioned tradition.
    Good morning.

    • Ain’t that the truth Jack.

      Summer is great for ‘Mankini Mondays’.

      The middle of February not so much.

  18. The big corporations love all this shit, many have the luxury of having departments who actively seek out the latest bandwagon to jump on.

    Then they roll it out assuming that everyone will be ‘on board’

    Thank fuck it doesn’t effect me anymore and I can take the piss when ex colleagues flag it up.

    Pride month, Black History (lol) month, Ramadingdong, straight white male month (now that would be refreshing and a right laugh watching all the hate come flooding in).

    • We have all twelve anyway, Ron. Theirs is just the bakers dozen you take a bite out of and if you don’t like it, it goes in the bin.

  19. Retired now but the best thing about my old job was being permanently out on the road. Went in the office when I had to a few times a year. No wokery in my car. Temperature and air con where I wanted, radio on what programme I wanted, free to sing, fart, slide through the roundabouts sideways when roads were wet, always ran with the ESP switched off. In the early hours outside London plenty of quiet roads where you could have fun, especially when you could find a competent driver who was up for some not-too-agressive play. Only person you had to speak to was the customer on arrival and departure. Happy days. Most days now the farthest I go is fucking Tesco and their place seems filled with people who can’t even park the fucking car.

  20. If having the rainbow emblem on official paper headings, along with other shite that’s been there for years, does it mean if ignored, its there to stay permanently also ?

  21. the Chinese have a word for wokies -baizuo
    ‘white left’.
    Noted for a combination of insufferable arrogance and appalling ignorance.

    These wokies cannot ever entertain the fact they might be wrong or others may have a different opinion to theirs.
    A mate of mine has encountered this attitude through his ‘friends’ in and around Brighton.
    one is a desk jockey for Sussex police and told my mate the BBC SHOULD be lecturing people through programmes like Doctor Who because it teaches us plebs what is right and wrong.

  22. I’m guessing this is a B2B business and not B2C because I suspect the majority of punters out there would drop you like a ton of bricks sending out comms like that.

    I would anyway. A couple of years back my Barclays app went rainbow coloured and I seriously considered changing banks because of it. It hasn’t happened again since so I’m guessing they got a lot of negative feedback.

    This woke bullshit really winds me up and it doesn’t even make any sense. The LGBT whatever the fuck acronym is about being a pervert. Is that right? Then this BBC cunt is exposed as being a pervert and ostracised for it. How does that work then I thought he was actively embracing LGBT whatever. Total bollocks the lot of it!

    • “… How does that work then I thought he was actively embracing LGBT whatever….”

      Classic “cognitive dissonance” otherwise psychiatrically diagnosed as “raging fucking hypocrisy”

    • Nowt to do with LGBTQXYZ bullshit.
      Same rules would have applied if the victim had been female.

    • It’s B2B and B2C, that’s why I was careful to remove it from my email sign off. It’s been removed now anyway, but I expect they’ll put in a raised fist logo when it comes to black history month shortly. That will be removed too.

  23. How’s about these Companies focus on improving productivity, customer service, profits and pulling the UK out of the financial shit it’s in?

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