My employers wokery (8)

They heavily buy into anything woke including, as per every year, Pride month.
Just today they surreptitiously put a small rainbow striped heart on our email sign offs.
It wasn’t there this morning, but I noticed it after lunch, although fortunately, it was an email to a colleague and not an external mail, so luckily no one outside the firm would think that I was ascribing to this crap.

I made sure to delete the offending item from all further emails today and will do so for the rest of this month, as I’m sure it’ll last that long, if not permanently.

What pisses me off the most, is their arrogance, assuming that everyone is in favour of this shit. No link for this nomination of course, but suffice to say, that the founders of the firm, long since retired and gone from the board of directors, would not be happy. Things can only get worse.

daily sceptic

Nominated by mystic maven.

66 thoughts on “My employers wokery (8)

  1. Its all part of the conditioning process. A ratchet approach one click at a time so we don’t all push back at it. Softy softly catchy monkey.

  2. We are faced with the choice of standing on our principles or caving just enough to keep things kosher for the moment. Won’t be easy. May cost some of us our jobs.
    I will never cave to these cunts even if it costs me everything. If you stop seeing my posts that may be what happened.

  3. My employer has “mandatory” training each year for all employees, some of which ventures into the anti-discrimination, anti-harassment and inclusivity arena. I’m part way through this year’s shit fest and a couple of items have stood out for their blatant woke agenda.

    1) Making a comment, joke or anything of that nature can get you into serious bother, but not because of your intent to cause harm or distress. Oh no. You could say the most insignificant, vanilla, watered down, meaningless drivel BUT if someone else hears it and chooses to have hurty feelings, then it’s YOU who are for the high jump. Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t you have complete control over what you do or say, but have zero control over how someone else chooses to interpret it? So once again, the section of society who are permanently offended or looking for anything to be upset about so they can go crying to teacher have the upper hand. And no one pays any attention to how this is being weaponised by these cunts. One way street, anyone?

    2) In another section of the training a scenario is presented and you have to offer advice to someone by choosing the “correct” response from 3 or 4 possible responses. The scenario is Brad is the best qualified candidate for a promotion to a senior client facing role based upon his skills and experience. Many of the clients are older and very traditional business types. Brad is a younger, flamboyant (yes, they used that word) gay man who is very open about his sexuality. Dave, the hiring manager, thinks Brad might alienate some clients and the company lose business as a result. He asks you for your help.

    The politically correct answer was to promote Brad anyway because he is the best qualified candidate. OK, that’s fine. HOWEVER, I don’t know about you but being around gays who are flamboyant and very open about their sexuality makes ME feel uncomfortable. I don’t enjoy being around the types who play up to the Larry Grayson/John Inman/Julian Clary stereotype. In a business context it is unnecessary, inappropriate and offensive to some. Are WE allowed to be offended and have hurty feelings when a gay is being “flamboyant” and overtly sexual? Oh no! That’s just them expressing themselves and we have to tolerate it. Hang on, isn’t that discrimination? Apparently not. One way street, anyone?

    Bottom line is, the “protected classes” can do what they like and everyone else has to practice tolerance and inclusivity. In other words, the wokerati want a 2 tier system where they have the whip hand. Cunts.

    • Great post IY good to read even though disturbing.
      My company uses unmarked vehicles for business and one reason is I don’t want to be called by job hunters. I don’t hire off the open job market. I only hire those I get an “inside tip” on and find out as much as possible before meeting or even calling them. Many companies have a number to call on the vehicle if anyone is interested in being hired. No fucking way.
      Signage on a van also makes you a target for accidents and lawsuits. Like the cunt personal injury lawyers always say on their TV adverts, “An accident with a company vehicle is not just another accident…” yeah they have to carry a lot more insurance and there’s more money to be made that’s why.
      Women, h0m0z, or fat fucks need not apply.

    • I retired as this shit was beginning to really bite. Same multiple-choice questionnaires with the condescending illustrations, denying you any insight or experience of your own, written by “educational” consultancies (perhaps Blair’s old chums, Pearsons) and sold at incredible cost to the useless management echelons filling every available room in big organisations. To be completed annually by everyone, with new facets of wokeness added to each annual iteration.

      I am happy to report that the costs of these and similar management-driven idiocies have now left my former employer – a university – in a state of financial crisis. Despite its diversity virtue-signalling, its Chinese cash-cow student intake has collapsed. Building repairs needed due to terrible design and decades of pennypinching on maintenance have been postponed for ever. The Vice-Chancellor fell on his sword in February, and the arts departments will have to be eviscerated. Hey, maybe woke isn’t such a bad idea!

      • Haven’t I provided enough clues? 🙂

        I have to say that until the wokery began, and despite the lousy pay, it did treat me pretty well

      • I’ve a pretty good idea. Although from the description you’ve provided it could be one of several.

  4. These woke cunt trombones don’t seem to know who they are gobbling.
    First it’s the peaceful camelshaggers. Then it’s the LGBTQ rainbow turd burglars.

    But the camel stuffers hate the phags. So how does that work??

  5. We had some inclusive and diversity training about not calling disabled people wheelchair bound. The next person who come up on stage then called disabled people wheelchair bound. Couldn’t make it up. It’s so fucking pathetic, no one pays attention to this shite. Complete waste of potential productive time.

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