“Moz” Hossain

A Blue ribbon cunting please for one of the three “Conservative” (?) London Mayoral Candidates. Can this quivering heap of Remaner jelly be the best even Sunak can offer?. He, like Khant, is a great self publicist, and just to prove how low he will go he started grizzling when he was talking about his late mum a few days ago:

What a load of self indulgent bullshit!

Perhaps the idea of a Pakistani Bambi figure will tickle the teardrops of some Londoners, but there is something very unseemly in crying for the cameras. If he is selected (and I BET he is), you can just imagine the hysterics when he looses. He will have Mrs May playing the violin for him.

No flowers, by request.


Nominated by W C Boggs.

42 thoughts on ““Moz” Hossain

  1. If this country still had any spirit left amongst those weilding power then these Carpet Cunts would be completely banned from any sort of public office.

    We’ve enough trouble to sort out with our alleged democracy without having to put up with dealing with The Race Card,voter fraud etc etc etc


  2. On one side the son of a bus driver, on the other son of a p@edo..
    Great choices..

  3. On one side the son of a bus driver, on the other son of a p@ edo..
    Great choices..

    • ‘Cos that ain’t fuckin’ allowed!
      But back to the point – what a fucking great prick.
      Is this really the calibre of the potential of the yet-to-come Conservative Party? I wouldn’t be surprised if he did himself no good at all. Not at selection, that’s a given. But at election? Perhaps Cox will put on a better showing.

  4. What a fuckin crybaby.
    Does he think he’s accepting a Oscar?

    I’ll tell you what’s inspirational about your mam.

    She’s one of the few people who smells better dead than when alive.

    Fuck off ?

  5. This fella only gained citizenship in 2009, are there no limits to this country’s stupidity?
    He’s clearly got more about him than the shit that’s currently washing up on the beaches of Kent, but fuck me!
    Try taking over another countries capital city with a 14 year old passport and see how far you’d get.
    It can only happen here in our multicultural cesspit, overseen by the wokest, leftiest bunch of fifth column wankers on earth.
    Sorry pal, but even Suckdick has a better claim to being a Londoner than you and that’s pretty fucking tenuous.
    A Tory barrister as well. It gets fucking worse.

    • Goat herder in his own country, mayor of the capital in ours. Yep, that’s multicultural enrichment right there.
      Fuck ‘em, London is awash with walking sewage anyway.

  6. If every single muzzıe on the face of planet Earth was suddenly vaporized by some sort of bacon-based weapon, would anyone shed a tear?
    Of course not, there’d be street parties.

  7. One thing for sure, all the voters who live in outer London will actually vote now they are being hit by UZEZ.

    The capital of England run by a fucking P*ki, the cunts get what they deserve.

  8. It’s happening ladies and gents, they are taking over.
    We’ve got an African Indian prime minister.
    Our capital city is being run and probably always will be, by a carpet rider.
    Scotland has a carpet rider as first minister.
    And then there are the many local councils run by the same kind of rats with two legs that, by dint of population, cannot ever be mathematically voted out.
    If dark keys currently believe that white man is the oppressor, they are in for a fucking shock.
    So are we if we allow things to continue.

    • And it will be a shock – the peacefuls hate the boons & there won’t be any tolerance of the BLM bullshit or ‘reparations’. Flabbot & Lammy will be going off the roof, but at least Diane will be able to count to 10000 on the way down.
      Right thinking white people will have fucked off somewhere that doesn’t let dogshit wash up on the beach.

      • I need to look in my copy of The Strath Report to see what damage a Diane Abbott groundblast would inflict. Rancid lard and methane suffocation within a 100 mile radius, at least.

  9. Yeah, I can see him getting the Tory gig. Rich Parking Stanley, remoaner, cyclist and lying bullshitter. It could be Suckdick looking in the mirror. No other demographic is going to win in Londonstabistan and that’s a fact.

    • What about the velcroheads, FTF?
      Serious question.
      Surely they could stop drill rapping and stabbing each other long enough to field a candidate with a 10% higher IQ than Diane Abbott? They must be comparable in number to the filthy muzrats?

      • They tried that last time with that Sean Bailey cunt. It’s not just the P*ki vote it’s the white wokie vote, Stabistan is crawling with them. I can see why the Tories would go for a spitting image of Suckdick but these cunts prefer the real thing.

  10. Fuck londonstan, I see that brown smelly goblin is thinking about pay as your drive.

    Every Major business should either leave the city or add to their customers bills..

    Don’t like the price go to city Hall and kerb stomp the midget cunt flat..

    Just remember to burn the footwear after some shit you can never remove.

  11. London has fallen. This ‘individual’ and his ilk are part of the problem. He’s certainly not the cure for that mayoral goblin currently in office.

    As our once great cities fall, Birmingham is well on the way, we need King Arthur to return, in Blighty’s time of need.

    It’s is being destroyed from within by lefties, communists and ‘long march’ common purpose educationalist, deranged politicians and hand wringing virtue signalling luvvies.

    And another thing, the fucking BBC banging on about European heatwaves and record temperatures. It’s pissed down here all morning and is blowing a fucking gale.

    Just fuck off BBC you utter cunts.

    • The only form of CP that I find acceptable is delivered by Sophie W or Penny M, with a heavy cane.

    • Load of bollocks, today’s MSM would say Stalin is far right. Whenever I see the term I substitute it with normal person with some fucking common sense.

      • Far left, far right…
        Different cheeks of the same flabby, authoritarian arse.

    • Apparently, Sainsbury’s were “shocked/disgusted” that copies of The Light had been deposited in one of their stores.

      But the rich wankers still try to peddle The New European, edited by failed pornographer Campbellend, who I am damn sure has diddled his daughter, who seems totally whackadoodle-do.

  12. Crying on TV is one of the reasons i can barely watch it these days.
    Bunch of wet cunts.
    Repair Shop.
    BBC Breakfast (some item about the deceased)
    Who Do you Think You Are?
    I wonder if the new Top Gear has had Freddie Flintoff and Professional Northerner McGuiness crying over some nonsense related to petrol being see-through or something.

  13. Why are we surprised .
    We are in real trouble .
    I travel around a lot for work and virtually everywhere I go I here non English spoken
    Particularly the working class minimum wage jobs
    Look at your local councils they are full of non British as the British don’t bother anymore
    We are run by foreigners loads of business foreign owned be it shops airports or football clubs
    The times they are a changing and not for the best .
    Suppose we have a few areas to retreat to but they are running out
    Never mind bbc n o nce5 still make the news. Ffs

  14. What has it come to when you can’t stand as a white mayoral candidate as you won’t win.

  15. No one should be fooled by the followers of Allah.

    The Koran makes it all quite clear.

    If you’re not with them.

    You’re against them.

    They use our democracy against us.

    Aided by turncoats and traitors.

    And soppy, dewy eyed liberals.

    Over a thousand years of history.

    Crushed by a smelly horde of shite arsed, Third World, medieval mentalists and their naive ( and ultimately expendable ) woke western running dogs.

    Cromwell would be agog.

    Good afternoon.

  16. If the tories have any sense they’ll select Susan Hall as candidate. She has years of experience at City Hall and is more than a match for that arsehole Khan.
    Thank fuck I don’t live in that shithole anymore. Left in 2002 and never regretted it.

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