Lynch is a transgender activist who was invited to speak to pupils aged 9-11 and, quelle surprise, he told them that they could be any gender they choose to be.
The head teacher Helen Lacey, who must have been involved in the invitation to this attention seeking abomination, issued an apology to angry parents, saying that ‘the diversity speech exceeded content we were expecting’.
Not sure what else she would have expected from a trans activist.
The cunt looks like he stepped out of an early 1980s New Romantic video; wish he would time-travel back there.
Nominated by mystic maven.
My children are grown up now.
But if Lynch had so much as glanced at them for longer than 2 seconds?
I’d of shoved my thumbs into his eye sockets and plucked them onto his cheeks.
These people are a danger to children both mentally and physically.
And aren’t to be tolerated.
Looks like a sweet boy to me. Love the pout!
I would like to see the front holes pout when he/her/it had received my size 13 steel toe capped boot in its gonads. Fucking perverse cunt.
If this bitch doesn’t know what these diddlers are up to then she is as innocent and naive as the children she is supposed to be caring for and educating. She is not fit to be in charge of a dog. Sack the wokie moron.
Absolutely Freddie. When these deviants gain entry to schools it’s no longer a subject for levity.
Its bludgeoning time again lads. Now form an orderly queue, no pushing.
Childhood is short.You’re an adult confronted with the misery of life for a potentially long time. Regardless of this disturbing freakishness, please allow a child enjoy their joy, naivety and innocence for as long as they can before the unrelenting, unrewarding drudgery of existence. These folk are cunts just for that let alone proliferating utter despicable perversion.
Memo to teachers:
You are there to teach children skills such as reading and writing, nothing else.
I hope all the pupils start identifying as cats, unicorns and dinosaurs. That would really make me laugh.
They/Them, should have been a clue, this way to the oven.
Funny how these benders aren’t asked to give a speech in front of normal 16 year old lads!
They’d run the full gamut of insults, hurling every possible permutation of faģgot, cıssy, etc until the speaker fled the stage, being pelted by debris.
Or at least, that’s what would happen if the lads were the sons of ISAC’s fine, upstanding gentlemen.
Insults certainly Tom and one or two members of my generation at that age would have thrown half-bricks. All hypothetical of course since in my day he would have been extracted by the police and banged up in a cell so fast his feet wouldn’t have touched the ground.
Plus given lessons on falling down stairs in the police station.
That happened at my school. A theatre group performing a number of sketches about The Gayness and HIV.
the lads were merciless. Lots of tutting from the teachers and haughty middle-class ‘head girl’ wannabes..
My own Cousi.n got After-school detention for crying out ‘Joooo-li-an!’.
These gender bender cunts shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near any kids, bad enough that we are force fed this madness, but trying to influence kids minds with this bollocks should be illegal, further more if the kids do have to witness anything it should be the angry parents kicking seven shades of rainbow coloured shit out of these cunts.
That should give the kids a good idea about the world and the way things are meant to be….
About time skinheads came back and did a bit of quare bashing.
If only cunty
Probably not this nutters first gig, and probably not his last.
It’s just the one that we have heard about.
What is wrong with a school trip to the Tower of London or Madam Tussaud’s?
We used to enjoy those places when I was at school.
Particularly the Bloody Tower and the Chamber of Horrors.
Or a day trip to France to stock up on flick knives.
We all had at least one.
Used for scouting, not stabbing.
Whenever I come across ( not literally ffs) someone like this,who was obviously born a male, I deliberately address them as “mister” or “sir”
They can’t accuse me of “misgendering” because I’m using the correct pronoun.
It’s these fucking freaks who are guilty of misgendering.
Stick that up your back hole!
A truly vile looking wrong ‘un, in my experience you can tell a lot about an individual from their face. And I’m always less inclined to trust a twat with a beard. Horrible woke bastard!
Bearded yes I’d associate with a few things namely suicide bombers or scientists,it does fit the narrative these days for a wrong Un,that’s why I have a goatee lol.
You have a Woman’s beard!
My younger son is going to start senior school this September; who knows to what sort of disgusting bent propoganda he’ll be subjected.
Fortunately, his ols man has send him on the right course.
His junior school is/was surprisingly not shit…they seemed to turn a blind eye to the boys wrestling, hurting each other, that sort of thing.
It’s not Huw Edwards’s friend, is it?
I’ve seen a picture of this Helen Lacey bitch and that’s a fucking wannabe tranny, trust me. She obviously knew what this pe*vert was about and is only backtracking now because she got a parental backlash she wasn’t expecting out there in leafy Surrey. Does anyone know if we still have a Minister of Education? Oh, forget it…….he’s probably as bent as the rest of them.
The school is down in leafy Surrey? That explains it.
Not only famous for the dogging scene, but now a breeding ground for this kind of shit as well. Figures.
The Edumacation sec. is my MP,Gillian Keegan.
The Billy Bunter of class ate the LGBT, thinking he was a sandwich.
Maybe the parents could withdraw their kids until this stupid bitch has been sacked.
Dame keirs new Secretary of State for Education..
Coming soon to every school and nursery.
A sane society would see that tranny deviant was locked away in the same place as Huw Edwards and the head teacher de-frocked pending trial.
Sadly we live in a society where it’s deemed suitable, indeed imperative, that 9 and 10 year olds receive sex education. They can’t even wait till they’ve started secondary any more.
And don’t give me that bollocks about lowering teenage pregnancy rates. If young Chardonnay decides to get up the duff in order to get a council flat, no amount of education is going to stop her.
As for dirty little deviants like this, he shouldn’t be allowed to look at school gates, let alone be welcomed through them.
I’m sure we’re all in agreement with this post.
Hitler came after the kids, no one warned us about these so called teachers being in lockstep with the deviiants.
Years ago they were asking for sex education in schools, not deviancy.
That cunt in the picture looks like the unfortunate product of a marriage between Simon Pegg and Widow Twankey.
Have you seen Simon Pegg lately? He looks like he’s about eighty. Apparently he was a complete Alkie for a long time.
The fact that all 3 movies of the Cornetto Trilogy were largely set in pubs should have been a warning sign.
I’d like to know who invited the cunt to talk to these kids they should be fucked off out of the school system sick cunts
He’s an activist. So what? I was a committed activist from the day I finished full time education to retirement, 47 years, wife and numerous kids and grandkids later. This mainly involved getting up and going to work, handing over most of what I earned and doing my share of everything else from changing nappies to roof repairs. Some drinking and, at one time, smoking (cigarettes) too. This wanker would be hard put to work up a decent appetite, let alone do what most of the rest of us do.
Jack Lynch identifies using the pronouns ‘they/them’ according to his employer Pop’n’Olly.
Jack Lunch, along with his employers Pop’n’Olly should all be on some fucking register and chemically castrated.
There is no doubt that they are coming for the children. These creatures disgust me.
Feed it to the hungry crocodiles ??
These cunts need to be cleansed by fire, along with “head” teachers who allow them near children.
Total cunts all of them.
This sums up my opinion on this cunt and his like…
Look what I found –
HONK WARNING: Open only if your lunch is sitting a bit heavy and you’d like to be rid of it…
And do have a look at the teacher training page.
This really is sinister shit.
Sort of Legs Akimbo crossed with Sidney Cook
If you allow this for your children then shame on you.
It’s grooming.
I don’t have much time for the carpet kissers,
But I stand with them on this.
What was it in the stoning scene in Life of Brian, 2 bags of gravel and a sharp pointy stone? Sod that mard @rse treatment for these preverts. I’ll have a sack of cobblestones, a dozen paving slabs & one of the lintels from Stonehenge for starters.
Fucking hell, it’s a right little business innit? And where is the money coming from? It’s coming from school budgets… other words the fucking taxpayer. We are paying for the grooming of our own children and the destruction of our own society. What a clever little scam.
On the ‘Teacher Training’ page,
Above the title ‘Knowledge For Everyone’,
There’s a fucking gôllywôg!
Clearly these pérverts will stop at nothing when it comes to offending decent right thinking people.
Well spotted. Bump.
‘Make a Donation’
Here’s a Vial i found at Porton Down, developed by ICI chemists.
No idea what it does..
Bloody hell Komodo, did you have to post that link?
You did warn us, but blimey o’reilly…
We’ve spun off course somewhere, and badly.
If I hurt myself when little, fell an grazed my knee, whatever,
My dad didn’t Mollycoddle me.
“Don’t be Mard,
Crying like a little puff”
It made me toughen up.
I didn’t want to be seen as a little puff.
Nowadays my dad would be banged up for Hate crime,
And I’d be encouraged to cry like a little puff.
It was a great bit of fathering.
I don’t fall apart over minor problems
I keep my head in a crisis.
My missus in nearly 30years has only seen me cry once.(death of a loved one)
It shocked and scared her.
Nowadays people cry if they haven’t the right coffee.
it’s a toxic cocktail of lefty liberal narcissism, Postmodern thinking and Californian therapy culture.
Society is fucked.
A sane society would round up these trans-pretenders and charge them with a crime. Maybe JUST MAYBE if we put shame and disgrace and criminal charges into this insanity it would crawl back into the shadows and cause people to deal with mental health more constructively.
Instead we’ve made it fashionable.
Who’s more insane?
Huw Edwards in his rubber padded cell