Meadhurst Primary School and Jack Lynch

Lynch is a transgender activist who was invited to speak to pupils aged 9-11 and, quelle surprise, he told them that they could be any gender they choose to be.

The head teacher Helen Lacey, who must have been involved in the invitation to this attention seeking abomination, issued an apology to angry parents, saying that ‘the diversity speech exceeded content we were expecting’.
Not sure what else she would have expected from a trans activist.

The cunt looks like he stepped out of an early 1980s New Romantic video; wish he would time-travel back there.

Nominated by mystic maven.

77 thoughts on “Meadhurst Primary School and Jack Lynch

  1. Do a weekly drop of these deviant cunts over Donetsk oblast . Let the fucking Russians make use of them

  2. It beggars belief that the stupid bitch of a headteacher thought she could put this level of cuntitude on without referring to the parents first, the brainless fucking cunt.
    As for Jack, well, what HE (no, it’s not fucking ‘they’) clearly needs is aptly summed up by his surname.

    • She either didn’t research this weirdo’s act enough, which is inexcusable when you are responsible for the welfare of children, or she knew exactly what it was going to do and say, and endorsed that thoroughly – but underestimated the reaction of parents. Either way she comes out of it looking like a cunt. On a less formal note, this prancing pillock needs to learn to put on eyeshadow properly or not bother.

  3. The ideologists / activists deliberately dress as provacatively as possible to outrage normal law abiding decent folk and then when they get a reaction they play the victim card.

    If that abomination rocked up at my kids school to address the pupils I would go inter-continental on the cunts that allowed it anywhere near the kids.

    They are coming for the kids, they have said they are coming for the kids. This is paving the way for the new MAPs minority group to enter schools in a few years. Minor Attracted Persons for those that don’t know. Fucking bacons basically.

  4. Eventually, sex education will have to go back to square one with simple Facts of Life, after all the nut cases have been locked away for ruining families lives.

    • The Peacefuls won’t be locking them away. They’ll have their fucked up heads dancing on poles.
      Speaking of decapitation it’s Bastille Day today so fuck the Frenchies.

      • Get Joe Daki to do something useful for a change. Hunt down and terminate this Meadhurst freak for a start.

        And fuck the French up my arse. German collaborators then. German collaborators now.

  5. Of course they’re coming for the kids. Standard procedure for controlling a society. So much cheaper than bombing the shit out of it.

    “Give me a child until he is seven, and I will show you the man”

    ? Jesuit motto, variously attributed.

  6. When I was at primary school there were visits from Oiiver Postgate (creator of Bagpuss and the Clangers) and David McKee (who created King Rollo). Nice and talented blokes who did kids TV shows. Good and enjoyable stuff.

    Now it’s disgusting freaks like this trans monster. If this revolting fucker even stood outside the school gates in the 70s or 80s, the creature would have been kicked to fuck. We were always warned about the weirdos, creeps and strangers lurking around the school. Now the cunts are being let in the fucking place. The lunatics truly have taken over the asylum.

    • Wow good school, we got Bet Lynch (hateful stuck up bitch) and EddieYates ( Geoff Was a fantastic bloke RIP)

      • We got Dave Prowse dressed as the Green Cross Code Man = great fun and a brilliant bloke

    • We had Kris Akabusi and Roger Black turn up for some ‘Fitness Day’, back when only one in about fifty kids was a fatty and you’d run off into the countryside for a couple of miles or try and take each others heads off with spot kicks.

      Nowadays there’s a lot of waddling and it’s to the chicken shop or Mcdonalds.

  7. Headteacher slag should be carpeted and sacked.
    Meadhurst should be fucking lynched.

  8. What was the cunt telling the kids “you can be any gender you like” or was he advertising circus freak shows which by the look of the sick bastard would be more accurate. Dopey cunt of an headteacher needs a good slap as well and sacking. Fucking true if my kids were still school age they would be home schooled. No way on Earth would my wife and myself allow our children to be exposed to what is basically diddling. Filthy fucking beasts. I fear for the grandkids I really do.

  9. Pure evil is this sick twisted cunt.I bet he has an ulterior motive,needs a fucking good kicking behine the bike sheds.

  10. Every dad should have waited outside the school to beat the confused creature to death.!

  11. I’m not trying to sound hard like some internet hard man, but I’ve been to jail for nine years (robbed a dealer…young and stupid…20 years ago), so an 18 month sentence for gbh on one of these pedarasts doesn’t really scare me. Don’t get me wrong, I could do without it, but if I catch one near my kids at school, he’s getting a good hiding. I might even do the teacher too.

    While these deviants smugly hide behind hate laws, they tend to forget that there are those who will smash them up, plus there are plenty of law abiding dads that will act on the natural impulse to protect their child.

    It’s going to happen and when it does, it’ll happen again and again.

    They should have been happy with not being nicked for bumming each other and left it there, but no, they are going for the kids. Whatever they get now is their own fault.

    • There’s only so much room in prison and the police are demoralised and quitting in droves.
      These teachers better learn that the state can only do so much for them.

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