Lana Del Rey [4]

Lana Bel End is a cunt

This tuneless hipster bint turned up late for her set at Glastonbury, and then the set wasn’t finished as the plug was pulled. Now, I’m no fan of ‘Glasto’, but if some cunt has paid silly money to see someone, they should get their moneys worth.

Also, this silly cow knew when she was going to be on, so why wasn’t she there well in advance like any proper professional artist would be? She’s just some rich kid with loaded parents who is playing at being a singer (well she thinks breathing into a microphone is singing) and her arrogance and unprofessionalism is taking the piss out of those stupid enough to be a fan of this tart.

Naturally, as she is a hipster woke favourite, she is getting off lightly (just like she did for that rape video). Imagine the stick Guns ‘N’ Roses would have got if they had turned up late?

BBC News Link.

Nominated by : Norman

69 thoughts on “Lana Del Rey [4]

  1. Hyde Park had a strict 22:30 curfew?


    Is it because her fans are not only tone deaf but also afraid of the dark.

    Fucking music fans must be as soft as shite.
    Probably tucked up in bed with a nice cup of cocoa by midnight.

    10:30pm used to be about the time when the warm up act were finished.


    • AC agreed. These twats need to be chaperoned home beucase they are scared of walking the streets at night.

      When I was that age a couple of disco biscuits in some sweaty all night underground club was exactly the tonic most weekends.

      Fuck me I ended up in some weird and wonderful places.

      • Fucking right AC/CM. Alvin Lee was never late; his fans were always properly pissed by the time he really got going. Always missed the last train home after proper gigs.

        Stupid wankers paying stupid money to see utter shite. Serves them right if they get ripped off. Ha, ha, ha.

  2. Anyone who goes to Glastonbury is a fucking wanker so if they get ripped off that’s good. It’s a shame this bint didn’t just throw a bucket of shit over the lot of them.

  3. Slag should have had some of her fee taken away.

    It’s about time these woke generation cunts were taught some respect and manners.

  4. Having never heard of her, I went out of my way, knowing what to expect and I was right. A fat tone deaf nonentity yank, who should’ve had the decency to have not turned up at all.

  5. Never heard of her.

    Her generation? Nothing is ever their fault, remember?

    Probably late due to having to get a calming crystal healing session, after worrying about white privilege and the patriarchy.

    • Crystal healing session? Nah, I think the boomers/early gen x’ers were into that shite. They’re guilty of pushing a lot of Mystic Age of Aquarius/ Occupants of interplantary, most extra-ordinary shite.

      As Arthur C. Clarke said on his death bed, ‘Woo ain’t new’.

  6. Lana death ray.

    Couldn’t name a single tune she’s done.
    Wouldn’t know her if I tripped over her in Aldi.

    I’m happily oblivious to her bollocks.

    Those mitmots at Glastonbury deserve to be treated with contempt.

    She should of stole Rottens line from the pistols last gig.

    ” You’ll get one number and one number only.
    Cos I’m a lazy bastard.
    NO FUN.

    Ha haha
    Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?

  7. Glasto seems to be the biggest pile of shit on the planet

    ‘Wasn’t it great, best one yet’, well after paying £350 you couldn’t really tell the truth ?

    This tart couldn’t be any worse than Lizzo or Capaldi, but when you set the bar low.

    • All these VIP celeb wankers taking coke and strawberries sectioned off from the oinks.

      If the teen rebels had anything about them they’d organise and storm the ViP area.
      Show some revolutionary spirit!

      Steal Stormzys sunglasses.

      Anyone in a VIP area is a bonafide grade A twat.

      Make em flee to their helicopters from the mob.
      Like Blackhawk down.

    • A paddling pool full of lime jelly. She arrives wearing bikini and stilettos..

    • To their credit, many decided to cut their losses and fucked off early.

      Apparently they go word of the famous flying pigs on the next farm and went to watch them.

  8. I was going to suggest a Marcel Marceau type character to perform late into the night in future, but the laughter would worry the sheep.

      • Mick Jagger is 80 today.
        Still fairly spritely?!

        Couldn’t be arsed could you?
        Still acting the rock star.

        I’d want my slippers, a nap, and some meals on wheels.

      • All those drugs.
        All that booze.
        All those parties.
        All them groupies.
        All that shagging.

        And the old cunt is still alive and, for his age, well.

        You old bugger Mick.

  9. Listening to axel rose trying to sing now, I wish they had turned up late tbh

    • Nice pair of top bollocks.

      Zoom in on her nose.
      Something not quite right there.

      That’s why she is tilting her head towards the camera.

      • Her hooter is fake and a plastic disaster of Wacko Jacko proportions.

        This talentless tart basically rips off every Americana cliche in the book. Even her ridiculous stage name is an attempt at C&W mystique. Lana Del Rey? It’s just so shit and tacky. Even pornstars have better stage names than that.

      • Axl hasn’t aged well, has he?

        He looks like Winston Chruchill or Mama Fratelli from The Goonies.

      • Aye. When I saw a clip I honestly thought, ‘Who’s that old cunt singing in Guns n Roses? Where’s Axl?’

        Looks fuck all like him. In fact, it might not be him thinking about it. Just get some random cunt to pretend to be you, give him 5% of your fee and stay at home being blown by glamour models next to your swimming pool.

        You heard it here first.

    • Funny selection of modern-day ‘beauties’ if you scroll down. A couple look like Groucho Marx or Alfred Molina shaved their taches and kissed a wasp nest.

      A lot of them are probably posted by sex-starved asian blokes.

      Jim Davidson recently said why would anybody wolf-whistle some of the young women walking around today? They’re fake.

    • If you think the sucking up to Lana Bel End is bad, you should see the BBC’s arselicking for Lizzo. Apparently, this ‘shining superstar’ brought ‘tears of joy’ to the Glastonbury crowd.

      Funny. I just saw grossly overweight fat black tart making a fool of herself….

      • I suppose the thousand BBC staff there had to do something to justify rinsing the licence payer of millions of pounds.

        A complete circle jerk of vermin.

  10. Funny, how all these ’empowering feminist’ ‘stars’ like Lana Bel End, Beyonce, Ladyboy Gaga, Taylor Swift are all cunts with rich parents, and they’ve never done a day’s graft in their lives. Wanna be a rock star? Daddy’s paying.

    All I can say is their parents all have a lot to answer for,

    • Just got a new LP copy of ‘Three Feet High’ and a mashup album called Fela Soul. Which is De La Soul and Fela Kuti.

    • Hi Norman,
      You’ve just listed the “Daddy Should’ve Pulled out Brigade”.

    • A lot of the current crop of British pop artists are alumni of public schools as well. The worst offender being Lily Allen, singing in her fake estuary accent but a product of posh schools.

  11. She looks weird. Like an acolyte of Rosemary’s Baby or something else creepy.

    Apart from the staged name, persona and musical influences (i.e: ripping other artists off), there is something else dreadfully inauthentic and manufactured about her. You can spot it a mile off.

    • Lana del Rey 4.

      I’m guessing all 4 are yours?
      Hehehe ?

      You hate her eh?
      Start a covers band .

      Lager del fray

      Pissed up and eating tinned pies!
      Take the piss.

      She’d hate it ?

    • I think she tried a stab at fame before she hit the charts, under a different name and her name was chosen by her manager based on massive research into, “what sounds cool/sexy”. A bit like how Noddy Holder got his name/image.

  12. A dippy tart loved by miserable alky tarts, an associate’s bird being one of them.

    I hadn’t even heard of her until I saw this bird was always posting Lana del Rey songs on her Facebook. She’s a mopey Karen who can’t leave the house. Depressed, agrophobic, socially anxious, ‘Borderline Personality Disorder’ etc.

    Gave her idol a listen. Definitely the sort of music work-shy depressives can wallow and snivel to.

    Grow up. Get out of the house. Get a job. Listen to some Black Lace or Barry Manilow, and SMILE!.

      • Magical.

        I listen to a wide variety variety of music, from Wagner and Stravinsky to Aphex Twin and ither esoteric electronica, but sometimes you just need Manilow, Tom Jones or similar.

  13. The whole of celebland is stuffed full of munters, mingers and mongs. Just like our high street. So fairly representative I suppose.

  14. ***breaking news****

    Boardtreader and self confessed thespian Kevin Spacey found not guilty of sexing up 4 men.

    Nice one kev?
    Gissa wank

  15. Never heard of the cunt, what’s it do? As for Glasto, HIMARS practise.

  16. Imagine the stick Guns ‘N’ Roses would have got if they had turned up late?

    I would imagine they would have got the bottle of piss barrage

    Lana del Cunt should have got the same, even if she had turned up on time.

    • I’m surprised that Slash managed to turn up and not be driven to the wrong gig looking like a slightly less miserable Jerry Sadowitz back in the 90s.

  17. I saw a video the other days of this Ray Dalai Lama or whatever she is called and she was working in a waffle house or Ronald’s Burgers joint. Seems she is slumming it or something. These famous people are mentalists.

    Here’s the video of Dana von AIDS…

    Pretty sure that she’s a Quentin Walkers-Crisps type of personage.

    • Never worked in her life, this cunt. Pater is rich as fuck and she is from the expensive part of Noo Yoik. A bit like Ladyboy Gaga really.

  18. I fancied her at one point back in 2012 she looked like a younger, pre-cosmetic surgery version of Priscilla Presley.

  19. Re cuntonbury 2023, I can’t remember who said it but I laughed my arse off. Went something like this –

    ‘I hope that after much ado and fanfare guns and roses come onto the stage and axl rose says “Glastonbury, are you ready?”……. “well we are not playing because you’re all cunts ” and they walk off stage. Stand out isac post for me

    It’s a wank fest. Fuck all who perform and all who pay to see them. Goodnight.

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